•20 New Year

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Maya's P.O.V

Today was the day. Officially half a year since we adopted the kids. I wanna do something special fot them, but I can't, because the kids asked me not to. For soem reason.

I'm sitting here with Lucas arguing about what we should eat for dinner.

"Mac and cheese."

"Steak and potatoes." He says.

"Go eat your pants." I tease.

Matt walks into the living room with his bags packed.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"I'm going to study abroad. I have to board the plane in an hour. My program is in California."

"No you are not. Who said you can go?" I ask him.

"Dad did. He said I can go. Please mom. I'm expanding my education. And Shawn is going to be there to supervise me. Please?"

"Fine. But, I'm gonna miss you. Call me when you land. Lucas take him." I say shedding a tear.

"Matty, don't leave without me." Mason and Ciara come walking in.

"I'm sorry Mase. But, you can't come with me." Mason starts to cry.

"I'm gonna miss you." Mason says.

"I'm gonna miss you too." Matt hugs Mason tightly.

"Bye big brother." Ciara says pulling him in for a hug.

"Bye Ciara."

Matt left. I went to the bathroom. Emergency. So, I called Lucas.

"Hello? Maya? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes. Lucas, I'm late." I say.

"Late for what? An appointment?"

"No, my monthly schedule. I'm three weeks late." I hold my stomach. "Lucas, I'm pregnant." I giggle.

"Really? I'll be home in five minutes. I'm at the store."

I hang up. And smile. I can't believe I'm pregnant. I'm gonna have a child of my own. I can't believe this. I guess the doctor was wrong about Lucas.

A/N: There you are guys the ending of the first book. The second book comes out. In three weeks to be exact. I had to leave this book on a good note. Here's your chance to decise what the baby is.

Comment down below.

They will be in the next book. And go read Sweet Nightmares Sweet Dreams if you haven't already.

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