Chapter 23 ❤️

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SaVannah POV

We're finally back to the family house with Gen and surprisingly the only people here are Christian, Terrence and.... Hazel. "I quickly put down the bags i were holding and rush to her. "Take if easy mama. I'm not going anywhere," she says hugging me back. "Lord I've missed you. I haven't seen you since the baby shower," I say hugging her a little bit tighter. "I know Buttercup. I really wanted to come see my niecey pooh at the hospital but i just got home like 30 minutes ago and i knew you guys were in route to the house so i just came home." When we break away from the hug she goes and gets Gen out of the carseat and sits down with her. "Oh my goodness. She's so precious Vee," Hazel says in awe. "You do know i helped make her," Alex asks. "Yeah I do. But i also know she came out of my sister. Alex sighs with a little frustration. I pick up on it but no one else does. So when he goes to put Genesis' bottles in the fridge i follow him. When he closes the fridge and turned around I pressed my body against his. He looks down at me and smirks, "What exactly do you think you're doing Vee." I smile back, "Tell me what's wrong you. Sexually frustrated already," I ask with a slight tilt of my head. He laughs and wraps his arm around my waist, then looks down at me and bites his bottom lip. When he does this my knees get a little weak and I stumble a little bit. He grabs my hand to steady me and then smirks, "I'm not making your nervous am I," he whispers sending chills all over me. "No," I say in the same volume. I stand on tiptoes to kiss him. He wraps his other arm around my waist and kiss me back. He picks me up and sits me on the counter and continues to kiss me. I rub up and down his abs. He breaks the kiss and smirks. "Let's stop here." I roll my eyes, "Why." "No sex for six weeks, mami. Doctor's orders," he smirks then winks at me. "UGHH," I scream out of frustration and he laughs. I hop off the counter and stomp into the living room. "Aww look at Terrence on uncle duties," I squeal when i see him holding Genesis. He laughs, "She's cute sis." "Aww thanks big brother." Eventually Alex walks out the kitchen. "Alex me, SaVannah and Hazel are about to go to the store. You want something," SaMone asks out of nowhere. "Dang love how you didnt ask me first," Hazel says with a slight roll of her eyes. "Get up and put on your shoes dumb-dumb or stay here I don't really care," SaMone snaps back. "I was kidding, but okay give me a minute," Hazel says and runs up stairs. "Nahh i dont want nothing but my wifey to get back safely," Alex responds to SaMone's question. "Aww baby," I whine and go hug and kiss him. "Enough with the mushy stuff. Alex you're on daddy duty. Let's go ladies." And with that we're out the door and heading to Walmart.

