Chapter 24

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( Brendan's POV ) (Ha! And there you were thinking you would read something interesting!)

I tried not to think about my boredom. Everything hurt. May, Zinnia or anyone besides the doctor hadn't bothered with visiting me. May had obvious reasons, but Zinnia... I really thought we were friends. The door opened. Great! Another talk with the doctors. Well, it would at least give me something to do...

Instead of the doctors a blue haired girl came in. Followed by a guy with purple hair touching his shoulders; Dawn and Paul. Of all people, Dawn and Paul were the first persons to visit. Dawn looked a little shocked at the words carved in my chest. Words I had wrote down myself. I just hadn't cut it in my flesh by myself.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"Paul growled. I gave him an annoyed look. Why should he care? Dawn was reading the words the cuts formed. How many more have to die until we've got the lesson? -Brendan.

"She did that?"Dawn asked worriedly. I nodded, looking at the marks myself. I remembered her face perfectly. I still didn't know her name, but what was a name when you had a face? No, the only reason I hadn't exposed her yet, was because I was actually reconsidering her offer. I never told anyone what she wanted from me. I could give them the last piece of the puzzle, but I wouldn't. I wouldn't because her words got to me. Because these last few days full of loneliness, made me think. Her offer wasn't that bad. I would have both revenge and a home. But I wasn't even able to move. They probably wouldn't want me anymore.

"We've got questions for you."Paul said with a low, dangerous voice, which probably meant: Stay away from Dawn or I'll kill you. I glared at Paul and looked at Dawn.

"Really, what would you like to ask?"I asked to her, and only to her.

Dawn sat down and gave a quick look at Paul before saying, "You had seen her face. Have you any idea...?"

"No."I said. Lying to May's best friend was like lying to May. It was hard and easy at the same time. My reasons might not be good, but I wasn't able to expose her. "I'm sorry, but the only thing I seem to remember is her voice. Her voice was different from the face I saw. Stronger. I remember she moved different. But all that isn't gonna help you." Dawn shook her head. I felt how Paul's eyes looked straight at me, checking if I didn't flirt with Dawn. She on the other hand was focused on what I told.

"Do you know if there was anyone with her?" That was new. No, I hadn't. I shook my head, making Dawn sigh and Paul showing an actual emotion. "No? No one? A man maybe?" I shook my head again. Dawn looked at the ground in disappointment.

"Why?"I asked.

"We're trying to figure out who the killer is."Dawn said. I swallowed. I knew who the killer was. Still I didn't feel like telling them, especially Paul. I looked at Dawn's disappointed expression and almost told her that I did knew. But the blue haired beauty wasn't able to break me. Maybe Paul, but not me.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help."I said slowly. Telling her would redeem myself from all my sorrows. But telling her would also mean I had to let go of the one thing that kept me going. Revenge. I realized I wanted it. I wanted to give Ash what he deserved. Death was too nice for him. He deserved torture. Lots and lots of torture. Dawn and Paul left the room with hanging heads. My eyes had a dangerous look. This was the other side of me. A side of me I always wanted to stay low. But it had come out. I came out of my bed, not caring how much it hurt. "I know you're here."I said, no fear in my voice not even a little bit. A chuckle.

"Well done,"a female voice said. "You've figured it out." I gave her an evil grin.

"Does that offer of yours still count?"I asked, slowly walking up to her. I couldn't quite explain what I did. My movements were perfect, almost like I wasn't even hurt in the first place. The girl smiled. Her hood still on, but her lips were visible.

"In some way, yes."she said. My grin became even bigger. The girl showed a gun to me. I should take it and choose. "Have you changed your mind?"

"In some way,"I said, taking the gun. "Yes." Then she walked away. I followed her. Somewhere, deep inside, I knew I was making a big mistake. But this was a different side of me. And Arceus, it felt great! Revenge was on the way.

( Zinnia's POV ) (Still not what you wanted to hear, is it?)

