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Town: Ironhaven

Location: 10.4 miles from Nashville

Population: 450

Year: 2289

3rd POV

In the town of Ironhaven, named after its extensive iron mines, it was busting as many miners and other workers were seen getting ready for today's activity. Shop owners getting their shops unlocked, items ready to sell and just try to survive another shitty day in the wastelands. As this was a common thing ever since the nuclear bombs fell 212 years ago

But we shift to the outskirts of the town, where a Red Rocket gas station was seen, with scattered remains of scrap metal, vehicles and other odd and ends. The inside was mostly barren with a few random objects, like a weapons and armor workbenches, a chemical station, and much more. And lastly in side was a Power Armor station, with a Exo-frame of Power Armor

Inside was mostly a kitchen, an armory, a makeshift library and a bedroom, where one occupant was sleeping and beside them was a German Shepherd. Soon the alarm clock was heard as the sleeper groaned as they moved to slam their hand on it, making the annoying sound turn off. The dog yelp as it jumped off to let the sleeper get up and tossing the blanket off

It was a kid no older than 18, with short black spiked hair, with a small undercut. He was tanned with amber eyes, with a few scars all over his torso, a build body that would make teens jealous. The boy sighed as he got up and went into his chest, grabbing some boots, pants, his favorite red button up and a jacket since it was getting close to the winter months, so he needed thicker clothes

Then he walked to his armory and grabbed a 10mm Pistol, his favorite weapon and a military combat knife he picked up at an old military base. He hummed as he moved to the kitchen and opened his fridge, which was powered by a generator. He looked as he found some Mole Rat meat he got the other day and brings it out, there he used a grinder he found and fixed, which took him months to clean to remove the rust and rads

"🎶 I just want to set the world on fire🎶," he sang

He grinds the Mole Rat meat into sausage meat, making them into patties and then grabbed some eggs, which he bought from a nearby farm. He groaned as cracked his neck, then looked at his companion, who he called Red, mostly cause he found him near the Red Rocket. He smiled as he tossed some of the sausage to him and ate it up

"Hmm greedy little doggo," he said as he fired the eggs

Some time passed as the boy was seen eating his cooked food, reading a book he found in the ruins of the town called Clarksville. It was called Weapons of the Century, listing the old weapons used before the Great War, which was full but he wished it had modern day weapons. He hummed as he finished up and walked back to the armory and grabbed leather chest piece and gauntlets, and lastly a Chinese Assault Rifle

Chinese Assault Rifle: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest), (Also my favorite weapon)

10mm pistol: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

He found it when a caravan coming from D.C. was attacked by some Yao Guai, which ran off after some Avispones and Avispa showed up. He shivered when he thought of those two mutated insects, they use to be Hornets and Wasps and he hated them! He groaned as he grabbed mags filled with 5.56 ammo he scavenged and reloaded over the years, he liked working alone

"You ready Red," he asked him

"Bark," Red barked

The boy smiled as they walked out of the gas station, locking it and setting up his defenses, which was a bunch of mines, trip wires and a shotgun with a string attached to the door knob. He smiled as he grabbed his cap and puts it on, then they were on their way, looking to salvage and scavage anything they could use. He was humming the song he sang, trying to busy himself

"🎶I just want to start, a flame in your heart🎶," he snag as he walked on,"hey Red, what do you think we'll find today?"

"Bark," Red barked as he walked by the boy

"Hmm same, let's see."

He pulled out a map and saw a bunch of red Xs, making the locations he and Red already went to. He hummed as he looked smiled saw one place they haven't went to the U.S. Army Reserve Center, which was intact from what the rumors said. He smiled as he pockets the map, grabbing his rifle and hiked faster to the base, making Red bark and pick up the pace

The boy hummed as he looked around the streets, seeing the destruction the nukes caused at the end of the Great War. He grunted as he was annoyed, humans were complete dumbasses, cause throwing nukes at one another was such a GREAT IDEA!

"Dumbass humans," he said

They marched on till they stopped at a huge intersection, with many signs with the obvious raiders and cults in the state. He grabbed his map as he looked, seeing he'll need to head west, which had the raider signs. He groaned as he looked at Red, who pants with his tongue hanging, but he seemed ready to get going and fight anyone that got in their way

The boy smiled as they walked west, passing the signs the raiders and such. The boy hummed as he stopped when he spotted a small corpse near the road, he walked to it and stopped when he saw it was a raider, more specifically the Wildcat Raiders from the down known as Clarksville. He remembered the place, use to almost be a self sustaining city, till it was taken over by raiders

The Wildcats were named after the football team, mainly cause their leader is so dumb he used the schools team name to name his raider gang. He walked to the corpse and flipped it over, there he gaged a bit as he saw the chest wound was open. He looks around the area of the wound of the chest, humming as he saw the wounds were cauterized, and looked like a few hours old

"Laser rounds," he asked himself,"not many have access to this type of weapon or technology. Hmm might be a lucky scav that found a stash nearby."

