You make me want more of you everytime i look at you

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Next day
Abhi woke up from couch, kissed her forehead n left room, she was still sleeping, she had deep n peaceful sleep after really long time
Sunshine coming from curtains fell on her face n She woke up, she was surprised to see whole room was decorated with babies pics, toys n even crib was there decorated with pink n blue soft silky fabric with laces
Just then he entered
"Oh my god..... what is all this madness"

He walks in with juice n gives her
"From now on you are just going to enjoy your pregnancy n nothing else"

"Abhi... thanks this is beautiful n amazing, I'm totally surprised but this crib, I'm only four months pregnant still four five months to go... this is insane.... when you find all this so early in morning"

"It's 1pm, it's afternoon"

"Ohh I over slept.... why didn't nobody woke up me"


"Give me 10 minutes, I will be ready"

"Take your on time..... one more thing...."


"Promise me you won't get angry"


"I want one boy n girl"

"It's not in my hand, it could be two boys or two girls too"

"Then better be two girls just like you, boys loves their moms more n they are spoiled brats"

"Then I better have two boys like you, rockstar !"

"No.... girls"

"Then one girl n one boy"

"Have you any names in mind??"

"Actually I have not thought of it till now .... n you??"

"I tried thinking but didn't find any, I think when you deliver I will decide"

"Now let me go to washroom"
She literally runs to washroom

"I will be waiting down for lunch"
He shouts from out n left

Moment she comes down dadi does her Arti
"I'm so thankful to god that he heard my prayers n you are here giving me biggest happiness of my lifetime"
Abhi told dadi as Aditi suggested that she is pragya n now remembers everything

"Ohh dadi.... I'm glad that I'm able to give you all happiness"
She smiled softly, as she felt like déjà vu, n couldn't stop thinking about it

They both hugs
While having lunch dadi was about to ask...where was she all this time n how she got her memory back but Abhi signs dadi to be quiet

" I have to go for press conference, you take rest, I have asked robin he will shift all your belongings to our room"

"Take her also with you"
Dadi suggested

"What will she do???, I think it's better if she rest, she has not fully recovered, she needs to be extra careful as she is carrying twins"

She was annoyed with his possessiveness
"You drop me to studio, I have some work there"

"But you should rest"

"I'm fine.... I think you should see doctor.... you have gone mad..."

Dadi cuts in
"Look at you two, just yesterday you got your memory back n today instead of celebrating that ....Pragya you are arguing n Abhi you going for press conference alone"

"Dadi he has gone nuts.... he already bought crib... n he is irritating me with his over possessiveness....always asking me to rest ... I have rested enough for two months in coma"

"You were in coma.....??"
She was surprised

"Dadi I will tell you everything thing later n Aditi you come with me"

"Why are you calling her Aditi now also ... call her by her real name pragya"

"Yes.... pragya... you want to go to studio... let's go"
He literally dragged her to car
N started driving

"Why was dadi shocked when I said I was in coma???"

"I think we both should tell same stories when people ask, I told dadi you were here only in Pune, all this time, at some hospital, bulbul had gone there for some medical camp n found you, so she told me, n I brought you to my house, I lied to dadi that's you are Aditi as your condition was such that we can't tell you directly that you are pragya, so we all played along that we don't know you"

"Ohhh ... sure ... I will remember that .... but"
She looks puzzled

"What ...but...."

"What about pregnancy???"
She still nervous about pregnancy

"That is to be understood"

"When did I get pregnant before accident or after??"

He thinks for while
"I did with pragya day before she went missing...."

"Was that your first time???"
She didn't know why she asked that,

"What type of question is this??...I'm not answering that"

"Come on ....tell me"

"Of course was my first time too"
He thinks to himself what an idiot I was... I should have told pragya this way... why I had to tease her

"Abhi... what happened??? Where are you lost"

"You know...I teased her that day n said i won't answer that.. I don't want to lie..... I was so stupid of me.... she got angry n never came back"

"You and your dumb ideas, what were you thinking???"

"Let it be.... but why you want to go studio ??"

"I just wanted to go out, I'm sick of being at home all the time"



"What happened??"

