Walk with me.... we think later where life takes us

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Next day Abhi called Purab early in morning
Abhi: hi so all ready
P: for what???
A: I know you are coming for Pune to my concert
Purab: who said you that, I'm in Delhi right now
A: but your friend Pragya told me that you were going with her
P: ya she did call me, but I can't manage, I have some imp work here so I told her no
A: did she told why she needed you to accompany her
P: no, just told that she wanted me to accompany her as she was traveling alone
A: what kind of friend are u, letting her travel alone that too with Suresh!!
P: wait, what?? Suresh, if I knew that I would have definitely had come, tell me first how you know her
A: listen I don't have that much time to explain now, bye n cuts call,"Oh god, what type of girl is she,   Why she hides things n not open up, why she can't she think practical, How can I preformed in so much tension, but why are you feeling stress out, you can do it Abhi" n he tells to himself n sits in car n start driving, just then Pragya called
Pragya: hey Abhishek
A: hi
P: are you free, can we talk
A:( connects call to car via Bluetooth n drives) yes we can, what you want to talk??
P: nothing, like I was driving alone so I thought I can talk to you, may be till I reach Pune
A: (little angry) are you crazy, I can't talk for that long n you had company of suresh n Purab, right???
P: actually, Purab has some work so I ditch suresh, before he comes to pickup me, I left from home
A: (gets happy) oh ok, but you can call Tanu, why calling me
P: don't know, but I thought calling you, I want to know more about you, you didn't tell anything clearly yesterday that why you are so concern about me,??
A: what will you do after knowing that???
P: don't answer in question
A: frankly I also don't know why I got in all this, but I don't have much to share about me to you
P: why??? Don't you consider me as your friend, you know about me more then Tanu knows me in 10yrs, so I also want to know about you
A: ya I do consider u as my friend, so first u should know that I don't believe in love or marriage, or any other such relation
P: why??
A: I have no reason for that, but I believe in friendship
P: so friend, is there any girl in your life, like girl friend, first crush, etc
A: didn't I just tell you that I don't believe in all this
P: then how can you be so sure, that what I feel for suresh is just guilt n not love, this means u know what is love but you just wont admit it
A: pls yaar, stop it, what love love I just hate it
P: is somebody betray you in love
A: no, I never let anybody to come that close that their absence affects me or I feel betrayed by them ok
P: ok I got it,
A: really, you understood n you won't ask me again about love life etc
P: never, promise
A: thanks, such questions makes me uncomfortable
P: like me talking about Abhi makes me uncomfortable
A: yes, so are you excited
P: for what??
A: concert, remember, you are going Pune for that right??
P: oh yes, you know I think somebody is following my car
A: who??
P: don't know, some idiot in black BMW
A: ( smiles) oh ok, ask your driver to drive fast
P: I'm only driving, n I can't drive that fast, n this idiot is also driving slow like me n following me
A: ( smiles n maintain distance from her car) may be he is also like you, does't know to drive fast
P: haha that's was so funny
A: can I ask you something??
P: obviously you can
A: you never felt for once that suresh is not right person
P: actually no, he is always been nice to me, then why should I think that way
A: then pls explain why that night at pub, I clearly saw, you were so uncomfortable when he touched you around your waist,
P: ( to avoid this question she tries to change topic) so you were checking me out, n now plan to come between me n suresh
A: seriously, do you really think that way
P: aare I was joking, ya I do feel,, it's not right that touching n all, love is much more then just being physically attracted, I won't mind if he didn't touch me even after marriage,
A: ( he was amazed with her) really,
P: hope you get someone in your life, who will love you unconditionally
A: sorry that day will never come
P: never say never, by the way what are doing
A: talking to you
P: aare, I'm talking other then talking to me, n not believing in love, what you do?? Did you find job
A: I'm not jobless, I'm just not finding correct job for me, which excites me
P: so what you do now
]A: ( gets stuck, n don't understand what to talk now n he didn't wanted to keep on lying about him, at same time he didn't wanted to revel his ID n get angry) what you do , you do, doing from last 5 minutes, I'm driving car, n you are irritating me
P: ( she gets angry) I won't call you from now, bye n cuts call, she saw BMW over takes her in full speed, she arrived Pune after half hour from Abhi
Concert was started on time, today's first half, performance was not hit like always, it was super hit, but for second half, he couldn't control n while singing he kept on looking for Pragya but he could not find her n he gets tense n acts like he is not feeling well n lefts concert in between n leaves in his car, he kept on trying Pragya cell but it's not reachable, he calls suresh from pco,
s: who is this
A: driver
S: I told you not to disturb, then why you called
A: I wanted to go early so
S: so what?? Just go n give car keys at reception
A: sir I had taken car n went for lunch, n I forgot name of hotel
S: it's orchid you idiot n now don't call keep the phone you ###**##
Abhi drives fast


Suresh waiting for Pragya at entrance of ground
S: hey beautiful, missed me
P: ( she was already drunk little as she had seen him from far n nervous as she decided she will ask him for hookup ) sorry actually I for got to say I'm leaving early
S: don't be sorry babes, I know you wanted to drive alone, so you ditch me
P: ( think it's right time for plan) oh pls don't get me wrong but I don't love you, I just wanted to ignore you soo I left
S: ( confused) why ??? I love you babes truly
P: listen I will come straight to point ok,  I'm not looking for long term relationship, it's so old fashion
S: (still confused) but you slap me when I came close to kiss you
P: may be I didn't wanted kiss, may be I wanted somethings more,
S: ( surprised, thinks if he thinks is right) like ??
P: just wanted to hookup, suresh can't you get that,
S: are you drunk
P: ya, little bit, I was little upset, n little angry n little bit more curious to know
S: (cut in) come lets go from here, security won't allow drunken fan, we will see live concert in my room
P: ok let's go

