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<By  ma sis... KATH ONNIE> <3 ^^


this FF contains man's ability of pregnancy....

 'Shit shit shit! This is bullshit!' Yunho mentally cursed as he tried to keep a happy expression since he was shooting his part for the ZeRo magazine. He was fucking mad when he saw one of the make-up artist kept staring at his wife. More specific, his wife's moobs!

'God! Why must my Baby BooJae wear that damn shirt!' Yunho cursed again. He felt like killing the stylist now for prepared the unappropriate clothes for his wife that showing the gorgeous moobs. Yunho snorted angrily.

"Jung Yunho..Focus..Smile!" The photographer snapped him from his thought. He took a glance at his wife who was still being make-up with the woman.

'Yah you old woman! Stop staring that moobs! ;_;...That moobs are just for meeee...! ;A;...' Yunho cried out in his thought. But slowly, he felt something stir down there. He licked his lips when the thought of having that tasty moobs on his lips now. He didn't realised that his happy expression had changed to horny one.

"Yaish...Stop for now Yunho..Go to your wife already..." The photographer said. He knows that Yunho can't be that focus that time when he saw how gorgeous was Yunho's wife.

"Thanks hyung!" Yunho thanked the guys for being so understanding and quickly made his way to his wife who was laughing with the old woman which made him want to knock down that person right now!

"BoooJaeee..." Yunho greeted his wife as his hands snaked around Jaejoong's slim waist. He didn't forget to wrapped the smaller man's body with his jacket, to cover up the delicious and tempting chest.

"Noona...Stop staring at my wife like that...He's MINE..." Yunho's possessive side had showed up as he tightened his hug on his Baby BooJae.

"Haha...Yunho...I don't have any intention to make Jaejoong-sshi as mine...I don't want to be bricked by your twins...Haha.." The old woman laughed as she walked away from the ultimate YunJae couple. Jaejoong giggled cutely while his husband gave him the famous pouts. Yep yep...Jaejoong gave birth twins right after one year marriage. And they are the most lucky person when their lovely sons born on the same day as their anniversary.

"YunnieBear...How come you be so jealous over that noona? She didn't do anything with me..." Jaejoong asked with his cheeky smile. He knows that his YunnieBear will get jealous and possessive whenever he saw someone tried to flirt with Jaejoong. Yunho even got jealous when Jaejoong gave more attention to the twins than him.

"BooJae...Don't back her up...She's keep staring at mine-yours moobs just now...How I'm suppose to act when someone wants to explore MY territory?" Yunho asked. His cute pouts still written on his face. All the staff giggled at the cute couple and they do know that Yunho have that kind of childish act beside being a responsible leader of Dong Bang Shin Ki.

"Aww...Don't be like that YunnieBear...I'm sorry...But don't worry baby...I'm all yours..." Jaejoong replied as bit his lower lips sexily which made Yunho half dizzy.

"Ahhh...BooJae...Your words made little Yunnie want to be inside you now..." This time Yunho whispered at his wife's ear. Don't want other people hear his dirty talked with his wife.

"Yunnieee...Stop that...You're so pervert baby..." Jaejoong said as his cheek burned in embarrasment with his husband dirtay words.

"And I know that little Joongie can't wait to see little Yunnie too...Am I right my Baby BooJae?" Yunho said with smirked on his face as his eyes landed on Yoosu who was doing the shooting that time.

"Yunnniiieee...Don't do that...Little Joongie can't stand that long if you keep dirty-ing us like that..." Jaejoong said as he slapped Yunho's chest softly.

"Okay okay...But I'm sooo going to get my little Yunnie into your tight honeyed ass tonight Baby BooJae...Be prepared.." Yunho said his last dirty sentence as he smiled when Jaejoong nodded shyly. The sweet couple walked to Changmin who was chatting with the twins, Jung Jaeho and Jung YunJae.

"Hey my babies..." YunJae greeted his sons while gave a kiss on the temple each. The twins smiled happily when their parents finally done with the shooting.

"What's my babies talking about with MinMin hyung just now?" Jaejoong asked as Yunho pulled his hand to seat beside him on the empty chair beside Changmin.

"Umma, what is smut and porn?" YunJae, the older one asked the parents innocently. Yunho who was drinking that time spat the water out right on Changmin's face. He wiped his mouth hastily while Jaejoong's eyes wide open like an owl. Changmin yelped loudly as his hand reached for the towel beside him.

"Eww...Hyung! You're so nasty..." Changmin said as he wiped away the water from his face.

"Baby...Who teach you that?" Yunho asked as he eyed Changmin dangerously. He was sure Changmin who was the one who teached his sons those unappropiate words. 'That brat...He must be watching porn again...' Yunho thought correctly.

"MinMin hyung told us about it..." Jaeho replied for his brother. Changmin let out a nervous chuckle when he saw the fire in YunJae's eyes. Without any warning, a hard smack landed on Changmin's head.

"Yah! You shouldn't say that to my sons! For god sake Shim Changmin, they're 5 years old kids...And they are not a pervert like you..." And another hard slapped across his arm. That was Jaejoong's.

"So much for teaching that to my sons..."

"Boys! Time for dinner..." Jaejoong shouted from the kitchen. He just done cooking his YunnieBear favourite food. YooSuMin and was sitting at the living room while his husband and the twins in his bedroom.

"Yah..Kim Junsu! Park Yoochun! Shim Changmin! Get your asses here right now...If not, no food for tonight.." Jaejoong shouted again. Then he got into his bedroom and YooSuMin quickly sticking their head at the door, watching what the band umma will do even though they already know what's going to happen.

"YunnieBear...Let's eat honey...I've cooked your favourite food tonight..." Jaejoong said sweetly as he kissed his husband cheek. So different from the way he invited YooSuMin to have the dinner.Yunho smiled widely and kissed Jaejoong's crimson tempting's lips.

"Thanks BooJae...You're the best...I love you so much Baby..." Yunho said as he picked up YunJae while Jaejoong took Jaeho in his arm and headed to the kitchen happily. YooSuMin eyed Yunho with jealousy.

"My gosh! They are soo cute..." Junsu squealed in his dolphin tone.

"Cute? Geezz..." Yoochun shook his head.

"Yeah right...Yunho hyung got his favourite food almost everynight! Damn!" Changmin was damn-ing his Yunho hyung and unfortunately Jaejoong heard it.

"I heard that Shim Changmin! No desert for you!" Jaejoong shouted from the kitchen. Kim Jaejoong's rule, don't you ever say anything bad about his YunnieBear!

"Jae hyung always win his hubby over us..." Yoochun said as he patted Changmin who was showing the horror expression and walked to the kitchen.

'How am i suppose to live without those delicious desert...Gyaaa...'

