Ch 7: Hazbin Hotel.

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Hell, Pentagram City.

It been two years since Y/N to Earth and created an cult which is actually a cover up for his dark empire on earth.

During these two years he be busy expanding his dark business on Earth while preparing his gang which expanded to other rings sadly he can only get one base of operations in each ring.

However today is a special day as it the day of the Cleansing which he smirk as he have his gang who are all geared up surrounding the Clock Tower since that is where the angels will come especially since it where the barrier is weaken.

Y/N: "Alright demons and sinners today is the day we kill these dumb birds which is the fourth anniversary since we started killing these fuckers. So get ready as the barrier is about to weaken" he said which his gang cheer as the sky cracked then several exterminators exited thus my gang open fire.

Y/N watch with a smile as several exterminators are being killed or got injured especially since the bullets that his gang used is infused with his eldritch energy.

On the ground Y/N slaughter the injure exterminators with ease while goop cover the ground.

Y/N Pov:

After a hour of slaughtering, the remaining exterminators heard the clock tower ring which they growl then return to heaven thus my gang cheer while I enforce the barriers.

Then both myself and my gang pick up the corpses and weapons then return to base where we party.

Meagan: "Boss the news got something to say about us" she said which I look confused then turn on the tv which we watch and listen.

Katie: "Hello everyone. Todays marks the fourth anniversary since Raiders of Hell been delaying the forces of Exterminators. And here the watch of the slaughter for this year cleansing" she said then the news show the death of only fifty demons and sinners which  growl since I see some of the fuckers managed to escape.

"However we got an special announcement from the Princess of Hell herself who got some project she been working on so tune on in" she said then the ads come on which I look confused.

Lark: "I wonder what the Princess got to planning" he said which I hummed.

So for the next few minutes we been partying again until the news come back which we watch and listen as we see the princess of hell herself which Katie got the princess name wrong.

Charlie then explained how thankful she is towards the Raiders of Hell for defending her home which I rolled my eyes as I didn't do it out of kindness.

Then she say something about an Hotel she made which caught my attention as she explained how it a place to redeem sinners which I got shocked.

Me: "What kind of bullshit is she spreading!" I said standing up from my throne which surprised my gang.

Then I heard her reason which I growl as the nonsense she saying is getting on my nerves. Like how despite the Raiders of Hell defending her home we can defend it forever especially since sinners and demons still die on our watch.

"How dare that bitch think it was our fault that a few die!" I said as I started to unleash small amounts of eldritch energy which frighten my gang.

Then she see that her message ain't getting to the demons so she decided to sing which is annoying and full of crap since sinners and demons don't have rainbows.

However once she done singing the entire news laugh which I smirk only for explosion to be heard which I rush outside with my gang to see an blimp destroying some buildings near our territory.

Rex: "Ok that is fucking weird" he said which everyone agree.

Me: "Gang look like we got ourselves an turf war" I said smiling as everyone smirk.

Vaggie Pov:

I sigh at then I heard that Katie say something about an turf war which I look to see the green screen show an live recording which I growl as I see Angel Dust there.

However out of nowhere the recording went static which confuses me until it return which I got shock as Angel Dust including the one eye demon are injured as there is a crater then I pale as I see the Raider Demon alongside his gang walking up to the two.

Me: "Fuck" I said then I see Katie and Charlie started to fight which I sigh.

Y/N Pov:

I smirk as I see the so called Snake Overlord in his blimp alongside Angel Dust and Cherri who got injured from the missile.

Me: "So you three care to explain why you cause a turf war near my territory" I said which all three pale until the Snake Overlord return to reality.

Sir Pentious: "I gonna conquer this city!" He said which I look at him with a straight face before laughing.

Me: "Bitch please you are nothing but a low rank Overlord who got eggs as minions" I said which the Snake overlord growl then pull out a laser gun from nowhere which I chuckle then pull out my pistol then shoot the blimp engine causing it to go hay wire.

Sir Pentious: "Ah shit" he said then scream as the engine cause the blimp to zoom into the mountains.

Me: "There now then you two. You two gonna pay for the damages near my territory" I said looking at the two only to see that they are gone which I growl.

