I Don't Remember? [Eddsworld]

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Fandom: Eddsworld

AU: Memory Loss

Ship: None

Type: Shitpost


Tom, Edd, and Matt had to head out to the market for, mainly because Matt was the only one able to drive them and Edd needed cola while Tom needed Smirnoff.

Everything was fine until someone stopped them, they had their hood up.

"Uh, excuse me?" The person had a very thick accent that only the three could recognize.

Tom rolled his 'eyes' but responded anyway. "What do you want?" He said bitterly.

The person flinched. "Where is......" the person paused.

"What? Where's what?" Edd asked.

"Don't know English word."

Tom sighed. "Look I know some Norwegian from an old roommate of mine." The person perked up. "But take off the hood then I'll tell you."

The person shrugged and raised their hands to the hood. "I don't see problem." They took off the hood and low and behold, it was Tord.

Tom growled at this, Edd just scoffed, while Matt just smiled and waved.

Tord was really confused by Tom and Edd, but he waved back to Matt. "Can you tell where the meieri is?" (I used Google Translate .-.)

Tom raised an eyebrow. "Dairy?"

Tord smiled and snapped his fingers, "That's the word!"

"Oh! The dairy's on the other side of the store!" Matt pointed beyond the isles to the other side.

The Norwegian smiled and nodded. "Thank you friends!" He waved goodbye and left to get to the other side.

As soon as he was out of ear range, Tom started ranting. "I thought I killed him! And why is he acting like he doesn't know us?!"

"Ahem." The trio turned and saw a familiar figure, Paul.

"Oh, hey Pau." Edd waved to him.

Paul smiled, "I see you've already met my son-"

"YOUR SON?!" Edd exclaimed.

"What?" Tom questioned.

Paul rolled his eyes. "Tord. He's my son." He smiled.

Edd and Tom were just in disbelief, Matt was just confused.

"Wait Wait Wait. Slow down." Everything went sort of silent. "Your saying. That commie is your son?!"

"My adopted son." Paul explained. "Patryck and I got him when he was about 7."

After a bit of explaining, things calmed down a bit.

"Okay but why does Tord act like he doesn't remember anything?" Edd asked.

Paul sighed, "After Tom shot him down, he was knocked out. Tord woke up and didn't remember anything from high school up."

"Pop!" Tord called, he spoke some Norwegian and hugged Paul.

"Good job Tord." Paul pet his head and Tord purred. "Well it was nice seeing you three again but we have to get going." The male waved goodbye, leaving the three in complete disbelief of everything.

~~ Time Skip ~~

The trio got home with the cola and Smirnoff.

Matt headed to his room to take a "beauty nap."

Tom and Edd just sat on the couch and talked about Tord.

~~ Another Time Skip; longer ~~

It had been about 5 months since the trio saw Tord. Tom could care less, Edd was a little worried, and Matt just forgot about it.

They had to go to the super mart again and low and behold, they saw Tord again.

The Norwegian recognized them in a blink and waved.

Tom was annoyed, Edd shyly waved back, and Matt had no problem waving back.

"Come here!" Tord called, Edd and Matt went while Tom just regretfully followed.

"What do you want commie?" Tom asked.

"I can't read that." He pointed to the soda.

Edd almost squealed. "Well Tord.." He showed Tord all the different sodas but took longer with the cola.

Tord was just fascinated because he was surprised someone could go on this long about soda.

"You know. Something about this seems...familiar?" Tord said, it sounded like his accent got lighter, just like the old Tord.

Edd's eyes lite up and he looked at Tord.

"Ah well! Probably nothing!" Tord thanked Edd and left.

And so this cycle went on.

They would find each other somewhere, Edd would be nervous, Matt would be eager to help, and Tom would hold the same anger.

Then Tord finally asked, "Hey, maybe we can hang out? If that's fine with you."

"Group huddle." Tom pulled the other two in. "I don't trust him."

"Don't be so rude Tom. Maybe this can be our chance to fix whatever went wrong in Tord's past and he can be nicer." Edd whispered.

Matt was just confused like always.

Tom rolled his voids and unhuddled. "Okay. We'll hangout with you but don't try anything!" Tom walked away to get whatever.

"Sorry about him. Doesn't like making new friends." Edd chuckled nervously.

Tord's eyes lite up. "Are we friends?!" He seemed to excited and childlike.

Matt and Edd nodded.

~~ Time Skip ~~

It was the day that the four of them were going to hang out. The plan was to get some coffee, walk around the local fair that they hosted randomly, and just be buds.

The roommates already ordered their coffee and what they knew as Tord's favorite.

After some time said man walked in. "Hello friends!" He waved and sat with them, smiling like an idiot.

"Stupid commie." Tom mumbled under his breath as he sipped his coffee.

The four talked for a bit before leaving for the fair.

"I have never been to a fair." Tord said as he saw it in the distance.

"Whaaaat?!" Edd looked at Tord like he just said the craziest thing.

"Oh you'll love it!" Matt pulled Tord away and the two got lost into the fair.

~~ Another Time Skip ~~

After Tom and Edd found the two, they pulled them out and just decided to hang out at the park.

They all sat on the bench when Tom just kinda...snapped.

"What are you playing at commie?!" He yelled, grabbed onto Tord's jacket.

The Norwegian whimpered and braced for anything, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I-I'm sorry Tom!" Tord yelled.

The man in blue's grip loosened and the sort of stepped back.

"Tom?" Edd looked over. "We never told you his name."

Tord looked confused.


"So you are just faking it!" Tom yelled.

Tord got up. "I'm sorry but. Whatever your talking about, I just don't remember anything." He left the three, all of them confused.


End A/N: W H E E Z E-

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