"Bark bark," Red barked as he sniffed the ground, then looked west

"Looks like we're heading to the same location. Hmm might as well head straight on in, no point in backing out now really."

Red barked as the boy smiled and they walked on the road to the US Reserve Center, seeing more dead Wildcat Raiders and mutant animals. He saw so many ash piles, making him chuckle due to his name

"Ash and ash piles," Ash said,"ironic huh Red?"

"Bark," Red barked

Ash chuckled as they walked on till they came close to the building, seeing the rubble all over the area and over grown plants and roots from the trees. He ran to a small rusty car, hiding from any prying eyes, as he checked his rifle ammo and looked at Red. Who was smelling around the area to find anything useful, which he was glad for, if he wasn't there Ash would have died back then

He peeked out of cover and suddenly he stopped as he saw the defenses, which were all but destroyed and pieces of metal. He started to think that who ever killed those Raiders and animals also took care of the machine gun turrets of the base. He would have to thank those who did it, spares him a lot wasting ammo and Stimpacks he held in his bag, so he can now do things more faster

He looks around as he didn't see anything from the windows or the front door, so he gripped his rifle and ran to the front door, with Red following in fast. He sprints fast as he bobbed and weaved, taking precautions just in case. He moved to the door and looked around to make sure nothing happened and smiled as he saw nothing happened and thinks he had some good luck for once

He shouldered his rifle and moved in, sweeping and clearing the rooms as he grabbed a few spare items he got in random desks and cabinet files. He hummed as he looked down and sees foot prints of maybe 6 individuals, 4 were light and the other pair were heavy and wider, meaning they were either Super Mutants or wearing PA,(Power Armor)

"Hmm to clean and even for a Mutant, plus the toes would be present," Ash said,"so clearly PA, would make sense if they could bypass the defenses and taking them out."

He looked around as he found more bodies in the floor, making him wonder who the hell managed to do this much damage. He hummed as he walked to a door, which was open, with a dead raider being wedged in between the door and doorframe. He opened the door and stopped as he whistled for Red to scout ahead

"Red," he said as he whistled

Red barked as he jumped through and went down the stairs into the lower floors, soon he waited till he got a bark and walked down the stairs. There he found Red hiding in the kitchen, which made him move in as he heard footsteps moving inside the place. He hunkered down as he heard multiple footsteps and the clunking of heavy metal and the whirring of gears

He took a peek and froze when he saw functioning and operating Power Armor, a real T-60 model! He looked on speechless as he loved PA, he wanted one so bad he had to forge from random metal parts he got from scavenging for years. He blinked as he moved back into cover, as he saw two shadows walk to the PA, who was carried an Assault rifle

"Anything Initiate Collin's," the PA man asked

"Not much Knight Knox," Collin's said to the Knight,"just a few rifles, pistols and bunch of scrap, nothing else for us."

"Hmm I see, very well, take what you can and get ready to move out soon, we've spent enough time here as it is. We need to hurry back to the convoy, or we'll be swarmed by those abominations or those Raiders we encountered."

"Understood, want me to radio Knight Darrius," the third member asked

"Yes, we can't separate or we lose more people and supplies," Knight Knox said, a bit sad and disappointed

Ash narrowed his eyes as he hides behind the wall, under the window they were nearby. He hummed as he grabbed his rifle and got ready if they tried anything to them, but suddenly something made a loud bang and the three looked at it and moved. Ash took an exhale of breathe he didn't know he was holding and moved to the door and looked in the hallway

He looked here they went and saw them go into the Armory, which had noises come out of it. Their friends must be grabbing anything they can, making him groan as to they're talking all the good shit he would have taken. He looks at Red and nodded, making them crouch walking into a new room where they found some ammo for his weapons

He grabbed it and moved to the door where the armory was, and there he got a good look inside for a few seconds. He saw another one of the PA, which was scared and battle worn, given the damage on it and how much blood was on. He hummed as he looked and saw an open door and he rushed in, making little noise as possible, sadly one heard

"Hmm what was that," a female asked

He cursed himself as he hides behind a box, there he got a look at the person coming to him. He looked up as he saw it was a female, around their early twenties, tanned skin, long midnight black hair in a ponytail and blue star eyes, on her face was some grease stains that only made her hot. She also had a cap on it, with a sword in the middle with gears on it, why was that familiar to him?