I let myself slowly sit in the chair. The food here wasn't good. Not even close to it. I closed my eyes and ate the porridge they had given me. I had a feeling they were just giving me bad food so that I would refuse it and eventually starve. But they weren't gonna break me like that. The porridge was too dry and there was nothing spicy in it. I hadn't eaten properly in days. Not that I ever ate a decent meal, but this was worse than what I usually had back home. May had visited many times. She was still trying to get me out, even when I already told her I didn't want to leave. I wanted them to figure it out. See their faces when they found out they had the wrong person all along. I sacrificed a lot, just to see that expression in their faces. 

"Don't you like it, sweetheart?"someone said.

"It's horrible."I said with a smile. The guy chuckled a bit. I took another sip of my porridge. It was almost like eating soup. Or drinking soup. The walls of the cafeteria were grey and gave me an even more locked up feeling. My own home was better than this place. And my home wasn't even legal.

"You new here?"the guy asked me. I smirked at him.

"I'm here just three days."I said. "I was able to avoid prison until now." The boy gave a short whistle. "What's your story?"I asked and I moved to sit more comfortable.

"I had stolen pokémon at team Rocket."the guy said, grinning like an idiot. I hated the guy just for thinking he had a chance with me. But I liked playing games. "The police caught me, eventually. But it took them like five years."

"How long are you here?"I said, pretending to be very interested, but instead I paid attention to the guards at the back. They weren't looking out. I could escape if I wanted to. But I didn't. I already did too much to stay here. I wasn't gonna give up now.

"About seven years."the boy said. My eyes widened.

"Well that sucks."I murmured.

"I'll only stay here for three more years, after I'll be free again."the boy said proud. He sounded like the kids when I was younger. Arrogant, selfish and proud of everything they did, no matter how idiotic or dangerous. "You? How long will you be here?"

"Well, I'm not declared guilty, yet."I said focussing on the guards. "I'll go to the judge tomorrow. And if they think I'm guilty, I'll probably be here lifelong."

"Arceus,"the boy said with a quick whistle between his sentence. He should stop whistling if he wanted to sleep peaceful tonight. "What's your crime, sweetie?"

"They accuse me from murder and kidnapping."I said and I took another sip of my watery porridge. "Though honestly, I've only stolen some things, nothing more. Killing isn't my game." The boy raised an eyebrow.

"You sure, sweetie?"he said coming closer to me.

"I'm sure."I said as I pushed his head far away from mine. "Though I won't mind killing you, if you call me sweetie one more time." The guy chuckled.

"A tough one."the guy said. "Like it!" Okay, I was done with him!

"A clingy one."I said annoyed. "Too bad." I drank up my porridge and walked away, considering to kill the guy when he whistled for a third time. But I chose the wise path and walked with the guards to my cell. There were May and a guy with a Pikachu.

"May!"I yelled happily. Maybe she was against my idea of staying here for a while, but I did like her company. The guy next to her had a lightly tanned skin, raven black her and dark brown eyes. He was kinda cute.

"Ash this is Zinnia. Zinnia, Ash."May said as an introduction. I chuckled and gave the boy a smile. The adorable Pikachu on his shoulder made soft noises when I scratched it behind its ear.

"Hi."Ash said.

"Hey." This sounded more and more like the so called whatsapp conversations my friends used to tell me about. Before money played a role in our friendship. "But tell me, what are you two doing here? The administration of justice isn't till tomorrow."

"Well..."May slowly said. "We need some information."

"Sure, ask whatever you want."I said and I sat on the only couch in my prison room.

"Do you know anything about the murders or the killer."May asked, saying the words the killer extra quiet. I shook my head. I honestly didn't know much about the murders at all.

"Please, if you know something, anything, say it."Ash said. I shook my head again, imploring wouldn't give me sudden information I never had. I felt bad for the two, but I couldn't help. And I had other things to worry about than that killer. Like eating my porridge. If I didn't, I would die. So that was my priority.

