Chapter 37

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Day: Wednesday

( Drew's POV )

I hid behind some plants in the garden. It was a rather suspicious sight, but I made sure no one saw me like this. Besides, my green hair blended in with the plants. And to keep myself from being caught, I had left my purple jacket in my room. The day was sunny, for once. It seemed like a lifetime ago that it hadn't rained. But autumn had already darkened these past few days, and I wouldn't be staying to see how dark the winter was going to get. A smile escaped my lips.

"Hey, Dawn!"someone yelled. I'd recognize her voice anywhere, May. "Have you seen Skitty? I've looked everywhere for her, but she seems to have disappeared." Another disappearance. I crossed my fingers, hoping May's Skitty was alright.

"Oh, I believe Skitty was playing somewhere in the gardens."Dawn said, and I realized I had never heard her voice more hollow. "You should be able to find her here." My smile faded a bit. Dawn must have a hard time, like all of us. But the idea was that she left, not May. I looked for a branch, something small. When I found it, I threw it in the air. It hit someone. And that someone was Paul. He angrily turned around, looking me in the eyes. His eyes were the scariest thing I had ever seen, but I just nodded in Dawn's way. They were still talking. More serious, though I didn't listen anymore. Paul seemed to get the hint and walked to them.

"Speak of the Devil."May mumbled. Great, they were talking about Paul. Why was Paul so interesting? I couldn't see anything likable about Paul.

"May,"Paul said. Arceus, even his tone was emotionless. And what did he have to say to May? Wasn't he supposed to distract Dawn, not May? "Drew's behind that bush."

W-what?! I tried to find a way out of this, but May already spotted me.

"What are you doing there?"May asked, narrowing her eyes. I sweatdropped. What should I say? Should I just tell her I was kind of waiting for her to be alone.

"Eh..."I started, completely taken off guard. "I was... checking if the flowers attract bees! Yes, it's for English. For the presentation we need to do." I was talking so quickly it was almost impossible to follow me, but May somehow understood all of it. I looked at Paul, trying to smile, since a glare would probably give away my lie. Dawn stood next to him, with pouches under her eyes.

"And that's why you threw a tree branch at me?"Paul asked monotone. My cheeks turned a bit red from embarrassment.

"I didn't throw a tree branch at you!"I defended myself, even though it was already a lost cause. May and Dawn made quick eye contact. Then May walked up to me examining my face, which only made me redder. I was just lying, and I didn't seem to be as good at it as I used to be. May grinned, turning around to look at Dawn, an unspoken question on her face. And she got a smile in return. A faint, slow smile, but a smile. Then she turned back to me.

"Lying isn't gonna get you anywhere, Grasshead." I didn't know why, but the nickname made me even more embarrassed. She hadn't called me Grasshead for at least a week. It seemed longer though. More like three or four weeks. "What punishment should we give you?" A punishment. Typically May. Paul gave away a hint of a smile. He and Dawn looked perfect together. She could only smile a bit, and he could only make cocky smiles. Though some girls thought Paul's silence was sexy.

"I think a good punishment would be leaving it at this warning, and letting me go." May shook her head slowly, but without hesitation. I groaned. This wasn't gonna be any good. And I would be stuck with whatever punishment she had for me.

"What about making him look for Skitty?"Dawn proposed. May's grin changed in a dangerous smirk, and I couldn't help but sweatdrop.

"Sounds like a wonderful idea."May replied. "Good luck with it, Grasshead. I suggest you'll return Skitty to me before nightfall. Here's her pokéball." She tossed me a pokéball, and I caught it gracefully. Searching for a pokémon was gonna be a pain, but it wasn't what I expected. And I was relieved that it wasn't.

"And he needs to give me back all my CDs."Paul added.

"No way!"I yelled. Paul's CDs were the most fun thing in the world. Slow, tragic music. Probably Mozart and other famous pianists. "I'll search for Skitty, but those CDs stay with me until Friday!" Friday was soon. Time went too fast.

"Sure,"May said. "I don't care about those CDs anyway. Just get back my Skitty." I flicked my hair.

"I'll get it back quicker than you'd expect."I said in my old, arrogant voice. She grinned, and was overall pretty arrogant herself.

"Don't get too high of yourself."May said. "She's not that easy to catch." Paul turned around, wanting to walk away, Dawn close behind him. Finally, we were alone. My face suddenly changed from my cocky attitude. That took May by surprise, and she frowned. "You okay?" I smiled and nodded. I wasn't gonna bring my leaving up. Not now. But I did take her hand in mine, and squeezed it a bit.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh, so that's why you hid behind plants of the exact same color as your hair." I smiled. I wanted to have a more serious conversation right now, but she managed to make me feel comfortable anyway. I shook my head.