Male imp: "So what now boss?" He said but scream as I stomp his tail.

Me: "Find those two!" I said which everyone salute then run to find the two.

I then see blood where those two were which I smirk then use my magic to track them down.

A few minutes later.

It wasn't long until I arrived at where the blood lead me which is an hotel that say the Happy Hotel which I sweatdrop as I realized that this is the place that the princess was talking about.

However I see Alastor, who I met last year, which I smirk then walk up to him.

"Alastor! I see you find this hotel interesting" I said which the Radio Demon turn only to chuckle.

Alastor: "Ah Y/N you're here. Why is an fellow Overlord doing in this part of the city?" He said which I chuckle.

Me: "Simple. I got a few words to say to the bitch" I said which Alastor chuckle.

Alastor: "Ah yes I heard she badmouthing your gang which is basically insulting yourself" he said which I nod.

Me: "Correct so why don't we greet her together?" I said which the Radio Demon nod then we walk up to the door then we knock.

It wasn't long until the princess herself open the door then Alastor try to say hello but she slam the door which confuses me since I know that royalty doesn't behave like that.

Then the door open again which the Alastor try again but she slam the door again which annoys me but I keep my smile up.

We heard muffling then finally the door open which Alastor speak.

Alastor: "Can we speak?" He said which the princess cross her arms.

Charlie: "You may" she said then Alastor push her out of the way while talking about how entertaining the news was.

I rolled my eyes but as I enter the hotel too then I see a spear in Alastor face

Which reveal to be an woman who speak something in Spanish.

Then I sense Alastor going all demonic but he speak normally which surprised me that he want to help but then I remember that he seek entertainment so I wait by the door.

After a few minutes of waiting I announced myself which everyone look at me.

Me: "Now to why I am here. See princess you badmouth my gang saying how we won't be here forever but you forgot one some detail. I can't die easily" I said unleashing a tiny bit of my Eldritch energy which frighten the princess slightly.

"However I will let it slide if you do me a favor" I said which she glare.

Charlie: "What sort of favor" she said a bit scared.

Me: "Simple. I want 25% of your hotel" I said shocking her.

Charlie: "What! Why?" She said completely confused.

Me: "See it been years since I expanded my territory and my gang want some more, So here the deal. You allow a few of my gang members to stay here for cheap prices like 5 souls. Then exchange I provide you protection as demons might be afraid of your father but you make yourself a joke on the news so they won't treat you with respect. True Alastor might be here but he won't fight your battles since it ain't his style. Now do we got ourselves an deal. Otherwise I afraid there gonna be blood" I said shocking her.

Charlie: "Can I speak to my girlfriend?" She said which I rolled my eyes.

Me: "fine" I said which she walk to the woman then they talk which I ignore as I look around the lobby which is a mess since there ain't no helpers or anything which I frown as it look like I'm gonna be busy.

Then Charlie returns with a straight face.

Charlie: "Alright but as princess I won't be making an deal but I will allow you 5% of the hotel" she said which I laugh.

Me: "Bitch you think just because your the princess that you can lower the offer! But find I lower my offer to 22%" I said which she glare.

Charlie: "9%" she said which I laugh again as she got some pride in her.

Then we continue our offer until we reach an agreement.

Both: "15% deal" we said shaking hands which she pale as I smirk.

Alastor: "That was quite good my fellow Overlord" he said which I rolled my eyes.

Me: "I know how to make an deal benefits both myself and anyone. Plus you got it easy since you got a better offer" I said which Alastor nod then he ask around until I laugh when he ask Angel Dust an question.

Alastor: "This simply won't do" he said then use his magic to bring in two helpers then Charlie got excited as she introduced herself.

Then Alastor use his magic to play some music which I rolled my eyes as I nullify his powers on me.

Suddenly the door exploded which zoom pass and hit the maid thus both myself and everyone else look outside the door to see an blimp which I sigh.

After a few minutes of nonsense both myself and Alastor use our magic to destroy the blimp.

While Alastor and everyone else enter the hotel I pull out my phone then call my gang while walking away.

3rd POV:

However as Y/N walk away he failed to notice that the Happy Hotel sign changed to Hazbin Hotel.

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