3 H o u r s L a t e r

"Good night my babies..." Jaejoong said as he showered his twins with his kiss on their chubby face. He just finished telling the twins bedtime story like he always do every night.

"Aww..My babies going to sleep now?" Yunho said as he walked into his sons bedroom and sat on the bed.

"Appa, you're late...Umma just finished the story..." Jaeho said as he crawled into his appa's embrace.

"I know dear...Now, you two go to sleep kay? It's late now.." Yunho patted his sons head and kissed it. Jaejoong looked at his family blissfully. He thanked to god silently for giving a perfect life for him.

"Good night umma, appa...We love you.." YunJaeHo said in unison as Jaejoong covered the small body with blanket.

"We love you too honey..."

Then, the lovely parents walked out from the room and switch off the light.

"Baby, now it's my turn..." Exactly they stepped out, Yunho lifted his wife in bridal style and walked hurriedly to their room. Jaejoong giggled cutely as his cheek reddened like hell when he realised that YooSuMin was watching them from the living room. Yunho slammed and locked the door from inside.

"Ohh...Not again...I thought they will give us a break since today's schedule was pack..." Changmin sighed while his hand stuffed more popcorn into his mouth. That time, they were watching the new movie that Changmin just borrow from his Donghae hyung.

"I guess not...Argh! Damn that Yunho...His sex level never goes down.." Yoochun mumbled out his frustation. He know that tonight all of them will showered with their hardcore moans and grunts.

"Chunnie! Why can't you be like Yunho hyung..? He's so sweet to Jae hyung...And you're so not like that..." Junsu was jealous since his Chunnie was too way from sappiness like Yunho. More specific, Junsu's got affected from Yunho's action just now.

"Hyung! Please...Don't let me suffer like this...I don't want you two to double those moans...Guh!" Changmin gave his infamous whined, asking for some mercy from his hyung. 'This is soo unfair...I need to live too man...' -_- Changmin thought.

Yoochun just scratch his un-itchy head while spooning more ice-cream into his mouth. Tried to avoid from answering his lover's question.

Jaejoong stripped himself while his eyes locked on Yunho's half lidded eyes. He let a cheeky smile form on his crimson lips as he proceed stripping his boxer and left nothing for Yunho imagination. His husband's jaw dropped open widely when he saw the heavenly scenery that Jaejoong gave him. With the creamy white skin with the thick hardened meat that pointing up between his wife's leg is enough to send him to the heaven.

"Baby...Can I? Now?" Yunho asked with his hand holding the chair tightly, tried his best not to touch his erection that asking for release. He can see that his sweet juice slowly dripping down onto the floor by just looking at his wife's hot body.

"There's more Baby..." Jaejoong told his Yunnie then he got up from the bed and walked to his husband. His legs rubbed sexily while his length pointing straight at Yunho's face. That time, his husband didn't see anything else except his heavenly wife and the stick of hardened meat that he going to taste in no time. Jaejoong stand on his knees between Yunho's legs and slowly bend down to Yunho's length. He stopped for a moment when his plumps lips touched the tip of Yunho's cock before he shoved the whole thing into his hot cavern mouth.

"Uhhhh~~~Babyyyy~~~Fas~~~Faster~~~~~" Yunho moaned loudly as he gripped onto Jaejoong's hair tightly when his wife engulfed all of his member in one swift moved. Jaejoong widened his mouth as big as possible to accept the big manhood of his husband. Only the tip of Yunho's member reached the back of his throat, he started to bob his head back and forth. He twirled his tounge playfully and scratch the member with his teeth everytime he pulled back until the end of the tip.

"Arrghh! Fuck Baby! More! More!" Yunho yelled out loud as he can. He didn't care that his sons might get corrupted with his words anymore. When Jaejoong still on with his tease, Yunho lifted his hips and pushed his cock deeper into his wife's mouth while his hand pushed down his wife's head which Jaejoong almost gag with the sudden push. Not just once, Yunho kept the moving his hips up and continue to fuck Jaejoong's mouth without mercy.

"Uhhhhh~~~" Yunho shot out his sweet-salty juice into Jaejoong's mouth not long after that. Finally he able to release himself after the long tease from his wife. Jaejoong made a slurp sound when he was sucking deliciously the little Yunnie until it completely dry. He make sure that there isn't one drop of the cum drip out from his mouth. With slow motion, he pulled out and sucked a bit at the mushroom-like tip before let it go.

"Ahmmm...You taste sooo damn sweet YunBaby...Like always.." Jaejoong said as he licked his lips with satisfaction overwhelming him. He grinned looking at his husband who was sweating like hell while he stared Jaejoong with dreamy and lustful eyes. He lifted his hand and placed it infront of Yunho's sexy lips, asking for the entrance. Yunho opened his mouth willingly and right away Jaejoong shoved in his three long finger into it. He sucked and coated the finger with his saliva as Jaejoong pulled and pushed his finger. And that simple action is enough to send shiver to Jaejoong plus with the sharp stare from his husband who looked so eager to take him to the highest pleasure ever.

"Babe...Ermmm...That's enough..." Jaejoong said as he pulled out his finger and pecked Yunho's lips lightly. Then he walked back to the bed and got on his four while his tight and juicy ass facing his husband . Yunho growled loudly as the answer for the simple action from his wife. 'This is shit! I'm dying here!' Yunho thought in his mind. He didn't dare to let it out, afraid that his Baby BooJae will extend the teasing activity. Jaejoong wiggle his fine rounded ass a few times just to make Yunho goes crazy.

Then Jaejoong started to finger his puckered hole with his 1st coated finger. He winced in pain from the hole stretching as he kept moving his finger in and out, tried to loosen the tightness. Feeling a bit calm from the pain, Jaejoong put in the other two fingers into his tight hole and moved it in a fast pace since the pleasure was already surrounded his body. He can felt that he was burning down there and aching for his Yunnie's big cock to fill him but in his head, there's one thing he wants to do before he brought his Yunnie and himself to the cloudnine. Jaejoong turned his head and looked straight into his husband's eyes while his fingers still working on his hole and saw the pleaded eyes of Yunho's.

"Na ah YunnieBear...I'm not done with myself yet.." Jaejoong said naughtily and moved out the long fingers as he got onto his bottom with his legs widely open which made the long and hardened member visible to Yunho. He smirked when he saw Yunho licked his lips and the little Yunnie was standing up proudly once again. Jaejoong put his index finger on his soft thigh and slowly traced it until reached his still hard member and right away he fisted his own cock and rubbed it up and down, enough to tease his hubby who was aching to fuck his little tight hole the hell out of him. Jaejoong continued his activity just until his pre-cum leaked out then he stopped.