CeCe's POV

I split from my sister's and head straight to the baby section. Dr. Coleman's words replay in my head "which is crazy because you're having a boy." The joy that I felt is indescribable. I just wanna know how Miguel knew it was gonna be a boy. Come to think of it Alex predicted that SaVannah was gonna have a girl. How strange? Anyways while looking at the stuff animals and blankets I feel a hand gently grab my arm. It scared the hell out of me. I quickly turn around and see that its Chris. My heart immediately starts racing and I feel a panick attack coming on. I think he picked up on it because he coaches me to breathe. "Breathe CeCe. Come now baby I need you to breathe. I swear I'm not going to hurt you," He continues to coach me until my breathing gets normal. "Are you okay CeCe," he asks and I nod. "I wasn't expecting to see you. And I was hoping that you forgot what happened last time we crossed paths. I don't wanna face the repercussions of that." He eyes get dark for a moment and he bites the inside of his cheek. "No I haven't forgotten. But I'm not holding that against you. I got what was coming to me. I deserved it." I give him a quick 'mhm' "So what are you doing on this aisle," he asks me. I giggle a little bit, "I'm four months pregnant. Im having a baby boy." He smiles, "Really." I nod. "Congratulations CeCe. Im really happy for you. Im over here buying some medicine for my daughter. She has a cold." "Aww poor baby. I hate when kids are sick," I say sympathetically. He nods. "What's her name," I ask. This is the first time ever that he's talked about his daughter. "Royalty Desiree Brown," he tells me. "Aww Chris that's so cute." He laughs, "What are you naming baby boy," he asks. "I'm not sure yet." "Well if i can put in a request can Aiden be a name you consider," he asks. "Most definitely, that is so cute. Chris you have really changed and I'm so proud of you," I go an extra mile and hug him. I pull away and look up at him, staring into his eyes. We almost kiss until I remember I am with Miguel. He clears his throat and I step back. "Sorry that got outta hand," he says quickly. "No no, Chris it's fine. I was in the moment," I say honestly and he laughs. "But yeah I was drinking and smoking alot. At the time my father had just pasted and i was going through somethings. I had to go to rehab and change my life for my daughter especially since her mother isn't in her life. I couldn't leave my baby hanging. I wish I couldve changed quicker and we could've been together still." He takes a step closer and this time i kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist and deepens it. "I'm ready whenever you are baby," he whispers while still kissing me and I know exactly what he means. He breaks the kiss first. "Okay baby girl, I gotta go but here's my new number. Use it," he writes it on the back of some random business card and hands it to me. "Who's business card it this," I asks questioningly. "Hell i dont know." I burst out laughing, "Boy bye." And when i turn around im faced with Miguel. "Oh my god, Miguel. How long long have you been standing there," I ask holding my chest because he scared me. Only to be greeted with a slap across my right cheek. Oh my god not this again. I stumble back into Chris. "Yo what the fuck. Dont be hitting her," Chris screams as I hold my cheek. "Nigga shut up. Oh for real CeCe. So you just gonna cheat on me in my face. Really whore. I bet that's not even my son," Miguel yells. "No baby it's not like that." Slap. "MIGUEL WHAT THE HELL," I hear SaVannah scream and run to me and then she looks at Chris. "Somebody tell me what the hell is going on before someone goes to jail," SaMone says while SaVannah and Chris consols me. "Your stupid ass sister is smiling in this goofy ass dude's face and  he used to beat the hell outta her. I step in like Superman and this is the thanks i get. Don't worry I'm out. And after seeing this I know for a fact that baby ain't mine." And with that Miguel walks away. I cry harder. "Hush mama. You're gonna stress the baby. Calm down now. Let's get you home," SaVannah says trying to calm me. "I'll be there in a few minutes," I hear Chris say to my sisters. "Nahh homie we got this we dont need your help. And we sure and hell dont trust you," SaVannah snaps. "SaVannah i know you can't stand me for all the things i did in the past but i can assure you im not that person anymore." Vee studies him for a moment and then SaMone speaks up. "I dont believe that shit but let's go." All the way home we don't talk we just let the radio play. When we get to the house i see that Miguel is there. Ugh why me. When I walk in Terrence is the first person I see. "What the hell sis. Who did this to you." "Miguel," I say barely audible before breaking down again. "Oh fuck no. Miguel," Terrence yells. "Terrence no. Don't." But I was too late. When Miguel comes downstairs with his bags in hand, Terrence punches him dead in the mouth. "What the fuck yo," Miguel says touching his bloody lip. Terrence does say anything but he hits him again this time in the nose and it bleeds. Miguel trys to fight back but Terrence is quicker and dodges the punches. SaMone walks in and so does Hazel and Vee. Vee runs upstairs and gets Alex to break up the fight and when Alex breaks it up he yells, "What in the hell is wrong with y'all." "This nigga thinks it's cool for him to hit on my sister. Nahh dude hit me. What's up," Terrence lunges but before he can hit Miguel, Tristan grabs him, "Calm down bruh. You got it." Alex laughs, "You damn right he got it look at Miguel face. All bloody and shit. He got what he deserved, the fuck you hit Big C for." "I was mad when I seen her talking to that nigga Chris at Walmart. I got so mad i hit her and said that the baby wasn't mine." "You dumb fuck, what was your problem. She's only slept with you," SaVannah yells. "Baby calm down. Lets not wake Gen," Alex says to her. "Ugh whatever," she screams and stomps up the stairs. Alex smirks and watching her watching pass him and up the stairs. He bites his bottom lip, "I'll be back." And with that he walks up the stairs behind her.
"CeCe baby I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to hit you. I reacted before I could think." I throw my hand up to silence him. "Save it Miguel. Fuck you. I hate you." And I walk up the stairs.

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