Chapter 1: Shut up, Garble! Arrival into Equestria!

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(POV none, Dragon Lands)

When Shifter and his teammates finally made it into Equestria, they looked like they were in severe pain. "Good Gaia, those things are rough!" Carol exclaimed in pain.

"D'oh, I've had worse nights!" Eclipse exclaimed in pain as well.

"My first time experiencing Chaos Control, and it gives me immeasurable pain. I fail to see why everyone else loves it," Shifter said, upset about his first Chaos Control.

"Wait, you've never used Chaos Control before?" Misty asked.

"Yes, I haven't," Shifter admitted.

"Why?" Misty asked him.

"You know how every Gaia Fruit, Light or Dark, has some sort of limitation that prevents the user from getting too powerful?" Shifter asked.

"Yeah, and?" Misty asked, wanting to know what Shifter was getting at.

"Mine is the inability to use the Chaos Emeralds' power," Shifter told them.

"Wait, you mean..." Misty tried to say, but couldn't get the words out in time.

"Yeah, not only can I not use Chaos Control, but I can't go Super or Hyper." Shifter told her, then asked, "You happy?"

"Not really," Misty said, then, wanting to change the subject, asked, "Anyways, where are we?"

"You're in the Dragon Lands, little... things!" said a voice from above them. When the group looked up, they saw a dragon with dull red scales, a yellow underbelly, yellow spikes on his back that end with a webbed crest on his head, yellow eyes, purple pupils, and yellow, slightly torn wings.

Lilac looked like she was about to jump in joy due to the fact that there was a dragon other than herself, but Shifter calmed her down by whispering to her, "We're in another dimension. The last thing we need is you fangirling over one dragon that just might be common around here." After that, Shifter then said, "Sorry about my girlfriend's overly excited manner right now, but where she's from, dragons are very much rare and she gets really excited when she does see one."

"I guess that is un-, under-, underst-," the dragon tried to say.

"Understandable," Shifter said.

"Yeah, it's that. It's like that when you think about it," the dragon said, making Lilac frown at his stupidity.

'What kind of dragon can't even understand long words like, 'understandable'?' Lilac said in her head.

"Anyways, my name's Shifter, the red and grey one over there is Eclipse, my girlfriend is Lilac, the wildcat's Carol, the purple hedgehog's Misty, and the white one's Spade," Shifter told the dragon, then asked, "What's your name?"

"My name's Garble, and you're trespassing on dragon turf!" The dragon shouted, then he shoved Shifter's head into the ground. After doing that and looking down at his neck, he then looked to his left and asked, "And just what do you think you're doing?"

With his Black Sword held at Garble's throat, Eclipse said, firmly, "I could ask you the same question."

"Wait! Hold on, Eclipse! Don't kill him just yet! I want to see the other dragons!" Lilac said to Eclipse, knowing that Garble might know where more dragons are.

"Please be quiet, Lilac! I'm only taking up on this guy's offer for a fight!" Eclipse said.

"No, Eclipse! Don't do it!" Shifter said after getting back up.

"What!? Why!?" Eclipse asked.

"If we kill anyone who hurts a single one of us, then we'd be no better than the monsters who we're trying to bring down. Besides, we were going to encounter a fight not worth fighting sooner or later, and this guy's not worth the dirt on the bottom of my shoe," Shifter said, offending Garble, then Shifter and his friends then tried to find a way to get to the mainland.

"Why in the name of Tartarus would you think that I'm not worth fighting you!?" Garble shouted as Shifter and the others walked away.

"Because you're not even a little bit compared to the same demon-possessed doll that killed my mother!" Shifter shouted at him. After he did, an uproar of laughter was heard from multiple teenage dragons that were hiding behind small hills around him and his comrades.

"I guess our arrival was a lot more visible than we thought," Misty said, observingly.

"Looks like it, but what are they laughing about?" Shifter asked.

"DID HE SAY WHAT I THINK HE SAID!?" asked a dragon while laughing.

"DEMON-POSSESSED DOLL?! WHAT AN IDIOT!" said another dragon while laughing.

Shifter was confused until he realized that they were laughing at Shifter's description of his mother's killer, and said, "First off, my IQ is nearly at 300!" Then, after pulling out a picture of Tails Doll and added, "Secondly, as you retards can clearly see, I have photographic evidence that it was a doll that was possessed by a demon!" That only made the dragons laugh even harder.

"HEY, DO I LOOK LIKE THE DOLL NOW!?" asked a dragon while laughing, trying to pose like the Tails Doll in the picture.

"So sorry, kiddo, but the age of dreams is over! Friendship is no longer needed! All that we need in this New Era is the treasure that we collect!" Garble told Shifter.

"... That is one big pile of shit!" Shifter commented while picking his nose.

"I'm sorry, what?" Garble asked.

"You heard me," Shifter said.

"Why would you think that my idea of the New Era is a big pile of shit?" Garble asked.

"I mean, 'the age of dreams is over!'? 'Friendship is no longer needed!'? Yeah right!" Shifter said, then he started laughing at how ridiculous that sounded. After he finished laughing, Shifter said, "Dreams and friendship may be different, but they both have one thing in common: they will never die!" Shifter then asked his friends, "Am I right!?" His friends nodded in agreement with Shifter.

"So you think that my vision of the New Era's shit because you think that friendship and dreams can never die? Wake up! Dreams are nothing more than stupid little lies, but that's probably what you like best about them! You like to blame mere myths that they're the reason that something happened, but you know nothing! There's no such thing as demons, or dolls that can move all on their own! The only thing that you just proved is that you killed your mother on purpose, and that she would be very much ashamed of you, due to you being a killer!" Garble shouted, making Shifter angry.

"You shouldn't have said that. Those words just made me angry, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry," Shifter said.

"Oooh, I'm so scared. What are you going to do, punch me?" Garbel asked.

"Exactly," Shifter told him.

"Oh ho ho ho! Looks like we got ourselves a tough guy! Go ahead, give it your best shot!" Garble exclaimed as he got closer to Shifter.

"CHAOS IMPACT!" Shiter shouted as he uppercutted Garble so hard, he coughed up blood and lost consciousness. This action had surprised all of the dragons that were watching all of that unfold. "Now, if we're currently not in Equestria at the moment, then I need a way to get me and my friends to Equestria as soon as possible," Shifter said, and all of the dragons went to work except for one who went up close to Garble's face, which confused Shifter.

"YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT, MAN!" the dragon shouted out loud.

(One hour later)

The teenage dragons had built a raft on the edge of the Dragon Lands where the west coast of Equestria was presumed to be. Shifter began to walk to the raft until a dragon asked, "Why are you headed towards Equestria, anyways?" After he asked that, Shifter stopped walking and the dragons shivered in fear of what Shifter was about to do.

"Why am I going there?" Shifter asked rhetorically after he raised his fist up, then the teenage dragons backed away quickly, with some losing their balance as they did. "To meet someone," Shifter told them.

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