My ocs

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Name: Jen Carmel
Age: 35
Gender: female
Personality: Jen is kind, fun, and caring. She loves have fun and be happy. She can be very funny and curiose but when it comes to her family she is protective and loyal. She can turn seriose very fast and once she has a decision she sticks with it.
Likes: her family, the outdoors, cooking, sleeping, swimming
Dislikes: blood, spiders
Other: she is pregnant


Baby (will do rest when born)
Name: Shelby Carmel
Tags: Luke_The_Gamer WomanOfDanger

Name: Lola and Abi Carmel
Age: 6
Gender: Female
Personality: Lola: she is fun, hyper, crazy, emotional, caring, kind, sweet, happy.
Abi: she is shy, caring, loyal, protective, kind, sweet, happy, bubbly
Likes: Lola: dolls, Barbie's, playing, fancy things, rainbows, coloring, making new friends, reading, rocks, TV, Abi.
Abi: dolls, playing, fancy things, coloring, making new friends, reading, rocks, Lola, attention
Dislikes: Lola: Blood, spiders, bugs, sour candy, getting yelled at, the dark
Abi: the dark, spiders, bugs, tiny spaces, sleeping, blood, getting yelled at
Other: Abi has ADHD

Tags:Lexia-Stark PuppySmiles2004

Other twins
Name: Silas and Hazel Carmel
Age: 7
Gender: Silas is Male and Hazel is female
Personality: they are funny, creative, smart, caring, bossy sometimes, stubborn
Likes: they both like attention, playing, making a mess, being funny, the outdoors
Dislikes: bugs, the dark, blood. Hazel hates touching the floor. She thinks something is going to come and get her from out of no where.
Other: Hazel is adopted.

Tags:kindaboredturtle MollieAmair

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