Chapter 25 ❤️

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Since the little incident with Miguel we really haven't said much to one another. He's been giving me the space I asked for. Or maybe he doesn't care about me anymore. Anyways Chris and I have a growing friendship and I even met his daughter. She's sooo adorable.

How am I do?? Im good. Six months pregnant and healthy.

I know. I'm huge! Literally whatever I'm craving, Chris goes to buy it. He's really stepped up. Today I have a doctor's appointment today and Chris and Royalty are coming with me. While I'm admiring myself in the mirror Chris walk up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Almost ready mami," he says before kissing the side of my neck. Did I say "friends" I kind of mean friends with benefits. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. "Thanks for coming with me today, Chrissy Pooh. Literally I don't know how I'd get over the Miguel situation without you." He kisses me, "Of course ma. I wouldn't trade this for nothing in the world." I kiss him again and it turns into full makeout session. He breaks the kiss, "Alright ma we gotta go." He kisses me one last time and we walk down stairs and into the living room. Royalty is on the sofa watching tv. "What are you watching mama," I ask her. "Bob bob." Translation: Spongebob. "You ready to go princess," Chris asks her. She nods and throws her arms up for him to pick her up. "Alright let's go."
While when in the car Miguel calls. "What the hell does he want." Chris shrugs, "Just answer." I sigh.

Me: Hello?
Miguel: Hey mamas what you up to?
Me: Out *attitude*
Miguel: Alright. Well we need to talk
Me: I'm going to the doc right now, but later I guess.
Miguel: Oh I'll meet you there.
Me: Please don't.
Miguel: Why. I want to see my little one.
Me: I'll send pictures.
Miguel: I meant in person. I'll be there in 5. Bye.

Ughh! I scream frustratedly. "What's wrong C?" Chris asked stealing a glance at me. "Miguel is coming to the doctor's appointment." "Shit," He mumbles. We rode the rest of the way in silence. "So me and Royalty will be back to get you when you're done. I don't have time for his drama." I nod. "I understand. I'll text you when it's done and let you know what they say." "Alright ma," he says before kissing me. "See you later Princess," I turn and say to Royalty. "Bye mama. Wuv you," she says. Chris and I look at each other surprised. "I love you too Mommy's girl." I look back at Chris and he smiles and kisses me. "Okay y'all I have to go. For real this time." I get out the car and walk toward the door. Miguel is standing there waiting for me. "Hey CeCe," he says giving me a hug. "Hi." I hug back. "Who's car was that? Its really nice." "An old friend," I reply quickly trying to avoid conversation. "Chris," he questioned and raised his eyebrow. "Yo are you gonna interrogate me or are we here to see our son." "So it was Chris. Really CeCe?" I leave him standing alone and walk in the building. He comes in shortly after me and sits beside me. "This isn't over CeCe," he says quietly. I roll my eyes. Whatever.
When we get called back we got some surprising news. Somehow our gender results got mixed up and we're not having a boy. Its a girl. I pull out my phone to text Chris.

Me: Pooh Bear guess what?
Chris 😇💙: There you go with that name again. But what's up baby?
Me: ...Aiden isn't a boy.
Chris 😇💙: Pardon Me?? What is he??
Me: A girl ☺️💗💯
Chris 😇💙: Really?? How?? 😯
Me: Somehow, Some way the gender results got mixed up. And during the sonogram today we were told it's a girl.
Chris 😇💙: You sure its not twins. And y'all just seen Baby B.
Me: You're funny 🙃 They said only one. Don't wish twins upon me 😭
Chris 😇💙: Lol well we need to find new names now don't we?
Me: Lol yeah we do. But Miguel wants to go to lunch so you don't have to pick me up. I'll see you later??
Chris 😇💙: Of course baby girl. Be safe!

"You ready to go," Miguel asks. I nod and with that we leave.

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