Chapter 35

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Day: Monday.

( May's POV )

It wasn't like I had the worst life ever. Misty and Leaf had it way harder than I did. It was that I needed to cry. I needed to let it all out. Even in theatre class, I shut my mouth and bit my lip. It would all be over soon. And like Dawn always says, after rain comes sunshine. But right now there was a lot of rain, literally.

"Nice weather today."Dawn said grumpily. She took a bite out of her sandwich and mumbled some other things. "Rain, of all things rain is the worst!"

"I think blood, pain and regret are the worst things in the world."Paul said casually. Dawn glared at him.

"And there you are, lighting up our lives."Dawn said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "I'm so happy I have such an optimistic boyfriend." I somehow felt a pain in my belly hearing that sentence. Misty gave me a worried look, but I didn't look back. Instead I had a sudden interest in how Gary and Pikachu played Monopoly.

"Pika, pi!"Pikachu exclaimed, and the adorable pokémon took a card from the pile. It grinned evilly. "Pikachu."

"Huh?"Gary said with a questionable look. Pikachu moved his counter to another square. "Hey, wait! You already threw the dice!" Pikachu still grinned, and shook his head. "That's against the rules!" Pikachu showed Gary the card.


"That's unfair."Gary muttered. "I seriously doubt Ash always wins from you."

"Pikachu!"Pikachu yelled indignant. As if it was saying, "How dare you think Ash always wins?". I smiled a bit. Then Misty placed her hand on my shoulder, and I was forced to look at her.

"May, can we talk?"

"Actually, I have quite some work I want to get done."I lied, and I stood up. "Maybe another time. Oh, and Dawn," Dawn looked at me, her smile fading. "Good luck with looking for Leaf." Dawn nodded. I saw Gary was staring at me when I said Leaf's name. I gave him a faint smile before leaving the canteen. I started walking faster, making sure I didn't run.

"I heard there's an upcoming dance." I slowed down a bit, listening to what the group of girls were talking about. "It has been just a few weeks, but the principal decided we could hold a dance." The girl squealed a bit. "Isn't it amazing!"

"When is it?"another asked. "I haven't heard a thing about it. Since when is there gonna be a dance?"

"I just heard it!"the first girl said excitedly. "It's this week! I thought it was on a Thursday..." All the girls squealed. A dance? I sighed. Probably just to make people forget the current position our school was in. A smart, but risky way to make students forget the past 'incidents'. I went to the library, sitting down behind the computer.

Murder situation Pueltown

There were mostly some useless sites about previous investigations, and some advertisements. An interview with officer Jenny, which didn't contain any useful information.

"Can I help you?"someone asked. I looked up.

"No, it's fine. Just looking."I said to the dark-green haired boy. He couldn't be a lot older than I was. Two or three years older maybe. He smiled, but didn't walk away.

"It's no problem, really."the boy said. "Maybe I can even tell you some books that'll get you further. What are you searching for?" He looked at my screen, and it was too late to hide the information. He read it with a frown appearing on his face.

"The murder situation?"he asked, curious. I nodded. "There are some books about how to find the culprit of a murder investigation. But I honestly think books won't help this time. If anything, officer Jenny knows the most about this subject. Although if I were you, I wouldn't get involved in anything the police has to deal with."

"That's exactly what we shouldn't do."I said annoyed. "The police can't handle everything. It's our school, we're responsible for the students. Do you want this school to close because of the current situation? I sure don't." The guy shook his head. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again. "Do you know anything that can help me find clues?" The boy took the mouse and typed something.

Almia newspaper

I gave him a questionable face, but looked as he went to the business website. He pressed login, and typed something. Then he was in. How did he know all that? He went through the files about the murders.

"This should give you some information about how the corpses looked like."the boy said secretively. "A lot of these haven't been published because of the school's staff. This is how far I can help.

"Thank you."I mumbled, and I looked through the titles.

( ????? POV )

I slammed on the table. "Listen to me!"I screamed. "That dance can help! If I train just a little more, I know I can do it! I'll kill Misty this Thursday, and it'll be over!"

"It's a crowded room, how's that gonna help?!"Derek yelled back. "I'm sorry, but you can't shoot Misty in a crowded room like that. Even the best sharpshooter can't shoot Misty with so many people! That'll just give away our identities!"

"You're seeing it all wrong! We can lure Misty to another place. Since everyone will be at the dance, there isn't anybody to protect Misty. How many opportunities like this are we getting?"

"What if Misty doesn't show up?"Derek asked me. He ran a hand through his hair. He looked tired and frustrated. I bit my lip. Derek sighed. "You don't have a plan, do you?" I looked at the tapestry.

"I... I thought we could use Leaf as bait."I stuttered. Derek's eyes widened.

"Choose another date."he said, suddenly in a mood.

"But Thursday is perfect!"I defended, even though there was nothing to defend. Derek was the boss. I wouldn't get my money if I didn't listen to him. "My job is to kill Misty! What happens to Leaf isn't any of my concerns! It shouldn't be yours either."

"I don't care what happens to Leaf."Derek snapped. "But it's too risky!"

"Of course it is!"I screamed. "Killing Misty is risky too! Officer Jenny could show up, we could get killed. But we decided we would take revenge on what she did! Shouldn't we at least try!"

"It's not your job to get caught, and certainly not to die."

"Do you have so little faith in me?!"

"Just do as I tell you to!"Derek commanded. I didn't obey. What was the difference?! If I got caught I would get caught knowing Misty was dead. If I died, well, then I was at least out of this hellhole. What was he so scared for?

"Not this time!"I shouted. "Derek, we have an actual chance here. Don't postpone it!"

