Chapter 31

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I just realized, I wrote four chapters and it's still Friday. Well, now it's Saturday, but it was Friday for FOUR chapters! *dies from eternal cringe* *revives, because author magic* Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time! XD

( Drew's POV )

I didn't realize I was holding May, until I woke up seeing my arms wrapped around her. She still slept, so I carefully got out of the uncomfortable position we were in. I had been too lazy to change in my pajamas last night and was now wearing my clothes from yesterday. Except for my shirt. I had no idea where I had threw my shirt, before deciding I was too tired to change.

I walked on my toes to the bathroom, trying my best not to wake up May. With every step I took, I looked at May, making sure she was still sleeping like a Snorlax. But cuter than a Snorlax.

I opened the door to the bathroom and curled up because of the creaking noise it made. But May didn't wake up. When I got in the bathroom I quickly took some shampoo and greased my hair. The water was warm and not bad for a free shower. Sleeping in the pokémon center wasn't at all bad. It was actually pretty relaxing.

When I was done with showering I changed in some new clothes when the door opened.

"Eeeks!"May screamed when she saw me only in my underwear. I quickly put on my pants.

"What are you doing here?!"I yelled angrily. May was still not looking at me, but I could see it wasn't because I wasn't wearing a shirt. It was because she tried to hide her already reddened face. I smirked. "You couldn't stay away from me, now could you." Her face became even redder. I chuckled.

"I thought no one was in there!"May shouted in her defense. I just smirked at her, while her face reddened even more, if that was possible. "I'm telling the truth, stupid Grasshead!"

"Sure you are, August."I said, not ready to stop smirking. I put a shirt on, knowing May still watched. When my shirt didn't block my sight at May, I saw she was redder than I had ever seen her before. My smirk widened. "You like what you see?"

"Gross!"May said, throwing a shoe at me. I catched it, of course.

"Thanks, July."I said, grinning like an idiot. "Can you pass me the other too?" May couldn't possibly look more annoyed. She threw the shoe at me. I catched it again and quickly got into my shoes. I walked passed her, still smirking. May's red head close to mine when I was the closest to her. And then I walked further, not saying a word and leaving tomato May alone in the bathroom.

I couldn't stop smiling as I prepared to leave. Putting everything that didn't belong to the pokémon center in my backpack. I had been in such a hurry, I had taken my backpack with me. Lucky for us it was Saturday, otherwise we would be dead. The door opened and Ash, Gary, Misty, Dawn and Paul came inside.

"Hey!"Ash said, hopping on the bed I had just made up. "Where were you last night? You were gone when we tried to talk to you."

"I was just busy."I said, while pushing Ash off the bed. Misty helped with making it up, again. "It's none of your business Ash."

"He's just worried about you."Misty said, also worried. "We all were. Both Leaf and May are still nowhere to be found, and... What I mean is, say it when you go somewhere. We can't risk losing everyone."

"May isn't..."I started, but then the door of the bathroom opened. Gary's smirk was the reason why I hoped May would stay in there for quite some time. Unfortunately she didn't. I wanted to face palm, but didn't.

"Oh, I see how it is."Gary said walking to May. "You two just needed some quality time." I glared at Gary. Dawn chuckled a bit behind Paul, and I saw even Pikachu blowing kisses. I could swear I blushed, but May, who was still a bit red from earlier, was now just as red as before.

"Of course they do!"Ash yelled happily. "Spending time with friends is fun!" Misty hitted Ash hard on his head, and Pikachu shocked Ash. "What?"Ash asked dizzily.

"That's for being so incredibly dense!"Misty snarled. "You are sixteen, right?" Ash gave a questionable look, which made everyone groan loudly.

"Well, you have to deal with him Misty."Dawn said winking. "After all he's your boyfriend."

"What?!"Misty yelled, blushing furiously. "That's ridiculous! Me, Ash's girlfriend." She stiffened. "Ridiculous."

"But I thought you liked me?"Ash said, being the dense person he was. "So, when you said you loved me, you lied?" Misty became red from embarrassment.