]Flashback ends

Suresh make her drink some more at the hotel n he himself also drinks, he goes near her n holds her by waist n kisses her on lips, (forgets about her mission) she also kiss him on his cheeks, he slowly moves more close to her n tries to undress her, ( suddenly strike that she is suppose to fake it n not actually do it, back to mission) she ask him not now, n but he insists to do now, n continue but she gets angry n slaps him hard, even he gets mad now n ask if she didn't wanted all these they why she said she wanted to hookup with him, she again slap him n says," So we are here only to have sex n not because we love each other, you are such a ##*##, Abhishek was right, you only love yourself, you only have lust for me" suresh ignore that n holds her hand n slap her hard n tries to force himself on her, she tries to escape n hides under the bed, just then Abhi enters with help of hotel staff, the hotel staff bits suresh, while Abhi finds Pragya is hiding under bed, unconscious he lifts her n ask staff to call doctor n he also requested them not to disclose this incident to anyone or else he will take strict action again them n if Pragya ask how she was saved, then tell her you all hear her voice n open door with master key n saved her , n for suresh if he remembers that I came, you'll make sure it's just his dream, n give him warning n leave him ok, my manager will take care of all this ok n he leaves
Pragya get conscious, n ask what happened, staff narrate whole story as they were told by Abhi to tell her, she thanks him, n calls her dad, "dad, I love you, im sorry dad I love" n cuts call as she again fell unconscious on bed, her dad calls back n nurse tells that Pragya is very weak, n couldn't talk right now, n when he ask where is she, nurse tell she is in Pune, city hospital n they will discharge her in morning, Anil cuts call n rush to leave for Pune.  while she gets up, she was feeling much better now, she calls Abhishek but again cuts before he pickup n again calls but cuts as soon as he says hello
Abhi thought to call her back but, then he thinks what will he talk, what if ask same questions n I can't lie to her again n again but I don't want to tell truth also, she willeat me up if she knows I'm Abhi, n tell whole world that I help her n make me Center of attraction, I'm already always surrounded by people, n I don't want to eaten by fuggie but what if she needs any help n I should call her back, n he calls
A: hi, so how was concerts
P: amazing I enjoyed like anything specially after irating you this was much needed break
A:(confused, did she had nerve breakout or what) haha that's was funny, so when you decided to work on plan
P: ( quite for while) I don't need any, I believe in him, I just can't ask such thing n insult his feels, n spoil our relation
A:(why she is lying like nothing happen n gets angry) really, he loves you
P: see you only telling me he loves me
A: shut up, I'm not telling you that
P: (cuts in) but why didn't you say that, may be that would become true n he really loved me
A: why you are talking like this??, did you ask him??
P: what do you think
A: I think you are drunk
P: ( finally she breaks down)I was, when I met him n he told I won't be allowed in auditorium, let's go n watch Abhi live at his room, I like an idiot went n you know you were right n I was wrong,(starts crying) he just wanted to get physical as soon as we reached n when I protest, he tried to force himself on me, he didn't even wait for second n I was scared to death, only thinking about your words, I should have not come alone with him, (tells him everything in detail)
A: pls don't cry, you are brave girl, n if I see him again, I will kill that
P: (cuts in) why didn't you came ??? you were so right about him that this will happen n
A: (cuts in) I'm sorry, it's all my mistake, I should have not given you such idea, it's all my fault, I'm such idiot
P:( to make him happy fake laugh) at lest now we are on same page, we both are idiot
A: (laughs) yes, we are on same page
P: you know I slap him twice
P: thanks Abhi for being there for me
A: Abhi ?? I'm Abhishek not Abhi
P: I know, but right now you are my rockstar, you gave such amazing idea, saved my life
A: but call me Abhishek only, I don't want to mistaken as Abhi
P: ok then I will call you "later"
A: why what happen?? Pls can we talk
P: aare your new name "later"
A: means??
P: Abhi (now) n later, it's joke, you can laugh
A: haha, it was not funny
P: you sound good when you laugh, always keep laughing
A: I'm not mad, who will keep on laughing
P: why you always take it in negative
A: I'm like that only, it's not thinking negative, I'm being practical
P: whatever
A: so now you are over suresh,
P: ya completely who Is Suresh ??do I know him??
A: how can you be so cool about that
P: we have only one life, I want to live it to fullest, I don't have time to regret, I have already move on
A: so easy to say but very difficult in practicality
P: that's me, I'm take easy way, it's easy to forget but difficult to leave with such memories, bye dad has come, I have to go to
abhi keeps on thinking about her that whole night, last words keeps on going in his mind,"it's easy to forget but difficult to remember "
That whole night he kept on thinking about her, her words, her attitude towards life, her innocence n everything else about her


I never knew love makes you do crazy stuff, it's like I really don't have words, do you also feel same, like you want to talk but you don't talk, you want laugh but can't, like you are there but you are not, I know this is not making any sense but I think it's love or it's just me who is thinking like it is, you are understanding na what I'm trying to say, I'm in love, just can't believe it, just can't stop thinking about my first love

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