Chapter 21 ❤️

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I have sooooooo nauseous lately. Morning sickness and i can barely keep food down. Not to mention my period is late. I just took a pregnancy test. I have a couple more minutes to wait. I waited a couple minutes longer and look at the test. Positive. Oh my gosh.. how should i tell Miguel. Should I go big or just come straight out and tell him. Im just gonna tell him. I crack the bathroom door and call Miguel's name. A couple seconds later i hear his footsteps and he comes in the restroom with me. "Close the door," I whisper to him and he does. I sit on the toilet top and he squats down between the opening of my legs. "Wassup baby," he asks me concerned. Why am I so nervous. I fidget with the test in my hand. And after a couple minutes of silence i give it to him. He gives me a questioning look and takes it from me. When he looks down his face goes from questioning to shocked to happy.. he looks back up and me and hugs me tightly. I laugh a little while tears of joy rolls down my face. When Miguel lets me go I quickly wipe my cheek and laugh again. "There's no one I'd rather do this with," he says before kissing my forehead. "I agree, I love you Miguel." "I love you too, Ciara." We hug again and leave the bathroom. We walk downstairs holding hands and see Alex and SaVannah cuddled up watching the Ninja Turtles. I'm gonna tell her first, especially since i was the first to know she was pregnant. "Vee Vee, pause the movie," I tell her. And when she does she looks at me and gives me and questioning look. And so does Alex. "Wassup sis," she asks me raising an eyebrow. "I'm pregnant," I tell her handing her the pregnancy test. She gasps in shock, "Oh my gosh. Congrats CeCe I'm so happy for you," she say standing up and hugging me. And then she hugs Miguel. "Congratulations Bro and CeCe," Alex says standing up and hugging me and Miguel. "Already know Bro, its gonna be a football player," Miguel tells Alex and they laugh. "Come on watch the movie with us," SaVannah says pulling me to the sofa. So me and Miguel sit down and SaVannah puts her legs over my legs and lays on Alex's shoulder. Fifteen minutes later, SaVannah sneezes. "Bless y~" I pause before getting the rest out when I see the stunned look on SaVannah's face and I knew what had happened. OMG!!!

SaVannah POV

I look down at the liquid coming out of me and look up to see CeCe has the same look on her face. My water has just broke. "SaVannah did you just pee," Alex jumps up and looks at me. "No. My water broke," I inform him. "Shit, we gotta go," he tells Miguel and CeCe while helping me up. "We'll be there in a minute Alex," Miguel tells Alex getting up. Alex nods and rushes upstairs to get our hospital bags and comes back downstairs to help me out the door and into the car. Halfway to the front door my contractions start. "Oh my god. Ouch," I scream. I hold onto the wall and bend over in pain. Alex rushes to my side, "What's wrong." I managed to get out one word. Contractions. It passes by and i stand straight up and try to walk to the door. FAIL. Another extremely painful contractions. "Owww," I whine. Alex picks me up bridal style and rushes me to the car. Once we're in the car and driving, Alex immediately starts calling our family. First SaMone and Hannah and my parents. "Breathe baby," he coaches me while I call Crystal and Victoria. By the time we arrive to the hospital Crystal, SaMone and my mom are there. When we walk in I see Victoria sitting on the bench by the window. She jumps up when she sees me and runs to me. "Sienna couldn't make it but she'll be here later," she informs me. I nod just before another painful contractions strikes. It was so painful I couldn't make a sound; however Alex picked up on it and rushed to sign me in. My midwife and doctor were already there, Alex must've texted them on the way here. After sign in they prepare me to give birth. "Do you want an epidural," my midwife asks. I quickly shake my head no. "Natural birth," I tell her. And she nods. They periodically check on me. And eventually 6 hours pass by. It's now 7:23 pm and I have a sudden urge to push. "Alex. Go get the midwife and doctor," I tell him sternly. "Why," he raised a brow. "Just do it," I say a little louder than I should've. And he does. When the midwife and the doctor comes in I tell them I have an urge to push. They get in position to push. Victoria puts a cold washcloth over my forehead to keep me from getting hot. My mom and Hannah are at the bottom of the bed watching, Crystal and SaMone are coaching me while Alex and Victoria hold my hands. My doctor tells me to push and so i do. "Ouch ouch ouch OUCH!!!" Alex says and we all look at him. "What is it," I snap at him. "Baby, you're crushing my hand." I release my grip on his hand and Crystal takes his place. "Get down there and watch," she tells him. "Gladly," he replies and stands by the doctor. Crystal looks at Victoria and gives her a nod in approval and I start back pushing. "You doing good Vee. Her head is almost out," my mother coaches me. A few more seconds of pushing and her head is out. "She has so much hair," Hannah squeals. A few more seconds of pushing and she's out. My midwife wipes her off with a towel, Alex cuts her umbilical cord and my midwife lays her on me. She stops crying once she's on my chest. I kiss her forehead, "Hey mama's baby. Welcome to the world, Genesis. I love you forever Princess."Alex walks to my side. "You did it baby. Thank you for the best gift i could ever get," he says softly before kissing me. After the placenta is out Genesis and I are cleaned up. Once they give her back to me its time to feed her. "Breastfeeding or bottle feeding," my midwife asked. "Bottle." Alex is in the bed with me and once Genesis is done being fed i pass her to him. "Hey Princess. How are you. It's daddy. I love you," he tells her and kisses her head. We decided to have visitors tomorrow so we could spend quality time with her. She's already spoiled and she just got her. Life couldn't be better.
10:34 pm.. Alex and I are taking turns sleeping son we can walk Genesis. I gently rub her back while watching Froze. Life couldn't be better. Again welcome to the world Genesis Aurielle Jackson.

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