Life is mystery, solve it

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Dadi calls Abhi in morning for breakfast, as he was late
Dadi: why are you late nowadays
Abhi: nothing
D: are you not sleeping properly at night, look at yourself, you are having dark circles
A: dadi, I was making new song from past few days so, I have tour n  will be gone for 4-5 days
D: but where ???
A: Delhi
D:ok, so when are you leaving
A: today evening
D: ok, I will pack all things n Abhi leaves
Here Pragya n Tanu where thinking, whom does Abhi might be in love, Pragya tells Tanu to ask him directly but Tanu says,"No, he still has not proposed that girl, n I misunderstood him, Im not in love with him, I just was attracted to him, his sweet talks n making me comfortable n understanding all that made me think otherwise, this is not love, I got it all wrong, but I'm glad, I got friend like him, he is so sweet " Pragya tells about her upcoming project n tells she is really looking forward to meet her client Mrs Jaiswal, just then she gets call from her office n both leaves
Pragya reached her office, her assistant comes n tells her that Mrs Jaiswal has ask if meeting can be done at her residence, n Pragya agrees ask for address, her assistant tells she has send car n driver will take her Mrs Jaiswal ( Abhi's dadi) , just then Anil comes n ask Pragya to go with driver, n he will take car, she agrees n leaves
Before Pragya reaches, she received call from hospital, she gets shock n request driver to take her to city hospital, n calls Abhishek but his phone was switched off, so she sends msg "call me its urgent "then she calls Tanu to come there, as she enters, she ask where is causality ward n rushed there, n started looking for her father, doctor tells her that her father has suffered major head injuries n needs to operate now, she sign all necessary forms  required, after while nurse comes running from OT n ask Pragya to come in as her father requested
Pragya entered n started crying but Anil said her,"beta, I wanted to tell you something, pls don't ever hate me for this, all I did this because I was concerned about you
Pragya: what?? Dad, how can you think I can ever get angry with you
Anil: you will, ( holds her hand) pls try to understand why I did it, will love you always n dies, Pragya hugged him n cried, after almost hour Tanu came Pragya hugged her n again cried a lot n console Pragya," pls get hold of yourself, Pragya, everything will be fine"
P: nothing is going to be fine, dad left me, now I'm all alone in this world, why don't God takes me too"
T: shut up, you come n stay with me, I'm always there for you, never think you are alone, ok you are my sister n  my parents are your parents also, so never ever say that again ok n hugs her
Here as soon as Abhi reaches Delhi he reads her msg, n keeps on trying Pragya phone but it kept on ringing n then it was switched off, there were no replies of his msgs also, she had forgot her phone in Abhi car, he was worried but didn't know how else to contact her n waited for her call whole night n then next day also
Next day after all last rituals were done, dadi had came to meet her,
Dadi: beta
P: yes auntyji
Dadi: I'm Mrs Jaiswal but you call me dadi only, N from now you are staying with me
P: but ??
D: (cuts in) I knew your father we were neighbors, when all were in Delhi, your mom n dad n my son n his wife were friends, your mom n my son n daughter in law, died at same time in plan crush years back, n when I heard about Anil, I came here for you
P:(hugs her tightly n cries) dadi but how can I stay with you, you must be having your own family n
D:(cuts in) my family is you, Anil had met me few days back, n he was very worried for you n your future, I was also worried about my grandson, after much discussion we decided that you both should get married but you n my grandson would never agree as both didn't believe in marriage so
P:(nervously) so what,dadi??
Dadi: so we got you both married, without you all knowledge n took you all signature on marriage certificate
P:(totally shocked but remembered her dads last words n just nodded in yes, she failed to recall her as Abhi's dadi as she was in trauma)
D: that's like my girl (kissed her forehead) now pack your things n rest I will tell driver to bring
Pragya: ok dadi, just give me few minutes n leaves to her room, Tanu follows her ( thinks she is moving with her client n not with her but was shocked to hear what dadi said about their marriage)
T: what was all that, n I can't believe all this
P: ( she thinks Tanu hears everything) I have too, my dad knew her and
T: ( cuts in) oh, I can understand, let me help you,
Suddenly Pragya realise, her phone is missing n looks for it everywhere didn't find it, just then dadi comes in her room n asks what's taking so long, to that she replied that her phone is missing, dadi told her that she had spear phone n she will give her n ask her to hurry up
Here Abhi calls Tanu, to find out about Pragya
A: hi
T: hi Abhi
A: so, ( long pause) is everything ok
T: ya why??
A: I mean that night your friend Pragya
T: there is nothing fine with her,
A:(heart beat rises) why what happened??
T: yesterday her dad, expired
A: oh god, may her father rest in peace, you should be with her all the time, she must be feeling so lonely
T: I wanted to but she went with her dadi n is taking care of her
A: that's good, where does she live
T: no, I don't know, but past month she is behaving like something is fishy, she was not in that much in touch, like she used to
A: why are saying such things
T: suddenly she has Dadi now, n already married, maybe I heard wrongly
A: anyway bye for now, I have to go n cuts call before Tanu says bye,

Abhi  gets angry, that she never said about her dadi n thinks decided to call her but her number was still switched off, n he ask agent book air ticket to next available flight

