Chapter Eighteen

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 Andrew hears Max's voice in his head opens his eyes. Max, is that you? He asks not sure if he's hallucinating or what. Thank the Moon Goddess. Where are you? We've been looking for you. The storms over. He mindlinks with happiness.

I'm..umm, stuck...under a car.

Where, where were you when you got stuck? Come on Andrew. Andrew thinks for a moment. How did he get here? How did they end up stuck in a cold ditch?

Across from...from Maddie. He says slipping out of consciousness. He hears Nicole's slow heartbeat and knows they don't have long. She's not gonna make quick. He says before slipping away once more.

Max is already on his way to the elementary school. Just hang in there Andrew. We are coming.....Andrew, Andrew, can you say something? Anything? "Shit, come on let's go, Mike. Addison, he's not responding and said that Nicole's dying. I don't know, just they are stuck across from the school." He says and Addison nods her head. Andra sitting next to her and can't stop fidgeting.

"Andra, calm down. Being nervous or scared isn't going to help them when we get there. Max, are more people on their way. If he says he's stuck, us four aren't going to be enough." She says trying to keep worry out of her voice.

"Ty said that they were coming from the shelter. He's with some of the hunters." Max says looking all around, but not seeing where the school is.

"That's where the school was. It's..gone." Andra says looking at the pile of wood and other debri. It looks like the tornado just took the house and replaced it with crap.

"Alright, let's go." Max says opening his door. Mike stops the car and they all get out.

"Careful if you start moving things, it might end up collapsing and we don't know where they are." They all nod and spread out. Andra runs down moving wood, but not getting anywhere. She slips from it being so muddy and lands on her hands and knees. Her hands are red and she looks to see a stream of blood coming.

"Addison. Addison." She yells running up to a big load of debris piled up. They all come running towards her. Addison sees the blood mixed in with the water and mud.

"Ok, start to slowly remove pieces, but if it sinks so much as a centimeter stop. We don't know how much weight can fall on them or how much could already be on them. Andra, go and put the car closer to here and open the back so I can get all my things." She says and Andra runs up the ditch.

Max, Mike, and Addison all start removing debri. "Addison, we're going to need more people then what's coming," Mike says seeing that a car is only being held up by some shrapnel and wood. Addison comes around and looks at what he's pointing at. She sees and curses backing away. Max comes around to see and feels his stomach drop.

"Ok, see if you can find a hole somewhere. I need to see them." She says and starts searching. "Don't move any more wood." She says as she sees the car start to sink. She looks down and realizes it's not them, it's the ground. Because it's so muddy the supports have been moving. "Ok, think, think." She says spinning in a circle. "We need more wood. We need to prop the car up on the left side. The right side will stay because of all the metal." She says and Max and Mike look at her confused. "The wood is slipping because of the mud, the metal is deeper into the ground, making it more stable. We need to stabilize the car and then find a way to open either on the front or back to get them out. Max, tell Ty and the rest of our plan. See what they can bring." Max nods his head and Andra jumps up.

"I can see them." Addison runs around to her. She gets down on the ground and looks through the whole.

"Can you get me a light? It's in the blue bag on the side." She says moving some things to get more room. She feels some heat seeping out of the hole and blocks it with a piece of wood. "How can I make it warmer? The heat's going to continue to seep out. How to keep it warm?" She mumbles and then Andra's back. She hands Addison the flashlight. She removes the wood and shines it in.

She sees Andrew under Nicole but sees blood leaking from the top of his shoulder. She can't see Nicole's face to determine how long she can last. She moves it back to Andrew. His lips are a dark blue and his face is light along with his arms. She sees that Nicole's hands are under his head and that's the only thing keeping his head out of the water. She sees her hands are blue and curses putting the wood back over the whole. "They don't have more than 40 minutes and I'm not sure if Nicole can even last 30. She's a lot smaller, malnutritioned, and not nearly as healthy as Andrew. Andrews bleeding from the shoulder, but he's got to be bleeding somewhere else with this much blood." She says and shakes her head. She hears more people come up. They all start asking her questions at once and she stands up. "Shut up. I don't know. I only know that we need to stabilize this damn car, somehow get heat into there, and get them out in less than 40 minutes. Anyone have any ideas speak up."

"Chase is bringing tools to help lift the car off of the ground, but for now find anything that's sturdy and start sticking it under the car." Ty says taking lead over everyone.

"But we can't do that until we get heat. The only thing keeping them from freezing is there body heat that's trapped in there." Addison says and Ty looks around trying to get an idea.

"The kids, they were growing plates. They were using heat lamps-"

"The school is on top of them and all around this field." She says and he looks to where the school should be.

"Damn it, ok, um..." He starts pacing. "There's gotta be something." He mumbles trying to come up with anything. "We could make a fire..around the car. Lay down the wet wood and then dry wood." He says and Addison shakes her head.

"If that goes out of control they are done. This is a car, it and fire not a good combination." She says and he shakes his head.

"That's the only option. There is nothing around here. You say they are dead in 40 minutes we might as well try to save them instead of standing around not coming up with something better." He says frustrated.

