High School is One Thing... The World is Another

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"Peter, can you go change, please?" Pepper was put on her earrings, having just gotten ready for the press conference. Tony was down in the lab, much to her displeasure, but had promised to be on time to the press conference and that was good enough for her at this point.

Peter ran to his room, changing into his slacks and a button up for the occasion. Natasha slipped in behind him and while he was looking in the mirror, ran a comb through his hair. She must have put some gel in his hair, too, because it slicked back easily and stayed. Peter hummed in response, enjoying the feeling of someone else doing his hair, and let the ex-assassin work the rest of it back.

"We gotta go, Bambi, come on, we don't want to-" Pepper stopped herself. "You look good with your hair back, hun."

The mother and son duo made their way downstairs, only to find Tony in jeans and a tee shirt, face smudged with some grease, leaning against the press room door.

"Heya," he said, planting a kiss on Pepper's lips and ruffling Peter's hair.

"Really, Tony? You couldn't at least try to clean up?"

The older man laughed a little. "Sorry, babes."

The family had agreed to have Tony and Pepper introduce Peter, before he stepped into the room. Then, they would take questions together. Tony and Pepper opened the doors, leaving Peter with a nervous tummy and a kiss on his forehead.

"Hello," Tony started. "There have been questions about who will inherit the Stark Company when Pepper and I retire. We are here today to introduce our son and heir to the Stark Company."

"This may come as a shock," Pepper continued. "But we have been raising him for now 6 years. The adoption process was smooth, and he is in every way, our son. With Tony's work as a superhero, we felt it best to keep his adoption secret, for fear of him being used as bait for my husband, or myself."

"Now please welcome our son, Peter Parker-Stark!"

Peter made his way in front of the press, whose cameras were flashing wildly.

"Hello," he said timidly. Pepper put her hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring feeling.

"Now," she said. "Who has a question? Ah, yes. David?"

"You say he is your son and heir, but he is adopted. Has that effected your relationship at all?"

"No." Tony's voice was firm, but Peter had more to say.

"They are the only family I have memory of, for all I'm concerned, they are like a biological mother and father to me. They have given me so much love, and for that, I am grateful."

Pepper smiled and kissed his temple.

"Is Peter going to be taking over Stark Industries alone, or do you have another secret child?" The next question was playful, but serious.

"Peter is our only child. We have not discussed specifics, but for now, Peter will be the sole heir and responsible for finding a CEO or head scientist to fill that role if he wants."

"How old are you, Peter?"

"15 and 3 quarters," he said matter-of-factly, which got a laugh from the press corps.

"How did you like growing up in the Tower?"

"The Tower has been home for as long as I can remember, the foster home I was in before I came here never felt like home, I guess. I was given every opportunity to find happiness, and my family has been supportive and loving. When my mom and dad are busy, I have my Aunt and my Uncles around."

"So the Avengers moved in to help care for Peter?"

"Yes, the Avengers made the move into the Tower to help us raise Peter. Keeping him safe and having at least 1 loving family member home at all times was important to us, and with Pepper's and my busy schedules, we knew we would need some help. The Avengers have really stepped up."

"Favorite Uncle?"

"Oh, uhm... I don't have a favorite Uncle. They are all good for different reasons and I love them all equally. I do have a favorite Aunt, Black Widow. She taught me foreign language and we spend a lot of time together."

"Does Peter have any desire to be a superhero like his father and family?"

The question caught the whole family off guard, as they hadn't expected that. Peter looked at his dad, who simply shrugged. And his mom looked completely lost, looking through her notebook for some notes she might have. Tony scribbled something on a piece of paper and slid it to her. She looked at it and shook her head. Tony nodded. They held a stare, then Pepper sighed and gave the paper to Peter.

Up to you.

Peter took a deep breath. If he told them he was going to follow in his father's footsteps, he would have to come clean at some point, or have them guessing. If he said he already had and revealed himself as Spiderman, he would become an even bigger target, as he was close to the whole team, not just his parents. And if he said no, he would simply be the Stark heir, with no flare. Not that there wasn't already flare enough being a Stark.

"Am I ready? Am I strong enough to be Spiderman in public?" His whisper to his mom made her melt. Her boy was so amazingly sweet.

"You are strong enough for anything, sweet heart."

Just as Peter was about to stand up, Happy opened the door.

"Sorry for the interruption," he said. "There was an accident upstairs and Dr. Banner is asking for Peter and Mr. Stark to help him."

"Excuse us, there seems to have been an emergency," Pepper held up her hands. "Thank you all, and good day."

As the press filed out, Peter sighed in relief. He had some time to think. "What happened?" he asked Happy.

"Nothing, we were watching live coverage upstairs and thought you might want a way out of the situation."

Pepper looked at Tony, and Peter smiled to himself. They were all thinking the same thing: They had never been so thankful for their family before.

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