wonderful premiere....(2)

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Gemma POV

Everyone got seated as I was in a secluded area higher than the normal seat down. It as embodied with red furry cloth. It was very soft. As I've said before I'm lonely here except there's a steward here at the entrance of the door.

I rest on the railing gazing at everyone and must I say they all look exquisite. I could spot Amelia from here and she was already with Lennox, smiling her teeth off. She seems to be having a nice time then. I was happy for her.

"Steward?" I called him.

"Yes ma" his high British voiced echoed.

"What is your name?" I said facing him this time.

His man who seems to be in their mid forties. He had a mix of gray and black hair around his chin that compliments his fair complexion. He was taken aback by my question.

"Ma my name is Stuart" he said bowing down again.

"Okay hello Stuart, do you want to watch the movie" I asked him.

"But I have to stay here "he insisted.

"so u want to watch tho" I stated as a matter of fact.

"you can't go if you want, don't worry I'll be alright Stuart...I just want to be alone for the meantime" I explained looking at him and he simply nodded leaving the area all to myself.

Shortly, the director, Kincaid came out clinking his glass of wine causing attention to himself but soon later everyone kept silent.

"I want to use this opportunity to thank you all for coming to this premier it is really a honor, making this movie with all of you has been my light this year, I want to specially thank the queen of the day, Gemma Loxley...." He said and everyone look my direction clapping their hands and I simply just smile.

"then to miles shiro, the male lead of Christmas with you and many more of you...thank you for making my imagination a reality...without further ado let's begin the movie" he said and I sip my wine.

The projection shone light from its hole on the wall and the movie began. I just sat there gazing at the movie but honestly I know how everything is gonna work out so I was just bored.

I don't want to press my phone because people are watching I don't want a mean caption saying

'At her own premiere she's always on phone,...she's always disrespectful' what bullshit! I could use a drink, finish mine while playing with my thoughts.

Stuart isn't here so I just got to go down and stood up but then I heard a low-toned, gentle voice say

"Is it a drink you ought  for ma?"

"Yeah, but Stuart I told you to....." I said turning around to look at him but then I trailed off my sentence. He wasn't Stuart or miles.

It was carter. But how? Maybe I was being paranoid. Or maybe im thinking too much of him that its in my head now. But still I wanted to asked

"Carter?" then he came out in the dark then I saw him clearly. The man I love with all my heart, carter Loxley. He was wearing a simple black suit. But just staring at his slightly bearded face, there was no simplicity in the way I felt about him.

He started walking closer to me and I don't know but I felt myself walking to him back feeling the need to hold him and never let go.

He hugged me so tightly I was intoxicated by his musky scent that I missed so much.

"Hey Gemma" he said once we departed but still in each other hands. I was just speechless it was selfish of me to just want this moment to pause and never end.

"Wanna get out of here?" he asked.

"When did you get here?" I managed to ask.

"I took a flight back here, cause of you...I've missed you mi Amor" he said bending a little to smash his lips against mine and damn! Have I missed him?

We went on then I remembered there are cameras everywhere. I went back a little.

"Yeah let's get out of here" I said smirking a little.

"I must warn you I didn't come through the front door, we have to follow through the back" he said. Knowing he went through all this for me. Made me feel loved.

"What if they notice I went missing?" I said knowing miles really wanted me here.

"Amelia got that covered" he said throwing in a grin. That sly best friend, she knew all along that he was coming but somehow I'm happy she kept it a secret.

We got down stairs quietly. Thank goodness no one saw one. Then we followed the kitchen back, stares were on us but we didn't care, once we got out. Luckily carter did excellent to bring a car with him.

"so where are we going to?" I asked as we got in listening to stormzy new album.

"I wanted to make up for the month I wasn't with you, so it's a surprise" he said staring straight at the road.

"you don't have to make up for anything, you're here now and that's enough" I said feeling relief wash over me.

