Coming Home Pt. 3

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Peter's class was escorted downstairs, to a conference room. Tony and Bruce tagged along, leaning against the table at the front of the room and waiting for the other family members to get down there. They talked mostly science.

Finally, Pepper, Steve, and Rhodes came in, greeted the kids, and sat at the tables. Bruce also sat, but Tony stayed standing, leaning onto the wall behind his wife.

"Hello," Pepper said cheerfully! "It's nice to have you all here at the Tower with us, I know my husband and son were both looking forward to this trip."

The class whispered lightly about meeting their mysterious son, but Pepper didn't notice. She was too busy getting paperwork out of her briefcase and handing it over to Allison.

"Take this to the office and get it filed, then call the board, set up a meeting, and get the reports ready. We'll take the tour for the rest of the day."

Allison smiled and took the paperwork, heading out the doors with a quick wave to Peter.

"Now, to begin. My name is Pepper Potts Stark, and I am the CEO here at Stark Industries. My husband likes to pretend he runs the company, but I'm the one doing the work." The class laughed lightly. "Being a CEO means doing a lot of paperwork and filling out patents, but I actually like my work! And I have the fanciest cars." Again the class laughed.

"Hi, I'm Captain America," Steve stepped in. "I've been living here for about 6 years now, mostly helping out with testing new technology and helping Pepper when I can. A lot of my work here, however, is being an uncle." He winked in Peter's direction, which caught a lot of the class's attention.

"And I'm Rhodey. I do tech development here, and that's the majority of my work."

Peter smiled. Uncle Rhodey was the least personable of all his family.

There was a bit of question and answer, but no one asked about Pepper and Tony's son yet. Peter could tell they wanted to, but didn't have the guts yet.

"Okay," Pepper said, when the questions had all been answered. "Now we are going to head upstairs to the training deck so you can meet the rest of the family, we'll have a brief lunch, a small tour of the penthouse, and then we'll conclude with showing you what Peter has been working on lately!"

Peter blushed heavily. That was never part of the plan, but then again, FRIDAY had warned him of changes in the schedule.

They made their way upstairs, only to see Natasha, Clint, and Sam training already. As soon as they saw the teens, they broke up and Clint introduced themselves.

"Hey, guys," he smiled that award winning smile. "I'm Hawkeye, that's Black Widow, and he's Falcon. We are going to be showing you what training here is like for the Avengers, as well as demonstrate what a family spar is like, Pepper and Rhodey not included." He shot them a wink, and both of them rolled their eyes back at them.

"I'm not going to be in it either," Tony called out.

"What, too old?" Sam shot back.

"Alright, fine. I will get in it, and I'll kick your ass."

Pepper popped Tony on the shoulder. "Language."

Peter caught Natasha's eye. "Маленький паук, ты собираешься спаррироваться со мной?" (Translation: Little spider, are you going to spar with me?)

Peter perked up. "Да, я буду. Пусть мальчики разогреются до того, как профессионалы выйдут на ринг." (Translation: Yeah, I will. Let the boys warm up before the professionals get in the ring.)

Natasha laughed. The class buzzed with the new knowledge that Peter knew how to speak Russian, and could apparently make Black Widow laugh.

"Training is an everyday thing. Some of us, like Cap, Bucky, Bruce and I, only train a few hours a day. Others, like Black Widow and Hawk here, they train for 3-5 hours a day. Peter comes in last, only training an hour a day. Normally, we play to our own strengths, that being hand to hand combat, throwing knives, or actual powers, like when we have training sessions with Hulk or Scarlet Witch," Sam explained. Peter noticed he was careful not to mention any of his talents, like climbing.

"Now, Hawkeye and I are going to show you what training looks like for us. We will be using our weapons, but in a family spar, we never do," Natasha got ready.

"For fear of hurting the little Stark, of course, no one wants to have the wrath of Tony and Pepper on them," Clint added with a wink.

Peter blushed again. He was at the back of the class, and the rest of his family had slowly made their way up to the front of the room to prepare for family spar. It wasn't often that they did it, seeing as getting everyone together was really hard. Flash stepped back to where Peter was.

"So," he whispered. "You might have an internship here, but you aren't the Stark kid. You're a nobody, Penis Parker, the orphan no one wants."

And that's when Peter knew he was in real trouble. Because Pepper and Rhodey weren't with the family at the front of the room, they were back where he was. Shit.

Peter looked behind him, only to see Pepper's eyes were wide. She'd heard it all. Before she could say anything, Natasha called for Peter to join them.

"Petya, come on. Family spar."

Peter made his way through the crowd, ignoring the whispers as people started to figure it all out. Natasha had pulled her hair back, and had shrugged off her over layers so she was just in her spandex shorts and a sports tank. The rest of the family were in similar attire, so Peter slipped off his shirt and left his shorts on. The class gasped to see their nerdy classmate was actually ripped.


"Go," Natasha called.

Tony lunged for Sam, who dodged and somersaulted over Bucky, who was throwing punches at Steve. Natasha and Clint were both going for Peter, but he did a quick back flip, using one hand to touch down before flying forward with a kick. He got Clint, who stumbled back, but Natasha caught him in the right arm and bent it back. Before Peter could tap out, Tony was on her, having successfully gotten Sam to tap out. Tony used a single blow to the elbow to force Natasha to drop her hand, and she retreated to fight with Bucky and Steve. The spar continued, until it was just Clint, Steve, and Peter. Steve made a move for Clint and he dodged, leaving Peter to swipe Steve's legs out from under him, and he tapped. Peter spun, only to have Clint catch his left arm, the one with the cut. He winced and sucked in a breath.

"Not cool, Uncle Clint," Peter whined as he grabbed his arm.

Immediately Clint stepped back.

"Sorry, kiddo, you okay?"

Pepper came charging up. "Bambi, arm. Now."

She quickly undid the bandages, checking to make sure it wasn't bleeding again, before securing them again.

"You gotta be careful, Clint!" Pepper scolded him.

"At least I wasn't throwing knives with him like Nat!" Clint was clinging to anything that would take Pepper's angry stare away from himself.

Pepper wheeled around to face the red head.

"He was fine! I wasn't throwing them at him! Just with him! And he's getting really good with accuracy!"

Pepper backed down. She trusted Natasha to be careful with Peter, even when they were throwing knives.

"So Peter is a Stark?" Cindy's voice stopped the family in their tracks.

"Yeah," Tony said softly.

"Peter Parker-Stark. It was changed when they adopted him," Steve explained.

The class was shocked, to say the least. They didn't have much time to be, though, since they were quickly swept to the cafeteria, where they were joined by the whole family.

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