"I'm sorry,"I said, telling the honest truth, for once. May and Ash looked disappointed at the ground. Even the adorable Pikachu looked disappointed. "I don't know anything."

"Don't worry."May said with a weak smile. "We'll figure it out eventually." I nodded in agreement, but the worry didn't go away. Ash turned around to walk away and May said a quick goodbye, before following the boy.

"Bye."I said. Guess I just had to get back to being alone in my room. The guards went to their own lunch breaks. I was now really alone. And however I was used to the feeling it still hurted like hell. I decided to make drawings on the walls. I never knew my drawing skills had improved this much since I was a little kid. But I let go of my pencil when I heard a sound. The guards couldn't be back yet. Who the hell was this then? "Hello?"

"Hello."a voice said. The silence after was unbearable. Someone was here, who? I got up and looked around. I couldn't see anyone. That was until I saw a face, dangerously close to mine. His eyes didn't look the same. There was a different emotion in them. His lips formed an evil grin. And he changed his clothes for darker ones.

"Brendan?"I asked. He chuckled.

"Hello, Zinnia."he said. Even his voice sounded different. This wasn't the guy I met three days ago. I frowned and stretched my arm to reach his face through the bars. He let my hand touch his face for just a few seconds.

"Why aren't you in the hospital?"I asked. I was amazed and afraid at the same time. He could walk, so his injuries weren't that bad after all. But the guy I met, was someone completely different.

"I wanted to see you." I chuckled at the thought of him, trying to see me. It was something that would never happen. Not in a million years. So I shook my head.

"No, no you didn't."I simply said. This was not something to debate over.

"Not directly."Brendan said with that evil grin still on his face. I wanted to step away, but I couldn't. I didn't know what exactly made me stay there as Brendan took a knife in his hands. He put the knife on my throat.

"Do it."someone hissed. A girl's voice, but I couldn't see whoms. I just blinked as Brendan was clearly struggling with his emotions. I wasn't even afraid he would kill me. He wouldn't. I helped him when he was hurt and he saw me as the only friend he had left. He wouldn't do it.

"I... I can't."Brendan said and he let go of the knife. The only sound I heard was the clanging of the knife as it fell on the ground. Brendan turned to the hooded woman. "I'm sorry. I can't."

"Let me do it for you, then."she said and she threw a knife at my throat. It pierced my throat. It didn't hurt long, for I fell on the ground seeing nothing, but darkness. Complete, utter darkness.

"No!"was the last thing I heard, before also hearing became impossible.

( Leaf's POV ) (Don't worry. I didn't forget our main characters.)

The search for clues had turned in finding information in the library. And it was unbelievably boring. Gary had decided he wouldn't even try to read and had left a while ago. Drew was, in contrast to Gary, working very hard. He hadn't even said a word and was reading the third book already. At least it felt like that. I yawned. It was late and we wouldn't find anything anymore. Tomorrow was just a normal school day. We should be prepared.

"I'm going to bed."I said and I turned around to walk away. But before I walked out of the door I turned around. "You coming?" Drew shook his head, busy with reading. "It's not good to stay awake so long."I said, trying to convince him to go to sleep. But Drew refused and I decided to give up. "Okay, if that's what you want." Then I walked to my room. I changed in my pajamas. Dawn and Misty came. May was already here. We sat on the couch, all in pajamas to tell what we knew.

"Dawn, you'll go first."May said. Dawn gave a short nod and looked at all of us.

"Well, we've talked to Brendan, Serena and Gary."Dawn said, in a way that made me think of that reporter from the news. "Brendan only knew things we already figured out. Serena only had theories. And Gary said he saw a glimpse of the person that shot him. But it's not enough. We're not any further." The girls went quiet for a few seconds, until Dawn said, "Misty, what about you?"