"Found anything Initiate Summers," the other Knight asked

"No sir, must have been a rat," she said, then she walked off

Ash sighed as he looked around and saw them getting ready to move out with their loot. He groaned a bit as he wanted that shit, but sadly he can't and decided to grab whatever he could, and lucky for him he did. He looked around and there he saw was a box, which was big enough for a pistol, but it didn't look like it holds a standard one, especially since the lock was still there

It looked worn out, seems a few decades of rotting away in here seemed to weaken by the radiation and time. He looked in the armory and saw the scavengers left, so he grabbed the lock and yanked it right off, making a satisfying metal snapping and thud. He opened the box and there he was meet with a strange pistol, it was glowing

"Hmm a glowing green pistol," he asked himself

"Whine," Red whines a bit as watched him

"I don't know buddy, seems like a Plasma gun? I heard those in DC and even New Vegas had them, but nowhere near Tennessee. That or I just hadn't found any yet, I heard the Kentucky Confederacy has some, but not enough for an army."

He grabbed it as it looked like a 10mm pistol, but slimmer and lighter, and had a different design. Where the hammer would be on any pistol, but instead it was a glowing green rectangle and button was still there on the pistol. He looked inside the box and sees 3 of those green rectangular mags, which made Ash think it was the weapons ammo

"Hmm might be useful," he said as he grabbed them and stashed them

Red soon growled, making Ash look to where he was growling at and saw it was the door leading out, must mean those scavs are coming back. He knew if he can't hide so he had to run, so he stashed the pistol in his waist and even found some 5.56 ammo, he quickly grabbed some and soon he heard voices

"SOMEONES IN THE ARMORY," a female yelled, not the Summers girl

"HOW, HOW DID THEY GET PASSED US," the second Knight yelled

"Doesn't matter, get to the armory and catch them," Knight Knox yelled

Ash sighed as he knew it was pointless, so he grabbed his rifle and looked to see two people appearing at the door. He aimed and fired at them, they dodged but one got hit in the leg, making them yell in pain and rage. Ash ran passed them, seeing two more there as he fired at them, making them dodge into the kitchen so he had a clear path for him to the stairs

He panted as he did, but as soon as he reached the top, he was bashed into the wall, screaming a bit as he left his left side get roughed up. He held it as he looked up as he saw one of those Knights walk up to him, wielding those Assault rifles. The Knight looked down on him, which pissed Ash off as he hated getting looked down on by others, as Red growled at the Knight

"Hmm you're not a raider, or a ghoul," he said, this was Knox by the voice,"you're a Wastelander huh?"

"Yeah what about it tin can," Ash asked with a smile,"seems pointless to talk when I know your just gonna kill me."

"Yes, but that would be if your trying to kill us, but your not, your here for supplies yes?"

As he asked that, the rest came running up, with one of the males helping up the other who got shot in the leg. There he got a good look at them, now they had light in the bases ground floor. He looks at their attire and saw they all wore the same expect one who wielded only a 10mm pistol.

"Knight Darrius, did you and Initiate Collins and Scribe Weathers found anyone else," Knight Knox asked his fellow Knight

"No, it's just him and his dog," Knight Darrius said,"also Initiate Collins will need medical add for his leg."

"Okay then, Initiates Summers and Abraham," he said to the girl and the last,"secure him while we-."

Suddenly before they could continue, the side of the wall was littered with bullets, making the wall and windows break apart. Collin's and Weathers dodged behind a desk, with Summers and Abraham jumping beside him, but Summers fell short, so Ash grabbed her and pulled her close. The Knights got in the staircase, not doubt to avoid getting their armor damaged more

"Shit, what the hell is that," Abraham yelled

"You came alone right," Summers asked him

"Yeah, hold on," Ash said as he peeked out a bullet hole

There he saw a bunch of Raiders, all wearing their bright purple and gold painted armor, showing their affliction with the Wildcats Raiders. He groaned as he counted maybe 20 of them, all using Pipe rifles and Pipe pistols. He looked around as he didn't see anything else, must mean they came to see why their party didn't show up or one escaped from the Knights here


'Oh how nice of him,' they all thought together

"Fuck," he said as he moved back into cover

"What did you see," Summers asked

"Counted 20 Raiders, armed with Pipe rifles and pistols, one modified with a scope meant for sniping, he's hiding on top one of those fuel trucks, left side."

"I see him," the one called Weathers said,"it's more guarded, so we ain't getting out that way."

"Hey kid, whats your name," Knight Knox asked

"I'm Ash, why you asking that now," Ash asked as he grabbed his rifle

"Cause right now we need to work together or we're fucked. So listen, you got anything in that backpack of yours?"

"Hmm, I got shit ton of ammo, 2 Stimpacks and a grenade I found down there."

"Not much but best we can work with," Darrius said,"hmm pincer attack or go straight in?"

"Even with our armor and guns, we'll be pelted by all those bullets," Knox said as he hummed,"plus were low on ammo ourselves, we used a bunch on the exodus here."

