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Nick and I pulled up in the parking lot to Lily's school. We got out and ran to the office and into the  courtyard . Lily had everyone in the cafeteria . We walked in to find mass panic . 

"Everyone calm down!  "Nick called.
"Chife Hoops!  Thank you for coming! Lily's in the courtyard trying to stall the Savages. " someone yelled . 
"WHAT!?!? "I yelled along with Nick. 
"Judes we have to get them out of hear first . Then we'll get Lily. " Nick whispered in my ear .
"Fine . " I chocked 

(Lily'sp.o.v ) 
"AHHHH! " I screamed. 
I jumped up from my spot and ran . Savage Natalia ran into the wall and collapsed . 
"Oh.my.god. " I muttered. 
I stared as  Natalia got up and prepared to pounce . I ducked as she took a swipe at my head and rolled away . 
"RRRAAAWWER ! "  Natasha,  Natalia,  Kayla, Addison  ( siad ? Rawred ? IDK) 
Amanda barked and growled at me .
"Ok now that I understood.  Ouch . " I siad. 
Everyone lunged at once. 
"AAAHHHHHH ! " I  screamed ducking to cover my head .

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