chapter 46: fawn's helpfulness

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chapter 46: fawn's helpfulness


       The storm in Port Orthos has caused quite a mess around town with tree branches, leaves, and debris everywhere. Thankfully, there's no real damage, but there has been a tree or two that was completely knocked over. They only fell on the street or sidewalk, so nobody's property.

       My entire day will most likely be spent helping clean up the town. Quite a few people will be helping out since Port Orthos has such a strong community full of people who love the town. As I walk around the town, I see so many people helping out of all ages. The elderly, adults, teens, and even kids.

       Toddlers too since Fern and Harlow too really wanted to come with me. They didn't quite understand that I would be cleaning up around town, but they just wanted to leave with me. They're actually helping out a lot. Well, as much as two years olds can help. We're cleaning up the park right now, and there's a garbage bag to put all the tree branches and twigs in. They pick up one branch at a time before dropping it in the bag, then going to pick up a new one.

       I don't bother telling them that they can pick up more than one at a time. Marius and I want them to learn some things on their own, unless it's something that has to do with their safety. We want to give them the freedom to explore the world on their own without us controlling their every movement.

       Eventually, Fern realizes she can pick up more than one twig at a time. But instead of picking up them and putting them in the bag once she realizes it, she hands over a bunch of them to Harlow before pointing over to the bag. Harlow drops all the twigs in, then picks up a bunch of twigs.

       "Oh, it's so nice to see them working together and developing together," Aunt Cecelia says. She and Uncle Winston are helping to clean up the park as well, but they're also suppling cookies and lemonade for all the volunteers.

       I smile. "Yeah, it is. They often teach each other stuff they learn. I love seeing them grow together."

       Aunt Cecelia smiles as well. "I know it has to do because of your and Marius's parenting. I know I've said it before, but you two are amazing fathers. You've always been great with kids, so I am so happy to see you have some of your own."

       I can't help but hug Aunt Cecelia because of the compliment. Growing up, I've always been extremely close to Aunt Cecelia and Uncle Winston, especially when I would stay with them over the summers. They've always been here for me and always have done so much for me. I'm glad they're in my life to help guide me when my parents couldn't.

       Even now with my parents in my life again, I would always turn to Aunt Cecelia and Uncle Winston for parenting advice instead. They have a daughter of their own, though we don't see her often because she's constantly volunteering for humanitarian programs overseas and it's difficult for her to leave mid-project.

       Harlow ends up getting distracted from cleaning and instead wants to play at the playground. Her favourite thing at the playground is the slide, so that's what she chooses to do. Mary-Anne is helping clean up too, but she tells me she'll keep an eye on Harlow going down the slide because sometimes, Harlow decides to climb up the slide instead.

       Fern keeps helping us clean up, even at one point trying to pick up a tree branch that's way too heavy for her. She whines before saying, "Daddy. Elp."

       I can't help but smile slightly at Fern asking me for help. She still doesn't talk as much as other two year olds, but she has been getting a lot better. Normally, she just makes her usual, "Uh," noise when she wants something, but now she tried asking for help.

       Instead of picking up the tree branch for her, I help her carry it to one of the garbage bags. Although, I am doing most of the work. She just has her hand on the branch, but she doesn't have to know.

       However, Fern now thinks she's strong enough to pick up other big branches, so I've been spending most of the time helping her out. At least I'm still getting work done, in a way. A very slow way, but a way nonetheless.

       Eventually, Fern gets bored and wanders off towards a bush. I continue to clean up, but I keep an eye on Fern to make sure she doesn't wander off too far. It doesn't look like she will. She's just crouched by a bush; something has clearly caught her attention.

       Fern stays there for a bit before she walks back to me. "Daddy." She points towards the bush before signing bird. She then tugs on my arm, trying to lead me somewhere so I let her. She crouches down in front of the bush and points to it.

       I crouch down as well, seeing the bird that caught Fern's interest. But it's not just any bird. It's one that's clearly injured. Fern notices it's injured because she asks, "Owie?"

       "Yeah, I think it has an owie," I say. "Should we take it to Edna?"


       Since I know how to handle animals, I carefully pick the bird up and examine it to find the extent of its injuries. At a closer look, I see that the bird, who I can identify as a female, has a sprained wing. She instantly relaxes in my hands, closing her eyes to fall asleep.

       I walk back over to everyone else, and Aunt Cecelia chuckles when she sees the bird in my hand. "It's no surprise to find you with an animal. Is it hurt?"

       "Yeah, she has a sprained wing," I say. "Fern found her. We're going to take her to the vet."

       "Do you want to leave Harlow here with us?" Aunt Cecelia asks. "She's having a lot of fun on the playground."

       "I'll go ask her with she wants to stay or come," I say. 

       When I ask Harlow, she says she wants to stay at the park. Mary-Anne is also fun keeping an eye on Harlow since we won't be too long. The vet isn't too far from the park, after all.

       Edna, like Aunt Cecelia, isn't surprised to see me holding an injured bird. It's not the first injured animal I've brought to the vet. "Fern found this sun conure injured in a bush," I say. 

       "Like father, like daughter," Edna says, gently taking the bird from me. She examines her. "This should be an easy recovery. I give it about a week or so."

       Fern points to the bird before signing want. "We can't just take a bird we found at the park, Fern."

       "Don't you take in strays all the time?" Edna asks.

       "Well, yeah, but sun conures aren't native to BC," I point out. "Meaning that this is likely someone's pet."

       "Ah, good point," Edna says.

       Fern still signs that she wants the bird, so I crouch down in front of her to get to her eye level. "Fern, that bird is probably someone else's pet," I say. "We can't take it. You wouldn't want someone to take Kiwi, would you?" Fern shakes her head. "So we can't take this pet." Fern pouts.

        "I'll keep the bird here to rehabilitate," Edna says.

       "Thank you," I say. "I'll see if I could find the owners. If not, I might take her, but I have to be certain I can't find her owner. I don't want Fern to get attached to an animal that would have to go back to their owner."

       "I'll see if I can find the owner too but if I'm being honest, there might not be one," I say. "The bird is at least three years old and it has never been brought here for a check up or anything. But that could be because the owner has another vet or just never brought her for a checkup. Either way, I'll let you know if I find anything."


fern really got her love for animals from fawn lol.

i should update my other books since i only updated this book this week buuuuut i really want to get to the third book. i'm excited for it.

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