Here Pragya enters Mehra mansion, dadi asked her to sit n gives her new cell phone with SIM card n tells her that she just received msg from her grandson that he will be back by late night, n excuse herself n goes to kitchen, Pragya was sitting alone n very nervous, she thinks to ask her that whom she is married to n then though of marriage reminds her of Abhishek but thinks she should not call him now, what if dadi didn't like it, just then dadi comes does her  Arti, n ask her to have dinner with her, Pragya nods, both had dinner, dadi tells her grandson will be coming at any moment now, ask her to hide in room next to stairs n switched of lights as it will be shocking for him also but she wants both of them to be surprised n gives hint they already know each other
Pragya goes to room n Abhi comes n he is really in bad mood, he was feeling helpless, he wanted to comfort her, talk to her but her phone was unavailable
Dadi: beta, why you return early, you where supposed to come after 4days then why??
Abhi: pls dadi I don't want to talk now
Dadi:(takes him to her room which is next to Abhi room) I have news that will make you happy
A: nothing in this world can make me that happy that I forgot my problems
D: first listen to me
(Pragya comes n try's to listen there conversation)
A: what dadi??
D: first close your eyes n tell me, what's first thing comes in your mind when I say word marriage
A:(sees Pragya face, but that makes him even more angry as that made him realise he had helplessly fallen in love with her) I hate marriage n I don't believe in such relations, it's total waste,
(Pragya hears that n goes crying back to room)
Dadi:  don't shout, you are talking to me, your dadi, n don't lie, you always said that you will marry girl of my choice then now what happened??
A: but dadi(falls on Kees)
D: do you like someone
A: (long pause) dadi thing is
D: ( gets nervous but didn't show) tell me yes or no
A: may be, no, I don't know
D: close your eyes n again see if you get your answer,
A:(closes eyes n again sees Pragya face)
Yes ( on realising he tries to change topic) she is married to someone else
D: so I was right, you were in love, but if she also loved you, she won't marry someone else, you should also move on
A: ( fakes) I can't dadi
D: ( she gets impatient) you have to, you are already married
A: what??? This can't be
D: yes it is, (tells everything but still doesn't tells her name)
A: what is all this, I can't be married to some random girl ( he feels broken, even before sharing his feelings to Pragya, his dreams were shattered)
D: you will sleep in guest room n meet her in morning, n tell me if she is just random girl or right girl n dadi leaves

Here Pragya was sitting in Abhi room lights were off, n Thinks,"How can I stay here with him in same room, I don't love him, this is not marriage it's joke, joke of my life
Dad, why did you do this" Pragya kept on cursing her faith, whole night, though it was there first night together as couple, she thought she was stuck forever, she again thinks to call Abhishek n calls but then cuts, thinks,"what if that stone hearted husband comes in, but I'm just calling my friend n why must he would have problem, it's 1am Pragya, you can't call but its emergency, I should call" n she locks door from inside n dial his number
P: hi
A:who is this??
P: you forgot me, just in 1da
A: nothing like that, (forgets everything n also what all dadi just said n gets talking) I was so worried, I called Tanu to know about you, n she told me  about your father I'm sorry to hear that
P: you know, he was my world, my strength, I'm all alone now
A: why telling that, you have your
P: (cuts in) I know I have you, my support system but
A: but it won't to same right??
P: why?? Why you are telling that
A: Tanu told me everything ( like she is moving with her dadi or maybe married)
P: oh, I agreed as its was my dads last wish, but this idiot, good for nothing, do you know any good lawyer
A: what?? Why???
P: I'm married to this stoned hearted husband
A:( he cursed himself n thinks if I had said I'm married to Pragya even that would have become truth)
P: are you listening???
A: ( gets happy that she is not liking her husband n he still have scope for him n gets in fun mood) are you serious, so this was your father last wish, how can you just divorce him, what have he done actually n how come you are talking at this time, don't you feel awkward to talk in front of him
P: one question at a time, firstly I'm serious, there is no point in forcing him to get in relation with me, n he has done nothing n he
A:(cuts in) so now I get it, you wanted him do something n he has not done anything n that's why you
P: pls stop your dirty mind, I'm not that desperate ok, he has still not came in room n I have locked it from inside just in case he comes
A: is in today your first night ??
P: technically yes, but I want it to be last night
A: this is too much, I think you must be really missing me, call me at this time on your first night,
P: shut up, don't give that much importance to yourself ok, actually thanks, whenever I talk to you, you cheer me up, on serious note should I give this so called marriage a chance ??
A:(wants to tell no) at least try
P: what ?? I'm not buying garment that I will first try n than buy
A:(laughs) what I mean to say, don't come to conclusion so fast,
P:you know I don't even know, whom I'm married too ( someone nocks door n she cuts call) Robin comes with water jug n tells dadi ask him to send n Pragya asked him," where is your sir" he replied, " Sir is in guest room " n he leaves
Abhi thinks , I should call her, but what if her husband came, maybe that's why she cuts call(that thought makes him angry n he punched his hand on mirror) what should I do, should I also give my marriage with that girl a chance, after all what's her fault, but I can never love her, what am I saying do I love Pragya n so I can't connect to someone else, have I fallen for her, oh yes I'm in love but she is doesn't feel same way for me, no no of course she feels for me, that's why she called me at this time on her first night,but what Last thing she said, doesn't know whom she is married too, I also don't know whom I'm married too, her husband has not yet came to her room, I have not gone to my room yet, oh god, does that mean I'm I'm actually, " n he runs towards his room, but it was locked from inside," dam, I can't wait till morning " n went back to guest room
Here Pragya, thinks, " does it really true that I missed Abhishek so much that I didn't realise that I was calling him so late even when I'm married, come on Pragya you married on paper only, you don't even know whom you are married to, but Abhishek is so sweet that he understands me so well, hope this stone hearted husband also understand me, in your dreams Pragya no one can know you better then Abhishek n that's fact, is this what I think is love, does he love or its me, no you idiot, it's just that he is being nice to you, don't misunderstand it, don't you remember how Tanu made fool of herself by taking things in wrong way, abhi didn't mind n is still friends with her, what if Abhishek doesn't like n you will lost your best friend, you can't be that dumb"

Sorry no precap this time, sorry for grammatical errors
Hope you'll like it, pls comment good or bad,
Happy reading

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