"I think babies kicked.... it's feeling like butterflies in my tummy"

He instantly stops car n puts both of his hands on her tummy but he doesn't feel anything so he gets closer n try's to talk to babies n she melts him being so close

"Hey juniors, please kick again I want to talk to you"

"I think ...only I can feel for now, it will take time for you to feel too, maybe after few more days"

"Are you sure???, I can't feel now, let me try again"
He was about to feel again but she stopped in middle

"Aren't you getting late for press conference, you can feel babies later... now first drop me at studio"

"Ok but what will you do there??"

"I don't know... or even drop me at mall... I will do shopping"

"I'm not leaving you alone for shopping, do one thing you come with me, n after I finish ... we both will go together"

"Ok .,, but I will not face reports, I will wait in room, can you book room in that hotel??"

"Of course... that's better... let's go"

They reached hotel much before time, he booked room for her n he went to banquet room to look at arrangements, Purab too joined him n suggested that he will call him once all reports n media is ready, so Abhi went back to her room, as he entered he saw she was sleeping peacefully, he quietly closed door n again came back to Purab
"Why you came down... ??"
He questioned

"She is sleeping... I don't want to disturb"

"So what you decided to tell reporters??"

"Aditi had this fantastic idea, that she is pragya ( rest of story)"

"That's brilliant"
He thought did she actually got her memory back, how can she imagine exactly same scenario?

"Do you think I should announce about pregnancy too"

"Of course.... n in anyway they will come to know later"

"Ya that's true...."

"But what if in real her memory comes back, n she wants to move on with her past life"
He was purposely digging things out

"Please don't scared me"
He was scared if she go back to her ex husband, he totally forgot that according to her, her ex already married someone else

"Why scared??? Do you actually started loving her??"

"I don't know... but just thought of going away from her gives goosebumps, I'm too attached to babies"
He tries to explain

"Don't lie to me, you are hopelessly in love with her, if you where attached to babies then why kissing their mother"
He confronts

"Ok fine... maybe .... because I see pragya in her, her eyes reminds me of pragya... I just get lost in them every time I see her, I can't stop thinking about her... i have totally gone nuts but she gets irritated with me, whenever I show my love for her, she thinks I'm mad n over possessive"

"Propose her, then she won't think you as insanely mad person, tell her you love her madly....."

"She is really stubborn, sometimes even I feel she too loves me but she will not accept .... n nor my love ....saying she is dying"

"She is not going to die, just yesterday bulbul told she will operate her once she deliver babies, n she will be fine, but till that time she should take things easy, she may even get miscarriage"

"What are you saying????"
He was shocked

"She is not dying!!"

"She might get miscarriage??"

"Think positive..., you are already taking great care of her, nothing going to happen....n she is not going die.... but don't tell her ...,"

"Ok.... you really made my day....let's go"

Soon press conference started, before reporters could asks any stupid questions, Abhi gave surprise to them all with news that ...girl in the pictures is pragya, she recently recovered from accident n bonus news is she is pregnant with his babies, he also requested them not to bug Pragya, as she still not keeping well, n stress is not good for her health news spread like wild fire, reporters didn't had any negative comments, nor asked any stupid questions, all were thrilled to receive such great news,

Here She wakes up, n think she over slept but when check time
It's not even two whole hours ...since he went n she hears soft knock on door n she opens
"Come ...let's go shopping... I'm done with press conference.....n said whatever we decided n also announced about we having good news soon, but I have not disclosed that you are carrying twins... let that be surprise...I'm so happy today...."
He informed with excitement

"Sorry but can we go home, I'm not in mood to do shopping"
No matter what she was not able forget dadi doing her Arti, she was lost in that

"You just got up right??? You already rested enough for today.. let's go"
He wanted take her out n propose her,

"You were spying on me??"

"No, I came before but you were sleeping so I didn't want to disturb so I went back"

"Fine.. but let's go home"

"Ok but after dinner"
He so wanted to propose her today itself

"Abhi please....ohh ohhh"

"Did babies kick again"
He gets up from couch

She almost feels chills, she thought he will touch

"How I wish even I could feel that"
N he just rest himself on bed

"Abhi what are doing???, let's go"

"I was thinking let's stay here for tonight.... dadi will be happy thinking we are spending time together"

She agrees but still dadi doing Arti runs in her mind, he calls for room service ordered dinner, Purab too joins them n he acts as she is actually pragya....

"Hey Purab come in"
He welcomes him

"You here??"
She was surprised

"I had to come..... I'm so glad pragya you finally get back your memories, you don't know how much Abhi missed you n me too"

"missed me ... ??"

