Jumpscares (Markiplier)

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I was laying on the couch reading a romance novel one Sunday evening when my boyfriend, Mark, ran in and scooped me off the couch. I screamed playfully and out of surprise as he picked me up. He carried me playfully down the hallway without a word to his recording room, where two chairs were set up in front of the computer. "What's going on, Mark?"

"I want you to play this game. I think you'll enjoy it."

"What game is it?"

Mark chuckled as he placed me in the swivel chair in front of the computer. "FNAF, what else?"

"Five Nights at Freddy's? Mark, I've already watched you play that. Isn't it cheating if I already know how to play and how to beat them?"

"Nah, it's not. You just did your research, that's all. People won't cringe at you if you already know about it."

I sighed. "Mark, you know how I feel about games like this..."

Mark's face fell from that beautiful smile to a look of disappointment. "Please, please, please...?" Mark begged.

"Mark, I..." I sighed again but couldn't bring myself to do it. "I just... can't."

"Alright then... I'm sorry... I just thought instead of me recording all day we could do something fun together."
I looked at Mark's disappointed face, then put my hands to his face. "Alright, I'll play." I said after a moment.
All at once, his face lit up and he leaned forward and kissed me in delight. "Thanks baby! I'll pull it up and set up the recording."

I giggled at Mark. He was way too enthusiastic about it, but I loved it anyways. I loved HIM. I was just worried about making a fool of myself in front of him. We'd only been dating for a year and had just moved in with one another about a week ago. I hadn't really embarrassed myself yet, but I knew when I was jumpscared bad things happened.

"Hello? Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to you help you get settled in on your first night. Um, I actually worked in that office before you, and I'm finishing up my last week now as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about. You'll be fine! So, let's just focus on getting you through your first week, okay?"

Phone guy went on and on as I continually checked the cameras. After he finished, I checked the cameras once more. I realized it was 2 AM in the game, and Bonnie was missing from the stage. However, I soon found him in the backstage area. Mark was giving me helpful tips and pointers as I put the camera down and checked my power percentage. I was already down to 65%. What a rookie mistake!

Soon enough, however, I beat the first night and moved on to the second night, where things got a bit tougher. Unlike Mark, I kept a close watch on Foxy, but accidentally neglected Chica until it was too late. I couldn't flash the light on my right door, nor could I close it. I sat helplessly, trying my hardest to get either one to work. Mark was on the edge of his seat, knowing what was coming. I knew what was coming too but resisted the urge of taking off Mark's headphones and looking away. However, the jumpscare came very loudly and although I was expecting it, I'd gotten lost in thought. This made Chica's jumpscare more of a surprise. I jumped and screamed, the headphones falling off my head and around my neck. Instinctively, I turned around and gripped Mark's shirt, burying my face into his chest.

After about five seconds, I let up. Mark was laughing as I shook in fear at the game. How stupid was I? I slowly took off the headphones as Mark stopped laughing. He realized something was wrong and he stopped the recording. "What's the matter baby?" Mark asked, concerned. I didn't want to answer him, so I simply stood from my chair and walked quickly out. Mark followed, continually asking what was wrong. I simply shook my head at him, walking out the front door and sitting on the steps. I put my head down on my knees and wrapped my arms around my head.

I felt Mark sit beside me and rub my back as tears began to flow from my eyes. My nose soon started running, not only from my tears, but from the frigid wind blowing against my bare arms. Mark spoke in that soft voice I loved. "(Y/N)... I'm sorry for guilting you into playing it. I didn't mean for you to be upset like this."

"It's not that, Mark..." I sighed and sat up, beginning to shiver a bit as goosebumps formed on my arms. "I just don't take jumpscares well and I made a fool of myself in there. You saw it! I knew it was coming, too. Imagine if I was truly jumpscared by some stupid game like that, Mark."

Mark took off his hoodie and slipped it over my head, then pulled me into an embrace. "Hey, hey, don't worry about it. I make a fool of myself all the time, don't I? Besides, you didn't make a fool of yourself. Most people have that same reaction when playing FNAF for the first time." I buried my head into Mark's neck, feeling warmer with his hoodie on. "Come on, let's go inside and cuddle."

I smiled a bit and nodded, standing up. Mark stood beside me and escorted me inside as if he were a butler. I laughed as he spoke in a fake accent, leading me to our room ever so formally. He put me into bed and made sure I was nice and comfy before leaving the room and coming back as himself. He played a bit more before getting into bed and pulling me close. We cuddled together and talked until we fell asleep.

((The cover above is all mine, except for the picture of Mark. Obviously, any pics of Mark belong to him. XD))

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