Fruits Basket- Battle Scars

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Song- Battle Scars by Lupe Fiasco and Guy Sebastian

Characters- Yuki x Tohru

This one shot was requested by  HikaruTheKid. Note: This one-shot takes place shortly after Tohru moves in with Yuki, Kyo, and Shiguri. Not everything may be correct, since it's been a while since I read the manga. Anyways, enjoy!


Hope the wound heals but it never does

That's cause you're at war with love

You're at war with love, yeah

These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Don't look like they're ever going away

They ain't never gonna change

These battle...

I really am thankful for Shiguri-sama letting me move in with him, Yuki-sama and Kyo-sama. I don't know how much longer I would've survived in that tent with mom. Getting used to the new routine is hard, though I would never tell the boys that. Truth is, I don't mind helping out around here, but it's just really nerve-wracking, living with them. I mean, for the longest time, it was just mom and me. Dad died when I was so young that I don't even remember what he was like. And after everything they've done for me, it's not like it's something I can bring up without setting someone off. I'm trying my best to be as distant as possible, without it seeming rude.

Never let a wound ruin me

But I feel like ruin's wooing me

Arrow holes, they never close from Cupid on a shooting spree

Feeling stupid cause I know it ain't no you and me

But when you're trying to beat the odds up

Been trying to keep your nods up

And you know that you should know

And let her go

But the fear of the unknown

Hold another lover strong

Sends you back into the zone

With no Tom Hanks to bring you home

A lover not a fighter

On the front line with a poem

Trying to write yourself a rifle

Maybe sharpen up a stone

To fight the tanks and drones of you being alone

Staying aloof didn't quite go as planned, however. Soon enough, Yuki-sama noticed, though how I don't know. Not even my friends noticed, and they always noticed everything about me. I had decided to walk home by myself that day, leaving early as to get a head start. As I exited the building, I felt a presence behind me. Turning around, I saw Yuki-sama trying to catch up to me. I turned back around, trying my hardest to go faster.

Just keep going, and everything will be okay. Once you leave, he won't remember you. Besides, being alone is better than being with people who fake their kindness with you. I won't fight them about it. I promised mom I would never fight again.

I wish I never looked, I wish I never touched

I wish that I could stop loving you so much

Cause I'm the only one that's trying to keep us together

When all of the signs say that I should forget her

I wish you weren't the best, the best I ever had

I wish that the good outweighed the bad

Cause it'll never be over (never be over) until you tell me it's over

"Tohru, wait!" Yuki-sama exclaimed, latching his hand on my arm. I kept staring straight ahead, refusing to look at him.

"Not now Yuki-sama. I have to get to work." I said, walking towards the building.


"Something's going on with her." Yuki stated once he and Kyo got home.

"With who?" Shiguri asked.

"Tohru. She's been cold to me all day, and I don't get why." Yuki said.

These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Don't look like they're ever going away

They ain't never gonna change

These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Don't look like they're ever going away

They ain't never gonna change

These battle...

"You're worrying too much Yuki. Tohru hasn't changed at all." Shiguri said, walking into the kitchen.

Yuki sighed. How can it be only me that sees it?

"Jees lover rat, if you're that concerned then go find her. It's obvious your soul won't rest until you find out the truth." Kyo spat, walking away.

I will. I'll ask her on her way home from work. Yuki thought to himself.

(Then just leave then)

You shouldn't have but you said it

(And I hope you never come back)

It shouldn't have happened but you let it

Now you're down on the ground screaming medic

The only thing that comes is the post-traumatic stresses

Shields, body armors and vests don't properly work

That's why you're in a locker full of hurt

The enemy within and all the fires from your friends

The best medicine's to probably just let it win

"Y-Yuki-sama?" Tohru stammered as Yuki walked over to her.

"Tohru? Are you alright?" Yuki asked. Tohru said nothing, just started to walk away.

"Tohru! What's wrong? You're not acting like yourself!" Yuki asked.

Tohru glared at him. "Leave me alone Yuki!" she ran off, losing herself in the crowd. Yuki ran after her, trying his hardest to track her down, before realizing he was lost.

"Damn it!" he cursed, starting to walk home.

I wish I couldn't feel, I wish I couldn't love

I wish that I could stop cause it hurts so much

And I'm the only one that's trying to keep us together

When all of the signs say that I should forget her

I wish you weren't the best, the best I ever had

I wish that the good outweighed the bad

Cause it'll never be over, until you tell me it's over

Tohru came back to the house that night, after everyone was asleep, and was gone before the boys got up the next morning. Yuki didn't say anything as Kyo and Shiguri asked silent questions to themselves as to Tohru's disappearance.

Why is my heart aching? I don't understand. Yuki asked himself. He stood up, grabbing his schoolbag and heading out the door. One more time. I'm gonna ask one more time. If she turns me away, I'll leave her alone.

These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Don't look like they're ever going away

They ain't never gonna change

These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Don't look like they're ever going away

They ain't never gonna change

These battle...

The whole day passed without any sign of Tohru. Yuki checked all over the school, but there was one place he didn't check- the roof. Yuki made his way up the back stairs towards the roof, soft cries echoing off the empty hallway's walls.

"Tohru?" Yuki asked himself quietly, running towards the sight of the sound. He made his way onto the roof and over to Tohru, sitting next to her. He put his arms around her in an attempt to calm her down, but changed before he got the chance. Now in his rat form, Yuki climbed up Tohru's leg, sitting on her knee.

"Tohru, please, tell me what's wrong." Yuki begged. Tohru looked at him before beginning to talk.

Cause you set me on fire

I've never felt so alive, yeah

No, hoping wounds heal, but it never does

That's because you're at war with love

And I'm at the point of breaking

And it's impossible to shake it (yeah)

See, you hoped the wound heals, but it never does

That's cause you're at war with love

Hope it heals, but it never does

That's cause you're at war with love!

"Tohru, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Yuki asked, looking up at her sadly.

"B-Because you and K-Kyo and S-Shiguri-sama have done so much f-for me." Tohru said. "I-I didn't want to make you worry."

Yuki clamored off of her knee as he poofed back, covering her eyes for her as he pulled on his clothes.

"Tohru, you can always come to me with any worry, okay?" He smiled, kissing her forehead. A light blush danced across Tohru's cheeks.

"Okay, thanks Yuki-kun." Tohru smiled. 00

These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Don't look like they're ever going away

I ain't ever gonna change

These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Don't look like they're ever going away

They ain't never gonna change

These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Don't look like they're ever going away

I ain't never gonna change

These battle...

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