"Purab don't mess ..... Aditi ..he knows...."
He signed him that you are dead now

"Is this joke???..... let me call Di... I will tell her...."

"Aditi please... I'm sorry... she will call off wedding.... please don't call her"

"Ok fine"

Abhi was laughing continuously, looking at them, soon After having dinner together Purab went back
She was watching TV n he called dadi that they will come next day morning, as they are spending night here at hotel

"Aditi..., can I ask you something??"


"What if your memory comes back n you decide to live with your past.... then ....."

She cuts in
"Don't worry...... I won't break my promise.... babies will be with you"

"I'm taking about us.... what about us??"

"What about us?? We are friends n we will be, but I definitely want to meet my ex....he is so...."
She just said to tease him

He cuts in
"Didn't he married someone else??"


He cuts in
".....What matter with you???...."
He just stamped his feet goes out to balcony
she smirked continued watching TV after while when he doesn't come back... so she too went out to balcony

"I'm sorry.... I was just teasing you...."

"It's not funny....."

"Ok ok but you started first"

"Me??? How??"

"You asked about us...."

"So... I just wanted to know will leave me???"

"I know we are faking this whole marriage thing , but I will not leave you just like that, there is no past, present or future without you"

"Believe me, I was scared ..."

She cuts in
"I will leave this world, but not you"



"Is something wrong??"

"I don't know why... babies kicking to much today"

"Let me see
(He instantly hugs her around her tummy, but he was still not able to feel it n he continues)
Are you sure babies kicking"

"It's happening in my tummy, of course I know better"

"Let me see again
(He rubs his hand in Circular motion on tummy, n he feels bobbles popping)
Wow this is amazing...."

Here Aditi was melting n feeling chills at same time with his touch
"Ya but let's go inside I'm feeling cold"

"Whatever suits you."

She straight goes to sleep, she didn't even wait for him, he too didn't mind n sleeps
It was around midnight, his hand was rubbing her tummy softly, as she moans, but moment he touched her, she woke up n he too

"What happened???"

"You were moaning so I thought babies maybe troubling you, that why rubbing your tummy... please don't get me wrong"

She gets up n stands near window looks out at moon n speaks her heart out
"Abhi to be honest, every time you touch ...shivers runs down my spine, you know what I'm trying to say"

"Does that mean...,"
He too walks to her

"Yes..... I'm very sensitive to your touch, I don't know it's because of hormonal changes or you have such effects on me"
She turns to him but couldn't look straight into his eyes

"My presence affects you"
He holds chin n makes her look into his eyes

"Shut up....don't get ideas... I'm just sharing my thoughts... it's not that I'm in love or anything"
She pushes him slightly n goes to sit on couch

"That means ....definitely you too love me"
He just crushed his lips on her, she too responded equally soon his hands started exploring her other parts, she whispered "softly n slowly", he slowly lifts her n keeps her on Center of bed, he sleeps beside her, resting his one hand on her waist n other was busy giving pleasure, she so wanted him to enter but he was tense to take it to next level
"What happened??"

"I don't think we should take it further"

"Nothing gonna happened"

"Are you sure??"

"I will kill you Abhi"
Finally things turned out as they were supposed to, with help of little lubrication he entered spooning her n she reached her peak, but he still continues, it took  few more strong strokes n she moans in pleasure, she turns n pleads for deep penetration, in no time he was to her back n hands on her blossom to support n just on few more moments he too reached heaven, both catch on breath
"I love you"
"I love you too"
He just opened his eyes with sound of door opening
She just came from washroom wearing bathrobe, he acts as he is sleeping tries to see if it was dream or real, but couldn't understand n she opens her robe starts massaging her belly with coco butter in Circular motion, she saw him from mirror that he woke up, she purposely act her bathrobe was about to drop, n he completely closed his eyes, n she smiled n went back to washroom
"God I'm going totally nuts, I was just dreaming about her, but early morning dreams come true, she too loves me, today by hook or by crook I will tell what I feel for her"

She was still in bathroom, image of dadi doing Arti was coming again n again n suddenly everything started moving,n she faints...

