You'll Be Back

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Hamilton fans, you'll find this funny!


Harry: *hums You'll Be Back*

King George: Hey... I sang that song!

Harry: Um... yeah...

King George: I thought only I knew about that song! I'm famous!

Harry: Er...

King George: I must be the star of the show!

Harry: Not exactly...

King George: I'm incredible! I'm awesome! I'm- *bumps into Alexander Hamilton*

Alexander Hamilton: Huh?

King George: I'm... who are you?

Hamilton: I'm offended.

King George: What do you mean?

Hamilton: I'm Alexander Hamilton!

King George: Well, I'm King George!

Hamilton: ...

King George: Where did that kid with the glasses go?

Hamilton: *shrugs* Anyways...

Laurens: What time is it? Showtime!

Hamilton: Like I said...

Laurens: Showtime, showtime!

Hamilton: Stop interrupting!

Laurens: I'm John Laurens-

Hermione: Death Eaters! Stupefy!

Harry: I thought Hamilton was your favorite musical!

Hermione: Avada Kedavra! Wait- I JUST KILLED ALEXANDER HAMILTON?!

Harry: Yep.

Hermione: Harry, why?!

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