chapter 32: fawn's big day

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chapter 32: fawn's big


       This is it. It's the day I've been waiting for ever since I asked Marius to marry me. I would be lying if I said that I'm not even the slightest bit nervous. Of course I'm nervous. I think it's only natural for someone to be nervous on their wedding day.

       But if anything, I'm a lot more excited than nervous. For years, I've been scared to get married again because of the damage Quentin has done to me but now, I finally feel like I'm taking control of my own life. I don't have anything to be scared of with Marius. I know that he'll never hurt me. I know that he's not going to do a one-eighty once we're married.

       "Oh, you look absolutely handsome," Aunt Cecelia says once I have finished getting ready. There are two tents set up close to the ceremony area; one for me to get ready in and one for Marius to get ready in. The only 'traditional' thing we're doing is not going to see each other until the ceremony starts, so we're getting ready separately.

       I can't help but smile at Aunt Cecelia's compliment, which causes Uncle Winston to say, "And look how happy you are. We so happy for you."

       "Thank you," I say.

       "Is it okay for me to come in now?" Ellie asks from outside of the tent.

       "Yeah," I say.

       Ellie walks in, immediately squealing once she sees me. She hurries over and gives me a hug. "Look at you! You look stunning! I'm so excited for you." She pulls away and looks at my outfit more. "I know I was with you when you picked this out, but you somehow look even better than you did."

       Hearing everyone compliment me is just making me feel even more happy, if that's even possible. Everyone is just as happy and excited for the wedding as I am, and it makes me cheerful to know that Marius and I have so much support.

       Even though there's not that much time left for the ceremony to begin, I feel as if time is going by very slowly. I just want the ceremony to begin so I can finally call Marius my husband. Even though marriage isn't for everyone and it doesn't necessarily make a family complete, it will make our family complete.

       Finally, finally, we get the message that the ceremony is about to being. Uncle Winston and Aunt Cecelia give me a hug before heading to ceremony area. Uncle Winston is actually going to be the officiant since he's already ordained. 

       My heart begins to beat a bit faster, not because of nerves but because of the excitement. Everyone in the wedding party goes to where they were assigned to start off before walking down the aisle; half of them start off on the right side and the other half on the left side. Marius goes to the end of the left side before I could see him since we want to see each other for the first time when it's our turn to walk down the aisle.

       The music starts and the ceremony begins with Robbie and Mary-Anne walking down together as the best man and best woman. The rest of the groomsmen and women follow, then comes Madison as the junior groomswoman walking with the flower girls Harlow and Fern. Marius and I were a bit worried Fern wouldn't like walking down in front of a lot of people, but she's having fun throwing flower petals on the aisle with Harlow. Then it's Bernie and Emmett as the ring bearers.

       Finally, Marius and I meet up at the start of the aisle, now seeing each other for the first time. Marius has always been a very attractive person but right now, he is the most stunning I have ever seen him. Marius got a haircut a while ago so it isn't as long as it was before, but he's still attractive nonetheless.

       Once Marius and I reach each other, he says, "You look stunning," in a soft voice.

       I smile at him and say, "You too," before the two of us walk down the aisle together.

       As soon as we reach the altar, we stand facing each other as we hold each other's hands. Everyone sits down before Uncle Winston begins the ceremony by saying, "I'd like to welcome and thank everyone from coming here to celebrate the union of Marius Lannister and Fawn Baker. As Fawn's great uncle, I had the honour of watching him grow up into the amazing young man he is today, and I had the joy of watching him find Marius, who is the most amazing man that could be with Fawn. They are both sweet, selfless, and kind-hearted men who bring out the best in each other."

       Uncle Winston talks about the meaning of marriage for a bit and what we should expect out of it before it's time for me and Marius to exchange our written vows.

       "Marius, when I first met you, I had no idea that you were going to become the love of my life," I say. "But I am so happy that you are because you taught me what it truly means to be loved by someone. You love me in ways that no one else has. In the years that we've been dating, I just knew that you were the one for me. You love me, you care for me, you take interest in my likes. You get me. You make me happy and for that, I love you. I truly love you."

       Marius smiles at me before he begins his vows. "Fawn, ever since I met you, I just knew that you were a special person. You are so extremely kind and selfless, even to a judgmental man whose car broke down in Port Orthos. You make me a better person. You've helped me learn new things without judging me. You helped me realize that it's okay to be a man in love with another man because really, I can't imagine a life without you. I love you so much and I promise that I will continue to love you."

       I can't help but smile at Marius's vows and even tear up a little bit, but Marius is quick enough to wipe my tears away before I can.

       "And now," Uncle Winston says, "Marius, do you take Fawn Rio Baker to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish, and protect him in sickness and in health, in sorrow and joy, to have and to hold forevermore?"

       "I do," Marius says.

       "And do you, Fawn, take Marius Benedict Lannister to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish, and protect him in sickness and in health, in sorrow and joy, to have and to hold forevermore?"

       "I do," I say. "I really do."

       Uncle Winston calls Bernie and Emmett to bring up the rings that Marius and I then put on each other's fingers while repeating after Uncle Winston.

       "And now," Uncle Winston says once we're done exchanging rings, "by the power vested in me, I know pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss."

       I smile brightly, as does Marius, as I cup his face in his hands while his goes around my waist. I press my lips onto my husband's as all the guests applaud and cheer. We then walk back down the aisle, hand in hand, as the guests continue to applaud. When we get to the end of the aisle, Marius picks me up and spins me around, and I can't help but laugh. I've never felt so happy before and I know I will continue to feel this happy with Marius.


YAY THEY'RE MARRIED!! i was so excited to write this chapter <3

their wedding isn't over quite yet though! the reception will be next chapter so we can get marius's perspective on the wedding as well. i just thought that it was best to show the ceremony itself in fawn's point of view to show how far he has come and to show him taking back control of his life after the trauma quentin gave him <3 he's no longer scared to be married and i'm so happy for him <3

(we'll also probably see ari again next chapter since he is a groomsman hehehe)

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