"IDIOT!"she screamed. "WHAT PART OF 'SECRET' IN A SECRET RELATIONSHIP DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Ash laughed nervously, but the rest was rolling on the ground from laughter. Only Paul kept silent and angry, like always.

"I'm sorry guys, but I need to bring May to officer Jenny, now."I said when we stopped laughing. "Is it okay if I see you later?" Everyone nodded. I smiled and opened the door so May could walk through. "Bye!"

I closed the door. May looked at the clock and went crazy. "Ten in the morning! It can't be that late already!"

"But it is."I said, walking through the hall.

"I need to be somewhere around eleven!"May yelled as she ran to me. I decided not to answer. What could possibly be more important than going to officer Jenny. "Drew? Drew can you bring me there first?"

"Where do you need to go to?"I asked. We walked outside. The fresh air felt nice. It was a beautiful day, clean and sunny. Such a shame I had to throw it away by playing detective. And I also needed to settle everything with my parents. I turned to May with a questionable face.

"The airport."May said after a while.

"Brendan."I said sighing. And I had the right to be mad at Brendan. He had kissed May, had stalked her and eventually disappeared leaving only the mystery of Zinnia's death. I had every right to hate Brendan.

"You have no idea how long we've been friends." Yeah, right. Friends. I was an even better friend than Brendan, and all I did was annoy May. And leaving her. "It's a promise we made when we were..."

"It's fine, I'll bring you."I interrupted. May sighed in relief.

"Thank you."she said and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I tried to hide the blush spreading itself over my cheek. Then I started the motorcycle, and sat on it. May did the same.

"Let's find the airport."

( time skip )

I parked the motor and May and I ran as fast as we could inside. May lead the way. "Where is he going anyway?"I asked annoyed. May didn't answer me and just walked through the crowd. She stopped in front of an information place.

"Could you please inform my friend, Ruby, that May Maple is here."May asked.

"Ruby?"I asked whispering, so only May could hear. She didn't answer me again. I stiffened, but looked how the woman got out a microphone.

"Ruby, May Maple is here, waiting."the woman said, her voice echoing through the airport. May nodded.

"We have to wait now."she said to me.

"So he told you to come, but not where to go."I snarled. She glared at me. "What? It's not like I'm the only one that hates him. And what's with calling him Ruby anyway?"

"It's how I used to call him."May said. "When we were eight all we wanted to be was a superhero. So I got the name Sapphire and he was Ruby. Now those names are quite useful after all." She bit her lip and wiped away a tear. "I never wanted this to happen Drew. I just want everything to go back to the way it was before."

"You want him to stay in the friend zone forever?"I asked. "I hate the guy, but I do understand him. Girls expect guys to make the first step, but when you do, everything gets complicated."

"I didn't know he thought of me like that."May whined. "He just picked the wrong moment."

"What if he hadn't?"

"I don't know..."May muttered angrily.

"If you love him, you don't care when he confesses."I said, not knowing why I was giving her advice on this. "And maybe this wasn't a perfect moment. But would you have said 'yes' if he confessed later."

"No."May sighed. "You're right." I gave her a weak smile. Then it was silent. I didn't feel like saying anything, and neither did May.

"What is he doing here?"a voice said, breaking the silence. I turned around to look at Brendan.

"Hi May, happy you could make it."May said imitating Brendan. "He brought me, you better deal with it, because he's not leaving."

"Good morning to you too."

"She had a very nice morning, seeing me half naked in the bathroom." Brendan's eyes narrowed. I just made it worse by smiling arrogantly.

"So that's why she's so grumpy."

"I'm not grumpy because of that."May said with a straight face. "I'm grumpy because you didn't tell me where to go." I flicked my hair, while Brendan stiffened. I didn't look away from him, because if I did, he would interpret it as if I was scared of him. Brendan looked me in the eyes too. This had turned from an uncomfortable conversation into a staring competition. May cleared her throat, and Brendan was the first to break the stare.

"Well, I don't remember bringing anyone you hated."he said.

"You're just angry that I'm the one she chose."I said annoyed.

