Fan Day6

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On the dark road ahead,I can't see a single step aheadI can't see anythingI can't feel anything- Colors

Yoori felt restless. She had been sitting alone for at least 30 minutes. There was no familiar face so far. She only knows Jane and she was there because of her. Jane was supposed to fly Paris to pursue her study there as an exchange student tomorrow, so Yoori was invited to celebrate it. She felt kinda awkward amidst of the dancing crowd. She was not really a sociable person.

Few minutes later, she finally saw a familiar face. Brian Kang. He was walking toward her who was sitting on the coach located at the corner of the club. Yoori nervously put down her drink. Yoori's heart skipped a beat when his manly scent hit her smell sense. Jane was so lucky to have Brian as her boyfriend. He's handsome, caring and romantic. But Brian is luckier to be Jane's boyfriend. She is the most attractive person in their campus. She excelled in studies and her modelling career. She is friendly, brave and beautiful. A social butterfly.

So why would that Jane befriend of someone like Yoori? Yoori was not sure. But for sure, they started to talk to each other since Jane saved her from beaten by her dad in front of their campus gate.

"Hi," he said. Yoori acknowledged his present with a nod. They never talked to each other before eventhough they heard a lot about each other from Jane. "Do you want to stay here longer?"

"Huh? Where is Jane?" Yoori asked without looking at him. It had been a while since she last talked to a guy. Except her lecturers. And the loan shark who comes to her house every month. She had to agree it was rather awkward.





Yoori knew this couple. They were like the noisiest couple ever. They fought a lot but everyone knows after each fight Mery will run into Jae's arm again. They could not be separated. At least, not for too long.

"You gotta be nice to Mery," Brian punched Jae's shoulder, playfully. Jae ignored what Brian said smoothly by asking, "Why are you here with this..Unknown?"

"Yeah, who is this Unknown?" Mery sat beside Yoori. Jae clucked his tongue.

"Don't copy my word, Mery! You can call her Anonymous or Unidentified or Nameless but never call her Unknown. I call her Unknown first. Don't ruin my originality." Mery frowned.

Yoori laughed. She had to. Brian smiled when he heard her laughter. It was awkward when there were only two of them before.

"She is Jane's buddy." Mery passed Brian two glasses full of alcohol which she had been holding.

"Speak of the devil, where is Jane? We have been waiting for her since 10." Mery looked around but there was no trace of Jane at all.

"She said she can't make it tonight. Her relatives came to her house without any notice. I only came here because she told me to send her friend home." Brian sipped the drink, glancing at Yoori who was really quiet.

"Heol..." Mery could only say that.

"It's okay. We most probably look like fools because we are here for her when she is having fun with her family but never accept rejection as failure."

"Yeah, never accept rejection as failure!"



"Don't be a copycat."

"But you just quoted Wiz Khalifa! Don't talk to me about originality."

"Fine, I won't talk to you. You stay here with this man," Jae pointed at Brian, "and this Unknown" he shifted his finger to Yoori and then pointed his finger to himself, "while me," he directed his finger to the dance floor, "will be there having fun with those chicks. Adios."

"Jaeeee, wait for meeee!" Mery ran after her love. Brian and Yoori were left alone again.

"Are you okay?" Brian passed one glass he got from Mery just now to Yoori. She took it with a thankful smile, "I'm okay. So... Jane is not coming?"

"Apparently. Don't worry, I will send you home. Maybe after you finish your drink?"

"Yeah, sure."

"HANDS OFF!! HANDS OFF!!" Mery slapped away flirty hands that kept touching her man like bugs. Jae was obviously enjoying it. "DO NOT TOUCH MY MAN! DO NOT!!!" Unfortunately, no one cared. Her anger slowly melted into depression, sadness. She stopped her aggressive action abruptly. It was always like this. She always jealous of every girl who came near Jae when Jae did not even give a single damn about who is her with. She blinked her tears away.

"Jae, I will wait for you outside." It was so stupid of her to talk that soft because Jae would not hear her. The music was so loud and with the girls surrounding him, he would not care. She was pushed behind by the people who were dancing. She sighed.

Her steps halted when someone pulled her hand, "Don't go."

Her lips curved upward. She turned to face him, "Already miss me?"

"Very much," Jae pulled her into his arms. "Darling, where's our drinks?"

"Our drinks? I gave it to Brian and Unknown."



"NOT THAT, SILLY!! I drugged those drinks!!!" He screamed in hushed tone near her right ear.

"What are you doing?"

The man was startled. He quickly diverted his eyes from the door. He smiled, a forced smile. The younger one put his arm around the man's narrow shoulder, "Are you waiting for someone? You have been looking at the door since forever. I saw on Facebook that this class is cancelled. Why are you still here?"

"What are you doing here though? Go to your class, you brat. Your class is starting."

"Are you waiting for someone? That Yoora girl?" The younger one sneered,"Hyung, just give up. She does not like you."

"What are you saying? She is only a friend. No more no less. Go away, Yoon Dowoon. You are annoying." He pushed Dowoon's away and unconsciously pouted. It's actually the truth. He had been waiting for Yoori to come. They promised to meet to discuss about their charity project in this class but she was no where to be seen at the moment.

"Alright, fine. I'm going, KIM WONPIL." Dowoon ruffled Wonpil's hair and chuckled.

"Yah! I'm older than you! This brat!"

There was her man, looking so y with his bed hair. The man stopped in his track when he heard the familiar endearment. He had been looking for her. He stepped toward her with aching heart. They were face to face with each other. Jane smiled. She thought he would not come to see her off.

" Why are you so late? Overslept?" She suddenly embraced by his warmth.

"I love you," he tightened his arms around her waist. He snuggled against her warm neck. "I'm sorry. I love you."

"I love you more. It's okay, baby. At least you came," she snuggled against his broad chest. She smiled. She loved to be embraced by Brian. She would miss him the most when she's away. An announcement calling for Jane could be heard.

"Baby, I have to go."

"Don't go. Stay here with me. I need you right now," his voice cracked. Jane had to push him away softly to take a look at his face. Something is off, she thought.
"Baby..." Jane cupped his face. His eyes were red. "Are you okay?"
"I don't know." Brian pulled her into his arms again. He truly did not know. Everything was a mess. He was afraid and could not think of anything. He wanted to die.
"You make me feel bad. Baby, I really have to go now." Jane pulled away slowly. "I'll be back so wait for me. I love you more than I love myself, Baby."

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