"I said no!" I sure got him angry. But I couldn't hold back any longer.

"I'm doing it, with or without your permission."I stated. "My job is to kill Misty, none of your commands can hold me back from doing my job." Derek looked like he could hit me with anything close to him.

"I'm not holding you back."he mumbled. "I'm trying to keep you alive." I walked out of the room, away from Derek, away from everything. I ran to my dorm opening the door. I actually didn't know why I was so sensitive about this. But I just felt like the whole world lost faith in me. I wanted to run into my room, and lock the door, but Lyra blocked my path.

"What is it?"


"Is it boy trouble?"she asked. More like, life trouble. "If someone dared to hurt you, I swear I'll beat the crap out of him!"

"I honestly think it'll be the other way around." Misty was strong, though it was hard for me to admit that. Lyra wouldn't stand a chance against her. Neither would she stand a chance against Derek. Or anyone.

"I don't care!"Lyra yelled with positive spirit. "Nobody hurts my friends!"

"That's just a promise you'll never keep, Lyra."I said, forgetting I couldn't act like this. "Friends are like potatoes if you eat them, they die." Lyra looked at me with a questionable face. "Just kidding." I smiled. "What I mean is that people say they're your friends, but the first chance they'll get, they'll betray you. Leaving you alone, wondering what the hell you did wrong."

"That's unlike you to say something like that."Lyra responded. "Are you sure everything's okay?"

"Everything's fine."I assured Lyra, realizing that was unlike 'me'. "I'm just tired."

"Oh, okay." Lyra wanted to walk away and let me through, but changed her mind. "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way. Who betrayed you?"

"Everyone does. It's human to betray, I guess." Lyra looked worriedly at me. "Don't worry about it. There's always at least one person you lied to, one person you betrayed and one person you hurt. If only there was also one person you loved and cared about so much, you would give your life for that person. But I guess no human is able to sacrifice for their loved ones." I closed my door, before hearing another stream of Lyra's worried words. I sighed, picking up a picture.

I listened to the radio, while perfecting my makeup. Carefully, so that my scar wouldn't be seen by anyone. I looked at the stuff I had thrown on my bed, too lazy to put them where they belonged. But now I wasn't that lazy. So I cleaned my room a bit.

A knock on the door. I wouldn't answer it. I was not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Open up!"Hilda yelled. "If you don't open this door, I swear I'll break it!" I didn't open the door. If Hilda truly was gonna break the door she would have to pay to the school. And Hilda was short on money at the moment.

"Let her."I heard Lyra say. "She doesn't want to talk to us." Hilda quit banging on the door. I heard Hilda and Lyra talk for a few more minutes, but their voices faded away soon. I sighed, and looked at the flyer for the dance. Than I picked up a piece of paper, and started writing.


I believe you want Leaf back, am I right? Well, you can get her back. All you have to do is come on this Thursday, while the dance is ongoing, to the Vien Forest close to school. Don't show up, and you're friend dies. Tell this to anybody, and not only Leaf will die. It's up to you what you do with it. Don't bring anyone with you. If you do all this, Leaf will be free.


I put my pencil down, and stared at the result. This should do it, but I should find a way to give this letter to Misty. I stood up and picked up my phone. During a break I had snagged it out of nurse Joy's office. Peep. Peep. Peep. Peep.

"Hello, this is..."

"Derek, it's me."I said quickly, almost struggling with my words. I quickly added, "I know I told you I could do it alone, but it would be"-I swallowed-"helpful if you did something for me."

"Forget it."Derek concluded.

"Derek, I have no idea why you're so against my plan, but I need your help." I heard Derek sigh on the other hand. Not a sigh of giving up, more like a why-are-you-still-trying kind of sigh. "I've got a plan. And you don't have to do a lot. I just want you to get Misty the letter I wrote for her."

"Forget it."Derek repeated.

"Derek!"I yelled, but not too loud. "I haven't disobeyed you once before this. I thought you were ready to kill Misty. Why are you backing out?!"

"I'm not backing out. I just rather don't have our lives at risk."Derek told. "If you want to get caught, I might get caught. I don't have faith in someone that messed up so many times." I bit my lip and felt a tear coming out of my eye.

"I'm trying!"I yelled, forgetting to keep silent.

"It's just being realistic."Derek informed. "I know you want to kill Misty, but we only have one chance, and I don't want that chance to get ruined because of your naive behavior." More tears fell. Why did he think of me like this?

"Fine! I'll prove I can do it on my own!" Derek sighed again.

"Don't even think about it!"Derek screamed, but I hung up on him. I would show that bastard that I could do this without his help. Without anyone's help. I could kill Misty without getting caught, without anyone spotting me. Derek would see just how much I had improved. He would be sorry that he ever had the nerve to say things like this to me. I clenched my fists, but the tears still streamed down my face. I wiped them away, picking up a pokéball.

"Oshawott, I choose you!"


Hey, guess what? I got back some inspiration! Though this chapter, and the next, aren't that good, I'm kinda proud on the rest I wrote. And this was what I wrote during my inspirationless  period. But I'm back. And it's vacation, so I have time to update. Thank you for waiting. Oh, and, Apolloqwerty, thanks for the piece of advice you gave me. I used it from Chapter 37 and it really helped. And thank you Al_5505Dfly17Alpha_Sapphire_ and Mistyaaml4ever for understanding why I put it on hold for a while.

Now back to what I wrote! It's actually pretty hard to write without telling the name of the person people are talking to. That's hard. But I did it. And I hope you still don't know who it is.

So Thursday will be the revealing of the killer!



Thank you!


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