"I have done as much research as I could."Misty said, smiling a bit. "And to do that, Nurse Joy has given me my laptop back." We all clapped for both nurse Joy and Misty. "I now know the injection used on Leaf is called histone deacetylase inhibitor, and is a drug to replace traumatic memories to new harmless ones. But of course the drug's also used for other reasons." Well, it was improvement. And the first new thing we had in a long time.

"Is that all?"Dawn asked with a frown. Misty nodded.

"Sorry guys."she said. "What about you Leaf?"

"Nothing."I said, sadness heard in my voice. "Sorry. May?" May also shook her head.

"Officer Jenny wouldn't believe us and Zinnia didn't know anything." We all turned silent again. "But Misty has at least something. So it's not completely useless." Then the door opened.

"Paul!"Dawn yelled and she ran to him.

"Brendan's gone."Paul said, more to Dawn than to the rest of us. But we all went downstairs to the hospital. Drew and Gary were watching the video the safety camera had made. The rest just stared to the empty bed. Then Jenny came in.

"Joy?!"she screamed. Nurse Joy ran to her, ready for action. "Another dead body." My eyes widened.

"Who?"I asked. Officer Jenny looked me in the eyes. I knew she didn't want to tell me.

"Zinnia." I looked at May. Tears filled her eyes. Wonderful! May lost two friends today. One dead, the other missing, again. Dawn gave May a hug as she started to cry. First soft, sad sobs. But then the sobs turned into a big crying mess. I stepped to the video images and let Drew focus on May. I saw how Dawn and Paul left and Brendan stood up.(that's on the video)

"Guys."I said slowly and everyone came around the computer, except for May and Dawn. Brendan slowly walked to a darker part of the room. And out of the shadows came a hooded person. They talked. Brendan's face changing the more he talked. Then he walked away with the cloaked person. He was gone. I looked at Gary. He looked back.

"He chose this."Gary said. "Maybe he's..."

"The guy."Drew finished his sentence. I nodded slowly. Then Ash came in.

"And the cloaked person?"

"Must be the girl."Misty said, more to herself. "But what if we're wrong."

"We'll find out soon enough."Paul said emotionless. "I say we're just gonna protect Misty and Ash. Because Brendan is probably after Ash."

( ????? POV )

I gave Derek a smile. Looking at Brendan as he drank with some guys. "Why did you invite him to the party?"Derek asked in a British accent. I chuckled.

"You said you wanted information."I explained. "Here's your information. Go ask whatever you want." Derek said nothing, but walked up to Brendan. I chuckled again. "This is gonna get interesting..."


Sorry to let you wait for me to get back to the main characters. It's just that I cringe over my own story. I have lots of side characters I kinda forget about.

Serena: Okay, she's in the hospital and I can't write much about it. That's fine. Also I sometimes still mention her name. So she's not forgotten. Okay.

Brendan: What happened to the guy?! Nobody can visit him except May and May has her own problems! Seriously, I kinda forgot about him!

Zinnia: WHERE ARE YOU?! May should be busy trying to get you out. But you won't be mentioned once after you've got into prison. WHAT THE HECK?!

Sky: Does she still exist? Yes, she will be mentioned, but she disappeared in the story somehow. But this one is not that bad.

Tracey: Hell! He was in one chapter, just to make a pokéshipping moment. AND I FORGOT TO PUT HIM IN THE STORY ANYWHERE ELSE! EVEN THOUGH I CAN DO SO MUCH WITH HIM! This is my biggest cringe.

Leaf: SHE'S THE MAIN CHARACTER FOR ARCEUS SAKE! AND I KEEP FORGETTING TO WRITE ABOUT HER! Though it is hard to write out of her POV. She just has a too perfect life at the moment.

Red: Okay... I don't really care about this guy.

Barry: THE FREAKING GUY IS DEAD! Nobody seems to care... 😭

Kenny: You just don't care Dawn and Paul are together! Okay... Possible, I guess. But you've disappeared? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU KENNY?!

Sorry, for making you read all my cringes.



Thank you!


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