"Come here YunBaby..." Jaejoong the teaser told his lovely hubby as his finger signaled Yunho to come to him. Without wasting his time, Yunho jumped onto his wife and attacked the pouty and tempting lips once again while his hands wander along the soft and delicate naked body. He grinded his excited member onto Jaejoong's groin which made his wife growled like a hungry tiger. Then he attacked the pinkish nipple which is hard and pointy just like his little friend down there. He gave a hard suck on it while he caught the other nipple between his forefinger and thumbs, rubbed it gently. After satisfied sucking the little nipple, he bit on it hardly until it leaves a purplish mark. Yunho smirked looking at Jaejoong's horny expression. He trailed the hot kisses to the tight six pack of his wife and left more of his love mark on the damn gorgeous body.

"Hubby, just fuck me already!"


"Eii? YunJae? Jaeho? You guys didn't sleep yet?" Yoochun asked as he tackled the twins onto the carpet. That time, Yoochun was using his laptop while Changmin and Junsu were playing the PlayStation 3 beside Yoochun.

"Hyung...What are you? Of course they can't sleep with that sounds.." Changmin interrupt but still, his eyes focused on the tv screen. Yoochun sighed. What's Changmin just said is true. Even them have to put on the headphone and set it up to the maximum volume to prevent themselves turn on from those sexay moans.

"Haha..It's okay hyungie...Erm, can we sleep here? With SuSu hyung, MinMin hyung and ChunChun hyung? Can we?" YunJae said with his big doe eyes, just like his umma, Jung Jaejoong.

"Aww...Of course my dears...But ahh...Will Jae hyung mad at us for letting their sons sleep here? In the living room? You know how loud he can be when we do something to YunJae and Jaeho..." Junsu said as he rolled his eyes. That time, Jaeho already locked in his embrace while YunJae in Yoochun's.

"Hyung...let it be...He won't realised about it..Trust me..They're just too busy now..." Changmin said.

"MinMin hyung is right..Umma and Appa are busy showing their love.. Right hyung?" Jaeho said as he eyes focused on his brother, YunJae, asking to agree with his statement.

"Appa also said before, don't interrupt them when they are in 'showing love' session..." YunJae told the others innocently.

"Omo! They are so smart! So cute..." Junsu squealed with his dolphine voice while his hand was pinching the chubby cheek of five years old kid.

"Of course hyung...They herited my smartness..." Changmin said with his snob pose while Junsu and Yoochun made the what-the-fuck-that-suppose-to-mean face.

"Smartness? From you? My assmmmm..." Junsu covered Yoochun's mouth with his hand before he spit out the unnecessary words in front of the kids.

"Yah Chun! There's kids here...Keep it G before Yun hyung whack us..." Junsu told his lover as he let go of Yoochun from his grip.

"Hubby, just fuck me already!" Five of them went quiet and stared at each other when they heard the band umma's voice boomed the apartment.

'Damn! The kids are here!'

'They're sooo fucking horny man!'

'Shit! Too corrupting!'

"Shoot!" YooSuMin shouted in unison and right away they pulled the twins onto the carpet and covered themselves with the blanket from head to toe. {A/N : i dunno myself where the blanket come from..)

"Whoa..Calm down baby..." Yunho smirked devilishly looking at his impatient wife. Slowly, he lifted Jaejoong's long and slim legs and put it onto his shoulder while his eyes fixed on his wife's half lidded and lusty eyes.

"Baby, no lube tonight..." Yunho grinned when he said that while Jaejoong smiled sheepishly hearing his husband's words.

"Ahhh...I prefer the natural way baby...It's more arousing.." Jaejoong giggled with his own dirty words but he stopped when he felt Yunho's hands spreading his fine butt cheek and used his thumb to open the little opening. Then he stuck out his wet and hot tongue and licked the puckered hole which made Jaejoong jerked up his hips in surprise while his hands clenched onto Yunho's hair.

"Ahhhh...Baby..You're good..." Jaejoong moaned when he felt the naughty tongue teasing around his entrance just to make it more slick and wet. Yunho shoved his tongue deeper when he heard his wife melodious moans which made him wants to explore more of it.

"Argh! Baby, just fuck me hard now! Uhhh...Please YunnieBear..." The beautiful angel that was in such a sexy position shouted in desperation. Yes, He is desperate yet ache for his damn teasing hubby's cock and he knew well that it will turn on more of Yunho's horny switch somewhere.

"BooBaby, you know well how to turn me on...Now tell me, how do you like it my sexy beast?" Yunho asked as he lifted up his head while his hand reached for his wife's excited member and massaged it along with a deathly slow pump. Jaejoong squirmed in pleasure and tried his best to form just a simple sentence.

"I want it hard and rough baby...Uhhhh...Just do me all you want tonight..." Jaejoong whispered his wish along with the naughty smile.

"You know you got it sweetheart..." Yunho said as he slid in his cock into the heavenly tight hole while both of his hand on Jaejoong's knee, holding it and his eyes never leave his wife's. He wants to savour this moment like he always do when making love with Jaejoong. Can't hold on with the pleasure of being inside Jaejoong, Yunho shoved all of his member into it and a long moan came out from Jaejoong's mouth. The pain and pleasure was evident on the beautiful sweating face. His nails sank onto Yunho's tough and muscular arms when he felt his bottom being torn into two by Yunho's length.

"Ahhmmmmm...Feels good babe...Uhhh..." Yunho moaned out as he keep pushing his member into the heat that waiting for his comeback. Every inch of his his throbbing member slowly being swallowed by the tight ass while his hand massaged the soft butt of Jaejoong, to ease the pain. But then he spank it.

"Uhhhhhh...Y..Yunnie...Again my Love..." Jaejoong moaned in ecstacy as he begged his Yunho to spank him again. Yunho willingly landed his palm on the soft and now reddened butt with his hand print once again as tip of his member reached the deepest part that it can go.

"Boo, I'll move now..." Yunho told his wife as he roamed his hands on the creamy white chest of his wife and played with the erected nipples, flicking and pinching it while his lips claimed the now sweaty and luscious neck that asking for some attention. Yunho started to pulled his member out and slammed it back into the heat mercilessly when the mushroom head almost reached the end of the hot entrance.

"Arggghhhh~~~~Baby...Slowlyyy please~~~" Jaejoong hold onto the pillow that placed on his both side tightly when his husband moved too fast in him but weirdly, he liked it. At first, he winced in pain and tried to adjust the position so that the pain will subsided. Few second later, he started to hook Yunho's shoulder closer to his body using his legs that placed onto his husband's shoulder earlier when he felt a bit loose down there.

"Na ah Boo...You teased me enough today...You must know that tonight, I'm sooo going to fuck your little tight honeyed hole till it damn sore and...I'll make sure that you can't even walked out of the bed tomorrow, Baby..." Yunho said in his devilish tone and thrust his member deeper and deeper into his wife and make sure Jaejoong will scream out his pleasure.

