Miraculous Oneshot

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Alrighty, if you're reading this, most likely you like Miraculous. This oneshot is going to be something of an AU, but not really. More like a "prediction" of the future, or a "what if" scenario. This is about an upcoming episode, titled Chat Blanc which has not aired at this time. So, this does contain some spoilers from the later seasons, just to let you know. 

Also: I can't take all the credit for this idea, it was a wonderful group of people on Discord that thought of it all. I simply incorporated all their ideas into a story for them! Thanks so much you guys/girls for letting me write this for you! You're all awesome!

So without further ado, this shall all be from Adrien's POV...

I walked into my father's office, unannounced. I figured I'd try one last time before I gave up on having any relationship with him. That's when I saw them both, Natalie and my father...

Or should I say: Mayura and Hawkmoth

I gasped a bit and my father caught sight of me. "Adrien!" He called out, but I closed the door and sprinted as fast as I could to my room, closing the door and locking it. I also locked myself and Plagg in the bathroom for extra security, then began freaking out. "MY FATHER IS HAWKMOTH?!" I looked to Plagg panickedly. "Did you know?!"

"No, I didn't, I swear!" Plagg replied, looking at me sadly. "Are you sure? Maybe Hawkmoth just took over your dad's office or something!"

"I'm sure, Plagg. Ladybug was right when she-"

"Adrien!" Someone began banging on my bedroom door. I tensed and backed toward the bathroom window for escape. "Adrien, come out here immediately! We won't do you any harm!"

"You're Hawkmoth and Mayura!" I replied, upset. "You're the ones who are trying to take over Paris! You've hurt so many people!" I recalled my own experiences with Akuma victims hurting me or making other things happen that I'd only been told about.

I heard my father's voice right outside the bathroom door. "Adrien, I don't want to take over Paris, I only want to bring Emilie back..."

"M-Mom? You said she disappeared!"

"She's still here, Adrien. She's comatose. I've only been trying to bring her back."

"All you've done is lie to me, all this time?! How can I ever trust you or anyone here again?! Does my bodyguard have a miraculous too?!"

"Adrien, come out and talk to me. Let me explain and you'll see my reasoning. Just unlock this door, please."

I shook my head, looking to my Kwami. "Plagg, claws out," I whispered to him, transforming into Cat Noir and quietly slipping out the window. I ran on the rooftops as fast as I could, running the one place I knew I would be safe. I landed in an alleyway nearby. "Claws in," I said, Plagg appearing before me.

"Where are we going?" Plagg asked.

"Somewhere I know I can be safe," I replied. "Stay hidden."

Plagg dove into my jacket and I walked across the street and into the familiar bakery. "Mr. Dupain? Mrs. Dupain-Cheng?" I said as they turned around to me.

Marinette's mother smiled warmly at me. "Hello, Adrien. Are you here to see Marinette?"

"Yeah," I replied. "I-I mean I could see you too but I just..." I sighed, still distraught. "I just need some advice from her..."

"Of course. She's up in her room, follow me," Marinette's mother said.

"Sorry for the unexpected visit," I said. "I just couldn't stand being at home any longer and I needed somewhere safe to hide."

"Hide?" she replied. "From what?"

"My father... Please, if any of them come here, don't tell them I'm here," I pleaded. "Please, I can't go back with them."

"Of course," she replied understandingly. "I'll tell Tom and we'll make sure they can't find you here."

We climbed the staircase leading to Marinette's room. "Marinette, sweetheart?" Her mom called out, knocking on the door in the floor. I nervously fidgeted, hoping that my father wouldn't come here first.

"Yeah mom?" Marinette's voice rang out.

Her mother opened the trap door and popped her head in. "There's someone here to see you,"she replied, then motioned me up the stairs.

I walked past her and popped my head through the trapdoor. "Hey, Marinette..." I said softly.