"Hmm true," Darrius said as he looked at his weapon,"I got nothing."

"Same with us," Summers said with a shake of her head

Ash hummed as he looked the group and the Raiders, he could negotiate and get out while offering this guys since he did nothing. But he wasn't one to abandon people just to save his own ass, so he had to think of something. He looks as his grenade, all the ammunition and his new gun he had, soon he started to think of something to use

He then looked around the area and thinks of the layout of the building. He looks at the four and saw they were faster and nimble enough to move faster than the Knights, so he had to use. He grabbed the grenade and tossed it to Summers, who grabbed it and yelled a bit as she was afraid he pulled the pin.

"What the hell dude," she asked him

"You move fast right," Ash asked her

"Yeah, I'm the fastest one in the group. Why, you got an idea?"

"Yeah, there's a back door in the back, go out and move around to the left side and lob the grenade at the truck. It's holding some fuel on it, if it explodes just close to it, it'll take a good chunk out."

"Then we move in with our guns and mow the rest down," Knox said

"Yep, but I call collecting all the rifles!"

"Seriously your thinking about that right now," they asked him

"Hey I gotta have something after all this shit! Now Summer, get your ass moving! Hey you Knights, you need ammo for those Assault rifles right?"

"Yeah, we can use some," Darrius said

Ash groaned as he grabbed a few boxes and tossed it them, as Summers ran to the back door of the base. She busted through and saw two Wildcat trying to sneak in, but she raised her Combat rifle and fired into them, ripping their chests apart. She then went into a sprint and went around the corner, where she peeked around the corner. There she saw the truck and only a few Raiders between her and the truck, but she just needed to get close to lob the grenade

So she looked around and found a car close to it, so she ran, but that exposed her to the Wildcats. So they went to her and fired, but they sucked ass and dodged the incoming bullets. She growled as she scoots to the side and pulled the pin, then lobbed it

"One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi," she said as she got ready

Soon it rolled to the fuel truck, exploded into a giant fireball in the middle of the court. Many Wildcats were screaming in pain and agony, all falling on the floor, either dead or dying. Summers looked as she saw the Wildcats not looking at her, so she got up and fired, getting headshots, taking the first few out with her rifle

At the front door, the two Knights busted through the double doors, going full auto with their Assault rifles, with the three other Initiates and Scribe following up with firing support. Ash was going left to Summers, as some Wildcats went to her.

"Red attack," Ash yelled

Red growled as he ran at the closest one and jumped at his throat, ripping it out as Ash followed up by firing his rifle on the rest. Summers saw one charging at her with a machete, his skin burning with flames, she easily dodged it and cracked his head open with the butt of her weapon.

Red moved to her and jumped on top of one about to sneak attack her, he ripped into the Wildcat with ease. Ash was about to say something but he was kicked to the side, making him scream as he felt a rib break. He fell to the side, which he looked to see the leader in an frame of Power Armor, with small scrap welded onto it, which he thought was shitty

He went to grab his pistol but it and his rifle was else where. But he felt the Gamma pistol on his side, so he grabbed it and aimed at the leader. Who stopped and laughed at it, thinking it was just a small toy

"Seriously, you think a small toy like that will pierce this," he asked him

"Don't know, lets see," Ash said

He pulled the trigger as the leader went to kill him, but as he pulled the trigger...there was a bright green light. It was bright, as a green ball went from the barrel of the gun. It went fast and once it hits the leaders face, it imploded into a shit ton of green goop and his body fell down into the floor. He looked at it as the remaining Wildcats saw and ran at the sight

Ash panted as he grabbed one off of his Stimpacks and used it, feeling it working its magic and soon he felt better. He got up as he saw Summers run to him and helped him up, making him groan as he was still sore. He grabbed his scattered gear, groaning as he saw his rifle broken a bit, but he had parts to repair it at home.

"Shit," he said,"well that was more excitement than I needed today."

"Well it certainly was fun," Summers said with a smile,"also nice work, you definitely have guts."

"Yeah well I want to keep them in, so I'm gonna get my loot and leave."

"Well you did call for the guns," Knox said as he and the rest walked up,"so we'll let you take them, but we keep the ammo and other items we find."

"Hmm I can do with that, I just want them to sell for Caps."

"Good," Darrius said,"though we need to resupply ourselves, we won't get far with the supplies we have now."

"Then follow me," Ash said as he grabbed his gear,"I know some vendors that can give you some good prices, but I have a question."

"And what's that," Abraham asked him

"Who the hell are you guys?"

"Oh we are the Brotherhood of Steel," Knox said


In this world, War...wear never changes. And those who have seen it will tell many tales of the next few battles to come.

The battle for all resources.

The battle for a state.

And the raise of a Savior, of not only the people and the nation...but a Brotherhood who had lost their way.

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