"God damn it Yunnie! Screw that all and move faster~~~~" Jaejoong loud moans boom throughout the apartment and he don't care about it. He just want to be in his YunJae world and to enjoy the sweet moment of his life with his beloved husband. Then he started to moved his body towards Yunho just to feel more of the hot, long and thick aroused member of Yunho brushed his sweet spot in him. Yunho groaned shamelessly when he felt Jaejoong's delicate palm rubbed against his butt and pulled him closer so that his little Yunnie will go deeper.

"F..Fuck Boo...We just did it yesterday and you still this tight~~~~Urrgghhh~~~" The younger man said along with his grunts as he aim another angle and shot it right away and brushed Jaejoong's prostate. Jaejoong jerked up his body and hissed in pleasure when his Yunnie found his sweet spot.

"Argghhh~~~Deeper Babyyyy~~~Harder~~I..Ahhh...Want it harder..." Jaejoong begged Yunho to go harder and he did it. The husband struck the spot again and again mercilessly.

Harder and harder.

Deeper and deeper.

Second later, Yunho felt that his balls started to tighten down there and he moved his cock in and out in killer speed. His hand reached for the proud standing cock of his wife and jerked it of harshly. He brought his hand up and down along the so damn hard length as he aim his lips at his BooJae's balls and started to suck on it.

"Yunnie~~~~Please...Finish...Uhhhhh...Me...Now..." Jaejoong can feel that his husband's cock was getting bigger and longer in him and he knows that Yunho will be seeing stars in no time which is satisfy him that his hole fully stuffed and now, his hole started to wrap tighter around the hardened meat inside him and that showed he will cum anytime soon. He knows that it will drive his YunnieBear to the maximum and he's right about it.

"Booooo!" Yunho let out as he finally able to shot his bitter-sweet sticky cum into Jaejoong's tight ass while his hand still working on Jaejoong's not yet satisfied member. He forced his knees to stay still so that he won't fall down yet until his beloved wife come. After a few dead fast pumps, Yunho engulfed whole of Jaejoong's length into his mouth and right away Jaejoong spurt out his juice in Yunho's awaiting mouth.

"Urrgghhhhh..." Jaejoong let out a long moan when he finally came after the long torture. At least for him. His toes curled inwards when he felt Yunho's hot tongue was cleaning yet playing with his Little Jaejoongie which made him hard once again.

"My my, Little Jaejoongie is hard again..." Yunho smirked looking at Jaejoong's now red angry member that standing proudly asking for another round of fucking session.

"Ahhh...Yunnie, you're hard too...I can feel it..." Jaejoong said as he switched their position so that he was sitting on his husband with the again hardened cock still in him. He smirked looking at his Yunnie who's now holding his slim waist, ready to go for the next round. Then he started to hump.

Like a sex animal, they kept repeating the fucking session over and over and over again that night even though both of them knows that their body need some rest. They also started to dig up the toyS which they kept under the bed to satisfy their never ending desire. Seems that Yunho keep his promise to fuck his beloved wife all night long and torture the little tight hole with his almost-everytime-hard-member. And they totally forgot about the people outside that are suffering to death due to their hardcore love making.

"Good morning my BabyBoo.." Yunho greeted his wife with his biggest smile ever. He had to admit that he was in heaven last night. Yunho passed out while Jaejoong is dead right after they done their sexercising at 4 in the morning and it was the longest session they ever had since they got married 6 years ago.

"Morning YunnieBear..." Jaejoong replied and gave his husband a morning kiss like he always do. Then he snuggled onto Yunho's chest, to warm up his cold body while the younger man slid his arm under Jaejoong's head and hugged him tighter. They pulled the thick comforter that covered only their waist and below closer to wrap around their naked body.



"Baby ah..I love you..." Yunho said after a moment that filled with silence. Then he planted warm kiss on his wife's forehead with full with unconditional love as his legs reached for Jaejoong's and wrapped around it.

"I love you too YunnieBaby..." Jaejoong replied with his sweet tone while his eyes locked with Yunho's. The stare was full with love and they kept whispering 'i love you' to each other non-stop until Jaejoong's phone rang loudly, the alarm. Yunho turned his head unwillingly and reached for his wife's phone that placed beside his on the table lamp and shut it off. Jaejoong smiled.

"Time to wake up Yunnie..." Jaejoong said as he pulled away from the warm hug and sat on his bottom. He hissed when he felt his bottom stung with a still bearable pain. He looked at his husband with a stern look but still full with love.

"Yunnnniiiieee...Look what you have done..." Jaejoong started to whine and Yunho just let out a nervous chuckle.

"Baby, you're just to sexy...I can't stand just looking at your juicy ass without giving it a little pleasure..." Yunho said in his husky and sexy voice.

"That's not little..." Jaejoong pouted cutely while he tried to stand on his feet but end up on the bed. Yunho quickly got out from the bed, walked to his wife and lifted the smaller guy in bridal style.

"Whatever you say BabyBoo..." Yunho said and headed to the bathroom for their morning routine, cleaning themselves from the mess that they had done last night.

O n e H o u r L a t e r

"Chun, Su, Min...What's wrong? You guys look dead tired.." Jaejoong asked as he put the toasted bread and the peanut butter on the kitchen table. He glance a second at his dongsaengs who lined up their head on the table with hands under it.

"We're dhhead bechoushe ofth you...zzzzzz..." Yoochun mumbled and his snore followed. Jaejoong frowned when he heard the incoherent words came out from the younger boy.

"Yah! Wake up and tell me what happened last night till you guys be like this..." Jaejoong said in his high pitched voice and tapped the youngers' shoulder. The trio lifted their head and stare at Jaejoong with the blank expression.

"Hyung...We're dead enough with your voice last night...Please...Let my ears have some rest..." Changmin said as he tried his best to open his half-lidded eyes.

"Y..Yah..What do you mean? What voice?" Jaejoong hide his blushing face and turned to the counter table behind him. Then Yunho walked into the kitchen with his twins by his side.

"Yunnie ah...They bullied meee..." Jaejoong quickly put the orange juice onto the table and whined when he saw his husband entered the kitchen. YooSuMin right away widened his eyes hearing those words coming out from the band umma.

"Yah...I'm away just a minute and you guys already bullied my wi..." Yunho stopped when he saw how sexy and gorgeous his BooJae looks with his funny walking which made his Yunnie Jr slowly raised up. He didn't realised that he already drooling with his mouth wide open. The innocent twins shook his appa's hand.


Yunho let go of the his sons hand and walked to Jaejoong's with a hungry tiger expression. YooSuMin watched the married couple with horror.

'Nooo! Not again..." ;A;


'My ears...-_-'


'Great! What a lucky day...' ;_;


YooSuMin tabled their head due to the action that going to take place in no time while Yunho already lifted his wife and ran to their bedroom. Seems that Little Yunnie and Little Jaejoongie already awakened early in the morning.