"Tomorrow is the dance."I started. That stupid dance. It was a cowardly move, and I hated the principal for it. But there was something good about it. I could have one last night, saying my goodbyes to everyone. Especially to May. She had given me such a great time. Even with all the things going on in this place, she remained calm and steady. I admired her.

"Yes, what with it?"she asked.

"I would have no interest in going, if not for the current situation I'm in."I admitted. "I want to go to the dance as a goodbye. And I would like to go with you." She blushed a bit. Why was this so different from all the other times she'd blushed? It seemed different. Maybe it was the serious atmosphere. I wanted it to be gone, and at the same time I didn't want it to be gone.

"I..."May began. Of course she had a lot to do, and I knew it was just a mere fantasy. But I wanted it to be more than just a dream. "I would love to." One tiny moment I felt some warm feeling inside me, it made me feel all light in my head. But the feeling was great. Unfortunately it didn't last long. "But we can't abandon Misty. And I'm guessing she won't come. Sorry, Drew." Now there seemed to be a hurting feeling, in my chest. 

I swallowed before saying, "Y-yeah, of course." I faked a smile. "We don't want our friends to die when we're dancing, am I right?" I didn't want Misty to die, nor did I wish anyone else would be in danger. But I would want to have one night, just one, without a murderer in the picture. Without someone else ruining every little plan I had. I would happily see that person behind bars. Just to make his life as miserable as mine. Well, as it was now.

"You are."May agreed. Then there was an uncomfortable silence. Not that any words would make this any less uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, it would've made things worse. But after a long time May said, "I'll help you with looking for Skitty." I nodded and stood up. That little pokémon shouldn't be difficult to find. May and I parted ways to look for the troublemaker, but something inside me felt like it was left at that place. Shards of my shattered heart would stay there. And the question was if they would every return to where they belonged.

( Gary's POV )

I used one blow after another. After everything that had happened, Red and I had agreed to a truce. And now Red was busy teaching me how to fight. And he was annoyingly good at pretty much any martial art. I had only learned how to do pokémon battles, but fighting myself was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

I got a leg in my side, and I winced with the pain. Red didn't seem the least bit tired, and we were already busy for some time now. I on the other hand, was bruised all over. And this was going on for a few days now. The door opened. I turned around to look at whoever came in, unfortunately that gave Red the time to punch me in the face. Then he got out a wooden knife, and touched me with it.

"That's cheating!"I yelled, but Red didn't seem to care. He dropped the wooden knife and walked to the bench to pick up his shirt, not making eye contact with the person at the door.

"And what might you be doing here?"Red asked on a sharp tone.

"I had a deal with Gary. I suggest you stay out of it."Ash growled. What a lovely atmosphere. I would certainly be happy to find Leaf with these people. One didn't even bother to talk, for most of the time, and the other didn't seem to be in such a great mood today. And I was just one big, miserable heap of flesh and bones.

"I don't even want to be part of it."Red said simply, and he stretched out his arm to help me get up. 

"Too bad, you're coming with us."I declared. I had promised I would do everything in my power to find Leaf. Finding forces that could find Leaf was also helping, and it was something I could do. The ones that kidnapped her were trained assassins. No matter what I would do, I would be less than them. But Red was good at fighting, and Ash had Pikachu on his side. The three of us could actually accomplish a lot. Now the only thing left to do was find her.

"No, he isn't."Ash snarled.

"I don't care what you think, Ash, but the more the better."I also picked up my shirt, and I quickly put it on. I hadn't even needed to get it off, since it became wet from my sweat as soon as I put it on anyway. Not the most likable way for Leaf to see me. But that wasn't any of my concerns right now. "I hope Dawn and Paul will be forming a team too. I want Leaf back, and I want it now."

"Don't assume that's gonna be easy, Romeo."Red said cold. He hadn't said anything about Leaf for the past few days that he'd trained me. He was rather quiet and only said simple words and sentences. I guess that was his way of dealing with the situation. Ash had no particular relation with Leaf, which made him neutral on whatever happened to her. He didn't care much, but he'd help if someone asked him. Well, before Misty and he broke up. Though it made some light go on in me too. And I guess also in them. I should thank Serena. This would strengthen their relation.

"I don't think it's gonna be easy, but I think we can do it."I said, convincing even myself. "I just wished we could arm ourselves, just in case things will get rough." Red nodded, but Ash just stared at me.

"I don't think violence is going to get us anywhere."Ash said, in all his honesty. I smiled.

"I know, it's just for defense."I asnwered. Ash nodded. "But we can't have any knives, so we should just do it with what we have. Let's go, otherwise we'll still be here at nightfall." They both followed me outside, into something dangerous. But they did it anyway.


2005 words. Not my usual long chapters, but it's all I'm giving now. And it feels like a little inspiration came into me. I'll write something tomorrow too, but who knows when I'll publish? Thank you for your patience though. ^^

And I think I'll publish the next chapter Friday, if nothing gets in the way.



Thank you!


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