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Sometimes it's hard to make a choice and try to figure out what will come of it. To in a sense gamble with fate and destiny. But we do it all the time and don't always think twice. That's what Optimus did when he accepted a small truce. He allowed Megatron to work with them, so they could save the earth. He knew the risks and knew something would happen once the task was finished. The only thing he didn't...


Troy stopped suddenly as he watched the children gather around. He came everyday and they had been here for a few weeks now. Every child knew of his stories, and a few were even in them. The nurses and doctors had heard a few of his stories as well. The whole hospital knew of him now as the story teller. He would even base a few of his characters off of the staff.

"Don't stop now." Rafael whispered quietly as he sat by Oliver. "What happens next?" He asked. Troy stared at him then glanced at the oldest boy that was there. He smiled slightly then looked at each of them before continuing.

The grandfather cleared his throat and glanced at his older grandson. Sam was pouting in a corner, he didn't want to be here but his parents were busy. The boy glared at the children then looked away. He just wanted to go home with his brother and call it good. Though he didn't mind listening to the stories, even if they were dumb.


"Megatronus?" The Prime asked as he shook his helm slowly. Megatron slowly lowered his blade as he realized the Autobot leader had lost his memories. He helped him up and smiled wickedly.

"Good to have you back Orion." He said as he smiled a little kinder.

"What's going on? Who are they?" The Prime asked as he looked at the other bots.

"Our mortal enemy." Megatron muttered and motioned for him to go through the portal. Bumblebee made optic contact with his leader and pleaded silently. The Prime stared at him then ran off. The-


"No!" All the children yelled as some hid. Troy blinked in surprise and stared at them. He smiled slightly as they all protested and wanted the story to go a different way.

"He can't just forget!" One said as he looked at the others.

"He has to defeat Megatron, not join him." Another said as she pouted.

"Grandpa, Optimus is a good guy... not a bad guy." Oliver said as he furrowed his brow.

"Poor Bumblebee..." Raf whispered quietly and stared at his hands.

A nurse came to get them all back in their rooms. They whined again and reluctantly left. Sam walked with his brother and held his little hand. They went to the room and Troy carefully picked the frail boy up. He then set him in his bed and helped the nurse. Sam watched for a few minutes then ran out of the room. He couldn't take this anymore.

He sniffed sadly and looked around as he tried to clear his head. He sat in the waiting room and pulled out his game. He glared at it then shoved it back in his pocket. He folded his arms and flopped against the chair. He was so bored and wanted to leave this place.

"You waiting for someone too?" A man asked. Sam looked over at him and noticed how exhausted he was. He nodded slowly and sat up straighter. The man stared blankly at him then looked at his hands.

"Don't bother." He scoffed and clenched his fists tightly. "Whoever you're waiting for won't make it." He said bitterly and stood up as a doctor came in.

"What... what do you mean?" Sam asked quietly and furrowed his brow. The man stopped suddenly and sighed forcefully as he shook his head.

"You're so naive. You need to wake up and be in the real world. Whoever you're here for is going to die. No matter what the doctors tell you, no matter what they think they're doing, they're just going to die." He muttered bitterly and glared as he fought back tears.

"No... no my... no he's strong..." Sam whispered quietly as tears filled his eyes and started to fall.

"Face it kid." The man spat clearly in a lot of pain. "They won't survive and you might as well say goodbye now." He growled then shrugged the doctor away as he stormed off. Sam stared blankly then stared at his lap. He choked back a sob then got up and started running as he broke down.

He ran down the hall but didn't know where he was going. He burst out a side door and looked at the ambulances. He went to one in the corner and sat against the wall as he hugged his knees to his chest. He sobbed silently for a few minutes as he thought about what the man had said.

"Are you alright?" A voice asked and he jumped a little. He slowly calmed down and looked up at the old car. The voice didn't say anything else. He stared blankly for a few minutes then narrowed his eyes.

"Stupid car..." he mumbled and smacked the bumper. "Stupid stories... stupid everything." He sobbed and started kicking the bumper.

"Ow! Hey!" The voice yelled angrily and Sam stopped suddenly. He blinked in surprise and slowly looked at the grill. The ambulance shifted a little but otherwise didn't move.

"No... no way..." he whispered and stayed sitting on the floor. He was terrified to move and kept his back to the wall.

"Y... yo... you're real..." he gasped and shook his head slowly.

"Of course I'm real, why wouldn't I be?" The car growled lowly.

"I-I-I'm sorry... I thought you were just a story Ratchet." He whispered in slight fear and surprise. The car was silent for a few minutes then shifted again.

"How... well... I should ask why you're out here. It's not safe for... a... little earth boy." He muttered. Sam nodded slowly then bit his lip as it quivered. He burst into tears and buried his face in his hands.

"Uh... what... what are you doing?" The car asked and seemed confused.

"I-I-I'm sorry... I'm just crying... a man told me that no matter what... my brother is going to die! No one can help him... no one... not even the doctors." He sobbed uncontrollably. It was silent for a few minutes then he felt an arm around his small shouldes.

"Hey... don't fall apart on us." The man said gently as he crouched by him. Sam recognized the voice from the ambulance. The man had a kind face and he was pretty old, maybe older than his grandfather. He wasn't exactly sure. But the man wasn't ancient, just looked old to him.

"What am I supposed to do?" He asked quietly and hugged the man tightly. The man stiffened and stared at him blankly.

"Just... don't give up... once you give up, everyone around you will. Especially your brother who looks up to you." He muttered. Sam nodded slowly and sniffed sadly as he wiped his tears away. He pulled back and smiled sadly.

"Thanks Ratchet... though I know you don't like hugs... sorry." He whispered and furrowed his brow as he looked at his name tag.

"Why does your name tag say Gregory Combs?" He asked quietly. The man blinked a couple times then looked at the car.

"Uh... it's... my name." He said seriously and raised an eyebrow. Sam seemed really confused and he sighed shakily.

"It's my cover name." He whispered quietly and smiled a little. He had played the boys game this far. Sam nodded slowly and let the man guide him back into the building. He thanked him then hugged him again before walking back to the room. Gregory watched him go then smiled ever so slightly before disappearing.

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