Fan girl

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Abhi: actor/ rockstar, very practical n doesn't believe in love,  live with his dadi

Pragya: artist n interior designer,  loves suresh,n Abhi's biggest fan, lives with her dad

Tanu: model, love Abhi, Pragya best friend, live alone, parents live in Delhi

Suresh: owns event management company, loves Pragya, live with elder sister aaliya (elder by 3yrs)

Purab: Abhi best friend, loves bulbul( when they were in college) Business man,

Dr Bulbul: Suresh's ex girlfriend,currently in London for studies, live with her mom

It was Saturday,girls night out, Tanu n Pragya were sitting at club
T: so you are over suresh now
P: don't know, I still can't believe we are not together
T: it good that you are not, move on prags, he is not worth for ur love
P: no it was my mistake, I over reacted, all he wanted to kiss, n I slapped him, it was wrong
T: there is nothing wrong in that, if you are not comfortable he should not have kissed you, n it was more then kiss, I saw he was trying know what I mean
P: come on, it was 6months back, I was his girl friend, n what was wrong in that
T: if there was nothing wrong then why you slap him
P: I was not prepared,
T: don't give me this shit, I was not prepared
Just then, someone came n hugged Pragya from behind, she turned n was shock to see suresh
S: hey babes, missed me
P: hi,
T:(think of devil n he is here) hi suresh
S: hi Tanu, ( holds Pragya by waist) come babes, let's dance n takes Pragya to dance floor
Tanu was looking at them n lost in thoughts,why she doesn't understand, it's just infatuation n not love, he will only use her, she knows what he did to bulbul, then also she doesn't open her eyes,  just then Abhi came
A:hey beautiful, may I sit here
T:( came out of her thoughts) oh Abhi ya sure, have a sit
A: so you with someone or came alone
T:(still looking at Pragya) came with my friend
A: it seems you are lost somewhere ( looks were she is looking) so you are admiring  suresh
T: what??? NO, you know him
A: ya, my last concert was done by his company, he is such a good for nothing, always behind girls, so whom you are looking at???
T: My friend who is dancing with him
A: tell her to keep distance from him
T: she is mad, madly in love with him, they were friends for decade  n then affair for 3days n they broke up 6months back
A: what??? N still she is with him right now
T: I told you she is mad, still not over him
A: then why they broke up
T: he tried to kissed n she didn't allow n then slap him
A:(laughs) what kind of girl she is, who does that, I'm sure suresh is just having lust for her, that's why hitting on her again
Pragya, just came n only listen part,(he is having lust for her n that's y he is hitting on her)
P: ( she was standing behind Abhi n didn't saw his face) look MR, who are you to judge him, n tells Tanu she is going with suresh
Before Abhi could turn, n answer her, she leaves
T: see this is why, I'm so worried for her, she doesn't listen, I hope she doesn't land up in mess again
A: hope so, I have to leave now, will meet some other time, bye
After some time, suresh was holding Pragya, little just above her waist, his hand was almost touching her bust line, which was making her uncomfortable,
S: I'm sorry Pragya, let's start it over again, I love you
P: it's ok, it was my mistake, I over reacted
S: do you still love me
P: yes, I love you
S: I can't drive after drinks, so I have booked room in this hotel, would you like to join, we can talk, music is to loud here
P: ok ( suresh received call)
S: excuse me,(goes from there to take call)
A: hi suresh
S: hi, Abhi, what's up
A: nothing, can you meet me at club, wanted to discus about my next concert
S: I'm already at club
A: really I'm also at club,
S: such a small world, ok come near dance floor I'm there
A: if you don't mind, come to room 312, I'm waiting for you 
S: ok will be there in 5mins n cuts the call, n calls Pragya to wait for him in room 318, n says he has some work n will be back in 15-20 mins, she agrees
Pragya was sitting in room, n thinking, what Abhi (she didn't know he was Abhi) said about suresh, he is having only lust n his words kept on running in her mind
It's lust not love, All he wants is just physical relationship, that's it, don't you see, how can you be so dumb, if you would have little brain, you wouldn't have given him tight slap, after knowing him for almost decade, he behaves like this to you n you think it's love, NO, don't think so, but all my other friends think we are made for each other, n it's fine if I allow him, we should take this relationship to next level, what will he think??? If I don't allow, we are mature enough to handle things,if just incase anything goes wrong, her thoughts were distracted by massage on her phone "sorry Pragya, can't make it tonight will meet you later" she leaves
Suresh comes to room but she was not there, he thinks to call her but his phone was not there n he suddenly realise he must have forget in Abhi room, n goes to his room, but before he reaches, Abhi comes with his phone n gives him, suresh thanks him n tells his friend was waiting to meet him, but she left,
A: sorry because of me your friend left
S: it's ok, she was not that important
A: oh I get it,
S: (cuts in) just one night stand, laughs
A: give me her contact number, maybe I can get lucky
S: (gives her number) she is not that easy, I tried so many times, but don't know always I get unlucky,
A: (saves number but without name, saves as ???) ok, bye then see you next time, n thinks,"God this girl is in such a mess, if I would not called suresh to meet me n msg her from suresh number at right time, God knows what he had done with her"n he leaves
Flash back
Abhi was going home, but when he heard suresh saying do you still love me, n don't know why, he was curious to know her answers he stopped n listen to their conversation n the moment she agreed Abhi called suresh n asked him to meet n when he came to his room, Abhi purposely  drop drink on suresh, n when he was is washroom, he msg on last dial number from that  hoping that it's her number only
Flash back ends

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Happy reading

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