Prologue ❤️

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CeCe's POV

You'd think being the oldest out of 7 is easy. Well I'm here to tell you its hard as hell if you're not the favorite. SaVannah is Paul and Patricia aka my parents' favorite. From an outsider looking in that's barely noticeable because we're all spoiled. But im not going to get into all of that because it time for school.
"CeCe wake up" My twin sister Trina yells to me from our shared bathroom. "I'm awake" I yelled back. Just then SaMone' walks in. She's is one of the favorite kids too. "Can y'all shut the fuck up with the yelling. Some people are still trying to sleep" she says as she rolls her eyes. "Well damn sorry" I say back with the same amount of attitude. You'd think she's the meanest and the one I continue to argue with but wait until you meet SaVannah. Dragging myself out of my bed I go into the restroom and get prepared to take a shower. Once the water is warm enough I got stepped in letting the warm water caress my body. I began to sing 'When I was your man' by Bruno Mars. I love that song. After a good 20 minutes i was ready to get out the shower. I stepped out and wrapped the towel around me. I walked in my room just im time to see my phone light up with my ex boyfriend Chris' name flashing on the screen. "Lord not today" I say to myself. I cautiously pick up the phone and answer. "Hello" I sigh. "Bitch what took you so long to answer" "I-I was in the shower" I stammered. "Bitch you answer the phone soon as it rings next time, or its gonna be a problem you understand." "Yes." I say trembling with fear thinking of what he'd do to me. I broke up with Chris because he was rude and abusive, not to mention the multiple times he's cheated on me and even got one of them pregnant. But he still hasn't come to the realization that we're done. "Yes what bitch." He growls. "Yes, baby I understand". His tone softens. "Okay baby I love you. And I will see you at school". He says before he hangs up. I put my phone on my nightstand and put my hands on my face. Lord give me the strength. Slowly I get back up to brush my teeth. After brush my teeth, I put on bath and body works lotion. Once i was done i got dressed and went downstairs.

"Good Morning CeCe" My mom Patricia said. "Good Morning." Everyone was downstairs except SaVannah. I grabbed my plate of pancakes from my mom and sat down. Then I heard SaVannah's voice ring through my ears. "Good Morning Mama." She said giving Patricia a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Good morning baby, have a seat and I'll bring your plate to you." All Hail Queen SaVannah. Sarcasm. After a few minutes of small talk and eating it was time to go. Finally Paul walked in. "Y'all ready to go." He put an arm around Hannah. Another favorite. She laughed a little "Yeah let's go." And with that we left the house.

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