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It had been a week and a half since the big reveal. Peter had gotten back into the swing of school, and his classmates were finally getting comfortable with the idea that Peter was a Stark.

There was a certain power that came with being a Stark, a sort of swagger you started to use. The fact everyone was accustomed to it now was making Peter feel more accepted and comfortable at school, and he himself had started to take on a little bit of that swagger.

Peter's spidey sense had been buzzing like crazy lately, but usually it was just to warn him of incoming tickles from an Uncle or when Pepper would get a paper cut or something. The teen had been incredibly attuned to Pepper's well-being lately, seeing as she was carrying his little brother and all that. 

On this particular day, however, Peter was feeling not at all worried. He had gotten pretty good at ignoring his spidey sense, unless it was something really dangerous or really important, and he was laying on the table in the courtyard, soaking up the first sign of sun in months.

Ned eventually poked at him, worrying that would be late for gym class. While Peter didn't really care about gym, Ned did. Peter was at an advantage, of course, training with the Avengers did that. Ned was always worried about gym, though.

Peter whipped through testing, scoring the best of anyone in his grade. When he was done, his coach asked him to spot for Ned, seeing as Ned was just now getting to the third test: ropes.

Peter took a seat on the mats and pulled out a book. Watching Ned climb was boring.

Ned had been doing pretty good on the ropes, seeing as he was usually a terrible climber. He was nearly to the top when he started to feel his hands slip.

Peter's spidey sense tingled a little harder than normal, but he brushed it off, thinking it was probably his mom again.

"Peter?" Ned's voice was timid as he clung to the rope. His friend didn't take notice.

"Peter," Ned called a little louder.


"I think I'm in trouble, Pete."

"Just slid down, dude, don't freak out," Peter called back, not looking up from his book. He figured his friend was just worried about climbing back down. 

"Peter, Peter!" Ned yelled, finally feeling his hand give way.

Peter looked up just as Ned fell. It was a substantial fall, and given Ned's luck, he would probably break an arm.

Peter jolted up, startled and caught off guard. Without thinking, he shot a web up and pulled himself towards Ned. He grabbed his friend, who yelped at the sudden feeling of being grabbed. Peter lowered them both back to the ground and shook off the web.

"You gotta be more careful, dude! And if you'd let me know a split second earlier, you wouldn't have fallen at all!" Peter chastised his friend while collecting his book from where he had discarded it.


Peter turned, only to find his gym class staring at him.

"Shit," he breathed.


"What were you thinking, Peter?" The teen's Uncle Steve had come to pick him up that day, and having heard the whole story from Peter, was currently lecturing the boy in the car.

"We agreed that for your own safety, as well as ours, we would keep this a secret! But you go and blow it a week and a half in?"

"Ned was going to break something and he caught me off guard! What was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know, maybe recognize when that spider sense of yours goes off? Act like a normal kid and NOT shoot webs to the ceiling!"

"I've been muting my spidey sense, why would that of helped anyways! Are you saying it would have been better for me to just know it was coming and watch him fall? He would have never forgiven me!"

"Its not my fault you are muting your senses, Peter. Its also not my fault you act like a goddamn idiot sometimes. This is homecoming all over again..."

Steve grumbled, not yet realizing what he had said. They pulled into the garage, and Peter was out of the car before it had come to a full stop. His father was working on a different car and saw him run past.

"Hey, Bambi, how was... school?" Tony's sentence was punctuated in the middle with the sound of a slammed door. "What was that all about?"

Steve sighed. "He had an accident at school with Ned, but it really is something he should tell you himself."

"Alright, then." Tony went back to work, thinking it would be best to let his son cool off before asking him about it.

Meanwhile, Peter had stormed into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chocolate chips from the pantry and running into his room. He slammed that door, too, alerting the rest of his family to his presence. A muffled alt rock song started playing rather loudly.

"FRIDAY, what is Peter doing?" Clint asked the AI, looking up from the movie he, Natasha, Bucky, and Sam were watching.

"He seems to be in his room, coping."


FRIDAY brought a live stream up on the TV. Peter was in a spread eagle on his bed, crying while shoving handfuls of chocolate chips into his mouth. Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance was pounding through his speakers.

"Yeah, that looks like coping alright. FRIDAY, can you ask Tony to come up here? And maybe send this to Pepper?" Natasha's requests were followed, and Tony came up quickly. Pepper also called Natasha to discuss what the hell was going on.

Tony stood behind the couch, watching his son devour a bag of chocolate chips and cry, occasionally yelling "na na na". His eyes were glued to the screen, eyebrows pulled up in concern.

"What the fuck?" he breathed. "What is going on?"

Natasha snapped her phone shut. "Pepper is headed home."

"What happened to Peter?"

"We don't know, we thought you might know."

"Steve said something happened at school but told me Peter would tell me about it later so I figured it was fine."

"Well, let's call Steve up here and see what he has to say about this," Sam suggested.

The family called Steve up from the garage, and Bruce from the lab, too. It was best to keep everyone involved in these kinds of situations. Steve and Bruce took one look at the screen and paled.

"What happened to Peter today?" Bruce asked, worry dripping from his words.

Clint was getting a headache from the wailing, and asked FRIDAY to stop the live stream.

"He said he and Ned had some issues today and I really think it's best for him to tell you about it," Steve sighed.

"I don't care what you think, you're going to tell me what happened right fucking now," Tony snapped back.

"He's been muting his spider sense for some reason and got caught off guard today in gym because Ned nearly broke an arm. He ended up just grabbing him and he used a web, so the school found out he was Spiderman. I tried talking to him about it, but then he just randomly shut down and stormed off when we pulled into the garage."

A knife flew past Steve's face, missing him by an hair. It lodged itself in the wall behind him, and he turned to see Natasha scowling. "What exactly did you say to him?"

"I told him the muting his senses was a bad idea and they would have meant that he could have been better prepared, and that he was being an idiot to use his powers like that. He should have just let Ned fall, but instead, he acted like he did during homecoming all over again."

The room got a few degrees colder as the whole family, Steve included, realized why their boy was crying so hard.

"You're a dick sometimes," Tony said as he pushed past Steve, making his way to his son's room.

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