Chapter 4 ❤️

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SaVannah's POV

I woke up to the sun shining bright in my face. Damn i wish summer would go away. Fall and winter where you at? I roll out of bed and go into my bathroom that's inside my room. I turn the shower on and waited until it was warm enough to step in. I heard someone walk in and peeked around the curtain to see Crystal sitting on the toilet half way sleep. "Good morning sugar mama" She looked at me and smiled. "Good morning best friend" Honestly i forgot she was here. I continued to wash my self and when i was down I wrapped my ninja turtle towel around me. "Really Vee. The turles" Crystal laughs at me. "Yes boo you ain't know" i say back to her, doing a short dance. She laughs even harder. "You're silly. Im going to go shower." While she was in the shower i did my hygiene and checked my phone for notifications. The first thing i seen was a text from Alex saying he wants to talk. Not today devil. After i was done scrolling through my notifications I got dressed. When i was done Crystal walked out the bathroom fully dressed. "Damn ma you look good" i said causing her to laugh.

"You look sexy too ma" She said back to me. "You ready to go" I asked her while putting on my earrings. "Yeah let's go shawty" We walked downstairs. "Patricia we're leaving" Crystal tells my mom. "Alright y'all have a good day"

~At school: 1st period

"Why y'all didn't drive me to school" Hannah says pouting. "I didn't know you wanted to come with us." "Well i did but its all good." She says back and sits in her desk.

"Guess what Vee" she whispers. "What" I whisper back. "I dating Jacquees Jackson" "WHAT" I say loudly causing eyes to land on us. "Sorry" I say to everyone. Putting my attention back on Hannah. "When did this happen" "Okay so a week ago after pratice he wanted to meet up with me and talk about our end of the year project and so we got tired of talking about it and changed the subject. So we started talking about our families and stuff. And everything went silent. He stared at me and then kissed me. And of course i kissed back. It felt oh so right." She blushed. "OMG girl, im so happy for you." "Yeah we made it official today." Awww" I cooed and poked her cheek. She laughed and moved my hand from her face.
The first three periods went by quickly. And now it's time for fourth. Ugh the period i have with Jasper. Luckily SaMone' was in there with me to help me through it.
"Hey Vee" Samome' greeted me. "Hey Pumpkin" I say back to her giving her a hug.

"What are you dressed up for" I asked her looking at her outfit. "Im going on a date if you must know" she replies with a smirk. "Oh, with who exactly" I question her. "Jeremiah" "Jackson?" I ask her. She nods her head. "Omg girl. Congrats" She laughed and thanked me. "Hannah got a boyfriend too" She informed me. "Yeah i know. She told me in first period" She nodded her head as we began to take notes. Out of no where Jasper walk up to us. Oh hell. "What is it Jasper. I really don't wanna be bothered with you" I scowl at him. "Damn baby girl it's like that" "Jasper please leave me the hell alone." I snap at him. "Im trying to be nice and tell you that I love you and wanna be with you but you really testing me right now." I rolled my eyes "I dont want to be bother. Please leave me alone." The teacher stepped so there's no one in here to make him sit down. He roughly go my arm. The place in which i scraped causing a surge of pain to shoot through my body. "Ouch. Let go of me." I tried to fight him off. "Let go of her." SaMone' said while standing up. He pushed her down. By then my closed wound had opened and was bleeding again. A tear slipped out of my eye because of the pain (im not a crier). Suddenly I heard a deep voice talk. "Yo let her go or Im gonna beat the fuck outta you". Causing Jasper to let go of my arm. The blood had seeped through the bandaid and was running down my arm. "You stay out of it" I heard Jasper say. I turned around to see that Jasper was talking to Alex. Oh No. Lord help me. "Nah you put your hands on her so now you got a problem with me." Jasper took a swing at Alex and missed terribly. Alex took this as an opportunity to punch Jasper in the face, causing Jasper to fall. Alex snatched Jasper up by his shirt and repeatedly punched him in the face. "Alex stop. You're gonna get in trouble." Its a good thing its not a lot of people in the class. Alex drop Jasper and told him not to talk to me or touch me and keep his mouth shut. The bleeding in my arm didn't stop and i went to the nurse with SaMone'. Alex was closely trailing behind. "SaMone' you go in first I'll wait here with SaVannah." Alex told her. She walked into the nurse's office. "Thanks for taking up for me" I say quietly. "No problem ma. And i owe you an apology. I should have never called you out your name and put my hands on you like I did. And for that I'm truly sorry." I shook my head "Its okay Alex. Don't worry about it." "Are we good" He asked. I smile "We're good."

After i seen the nurse i head back to class to gather my things so the bell could ring. Once the bell rung it was time to go to lunch. Once everyone was at the table i filled them in on what happened. And the they we shocked as hell. "Are you okay sis" Cece asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Alex was a big help." Everyone looked at Alex. But he was too busy in his phone. "Anyways what's on the agenda today. SaMone' has a date and Hannah has pratice. Anything else." I asked . "Im going to hang out with Miguel after school. We're going bowling" CeCe inform us while smiling. "Oh okay. Have fun sugar" While we were laughing Zoey walked up to the table and sat on Alex's lap. "Hey baby girl" Alex said. He smirked at me and then put his attention back on her to kiss her. I am so disgusted. That should've been me. Wait what? Am I jealous? Oh hell no. When he broke away from the kiss he winked at me. I don't even want to eat anymore. I excused myself from the table     and walk out the the school into the parking lot. I called Crystal and told her i wanted to go home and we should leave. While waiting for Alex walked up to me. "Where you going" he asked. "Home" i simply replied. "Why." "Get the fuck away from me" i snap at him. "Whatever bitch". With all my might i slapped the taste out his mouth. "What the fuck hoe" "Dont call me out my name anymore". Finally Crystal showed up before anything could get out of hand. "You ready" she asked me. "Yeah let's go" i say rolling my eyes at Alex.
Once we were in the car Crystal spoke up. "What happened" she said as she drove off school campus. "I dont wanna talk about it" I say looking out the window. The rest of the car ride was silent. When we got to my house Crystal said she was going back to school. When I got out the car and and went into the house. Once i got in the house, i went straight to my room and went to sleep.

By the time i woke up everyone was home. And the clock read 7:54. Damn, I was really tired. I replied to the text messages and scrolled through Instagram. Im not going back to school until graduation. Slowly i fell back to sleep again.

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