"Boo, don't let anyone...Ahhhh~~~~See this..Uhhh~~~~~Cute little...Ahmmmmmm~~~~Moobs of yours...Urrrggg~~~~Again..."

"Okie Yunnie...ARGGGGHHHH!"


"Slow down Baby...Errmmmmmmm~~~~"

"No no...Faster! Yunnieeee! Deeper~~~~~Ahhhh...That's right~~~"

"Su, get ready...Bring YunJae and JaeHo too...Min, get your lazy ass up now! We must get out of here..." Yoochun command his soldier to move as he opened the main door.


"Chun Chun hyung...What's wrong?"

"Boys, now we're the survivor."

It was another day where Jaejoong had to relieve his stress; he needed to unwind, to break free from all the work which his boss continuously gave him. The city in which he currently lives in wasn’t as much fun as compared to where he was from and finding places to unwind is harder than he had thought. He thought of visiting the karaoke but was sick and tired of singing. While thinking of a suitable place, his colleague Yoochun introduces to him a place – balls and sticks, over at downtown.

Jaejoong finished his work late that night and since he has no work the next day, he decided to check out the place which his colleague had recommended. After parking his car and walking around in circles, he finally found the right place; a turquoise signboard with bright white lighted wordings ‘BALLS AND STICKS’. The glass door and windows were covered with black paper and it was impossible to see what was happening inside. Pushing the glass door, Jaejoong was greeted by the scent of cigarettes. It was a snooker zone. He wandered his way around and found an empty table nearby. He sat down, ordered drinks and observed how others played billiard.

It was his first time visiting such a place. Oh well at least I can unwind for awhile he thought. However, something caught his eye. A tall well-build man was playing so professionally with his friends and the way he played was beautiful. The way he stroke the cue as he grabbed the end and how he places his fingers, Jaejoong was captivated by those simple gestures. He watched how the man played and develops an interest in playing billiard.

The next day…

“Yah! Park Yoochun! How dare you recommend me some place that says ‘BALLS AND STICKS’ plus the people in there aren’t decent! Cigarettes and beers… I don’t want to die so early.” Jaejoong continued to grumble and Yoochun couldn’t listen anymore.

Yoochun replied “Firstly, I did tell you it was called ‘BALLS AND STICKS’ but I have no idea why you did not listen to me. Secondly, the people look indecent but they are decent. Don’t judge a book by its cover! Third, I can’t control the cigarettes and beers; they didn’t put up any ‘NO SMOKING’ sign.”

Jaejoong scoffed at his reply.

“Anyway, I know you will take note of someone.”

Jaejoong was astonished at his friend “H-how did you know?”

“I am your colleague and friend for 2 years. Maybe others won’t take notice but I know you inside out alright. Don’t take me for granted, you will regret one day.” Yoochun pat his friend’s back twice. “His name is Jung Yunho. Try to attract him with your charm, you can do it! I’ll be supporting you from behind”

“I- what –I. Pft” Jaejoong could not believe what his friend had just said “me turning gay at ‘BALLS AND STICKS’? That will never happen.

Yoochun shrugged his shoulders “whatever~ now if you can excuse me, I have work to do.”

Stupid Yoochun, It was true that I had developed an interest! But never the guy, it was billiards.Jaejoong cursed his friend mentally. I bet this was just a set up, watch out park Yoochun.

The day ended quickly with numerous meetings and projects discussion. Jaejoong was at his limit again and the thought of stopping by ‘BALLS AND STICKS’ brought him there in reality.

Jaejoong walked over to the counter and was greeted by the bartender.

“Good evening sir, your usual?” the bartender asked him while cleaning the cups.

Jaejoong nodded “blue sapphire please”.

The well-build man was at his usual table playing with his friends. So that guy is Jung Yunho. Jaejoong watched him until his drink was served.

“Here’s your drink, blue sapp- are you interested in him?” the bartender asked.

Jaejoong turned around and was greeted by a face only a few CMs away from him.

“N-no, he played really well.”

“Well yeah, he’s a regular plus an ace here. He’s called Jung Yunho, many are after him and” the bartender leans closer to his ears “he’s good for sexual needs”.

Jaejoong gulped. S-sexual needs? I need to be on guard “O-okay, thank you. What’s your name? Mine’s Jaejoong, Kim Jaejoong.”

“Another Kim, Kim Junsu.” The bartender extended his hand for a handshake.

Jaejoong took his hands and returned a firm handshake “Nice to meet you.”

He observed Yunho for another hour and left around midnight.

Jaejoong had been visiting ‘BALLS AND STICKS’ for almost a week and Junsu knew he was interested in billiards as well as Jung Yunho. Junsu and Jaejoong hit of well and have been contacting each other even during lunch time. Sometimes, Junsu will indirectly provide him with information about Yunho and somehow Jaejoong managed to catch the hint.

Today, Jaejoong had the urge to try out billiards. He has been reading up ‘HOW TO PLAY BILLIARDS’ and although he tried to keep it a secret, Yoochun caught him during lunch time reading the book.

“Yoochun, come with me to ‘BALLS AND STICKS’ tonight”

“What for?”

“I want to try playing billiards”

“HUH? Did the almighty egoistic KIM JAEJOONG say he wants to try playing billiards at ‘BALLS AND STICKS’?”

“… Are you coming or not.”

“Why not? Today is definitely a good day, I may even strike lottery! Okay so what time.”

“7 at the lobby I’ll fetch you.”


It was 2 minutes to 7 and Jaejoong was humming to his favorite song. He made sure his hair was styled; attire is not crumpled, grabbed his belongings and went to the car park to get his car.

He stepped on the paddle and drove out of the car park to the lobby.

Jaejoong parked his car at the parking lot near ‘BALLS AND STICKS’ and the duo entered the place.

“Hi Junsu.” Jaejoong greeted his friend. The both hugged each other and Junsu greeted him back.

“This is Park Yoochun” He introduced him to Junsu.

Junsu rolled his eyes “No need for the intro, I know him” he crossed his arms and walked behind the counter.

“You know him?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yes, and I would say he annoys me.”

“Hey, I’m not that bad!” Yoochun argued back, sitting on the high chair.

“Excuse me, who was the one who grabbed my butt?” Junsu turned back leaning against the sink with his arms still crossed over his chest.

Jaejoong gasped “YOU MOLESTED HIM?”

“No, I don’t and will not MOLEST a person. I. AM. DECENT” Yoochun rebutted.

“Explain why you groped me then” Junsu shot him a glare.”

“Your butt is cute.”

Jaejoong and Junsu were dumbfounded. They both shook their heads and said in unison. “He is a pervert.”

“Hey!” Before Yoochun could carry on further, Jaejoong cut in.

“Come it’s time to play. Teach me how to play Yoochun.”

Yoochun sighed “alright.”