He calls her
"Are you ok!!"
There was no answer n he goes n pushes door ...
He pats her n calls for few more time but still no response
With out wasting time he calls doctor n admitted her in hospital
It was almost 2 hours, she finally gets in senses n she looks around n realise she was in hospital, n seeing bump she gets hyper thinking how can she be pregnant, asked nurse that she wants to meet dadi, luckily she was present there, Abhi had called her already

"Dadi ... what happened???why I'm at hospital.... I'm married to whom??? come I'm pregnant... what is going on..."
Dadi was speechless n she hurried to call Abhi n doctor ...both came
Here pragya get shocked looking at Abhi n faints
"Is she suffering ...."
Doctor inquired

Abhi cuts in
"Yes...She is suffering from memory lose"
He instantly inform

"Maybe she got her memory back , n she is in shock....I have given her injection... she might be unconscious for sometime"

"But  why she Didn't call me, n called dadi"

"Maybe she remembers only her"

"She was with me when she fainted...."

"I'm not sure.... but sometimes it happens.... patients get their old memories back but forgets whatever happens between that period....maybe she remembers knowing dadi n not you"

He thinks how can she remember dadi n not me, I met her first n not dadi,

"Mr Mehra... are you ok??"

"Ya ...thanks doctor"

"Dadi what she said you inside?"

"She was asking whom she is married to?? n how come she is pregnant??"

"Does that mean she is pragya??"

"You only said me Aditi is pragya"

"I lied back then, but now she doesn't remember me"

"Don't worry... We will do something about that"

"You be with her, I'm
Coming back... I need to inform bulbul n Purab.... maybe Tanu too basically everyone she knows"

"Anyone else??? She knows"

"Abhishek??..... she might also ask for Abhishek"
He instantly informed Robin to activate pragya old number n bring same model of mobile here at hospital

It was almost 10 hours she was still unconscious,doctor comes for check her N he informed
"this 24 hours are critical, if she doesn't get conscious she might slip into coma, her bp is also going down, hope babies too make it"

Abhi tried his best, he contacted best doctors, calls bulbul n aaliya too, he somehow he managed to informed Tanu too
Bulbul calls doctor who were treating pragya, she informed about all details related to past history, n mailed all reports too
Everyone was trying their best
Meanwhile dadi was continued praying along with Purab, who immediately came when Abhi called
"Dadi, I tried so hard n did all that picture n reporters drama, everything was falling in proper place then why god is being unfair to abhigya, their love is so pure then why???
He literally fells on knees n prays for abhigya union

"Maybe god wants them to find their love, this time I don't think we should interfere, every time we get involved, they got separated, it's time they find their love themselves, we can only pray... promise me you too won't do anything stupid now"

"You right dadi"
Just then bulbul calls Purab
"Hey don't worry, I talked with doctor, everything is going to be ok, she is responding to medication, bp is normal now, but she is still unconscious..."

"All this is my mistake.... I shouldn't have created drama!!"

"What you did???"

"When Abhi n pragya went to pune, I followed n bribe hotel staff, installed cameras n took pics n circulated in media, then press conference... all my mistake"

"Have you gone nuts..... ??? What were you thinking???.... now don't do anything stupid ... I'm coming from next available flight"

"All I wanted to get them united, but went too far"

"I'm sorry... I over reacted... actually I'm root cause of all problems...abhigya facing...."

"I think instead of discussing who's mistake... we should pray for her n babies"

All this while Abhi was standing outside her room, looking at her lovingly, waiting for her to get conscious, he so wanted to talk so many things, he wanted to hug her n feel their babies, just then her hand moved little n he runs to dadi who was in hospital praying n makes her sit on wheelchair (so they reach fast)n drags her before pragya gets fully conscious


"Beta.... I know you wanted to know many things.... but you relax.... take things slowly....don't react instantly... there is nothing you can change by getting hyper... so whatever I say just listen like listening story ok....( she nods)
Well ..., I know you want to know whom you are married too but I will only tell when you promise you take care of you first.....he is here only.... n I will bring him but you don't remember him.... so that may be shocking to you..... which is not good for babies... yes you are carrying twins.... you are more than 4 months have been married almost year from now, you both love each other... that's only thing you should know for now....he is more eager to meet you but scared at same time.... because of your situation... so please relax.... all questions will be answered, give time to yourself... I will just go n call doctor ok.... don't think to much..."

She cuts in
"Dadi don't worry.... I will wait.... n won't over think.... I can understand what you are trying say...."

"You rest.... I will call doctor n come"
Dadi leaves but Pragya's eyes were stuck on door, looking at tall man, hugging dadi, wiping her tears n then of himself,

Happy reading

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