She freaked out, as per usual. I'm not sure what makes her do it, but she started rambling on and on nervously. I simply continued into her room and stood looking at her until she was finished. She was actually kind of cute when she rambled like that, though I shook my head. My heart belonged to Ladybug, and Marinette's friendship was invaluable to me. "Marinette?" I asked as soon as she calmed down.

She looked at me with a nervous smile, but her face fell when she saw me. She must've realized that something was the matter. "What's wrong?" She asked seriously.

"Well, uhm..." I sighed and motioned to her couch. "Can we sit?"

"Yeah, of course," she replied as we moved over and sat down together.

She looked to me, concerned about my behavior. I sighed and put my head in my hands, rubbing my face for a moment before looking up to her again. "See, I didn't mean to come knocking unannounced and surprise you, Marinette. I just... I need some advice and I know you're the one I can trust to keep this secret."

"What is it?"

"Well, I... I found out something about my father and Natalie," I glanced to her for her reaction. She nodded for me to continue, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder. "W-Well..." I sighed again. "I'm sorry, this is hard... I can trust you, right?"

"Yes," she replied. "You can trust me, without a doubt. I'm better at keeping secrets than you might think."

I smiled slightly before looking down to my hands. I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut. "MyfatherisHawkmothandNatlieisMayura," I said quickly, looking to her for her reaction.

She was obviously taken aback and seemed to be processing what I just said. "Wait... So your father, Gabriel Agreste, is Hawkmoth?" She asked. I nodded in response. "And Natalie, his secretary, is Mayura?"

"Yeah, and it turns out my mom isn't dead or disappeared. She's comatose somewhere. I don't know where he's hiding her, but she's supposed to have the peacock miraculous, not Natalie."

"Adrien!" I heard my father call from somewhere outside. "Come on, it's time to go home!"

Marinette and I ran to the window to find Hawkmoth and Mayura walking through the streets slowly. My father was calling out so many lies to try to coax me back. I stood away from the window, crossing my arms and looking to the ring on my hand. I sighed and clenched my fist, knowing I couldn't take on both of them at the same time. "Marinette, I don't know what to do anymore," I said with a sigh. "It's like my entire life is a war zone."

"Well..." Marinette said thoughtfully. "What if we get a circle of trust going? People who will have your back, no matter what situation you're in?"

I smiled a bit. "That's a good idea." I looked out the window. "Looks like my father is gone, but I left my phone at home."

"That's okay, we don't want him to track you," Marinette replied. "I've got some people in mind already."

Soon enough, Alya, Nino, Luka, Max, Juleka, Rose, and Mylene were all gathered in Marinette's room, sitting and awaiting our explanation. I sighed a bit, sitting in her desk chair before them. I almost felt as if I was on trial for something that wasn't my fault. I glanced to Marinette and she came over beside me. "I've called you all here today because you know the value of secrecy. What we say here will not be told to another soul inside or outside of this room. Nobody is to know about anything said here except us few."

I glanced up at the surprised and confused classmates and friends before me. I thought Marinette picked an odd group of people, but figured she would know more than me who was trustworthy. I sighed and looked at each of them; they were all silent. I looked to my ring, fiddling with it a little before speaking. "So... I found out today that... Well... I should have listened to Ladybug when she suspected my father was Hawkmoth..."

Marinette seemed a bit taken aback beside me, but I continued. "See, it turns out my father is Hawkmoth and Natalie is Mayura... And... Well... I can't go home... I can't ever go home again..."

"Dude, no way we'd let you go back there in the first place," Nino spoke up. "That's awful!"

"You... You guys don't quite understand... I can't even be near them anymore... I have a huge secret that my father can't find out about me. Nobody was supposed to... But I need your help to keep it... Marinette trusts all of you, and for a good reason, so I trust you all too..."

Everyone stayed silent, awaiting what my secret could possibly be. I squeezed my eyes shut once more, then looked up to Marinette. She put a reasurring hand to my shoulder and I took a deep breath, looking to my miraculous on my finger. "I... I am Cat Noir."