Jaejoong took two pool cues and joined Yoochun at the empty table.

“Jae, I’ll take the 8 solid balls while you take the remaining 7 stripes.”

“Uh, okay”

Both of them played a few rounds and Yoochun had spent effortlessly coaching Jaejoong. However, it stopped when Yoochun saw someone hitting on Junsu.

“Uh Jae I’ll stop here, carry on you’re doing fine.”

Jaejoong was puzzled as to what changed his friend’s mind. It must be only one thing –Kim Junsu. He looked behind his friend’s back and saw a middle age man hitting on his “possession”

“Alright, do a good job and he may be yours” Jaejoong pat his friends back.

Jaejoong carried on with his own game and when he finally shot the last ball, he heard someone clapping for him. He thought Yoochun had clapped for him.

“No need to clap for me Yoo-” As he turned around, the person which applauded wasn’t park Yoochun but the other man, Jung Yunho.

Jaejoong was shocked. “How long have you been behind?”

“Since u tried to shoot ball 5.”

Jaejoong was embarrassed “so you saw how lousy I was”.

“Not really, besides you can play even better if you have a good coach.”

“Are you hinting to me?”

“Up to you to decide. I’m Jung Yunho, and you are?”

“Kim Jaejoong.”



“… nah. But I do know that you’ve been here every day since one week ago”

“How did you know? Are you a stalker?”

“Dude, you stood out among the others… in terms of face, aura and” he looked at Jaejoong from top to toe “attire?”


“Come on let’s go inside its noisy here.”

“Inside? You mean there’s another room?”

“Stop asking questions and just follow me.”

Yunho grabbed onto his arm and pulled him along. He passed by a younger man slightly taller than him and said “Changmin! Lend us the room.” The room was situated way back all the way behind a huge poster of the famous billiard player, Willie Mosconi.

“Alright, its peace and quiet now. Let’s start!” Yunho aligned the balls in the rack and took out two cues.

Crap, my heart is racing. Jaejoong was nervous because he was with the guy which he had watched since day one.

“Hey are you listening to me?” Yunho asked him.

Jaejoong snapped out of his thoughts and looked up. He was greeted with the other man’s face

“AHHH! TOO CLOSE!” and pushed him away. Yunho fell against the table.

“Ouch, what was that for! Don’t scream like a girl unless you are one.” Yunho shouted back while rubbing his ass. “Come on let’s start. First we need to correct your position.”

Yunho positioned himself behind jaejoong trapping him between the pool table and himself. He whispered softly in Jae’s ear, “What are you waiting for, bend closer to the table.” Jae hesitantly turned around and got into the position to hit the ball.

Yunho pressed himself closer to the other body pressing his member against snugly into the space between Jaejoong’s butt, correcting his posture by guiding his hips into the correct position and whispered instructions that sounded like sexual innuendos which made the shorter male blush like an innocent schoolgirl.

“Focus on ball 1” Yunho instructed.

Jaejoong followed the instructions and realized that the new position made it easier to hit the first ball into the hole. The ball rolled hitting against the green soft cushioning before entering the hole. The ball fell into the net. Jaejoong stared at the ball which he had just hit with ease and in his excitement, he straightened out and bangs his head against yunho’s chin, causing him to groan in pain and back off.

“Shit!” Jaejoong panicked. He quickly apologized and pulled Yunho’s head down to check for any damage done. Their eyes came close to contact, their own breathing could be felt by each other and the awkwardness sets in between them. Yunho coughed and waved him off to break the awkwardness and asked him to continue.

Jaejoong resumed his previous position.

“Now ball 2” Yunho whispered as he pounced onto the back of the beginner. “Do not head butt me again” he warned.

Jaejoong shivered as the hot breath tickled his ear erotically. Having sexual thoughts in his mind, Jaejoong’s nipples turned hard. “What are you waiting for” Yunho whispered again but this time sternly, breaking Jaejoong’s train of sexual thoughts.

Jaejoong stood in front of the table again and tried to position himself back to the correct position like early on. Yunho who wanted to fix his position again went up close and stood behind him. Jaejoong who was still trying to fix a position had not realized that he had accidentally brushed his rear against Yunho’s kept member. Instantly, Yunho backed away as his hormones almost went crazy while his face was red.

“Ah… Sorry” Jaejoong turned around to apologize but turned back immediately as he saw a Yunho blushing. “Um… sorry” he apologizes again.

Yunho got back his senses and made his way back to the table again. He quickly apologized and move to the other side of the table in an attempt to escape Yunho’s touch but Yunho had pulled him back to where their original position was.

“Where do you think you’re going” Yunho whispered into his ears. “You can’t run since I’m your coach”

This time, like the beginning, Yunho pressed his body against the back of the learner but his left arm was circled around his waist while his right helped him adjust the angle to hit the ball perfectly. Jaejoong soften at the touch and of course Yunho knew as he saw the look on Jaejoong’s first. The man was not looking at the front but shutting his eyes tightly. Yunho turned his face and licked against the smooth skin of the beginner’s cheek earning a soft groan. Yunho smirked and together, their hands moved in unison to hit ball 2.

“Tok” the ball hit the edge and fell onto the net.

Yunho and Jaejoong were now in a kiss. Yunho had pulled Jaejoong in for a kiss by his waist when Jaejoong had dropped the cue on the table. Jaejoong was stunned and his hands were up by his side not holding on to Yunho. Yunho deepened the kiss as he pulled Jaejoong nearer to his body, nibbling on his lips to gain excess to the wet territory. Jaejoong gave in and large muscles battled in saliva fighting for dominance.

“Ahh…” Jaejoong moaned while Yunho continued to have his fingers roam elsewhere. Their lips were still intact as Yunho walked forward slowly till Jaejoong’s back hit against the cold cement wall. Yunho pulled Jaejoong’s shirt up revealing two hardened nipples screaming for Yunho’s touch. With his playful left finger and hot lashing tongue, Yunho began to play and licked onto the hard nipples.

“Ahh” Jaejoong moaned more. Yunho liked it so much and he suckle onto the hard nipple. More moaning came from Jaejoong’s mouth and both members were hardened, dying to escape from their cage kept below. Yunho leaves the chest and slowly worked his way down to the other territory where it kept the waiting monster.

“Yun-ho…” Jaejoong calls out his name.

Yunho carried Jaejoong up and placed him on the billiard table and pushed the balls aside. His hands carefully removed the buckle of the belt and pulled the pants down revealing the piece of white cloth which covered the already flinching member.

“It’s… embarrassing…” Jaejoong said again.

Yunho placed his hands on the elastic band and pulls the cloth away, revealing the hard and large member waiting to be engulfed by the other. Jaejoong was bare; he was naked, lying in the middle of the table, having hot steamy sex with his very hot horny coach.

