Chapter 10 ❤️

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Cece's POV

Finally my POV again.. so much has been going on lately; SaVannah found out she's pregnant, Trina is training to be a professional wrestler, Hannah just got back from France; etc. etc. My life has been going great.. me and Miguel have gotten closer. We still aren't dating yet but we do things if you know what i mean 😉
You'd think things are going great and trust me they are, but there's one problem.... and it starts with a C!
Have you guessed it yet... it's CHRIS! He's the problem. He's been hitting up my phone nonstop and is more verbally abusive than he was before. He's constantly trying to get me to move in with him and have a child with him and im not for it. All i want is Miguel, but he can never know that. Then he'd get even more physically abusive. I can deal with the name calling but i dont want to be slapped, punched, or kicked. Maybe i should tell Miguel but im scared to. Speaking of Miguel, I'm laying on his chest watching Cinderella while we sit on the couch. "You and your sisters and such big kids" he says while he plays with my hair. I laugh " I know right, for our first date we should go to Disneyland. What do you think." I say and look up at him. He kissed my forehead. "Sounds like a plan, today is Thursday so we'll go this Saturday coming up." I smile, "Okay cool" Just before we could engage in a lip lock the door bell rings and scares the hell outta me. "I'll get it" I tell Miguel. I stomp all the way to the front door and snatch it open "What" I say harshly not caring who it was and i was greeted to Chris' right hook connecting to my jaw. The blow to my face was so hard it knocked me to the floor. "Bitch who the fuck are you talking to" Chris squats down to look at me and snatches my head back by my hair to force me to look at him. "Im waiting for my answer" I search for what to say to avoid being hit again. Fail. Chris slapped me HARD, on the same cheek he punched. "Ouch!!! Stop hitting me. Miguel!!!" I screamed. Chris turned red. "So that lowlife is here, get the fuck up we're leaving." I shake my head only to be punched again. "Im not telling you again. Let's go" Chris says and he snatches me up by my neck. Omg why me!?!? Chris pulls my arm and trys to drag me out the door and before he could make it out, I heard Miguel's deep voice. "Let her go my nigga, or it's gonna be a problem" I turn a little to look at Miguel and boy was he heated. Chris laughs, "Dude mind your business okay." Miguel cracks his knuckles, "One more time my dude let her go." "And i said mind your damn business" Chris said harshly walking up on Miguel. Miguel snatches me from Chris and puts me behind him. "I suggest you get going on its going be a serious problem" Miguel said. I looked down to see him balling up his fists oh no. Should i call Alex and SaVannah down here they're the only other people here. Chris trys to swing on Miguel and misses. Miguel picks up Chris and throw him outside on the porch. Miguel walks outside and snatched Chris up and repeatedly punched him in the face and then throws him down again. I started seeing Chris' blood. Omg!!! "SaVannah.. Alex help!!!" I scream up stairs as Miguel continues to punch and kick Chris.

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