chapter 38: fawn's enjoyment

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chapter 38: fawn's enjoyment


       "Daddy!" Fern says before she points excitedly to the deer right at the entrance of the animal park. Despite normally wanting me to hold her in public, she squirms as a signal for me to put her down. I do and thankfully, she grabs my hands before pulling me over to the deer enclosure. "Whoa!"

       Harlow looks just as excited to see the door, so Marius brings her close to the enclosure as well. If this is how they react to just seeing on animal, I can imagine how happy they're going to be walking around the entire animal park.

       "That's my favourite animal," Marius says.

       "A deer?" I ask.

       "No." Marius points to a baby deer in the enclosure. "A fawn."

       "Oh, ha ha," I laugh sarcastically. 

       It takes some time to get Fern away from the enclosure, probably because she thinks that this is the only animal we're going to see here. To convince her to move, I bend down and show her a map at the park that shows where all the animals are as well as a picture of them. "Look at all the animals," I say. "Which one do you want to see?"

       Fern looks at all of the animals and takes a long time to decide but eventually, she points to the flamingo. It's not exactly close to the entrance, but that doesn't matter. It just means we get to see a lot of other animals as we walk there.

       Fern and Harlow decide to stop at every single enclosure to look at the animals there. I'm probably just as excited to see all the animals if I'm being honest; I'm just not acting as excited as the twins with all the oohs that they say.

       We walk around the animal park for a while before Fern signs that she's hungry. I ask Harlow if she's hungry too and she is, so we make our way to the food court. Marius and I let the twins decide what they want to eat. They decide on pizza and since they have options for a full sized pizza, we decide to get one for all of us to share.

        Fern and Harlow are very antsy as we wait for our order to be finished. Fern keeps signing to me that she wants food, and Harlow keeps trying to run around. Marius would pick up Harlow, but Harlow would attempt to flop out of his arms. In the end, he decides to toss her in the air, causing her to laugh happily.

       I overhear a group of woman nearby with some kids talk about how hot Marius is and that dads who play with their kids and make them laugh are very attractive. I agree with them. Marius is a very hot man and is even more attractive whenever I see him playing with our daughters.

       Once our order is ready, we sit at one of the tables to eat it. Harlow is no longer wanting to run around and just wants to eat the pizza.

       We spend quite a few hours at the animal park since the twins want to look at every single animal. More than once. They're not satisfied with just looking at the animals once. Our day isn't done quite yet with the animal park, though. Nearby is also a water park that also has both some water slides and a dolphin attraction. Unfortunately, the twins are too young to go on the water slides, but I'm sure they'll both be more interested in the dolphins seeing as they were very excited to see them on the boat tour. 

       They will definitely love seeing the dolphins doing tricks with the trainers.

       We get to the water park just in time for the dolphin exhibition to begin. We're able to find some seats as it begins. What I appreciate about this exhibit is that the trainers not only talk about dolphins but also how to care for both them and their habitat. They genuinely care about the wellbeing of dolphins and aren't just using them for show. 

       Fern claps whenever the dolphins do a trick, smiling and laughing as well. I don't think I've ever seen her this happy before, and it makes me happy that Marius and I decided to take the twins on our honeymoon with us.

       We definitely have to take them on more trips if it makes them this happy and if it gets Fern more comfortable with being in public.

       I'll also have to take them to the animal sanctuary back home once they're old enough and responsible enough to interact with the animals. I know they'll be gentle with the animals at this point since we have a lot of pets and taught them to be gentle, but I'm just a volunteer at the sanctuary. It won't be up to me.

       By the time the dolphin show ends, I can tell both Fern and Harlow are a bit tired from staying out for hours since we left the hotel, so it's time for us to head back. They don't go down for a nap since it is a bit late for one and they had one before we left, but they just relax on the king sized bed in the room Marius and I stay in as we all watch a movie together.

       We only have a two full days left of the trip, but we still have a lot more planned. The rest of today is just going to be spent in the hotel and maybe at some shops around the hotel. We still want to go souvenir shopping since I want to get souvenirs not only for us, but for Aunt Cecelia, Uncle Winston, and Mary-Anne after everything they've done to support me and Marius. And all three of them have been pet-sitting for us. I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have the three of them in my life. 

       I don't even know what I would do without Marius and our daughters. I don't have to worry about it, though. I'm finally at a place in my life we're I'm happy and I get happier each day.


i said in an author's note a few chapters ago that fawn and marius might get a third book, but it's official now!! they will be getting a third book now that i know what it's going to be about! i just love fawn and marius so much that i want to write more about them <3


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