•3 Blackbird

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Blackbird -
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for the moment to arise

(A/N): I know the song is about racial issues but I really think that the first couple of lines really pertains to Matt because he hurts more and he knows the struggles that he goes through.
Maya's P.O.V

I made sure everything was all set for tonight's dinner. I was making, as Mason would call it, sketti and rounds. So, named the recipe after that. Sketti and rounds. Rounds as the meatballs.

I called Riley over for dinner. She said she was gonna bring her two daughters, Reina and Francesca. Reina is seven and Francesca is fourteen. They would be perfect for the kids to hang out with. I stopped what I was cooking and went to Mason's room to see if Lucas was getting him ready.

"Daddy, again. Again." I peeped through the door and saw Lucas dropping Mason on his bed. "Again, again, again."

"Oh alright. But, this is the last time. Then we have to get you ready." Lucas picked Mason up and was just about to drop him. Until I walked in that is. I looked at Lucas with a smile in my eyes but a look of disbelief because Riley was going to be here in an hour and he still wasn't dressed.

"Lucas, what are you doing? Is that what Mason is wearing? His pajamas?" I laughed.

Lucas put Mason down and shook his head smiling. Mason did the same thing. "What do you wanna wear, little man?"

Mason jumped off his bed and ran to his closet and picked out his Superman costume. "This. I wanna wear this." Lucas looked over at me for assistance. I shrugged my shoulders. I honestly didn't want him to wear it but, Lucas was in charge of this. HE brought the superman costume with him from the foster home.

"Okay, you can wear it. Let's get you in the tub first. You've been running around all day. You need a bath." Lucas picked him up and ran to the bathroom. While he was running out I looked at him.

I walked over to Ciara's room to see if she was getting ready. Ciara was in her closet. She tossed some stuff out and some stuff to the side. "Woah Woah Woah. What are you doing Ci? I picked clothes out for you. There are on the back of your door." She looked at me then walked to her door. I motioned for her to clean up this mess. I picked out a black and white polka dot dress with black flats. She smiled in relief that the clothes were there and she didn't have to pick out clothes for the next hour and a half.

Now the only child I had to check on was Matt. I walked up to the attic. "So, Matt, how's it going?" He looked at me with an 'I am not in the mood face'. "Are you ready Matt?"

He nodded. "Maya, can you leave me alone?"

"Why do you want to be alone? You finally have a family like you always wanted and you want to be left alone?" I ask him.

"I mostly wanted a family for Mason. Truly I don't trust anyone that adopts us, for one of two reasons: you adopted me just to adopt Mason.

"And the second reason?" I asked him intrigued by what he was going to say next.

"Maya, we both know there was never a second reason. you actually adopted me just to adopt Mason, I can see it in your eyes, you never even wanted me."

"That's not true. We wanted both of you."

"Okay, Maya, whatever you say. Get out of my room." He spoke with an attitude that was even more developed than before.

His attitude was getting way too out of hand. "Listen, Matt, this is my house. And I make the rules. If you don't like it you can go back to the system right now." He looked at me and nodded. He got up and ran downstairs. I followed after him as fast as I can. Matt went to Mason's room, who was already wearing his Superman costume.

"Hey, Matty, don't I look cool. I'm Superman." He said in a Batman's voice.

"Yeah cool. C'mon, we're leaving." Matt took Mason by the hand and walked toward the door, except Lucas stopped them. "Lucas please, can you get out of my way. I'm trying to go."

"What's going on here, Matt? Where are you going?" Lucas stood in the doorway leaning on the threshold.

"Ask Maya. She doesn't want me here." Lucas looked at me. Then I looked behind me. Like the thing, they did in the movies. I honestly knew that this was partially my fault, I should've left him alone. He would open up in due time, but no. I pry people open when I'm not supposed to.

"Stay cool, okay? Just stay here tonight. If you still want to leave in the morning we'll take you and Mason back." Lucas negotiated with him. Matt nodded and sat down on Mason's bed.

Lucas turned over to me and brought me to the living room. Lucas was just about to say something until there was a knock at the door. "We'll talk about this later." Lucas went over to the door and opened it.
Riley's P.O.V

I knocked on the door three times like I usually do. Lucas came and opened the door. "Hey, Friar clan." I stepped into the house and hugged Lucas then I made my way over to Maya. I hugged like I haven't seen her in forever. "It has been a week since I stepped foot through that door."

Maya nodded. "Sorry, we had to get everything ready." She smiled. Something was up. I bet they got a puppy.

"Did you get a puppy? Where is the little guy?" I asked looking around the living room. Then to surprise mini Superman came running down the hallway. I had a huge smile on my face. "I'm not sure if you guys noticed but, he looks a little too big to be a dog."

"I'm Mason. Wait no, I'm not. I'm Superman." He said.

"Well, nice to meet you, Superman. I'm your Aunt Riley. And this is your Uncle Farkle, and your cousins, Reina and Francesca." He smiled widely and ran over to them.

A little brunette girl came not so soon after. "I'm Ciara." She waved. I waved back.

Then Maya came to me and talked to me in private. "Matt is in the room down the hall. Do you mind talking to him?" I nodded and started walking.

I reached the room and knocked on the door. "Hey, Matt. I'm your Aunt Riley." I smiled. He waved silently. "So, what's the problem?"

"I don't know. I guess it's adjusting to a new family." He took out his earbuds from his ears.

"Well, everyone else has adjusted pretty well."

"That's only because Mason loves people. My brother is happy wherever he goes. And Ciara, I don't she noticed she left the system. She's always in a book." I got where he was coming from.

"How did you get into the system?" I looked at him.

"My biological mom's boyfriend didn't want me in the house, but my mom insisted on keeping me. Then he got my mom pregnant with Mason. He didn't want kids. And my mom didn't want to split us up. So, she put us both in the system. We've been here for six and a half years. Three foster homes three different schools. And one adoption house that gave us up the next day." I saw a tear shed down his cheek. I felt bad, I know that he had been through a lot, I could sense it.

"You are with Maya now. You're not going anywhere. She cares about you too much to let you go. Trust me. She might have just adopted you today, but she cares about you. I wouldn't be her best friend if I didn't have her." I stood up and he stood up to me. Then we just walked to dinner.
Maya's P.O.V

We sat at the table. "So, Riley. Farkle told us you had some good news." I hinted I knew what it was. She was having another child. Because honestly, Riley has had baby fever for a while.

"Yeah, actually, we are moving across the hall," I screamed in joy and so did she, I was in shock, I totally did not expect that. This day couldn't get any better. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

A/N: I hoped you liked it. Now you guys know why Matt is all grumpy gills. For the record, Masom does not know who his father is and I am going to keep it that way. But, his father will make an appearance soon. So, will the rest of the family. But, anyway, after this, Matt will loosen up and have fun.

This chapter has been updated.

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