Everyone's mouths gaped as the wheels started turning in my head. "I bet that's why I was kidnapped by the gorilla that day... My father might've caught on to me and my ring. He's seemed to take more interest in it lately."

Marinette was silent, along with everyone else who simply looked to each other and to me and Marinette. Marinette stared at me, seemingly lost in her inner monologue, as per usual. I looked away from them all and down to the floor, but that's when I saw Nino's shoes in my view. I looked up and Nino nodded to me, holding out a hand. I took it and stood with him. "We'll protect you, dude. No need to worry about that. You can hide out at our places until this all blows over."

"Yeah," Alya continued. "We're on your side."

Max, Luka, Juleka, Rose, and Mylene all nodded in agreement and said encouraging words to me. I nodded to them. "Thanks, guys. I just don't know what to do now. I want to go and fight Hawkmoth and Mayura while they're out in the open, but sometimes Ladybug doesn't show up for a while. I know she's reliable, but sometimes she's a little late, and how I am right now, I don't know how this is all going to go down."

"I'm sure Ladybug will show up," Marinette said. "She's never let you down before, has she?"

"No," I replied with a small smile. "No, she hasn't."

"Then go, dude," Nino said encouragingly. "I'm sure you and your lady will work it all out."

"Yeah, I just hope she'll listen this time," I said, nodding to them all. "Thank you, thank you all." I turned to Marinette, pulling her into a gentle hug. "Thank you, Marinette..." She seemed to tense up, so I let go and moved downstairs and looked around for the bathroom. Finally, I found it and transformed. Although I knew I could've done it upstairs, I felt awkward doing it in front of everyone. I jumped out of the bathroom window and used my staff to propel me to a nearby rooftop, where I crouched and waited for Ladybug, keeping a sharp eye out for my father and Natalie. I still couldn't believe they betrayed me like that, even if they didn't know I was Cat Noir, it was still betrayal.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard her voice. "Cat Noir!"

I jumped, looking up to the woman I loved standing before me. I smiled, standing and leaning on my staff. "Well, hello there Bugaboo. You're looking as gorgeous as ever."

I expected her to brush my comment off and even say something sassy back, but instead she smiled and giggled, a blush creeping out from beneath her mask. My mouth gaped and I nearly fell over. "M'Lady?"

"Yes, kitty?" she replied, though she seemed to be getting a bit flustered.

"Is everything okay? You're not acting like yourself."

"Everything is fine, Cat Noir," she replied, but her face fell. "But not for you, I'm assuming."

"Huh? Why would you think that?" I questioned. There was no way she knew about my father unless...

"You seemed distraught when I arrived here today. I heard Adrien Agreste ran away from home, now Hawkmoth is out huntng for him. I can only assume Hawkmoth is Gabriel Agreste, as I concluded before, but something gave way in his life for him to come out into the open like this, looking for Adrien. He also has Mayura beside him, which I can only assume is someone close to him, though I'm not sure who."

"It's his secratary, Natalie," I replied. "They're working together to try to bring back Gabriel's wife."

"You mean, your father?"

I looked into her eyes sadly. "So, you figured that out, huh?"

"The way you're acting whenever he's mentioned or around, plus your inside knowledge..."

I hugged her tightly. "Well... Now you know..." I whispered. "I hope you don't see me any different just because of me or my father..."

"Of course not, Cat Noir, I trust you completely," she replied, even hugging me back a bit. "I know this is hard for you, but we'll get through this... Together."
I smiled and pulled back from her embrace, but realized an akuma was coming towards us. "M'Lady, watch out!" I pushed her off the roof, the akuma coming towards me aggressively. I tried to swat it away, but it absorbed into my ring.

I fell to my knees as Ladybug rushed to my side. "Cat Noir!"

I fought against Hakmoth's voice in my head, but couldn't help it when the akuma took me over. I was weak.

That's when I stood up, turning from Cat Noir to Chat Blanc.

Run, Ladybug!!!

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