Chapter 22

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Just an unnecessary pre-cap:

I was in the same room as the person that killed Barry.

( ????? POV )

"You gave them a hint?!"Derek yelled at me. I shrugged. What was the big deal with that Azumarill anyway. I knew it was a water type. That was the whole freaking idea of killing it! A tiny hint couldn't hurt, right? Above all, officer Jenny and all the cops sucked at their job. Not even those annoying teens could stop what was going to happen.

"Yes, so?"I said annoyed. He should stop bossing me around. I was nobody's puppet! "It's not like they'll get any further. They're already desperate enough to arrest that innocent girl. The one that helped Brendan. What was her name again?"

"You should be more careful."Derek said with a sigh. "And no more killing."

"Oh come on."I said with a playful voice, after I opened the door to a classroom. Derek gave me no emotion. I threw a dagger to the camera and you could see the steam coming off of it. "It's entertaining to see them try, no need to be grumpy."I said, trying to catch some annoyance or anger in his face. I pulled back my hood, so my face was visible now. Derek did the same.

"All I asked from you was to stay low."Derek said. I flopped into a chair close by. Derek gave me that look which made me wonder if he was a statue. But statues couldn't be this annoying. He was right, though. I might have gone a little far with the killing. It just felt so good.

"You made me kill blondie, is that you're idea of staying low?"I said. Derek finally gave me an annoyed look. I smirked. If I wanted something to happen it happened. Derek sighed.

"If you want your revenge on Misty, you gotta do what I tell you to." Again with the name. Just say bitch or Carrot Hair. "Now we have to speed upthe process. Even bad cops can figure it out in three weeks. Next week you have to be ready."

"I'm ready. I want to rip out her throat."I said with clear disgust in my voice. Derek shook his head.

"You can't even shoot straight."Derek said. "No, you are the opposite of ready."

"I like natural weapons better."I simply said, picking up some papers from whatever teacher they were. "They hurt more and are easier to handle."

"I thought we agreed on using a gun." Shut up! Guns weren't my specialty. Get used to it!

"Fine!"I growled. "But then we have to work fast." I stood up and swiftly walked through the door, not a sound to be heard. "Coming?" Derek followed me out of the room with an emotionless face. I pulled my hood over my head. There was a lot of training to do...

( Dawn's POV )

I could finally breathe again when the door was closed. They were gone. At least I thought they were. Paul opened the door. The warmth of his body disappeared the moment he stepped out of the closet. I saw a camera with a dagger in it, steam filling some of the air. But when they mentioned Misty, I felt like fainting. Paul was silent for a while, so was I.

"We need to talk to Misty."Paul then said. "They're talking about revenge. She'll know what they're talking about." I nodded, but realized I was mad at him.

"Then tell me, from who were you protecting me?"I snarled.

"From me."he said and he walked away, followed by me. He opened the door to our dormitory. Nobody was there yet. He opened Misty's room door and sat on her bed. I sat next to him, wondering what he meant with his words. The silence was unbearable, but I didn't feel like breaking it. Then Paul took my hand in his. I felt my cheeks burn up and a small smile escaped my lips.

"I meant it when I said I loved you."I said, sadness in my voice.

"I mean it when I say I love you too."Paul said. His free hand touched my cheek, making me look him in the eyes. "I love you too." It might have taken a long time for him to say those words, but he said them. I gave him a sweet smile and then he kissed me. I felt butterfrees fluttering in my belly. My eyes closed as I slowly kissed him back. And then the door opened.

We quickly pulled back. Misty just stood there with wide eyes. "I would say get a room, but with that I wouldn't mean my room."Misty said. I was red from embarrassment and for once, Paul was too. Misty chuckled a bit. Paul quickly recovered.

"Misty?"he asked on a serious tone. Misty raised an eyebrow.

"Yes Paul?"she said curious. Then Paul explained what we heard, Misty getting paler every word Paul said. She slowly sat down, her face completely blank.

"What were they talking about?"Paul ended with. I looked at Misty. She was still pale and let out a sigh.

"I guess it was about time I told you the truth."she said. Her eyes looked sad and I could hear the fear in her voice. The truth. What was the truth? I nodded and Misty started telling.


Told you this was a short one! Sorry though... At least I gave it today, like promised.

Yes, Misty is gonna tell her story. And it's probably gonna be a real letdown, but you at least know what happened. Thanks for reading!



Thank you!


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