chapter 29: marius's irritation

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chapter 29: marius's irritation


       "Mr. Lannister," my receptionist suddenly says through the speaker of my office. "There's a man here wanting to see you. He claims to be your father."

       I sigh heavily, knowing well enough that it probably is my dad. I had blocked his cell number a while ago so I have no idea if he has been trying to get a hold of me. If he was, he probably figured that the only ways he could see me is to either show up at my house or at my work.

       I have to be honest, as annoyed as I am, I'm glad he chose my work and not my house since I really don't want my him anywhere near my daughters.

       Even though I have a feeling my dad isn't here for anything good, I decide to let him talk to me just this once. The last conversation we had was over the phone, so maybe me telling him in person that I want nothing to do with him until he stops being so intolerant will get him to realize I'm being serious about it.

       I press the button to speak to my receptionist and say, "You can send him up."

       "Are you sure?" she asks before she lowers her voice. "Because he looks a bit... mad."

       "I'm sure," I say. "Don't worry. He won't do anything bad." If anything, he'll just yell at me, but I can always get the security to kick him out if I have to.

       "Alright. I'm sending him up now."

       When Dad gets to my office, he doesn't even do the polite thing and knock on the door. He just barges in, thankfully at least closing the door behind him. My receptionist is right; he does look a bit mad. If this is still about me marrying Fawn, he has to get over it. He has had months to get used to the idea.

       "And to what do I owe this pleasure?" I ask Dad even though I know well enough that kind of attitude will probably annoy him even more.

       "I heard that your wedding is next month," Dad says. So I'm right. This does have to do with me getting married to Fawn. He's really stuck on the idea of a traditional marriage that a man must only marry a woman.

       "You're correct," I say. "August fifteenth."

       "I'm going to give you one last chance to put a stop to this insane thing," Dad says. "Call it off."


       "No? Did you just say no?"

       "I did. What, did you really think I would agree with you after I made it very clear that I love Fawn more than anything in this world? No matter what you say or do, I'm not going to call off the wedding. I'm getting married to him next month whether you like it or not. It's your choice to accept it or still be intolerant, but nothing you say is going to change my mind."

       Dad crosses his arms over his chest. "Fine. If you won't listen to me, then I'm going to be taking you out of my will. Do not expect any inheritance from me."


       "Did you not hear me? No inheritance means no money. No estate. Nothing."

       "Yeah, I heard you. Did you really think that bribing me with money was going to change my mind? I earn more than enough running my own company and even if I didn't, I would still choose Fawn. I'm always going to choose him, so you can just save your breath with whatever else you're going to say to try to change my mind. It's not happening."

       "Fine. Then you are cut off completely."

       "Yeah, I cut you off myself a while ago, Dad. Why else do you think I blocked your cell number?"

        Dad doesn't say anything else. He finally realizes nothing he says is going to change my mind, so he leaves my office, slamming the door behind him. I don't care anymore at this point. If I had to choose Fawn over someone who won't even accept me for who I am, then I would choose Fawn. I would choose Fawn every single time.

       Close to the end of my work day, I get a call from Robbie. Since I'm not too busy right now, I answer his call. "Hello?"

       "Are you off of work?" Robbie asks.

       "Not yet. I got about half an hour? Why?"

       "Oh, I just wanted to run something by you. I'll call you back."

       "No, it's fine. I'm not busy. What did you want to run by me?"

       "How would you feel about a bachelor party? You know, one final night of freedom before you get married."

       I'm silent for a bit. It's not that I'm against a bachelor party. In fact, as long as it's something I would enjoy, I would love one. I just don't particularly like the way Robbie phrased that.

       Apparently, I'm taking too long to answer for Robbie because he soon says, "Hello? Earth to Marius? Are you still there?"

       "Yeah, I'm here," I say. "Just... Don't like marriage sound like a prison sentence."

       "I didn't."

       "One last night of freedom before getting married? You kind of did make it sound like I'm going to prison just by getting married. I don't know, it just rubbed me the wrong way."

        "Ah, I see what you're saying now. Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It's just something everyone says so I thought it was an okay thing. But now I'm seeing how weird it is. Would that be a no to the bachelor party as well?"

       "No, I'd like one," I say. "But one that's more my style and not something you would see in a movie or something. I'd want something that's more of a get together with my friends. That's it. Nothing wild."

       "Got it. Nothing wild. I'll get one planned for you then. Oh, why don't you pick a date that works for you and I'll plan it for then?"

       "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I'll look at my calendar and let you know what works for me."

       We hang up and the first thing I do is check my calendar since I know Robbie will get antsy and want an answer as soon as possible. Before I choose one, I check in with Fawn and let him know about it so he can be prepared for it. He lets me know that any date I choose is fine with him, so I pass the message onto Robbie.

       I have to say, I'm glad I chose Robbie to be my best man. He was really excited when I asked him and I can now see how much it means to him. I'm glad we were able to get past our little sibling feud and are now as close as ever.


so there wasn't a scene of marius asking robbie simply because there have been quite a few times skips in the book lol. it started in february and it's now july in the book.

but we're even closer to the wedding now! i can't wait!

OH ALSO i've had some actors for a while now that i thought fit marius and fawn so i thought i'd post a pic of them here so you can see what they look like lol:

(blond hair is fawn and black hair is marius)(they're both so pretty)

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