"I remember Ash being the one that ended up with her."Brendan said in a cocky way. He obviously had been away for some time.

"Please,"I said, flicking my hair again. "Like that dense kid even had a chance. It was all an act to get you away. Even though it went wrong." Brendan raised his brows, he didn't believe me. "And Ash is with Misty."

"Stop it."May snarled. "I came here to say goodbye to you. I'm not the one leaving when times get tough." Brendan looked away from May with an angry face. "And if you don't appreciate me coming, maybe you should ask your psycho girlfriend to say goodbye."

"She's not my girlfriend."Brendan growled.

"Who trusts you these days?"May said angrily. "I don't even know why I came anymore. I know you're not that ten year old kid that made a promise with me, but I never thought I'd rather see you rot in hell."

"I never thought you'd turn out to be a whore, guess we were both wrong." I pushed Brendan.

"What did you say about her?"I asked angrily and pushed him again. "So, it's not bad to help a murderer, but it is bad to love me." Brendan hit me. A roaring pain came in my shoulder.

"Quit it."May snapped. "You're acting like a couple of wild Persians." May took my hand in hers, but looked at Brendan. "Goodbye." Brendan's angry stare was something that would haunt me in my dreams. His eyes that gave away a feeling of death, the messy hair that showed how bad he was doing and his pale face, that could only be healthier than Serena's face. Maybe he wasn't that bad after all. But he sure as hell wasn't good.

May didn't let go of my hand as we walked outside.

( Dawn's POV )

I dropped my bags on the floor and hopped on my bed, and immediately closed my eyes. I should've sleeped better. But instead I had played truth or dare with Misty, tried to call Leaf and locked Kenny up in the toilet. Why the pokémon centre had the lock of the toilet on the wrong side of the door, was a mystery to all of us.

Piplup nestled itself in my blanket. I tried to grab Piplup to give it a hug, but Piplup had other plans and tackled me. "Ouch!"I yelled and I grabbed my nose. "I just wanted to give you a hug."

"Piplup!" I growled.

"Fine."I muttered. "If you want it that way." I stood up and brushed my hair, before going out of my room to Leaf's. There was no response when I knocked. No groan when I called her name. I opened the door. There was no one. "Leaf?"I asked worriedly. No response. "Leaf are you there?" The last time I had seen her was when she ran away from Red. Maybe she was already in the canteen, or talking it out with Red.

"She isn't here?"Misty asked. I shook my head. I changed, and quickly ran down stairs to Gary's dorm room.

"Gary, open!"I screamed. "Now!" The door opened. Gary had messy hair, wore jogging pants and no shirt. "Is Leaf here?"

"What do you think?"Gary asked irritated. "Of course she isn't here. I'm tired and I need rest."

"And a shirt."I said, tossing him a shirt that lay over the chair. "She doesn't answer our calls, no one is in her room and nobody has heard from her."

"Have you tried the canteen yet?"Gary asked, while putting his shirt on.

"Misty is there right now." Gary looked worried, but tried to hide it. I didn't really get why. Was he trying to convince himself or something? Maybe he was just too tired to think, and really needed some rest. "If you find her, please tell us."

"Leaf is an impatient girl, maybe she's looking for you guys."Gary said with a spark of hope in his eyes. I nodded, but didn't believe one word of it. The last time we couldn't find Leaf, she was kidnapped and it took two days until she came back. I didn't want to relive that.

"I'm gonna look in the garden."I said and I walked away.

"Wait, what can I do?"Gary asked, running towards me. I turned around.

"You better rest."I said, regretting it immediately. "You're too injured to help now." And now I was officially as low as Ursula. But I didn't care. I was going to find Leaf, and help Gary recover at the same time. No matter how long it took!

"So you go to me, tell my girlfriend is missing, and refuse to let me help?" I sighed, and turned around to face Gary. His eyes were full of worry, and almost tears.

"I'm sorry."I just said. Then I walked away, leaving Gary, helpless.


And the chapters are getting crappier and crappier! I have to apologize for my bad writing! I'm only asking you to stay a little bit longer, so I can reveal the killer and finish the story.



Thank you!


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