Lip singing the lyrics of the song along with him while dancing in the car, made the night more memorable till he started the car in a deserted place full of sand and a sea ahead.

He came down first and opened the door for me.

"The night is cold so hold on to this" he said handing over his black suit to me as I cradle it over my shoulders. We took our shoes off and took a stroll as the icy wind sent hot chills round my body.

"So what have you been up to?" I asked him, holding on to his arm.

"Nothing much, but the business in Japan is going really well, but that's not important now....c'mon I want to take you somewhere so I need you to close your eyes"

Without hesitating I closed my eyes after giving him a what-the hell-are-you-planning eyes. He hands over to my waist and I could feel his bare hands on me because my dress was thin and light.

He led the way spinning me around sometimes and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Takes me back to our high school days when we will spend hours after school at the beach just playing and talking or cuddling, whatever we felt like doing we did.

"We're here" he said as I opened my eyes to the scenery before me, it was something beyond beautiful. There was a table for two filled with all manner; all the types of berries you can mention, wine, fruits and a large chocolate cake, my favorite!!!!

I turned around and jumped on him encircling my arms around his neck forcing him to bend down and kiss me, guess I was too tempted his lips are just too inviting.

"You didn't have to" I said tracing his face with my fingers.

"I wanted to and it's worth it" he said.

"c'mon let's hurry last person there doesn't get the cake!!" I said as I start racing to the table as he trails behind me but the dress restricts me so he gets there first but I'm still gonna taste that cake of course!!

"So that means you're not tasting from this" he said smiling slyly.

"It's because of the dress!" I said pouting.

"But you look sexy in it" he compliments but I couldn't help to blush.

"Sexiness doesn't give me cake" I said.

"But it gives you...." He said kissing me again as I pouted,now I was embarrassed.

"Now can we eat the cake?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"it's my cake not 'ours'" he corrects but I just dig my nails into the cake taking a large part of it into my mouth, frosting all over my face and he laughs the hell out of me.

"We were gonna share it" he said between laughs. Na ah he can't be laughing at me so I put the cake around his face and now I get why its so funny.

Made him look like Santa with a brown beard. But his my Santa!


We laughed out lungs off after eating to our hearts content. Now we stayed sitting across each other with intertwined hands as we wriggle our toes against the sand. Staring at the half moon over sea.

"so what do you think?" he asked me admiring my face in the moonlight.

"it was perfect" I said resting on his shoulder never wanting to let go. I wish life was always like this, just me and him together forever. How happy will I be!

"have you ever wondered how it will be if we weren't famous and all we were just a normal couple" I asked him, deep in thought.

"why will you want that?" he asked facing me.

"I don't know, all this can be overwhelming sometimes and I know I shouldn't care but it doesn't still reduce the hurt" I said almost feeling the tears building up.

"Mi Amor, I'm always here for you, no matter what! Don't let what the critics or media say define you, let them run their mouths all I know is that I love you and nothing is gonna stop that not now not ever" he said tipping over a gentle but comforting kiss over to my lips and it was all I need to wash my worries away.

The atmosphere was getting chillier and it was getting darker but with every passing second, I just wanted to be at his side, carter side, not anywhere else.

I tuck the suit closer to me and I think e took notice that I was cold.

"wanna get inside?" he asked.

"sure" I said then wondering where we are gonna stay. As if reading my mind he said

"I paid for a cabin not till far from here...for the night"

"You really prepared.." I said stunned by him.

"Anything for my mi Amor" he said smirking.

We finally got to the log cabin and it was screaming comfort. We didn't waste time taking a hot shower together after the work drenched day but once went to bed, it was perfect.

I didn't want to be anywhere else than to be cuddled around his arms as his scent, body and soul engulfed me with so much love and passion, it was my ideal reality.

Hey loves, told you the chapter was coming today, hope you love it? I guess you're met carter now but honestly I love their love story what about you?

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