"Alright, fine, but there needs to be a least a foot away from the car." She says. He nods his head and runs off. Addison gets back down to look through the whole. She looks around the whole and sees red stains to the right. She squints her eyes and realizes that Andrew must have cut a blood vessel because more blood is coming from the whole. She points her flashlight back to them, but can only see Andrew's right side and Nicole's back.

She hears commotion around her and sees everyone putting wood down. She looks in and picks a side that they're coming out of. "Leave the left side alone. We need to be able to get in and out to get them." She says and they nod moving the wood. She stands up shaking her head. "Only these two I swear." She mumbles. She watches as they light the fire. The wind has died down thankfully, but it's still blowing.

"Ok, now let's start getting the wood. Careful when going in." He adds. When they all have pieces of wood they count to three to lift, place, and let go. "Alright, good. Let's go again." Ty says. Addison and Andra stay out of the way flinching every time they lift a piece away afraid the car might just give. Addison walks around the whole thing.

"Andra help me pull out some of this." She says going to the left side. They both start pulling the wooden sticks out along with miscellaneous things that were stuck. She hears another car pull up and hears Chase's voice. The guys go running up the ditch. "Car jacks." She says when she sees them come down with a few. "Make sure to put them on the wood you placed or they'll sink into the ground." She says as they all carefully lift the car and start placing them in.

She watches them making sure they don't get too close to the fire. "Ok, at the same or it's going to fall one way," Ty says looking at everyone. "Ok, down." They all push down. Addison runs back over to the left side and starts to remove the things blocking them. She watches as she can almost get everything out of the way. Then the right side slips. She jumps up to see one of them fall from the car being lifted.

"Stop, stop, don't do anymore." She yells and everyone stops. "Spread out and be prepared to catch the damn car. Andra start pulling this all out and you see those boards they're on. When you can we start pulling them. Ok?" She asks and Andra gets on her knees and starts pulling.

"Alright, everyone make sure you've got a grip on the car, not something else. If you need more room, just kick the fire boards. They'll burn out with all the water." Ty says and sees only two people had to move the boards. They all hear a crunch and get a good grip. Ty feels it drop and Addison begins helping Andra. "Hold it, everyone. Come on Addison, get them outta there." He grits out trying to keep the car up as he feet begin to sink into the mud.

"My feet are slipping." Ty hears someone to his right say.

"Just hold for a little longer. Come on." He says lifting with everything he's got. He feels his body slipping and his muscles beginning to weaken. Right then the whole right side goes down causing everyone else to end up dropping because of too much weight.

"It's ok, I got them." They hear Addison yell. Ty falls into the floor with relief. He hears some cheers but knows that wasn't the hardest part. They still need to make it through.

"Chase, get to the car. You guys come help me lift them up out of here." She says and the people closest start grabbing the wood thereon.

When they get to the car they side the two into the back seat. "Andra hop into the back and get ready to hand me things. Chase get us back to the pack." She says and pushes the passenger seat forward so she has some room in the back with them. She lifts Nicole off of Andrew and then finds his wound. "Shit, ok. Andra any gauze, anything to clean infections, um.." She feels unorganized in the back of a car and not everything she needs is there. Andra's handing over gauze and some disinfectant liquid. "Andra, check her pulse." She says feeling Andrew's is slow. Andra leans over the seat and puts her hand to her neck.

"She...I can't find one." Andra says and puts her hand under Nicole's mouth to see if she can feel her breathing.

"What do you mean? Andrew still has one and he's wounded, she should be better than him." She says confused and trying to clean Andrew's wound. "He's not bleeding that much. Where else is he bleeding?" She asks looking all over him for any big cut, but not seeing anything.

"She has a gash in her arm. It doesn't look too good." Addison looks over and realizes most of the blood was from her arm, not Andrew's shoulder.

"Shit, shit, shit. Gauze and more of it." She says resting Andrew against the door. She moves over to Nicole when she's thrown to her left.

"Sorry, didn't see some of the debri." Chase says swerving.

"Dammit, Chase." She yells seeing Andrew's fallen over. Andra drops the gauze in Nicole's lap and heaves Andrew back against the window. "Andra move Andrew's legs. I need you to start compressions while I try to stop the bleeding." She says. Andra moves his legs and leans over the seats on her stomach. "Chase, turn the heat down. They're going to get too warm too fast." She says as she looks at the cut. "And she managed to get some metal stuck in her arm. Nicole, you never cease to amaze me." She says looking at the cut.

"We're here, pulling right up to the hospital side." He says breaking. The doors are opened by other Lota's. "Take him and get him fluids, clean the wound, stitch it, and make sure he gets warm slowly. And he'd better not die on your watch." She says and they all nod their heads pulling him out of the car.

"Ok, get a stretcher, compressions can't be stopped. Andra, I'll take over and you climb back here." She says putting her hands on Nicole's chest. Andra quickly gets into the back and then starts compressions.

