It Isn't Over

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It had been a few weeks since the incident at the mall. The Avengers were still playing host to their fellow supers, and there had been some talk of Wanda moving back in.

It was the first day beck from spring break. Peter had spent a few days with Ned and MJ, but the majority of his time off was working on his new suit, or hanging out with family. He and Shuuri had gone to the movies, and Wanda had treated him to ice cream and a trip to the science museum to make up for all the time missed.

As for Tony and Pepper, they had been called on a last minute trip to a new lab the company had just acquired in California. It was inconvenient, given the circumstances, and the two adults had been deeply concerned about leaving Peter home alone. Strange had been the one to point out, however, that Peter wouldn't be home alone, that he would have family with him the whole time! 17 other family members, to be precise.

Tony and Pepper had reluctantly agreed to go, accompanied by Steve. While the family hadn't found any hints about who was responsible for the attack a while back, they were cautiously optimistic that the worst was over now, and Tony and Pepper were working hard to not let themselves stress over something they were sure had been an isolated attack.

Peter Parker Stark was at school, talking with Ned while laying in MJ's lap. She was brushing through his hair at first, but eventually began playing with his hands and shoulders. It was a nice spring day, and the three teens were relaxing in the school courtyard.


"Mmh?" Peter didn't open his eyes, humming an acknowledgement of MJ's question.

"What is this scar from?"

Peter glanced up at his girlfriend pointing at his shoulder.

"Ned, which one is she pointing at?" Peter couldn't really see.

"The... stabbing I think."

"Oh. I was stabbed," Peter shrugged.

MJ was quiet for a moment. "How... How many times have you been stabbed?"

Peter thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. It's an occupational hazard, babe."

"I don't like it," the girl stated plainly.

"I don't either!" Ned put his hand up, waving it slightly.

"Listen," Peter said, sitting up. "Being Spiderman is... its the most rewarding thing in my life. I get to save people! That makes all of it worth it. Sometimes I get stabbed or... shot or beat up or a million other things!"

"Buildings get dropped on you."

"Thank you, Ned," Peter continued. "But I also get to stop robbers and make kids feel safe and feel important! And I heal so fast it doesn't hurt for too long." He ended with a chuckle. He knew MJ worried about him, but he couldn't give up his superhero persona, it was too important to him.

"Okay..." The three friends went back to casual conversation, about the upcoming finals and Peter's birthday.

Suddenly, Peter's senses went haywire. He jumped up, throwing Ned a look that the other boy knew all to well. Trouble was coming.

As if on queue, there was a loud explosion behind them, from inside the school. Peter smelled smoke and ran off, pressing the button on his watch and letting his suit slide over him.

"What is going on?" MJ looked panicked. Peter had forgotten that she'd never really been in the middle of something like this, at least not with the knowledge that Peter was Spiderman. "Peter, stop, it's dangerous!"

Ned grabbed her arm as she tried to go after her boyfriend. "He's got this, M. Its what he does."

Ned pulled out his phone and powered up his SPM app. Peter and he had created it after Ned asked to be the guy in the chair, it would connect him to Peter's coms, as well as Karen, so the two could stay in touch.


"Ned! It was the north side lab, I'm getting students and teachers out now. Don't let MJ come in here, ask her to call the family!"

Ned turned to MJ, but the girl already had her phone out and was texting.

"She's on it."

Peter got the rest of the kids out and then ran down the rest of the hall and into the recently exploded lab. He found nothing but ask and smoke inside.

He felt a tingle and turned, only to find someone clad in all black behind him, leaning on the door. Something about them was familiar, but he couldn't place it. They wore a dark overcoat, and black shoes. Their face was covered in a mask, all black and charcoal grey.

"Spiderman. Nice of you to join me. It took you long enough, was evacuating those kids really that hard?" The voice was clearly altered by some sort of contraption, but it was mocking nonetheless.

"Who are you?" Peter asked, slowly moving around the room. Best to keep moving.

The dark figure chuckled. "I am much smarter than I was a few weeks ago. Cars just can't kill the infamous Peter Parker Stark, Spiderman."

Peter's breath hitched as he realized that this was the same person who had tried to hurt him and his mom. Hopefully, Ned was listening.

"You are good, I'll give you that."

"Aww, thanks, I practice a lot," Peter shot back. If he could stall...

"I don't think I have the Avengers to thank for that, though. No, I think its all that spider DNA coursing through you. If you were just plain, old Peter Parker, you'd be nothing more than a weakness for the Avengers. A filthy, little weakness."

Peter cringed, but didn't show it outwardly. Who the hell was this guy?

"I want to take everything from you, Spiderman. Not because you are a stark, not because you're the undoing of the Avengers. Because I want you to suffer. Maybe I'll start with the powers now, wait until you are weak and not so super anymore... Then kill every last person you love."

Peter lunged, reaching a breaking point and needing some release. He lunged over the lab tables, grabbing for the baddie.

The guy backed up, dodging Peter. The teen pivoted and lunged again, this time catching them.

Heh, Peter thought. I'm tougher than I look.

Maybe that was part of the plan, though. All of a sudden, Peter felt a pinch and his body convulsed in on itself. He choked out a startled cry. Curling into a ball, he watched from the floor as the bad guy got up, dusted their coat off, and strolled to the door. "See you next time, Peter. Without the mask."

Peter groaned. "Ned?" His voice was weak and Peter could feel his body beginning to shut down.

"Peter, what happened? Are you-"

Everything went black, and Peter Parker Stark stopped breathing.

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