The Accident

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Ezra is on a mission when new ties are coming
Ezra's POV
— this is specter six all ships retreat.  I told them as the ties are coming nearer us and we don't have time enough for them to retreat if the ties are coming any nearer us.
— Specter six this is Phoenix 9 we are not retreating. She told me it was Crystal she is a 17 year old Phoenix pilot that is a good friend to me.
— No you have to we are out of pilots retreat with the transport ship now and that's a order!!! I yelled at them and before they went off to hyperspace she said.
— Sir yes sir. And she went into the ship with the other pilots and before I can get to the ship as well I'm hit and I yelled at them to get into hyperspace and they did as I told them. As I ducked shots my cannons are out just like my hyperdrive and as I fixed my hyperdrive I piloted the u-wing ( don't know what they are named ) and then my engines shot of. Oh no. I talked to one of the pilots to let me go I was unharmed so they don't have any right to shot at me.
— Imperial fighter please do not fire at me I'm unharmed you have no right to fire at me. I said as my hyperdrive loaded but the pilot just said.
— I'm not gonna let you pass whiteout a present.
And with that my hyperdrive finished downloading but when I went to hyperspace the tie shot at me and the last ting I saw was the blueness of hyperspace and then black.

Sabine's POV
We waited for the command ship to came out of hyperspace but when it did no u-wings came out and Hera was first to speak.
— Phoenix command ship are the hole Phoenix squadron gone? She asks with a worry tone that Ezra was gone.
— this is Phoenix 9 no we all are alright except specter 6 he is in hyperspace right now. It was crystal that answer and everyone calmed down except me I feelt like something wasn't right and I had right. Ezra's ship came out of hyperspace and was spalled from the hole ship came it smoke and I saw Ezra unconscious in the pilot seat two drag ships helped Ezra to our ship and I went to the hangar bay to meet up with them with the rest of the crew behind me and when we arrived what I saw would scare me for life Ezra's hole face covered in blood the medical droid put Ezra down on a stretcher and sent him to the hospital area and we was forced to wait outside.

Hours passed and Ezra hasn't come out jet and I started to get worried about him Hera laid a hand on my shoulder and said.
— calm down Sabine Ezra is gonna be alright you know that hu.
— I hope so. As I said that the medical droid came out and said.
— you can see him now.
When we came in Ezra was on life support and had bandage around his chest and arm.

( like that)

The life support was a breathing mask and some other things attached to his body.

Hope you liked the first chapter love you 😘 my stars and rebels ✨🌟⭐️✊

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