Addison gets out of the car and helps get Nicole and Andra on the stretcher. She's kneeling over her careful not to be on her. "Nicole, you'd better not die on me." She says keeping her tears away. She hears Addison calling out instructions, but she's to stay where she is. She's pushed into a room and is told to stop compressions. She gets off and almost falls over.

"Ok, charging...clear." Nicole's body jumps up, but still no heartbeat.

"Come on Nicole, come on," Andra says watching them all work frantically around her.

"Charging...clear." They all look to see a heartbeat, but still none. "Ok, Nicole one more time. I can't go any higher." Addison says and then yells, "Clear." They look up and Addison smiles as a weak, but steady heartbeat is there.

Andra almost falls to the floor with relief. "Andra, go and check on Andrew. Make sure everything's going smoothly." Addison says and Andra straightens up. She turns around runs out of the room. She doesn't know where they brought him but knows it's not in the left wing because the left wing is gone.

She turns around sharply and runs looking into each room. She sees Chase run into a room and knows he's got to be in there. As she's almost to the door she rams into someone coming from the other hallway. She ends up on her stomach her hands catching her as she falls. She turns back and sees someone she doesn't know but knows she's going to be getting to know. "Follow me." She says getting up and pulling him with her. He follows without hesitation and stops at the door as she runs in and starts to help hold Andrew down. "What did you guys do?" She asks looking at all of them.

"He started crashing, we shocked him and he started seizing," Anna says staring at him not know what to do.

"His body wasn't able to handle the voltage. You guys should have known that. Give him a sedative, now. 30cc." She says knowing it might be a risk for a werewolf, but he needs to stop shaking.

"Ok, it's in." Chase says and Andrew stops shaking. She lets out a breath and looks at her other medics.

"Everyone out except for Chase and Sarah." She says and they begin to shuffle out. She looks back at the door and sees the gorgeous man still in the doorway. "Good, I didn't mean you." She says and he smiles. Chase looks at her with a smile and she rolls her eyes. "Ok, help me roll him over." She says getting focused again.

As they roll him over Avery comes into the room. "How is he?" She asks looking at him.

"I think he's going to be fine. His wound is a little infected, but he'll be alright." Andra says and Avery nods her head. She takes a seat and watches them work on her brother. She glances over at the man in the doorway she doesn't know.

"Are you from the other pack that got hit?" She asks. He turns his head towards her and nods. "Why are you waiting in here? Your pack is with Jake right now." She says but catches Andra's glare towards her. Leave him alone, he's my mate. She all but growls through the mindlink. "Nevermind." She says waving her hand. He goes back to watching Andra.

Once the wound's been cleaned and wrapped they roll him back over. "Ok, Avery you wanna get him some clothes. Chase go and get some heated blankets, but if you can't find any, just grab normal ones." She says. Avery and he leave the room as she starts going through basic checks. She checks his pupils, which still dilate when she shines a light. "Ok, keep track of his in an outtake of fluids. Get me if he has any change and make sure to keep him warm, but not too quickly." She says and Sarah nods her head.

She turns and takes off her bloody gloves before smiling up at the man. "Well, how about you tell me what you name is, I'm Andra." She says and the two walk out of the room.

"Mathew, but everyone calls me Matt." He says and she smiles.

"Hi, Matt."


Max finds Andrew's room and sees Avery sitting in the corner of the room while Sarah's writing things down. "How is he?" He asks looking him over. He can only see his face because he's covered in blankets.

"Andra says he's going to be fine, but Addison hasn't been here once. She's still with Nicole." She says with slight bitterness.

"Andra knows what she's doing and do you know what state Nicole is in?" He asks annoyed with her always be rude towards Nicole. She looks up at him and shakes her head. "They keep having to revive her. She has a heart rate for like ten minutes and then it's gone again. She has an infection that's spreading through her body that she can't fight and she may or may not lose a hand because she made sure to keep Andrew's head out of the water. She made sure that Andrew's wound didn't bleed out and made sure that he was taken care of, so don't go and say that Nicole is getting special treatment. And you know damn well if he were awake he'd have told-command Addison to help Nicole first, even if he was dying and she just had a simple cut. I don't know what your problem is with her, but she's not a bad person and she's the reason he's still breathing." He says huffing by the time he's done. She looks up at him and shakes her head.

"Who was the one that went running out when there was a tornado? She did-"

"Don't, just shut up. You're going to need to learn to like her or at least respect her when you're around her or you're going to lose the only family you have left." He says and storms out of the room. He walks back down to Nicole's room to see it's filled with Lota's.

"Are all the medics in there?" Jake asks startling Max.

"Almost." He says bowing his head. He shakes his head looking into the room.

"How's Andrew?"

"Fine, Andra was the one helping him and she's perfectly capable of doing it." He says and Jake looks at him strangely.

"I know she is. Addison wants to make her the next Theta, but wants to make sure she can handle the pressure of what you end up seeing." He says and Max's eyes go wide.

"Addison wants to make Andra the next medical leader." He says with a bright smile on his face.

"Yes, but you can't say anything, she hasn't made it for sure." He says with a small smile. "Now, I just need to get my Beta's to stay healthy." He says and Max laughs.

"Yeah, that might be hard with these two."

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