He places his hand on the throbbing member and began to rub it up and down stroking it slowly causing pre-cum to leak out slowly. Yunho teased his student, watching him suffer from pleasure.

He bends down and places the erotic member into his mouth and bobbed it up and down, teasing it with his tongue at the tip causing the aroused man on the table to flinch and moaned in pleasure.

“S-stop t-teasing…” Jaejoong cried as he felt the tongue licking on the tip of his own penis.

He wanted more, he wanted him to be inside of him, he needed it, he needed to release his seeds, he wanted him, he wanted all, and Jaejoong was a lusty boy.

“Hurry and come in” Jaejoong begged, he wanted it so badly.

“Not yet” Yunho teased “Not so soon” Right after that, he inserted his first finger in. Jaejoong arched his back almost instantly at the sudden intrusion below.

“Ahhhh” Jaejoong moaned again.

Yunho then inserted his middle finger, followed by his fourth and now three fingers were inserted. Jaejoong tried his best to get use to the size as Yunho continuously pulled out and in his fingers. More pre-cum continued to leak from the penis and it twitched and flinch at Yunho’s touches.

Thinking that he is ready, Yunho removed his belt, pants and boxers, revealing his harden member too. He climbed onto the table and positioned himself at the entrance of the luring hole. He teased Jaejoong for the last time, rubbing his member at the tip of the hole and then thrusts in suddenly.

“AHHH” Jaejoong screamed as the harden member in him was thrusting. Yunho went slow at first but when Jaejoong had begged for more, he increased the speed allowing more moans to be escape from the other mouth. Finally after a few more thrusts hitting his sweet spot, Jaejoong released his seeds on his stomach while some stained the green cloth which he was lying on. Yunho continued for a few more thrusts before releasing his.

“Ahhhhh” Both man screamed as they released. Yunho removed himself from Jaejoong and pulled Jaejoong off the table.

“Shall we carry on” Yunho asked cheekily.

“Another round? Uh…” Jaejoong replied hesitantly.

Yunho chuckled, “what are you thinking, I meant billiard.”

“Oh!” Jaejoong was embarrassed and tried to hide his face. “I’ll wear my clothes first”

Yunho walked over to the man who was picking up his clothes and scooped him up.

“No baby, play naked then we’ll have another round again”

With that, another round of billiard and lust started again.


Chapter 1 His Wild Idea

Hello everyone, I, Kim Jaejoong who never ever experience having close relationship with a girl before, it’s because I go to a school with all guys and maybe because there’s no girls so many people turn into Gay…guess I’m one of them.

Actually since 3 month ago I have a big crush on a guy whom I meet at train. His name is Jung Yunho, he’s the king of the elite school next to my school. He have a manly figure, so handsome with his small face but masculine.

I meet him in the train, he safe me from being molested. No offense but all my friend always tell me that I’m pretty, more pretty than a girl although I hate to be saying pretty but old pervert always try to molest me. Since that day I try to take a same train with him, just only look at him even from far away already make me so happy.

Like today, “Yah Jaejoong hyung, there…there..there…” Junsu, my childhood and also my bestfriend in school pull my sleeve.

“What?” I pout to him because he interrupt my dream.

“Jung Yunho…There…” he squeal with his dolphin voice that so embarrassing. As fast as possible I cover his mouth with my hand before Yunho notice that I was watching him.

“Yah…Yah…can you quite! It’s so embarrassing!” I stare to the train floor.

“Hyung, why you not make confession? Tell him that you like him or maybe love him?”

“I….i can’t! what if he not like me? Or even worse he’s not gay and think that I weird person?” just imagine he rejected me already make me so down and hurt.

“but hyung, if you don’t tell him, how you’ll know he gay or not?”

“I just know! A person like him will NEVER EVER be a gay!” I emphasized the word ‘NEVER EVER’ coz a guy like Jung Yunho will always followed by womens, he even have a fans club.

While I busy with my mind, the train already stop at my station. I must to get down from here.

“Hyung, we already arrive….hurry up….” Junsu run infront of me. When I try to follow him out somebody push me in.

Argh I can’t go out and the door almost close. Still try to get out when I arrive infront of the door that almost close there’s someone hold the door, I look to that person and it’s surprise me coz that person is…

“Yunho?” i whispered.

“hurry up, get out!” he order me. I run out and he follow behind.

I turn my back and standing face to face with him.

“Thank you so much.” Because I can’t stand look at him, I put my stare on the floor.

“Okay.” He walking pas through me.

Right now my heart racing so fast, the beat so hard, I feel like can’t breath. I pull all my strength, I must do it now or there’ll never be a chance like this.

With all my power I scream at him, “Jung Yunho, my name is Kim Jaejoong and I I love you, would you be my boyfriend?” it’s my chance, only this time is my chance to confess my love.

He stop in his place but not showing any reaction, it’s make me so nervous. I close my eyes think all of bad thing, how about he run and leave me here by my self? How bout he feel disgusting and mocking me? I can’t hear any voice except my thud heart.

“boyfriend?” his soft voice touch my ears, I close my eyes before so I don’t know that he already infront of me.

“if you want me to be your boyfriend, you must obey my rule!”

“rule?” I open my eyes and his face so close to my face, there’s only 5cm before his lips touch my lips.

When I realized what kind of situation between us, I feel so hot. I bet my face already flushing red and everyone will know how big crush that I have for him.

“yes, rule. It’s easy, you just have to follow all my order.” He said with casual tone.

“Ooo Okay! I’ll do anything that you ask.” With beamy and happy face I nods my head.

“so for the first, Kiss me!” he order.


“Kiss me here!”

Kiss? In here? But..but…it’s a public place, everyone can see it and so embarrassing doing it infront of everyone. I look into his eyes, hope to find the playfulness in there, and what he tell me is just a joke, But looks like he serious.

“Yu..Yun..Yunho waittt…” He take a step closer and he put his thumb on my lips, pull my chin up while he closed our lips.

“I hate it, when someone told me to wait!” I feel his hot breath brush my lips, before I can react he already push his lips to mine. His lips smacked locked onto my lips. Tightly locked as he pressed into the opening. Taking in the warmth from the opening. He eagerly sucked on my lips loudly.

my eyes finally closed as Yunho's lips started to suck it. It was something i couldn't control. It was something my heart wanted to feel not see.

Yunho liked seeing what he was doing. His eyes still open as he sucked and bit my lips softly. Then finally his tongue pushed into my mouth. The action shocked even him self. It was a playful tongue that met his. My tongue started to wrestle his tongue, but Yunho wasn't giving in, he wanted to lead. He licked my lips before pulling my tongue into his mouth to suck on it vigorously.

I could feel weak in my knees. my whole body wanted to collapse right there as if all my energy was being drained from my mouth. I could feel myself running out of breath. I tried to suck in as much air as possible whenever a little gap between my lips and Yunho's lip parted. Panting was more like it.

Yunho too could start to feel as if he was running out of breath. He could hear me panting for air as he still kept up the speed of sucking and licking.

Finally my knees giving into the weakness. my body dropped a few inches, helplessly.

Yunho felt I was pulling away as my panting got louder. He finally pulled back his lips. He was panting as hard as me. He let go of my hands and pulled his body back.

I feel so embarrassed and can’t think anything except runaway from here before all of that people eyes eat me alive. I push my self stand from my weak knees and start to run from Yunho, I know he watch my back with confuse looks but I don’t care at this time.


“Arghhhh I can’t believe he kiss me…Jung Yunho….HE KISS MEE!! ”

I was in my bed smiling and also blushing, just remembered bout this afternoon. All like a dream to me, I have to ask Junsu to pinch my arm 5 times to make sure that all happen. Suddenly I sat up and think about Junsu Question.

“Hyung, is Jung Yunho that beast? I thought he was a gentleman.”

“why you said that?”

“I feel that kiss somewhat so rough! I just wondering, is he playing with you?”


“nevermind hyung, it’s just my stupid thought.”

Even Junsu say it was his stupid thought but I can’t help for not think bout it. Is Yunho just play with me? Is he really like me? If not why he kiss me? If yes……uhmppp is the kiss so rough? I can’t feel anything, I just feel he kiss me and I can’t breath.

I have to make sure! Yeah, I have to ask him weather he serious or just play with me? What if he play with me? Arrrghhhh what should I do??? Aaaaaaa…… I pull my blanket to cover my face but suddenly something fall from desk beside my bed. I reach it and saw that was Yunho picture (I take it secretly and print it), he so handsome and smile crept back to my face. His bottom lips so full and soft in my lips.

Argh… I shouldn’t think about the kiss, coz if he just playing with me then so will the kiss. Tomorrow I must be strong and ask him! Ask clearly and don’t give him a chance to kiss me before he answer it.


“JUNG YUNHO!” I was on his school gate, coincidence he was there.

“Kim Jaejoong? Surprise you here..what are you doing?”

“I…I…” aish why I can’t say anything once I meet him.

“do you want me to kiss you again? In here?” Yunho smirk to me.

“No..No…don’t think I was so easy!” I scream with mad voice.

“so what are you doing infront of my school gate?” Yunho said with his casual style.

“I…I…I want to….” Ugh just say it, straight to the point! But suddenly my stomach make a voice, I was forgot to eat dinner last night and I also skip my lunch so now I feel so hungry.

But why must now? Arghh it’s so embarrassing……

“hahahaha are you stupid?” Yunho laughing me.

“Ya Ya Ya why you said I was stupid?” I’m not mad but embarrassed.


Yunho grab my waist and lift me up on his shoulder.

(Yunho POV)

Is he really a guy? Why he so light and I can lift him up so easy. First I look at him, his face so pretty just like a girl face. His white skin, pale face, pretty…and his plum pink lips that attract me the most.

I feel he start to struggle and it make me tight my hand on his waist.

(end Yunho POV)

“Yah Yunho, put me down?” I start to struggle.

“just relax can you!” he tighted the hold.

“Yunho-ah, put me down! Where we going?” I know he’ll never put me down so at least I have the right to know where he will take me.

“my house! So keep still! Before you fall down!”

“what?? Your house??” I start to struggle again.

I don’t know how we got to his house, I was so shock when he throw me on the sofa.

“you..keep stay right there! Don’t move and wondering around the house. You get it???” yunho leave me in guessroom and he disappear.

‘OMG stupid stomach!’ I hissed and place my hand on my stomach. ‘why you have to make sound like that, yunho must think that I’m a weird person now!’

Sniff…Sniff..Sniff…uhm delicious smell….argh makes me more hungry. Where this smell comefrom? I must to find out.

I walk around the house, following that smell and it more strong once I arrive in the kitchen. I saw Yunho with apron and cooking, COOKING??? Wow he so handsome while cooking and looks like a professional chef, wondering what taste of that food. While I still imagining, the smell of the food touch my nose, I open my eyes and find a plate with food infront of my eyes.

“eat this.” Yunho put the plate on the table.

“eh yes~” ah he made me a fried rice. I took a spoon full the rice and eat it, wow it’s amazing delicious.

“how’s the taste?” he said so simple like my opinion is not important.

“it’s delicious.” I said casual way too.

“now feeding me!”

“okay..” I took a spoon to feed him. “now aaaaa…” I lay the spoon to his mouth.

“not like that! Feed me with your mouth.” He said

“ mouth?” I stutter.

“Yes, do you forget the rule?” he said again.

“No…” I put the rice into my mouth and suddenly he grab my wrist and pull me into his lap. Press his lips and take the rice from my mouth with force.

“it taste more delicious from your sweet mouth.” When he said it my face feel so hot and red, I definitely not meet him for this.

“hahahaha..” he laugh at me and once again he pull me into deep, wet and passionate kiss. His hands went to my shoulder pulling me closer to him. he slowly slid in his tongue and played with mine while licking every single part of my mouth and I heard my self moaned in between our kiss.


The next day in school

‘AYY Girl…try to make you my baby…Ayy Girl…Instead you make me go crazy”

“Ah, yoboseyo…” I pick up my phone.

“come to my class!” Yunho’s voice.

“Eh..but…” what he want ask me to his class in the middle of school time.

“NOW!” Yunho said it loud and after that he hang up.

Without thinking I stand on my feet and run to his school, on aisle I meet Junsu.

“Hyung, where are you going? Break time is almost over?” I keep running without answer his question.

“Hyung…Yah Jaejoong Hyung…Jae Hyung….” I still can hear his dolphin voice calling me but right now I just think what Yunho want me to do.


“why you calling me here? What you want me to do?” when I arrive at his class there’s nobody in just him self.

“just want you to pick that up.” He said as he pointed to the pen on the floor.

“ehh so you call me just want to pick that up?” i pout while bend my knee to pick that pen up.

‘stupid me! I was thinking that he miss me so that he call me here.’ I was grumble with low voice.

He chuckle and make me look up at him.

“why you laugh?” I asked

“you so funny and cute…” Yunho pinch my nose and standing.

“now I want to go practice with my basketball club. Wait for me here until I finish, okay?” he said as he walk pass through me.

‘why I must wait for you! You not even miss me.’ I hissed think that he already leave me. But I was wrong he still standing behind me, with one swift from him, I turn my body.

“I miss you too, so stay here and wait for me. Understand?” he whisper to my ear.

Once again my knees betrayed me, “Yes.”

This time Yunho really leaves the classroom, I sit on his chair and wait for him.

I don’t know how long to wait…hump Yunho seat feel so warm and make me sleepy, slowly I close my eyes and deep in my slumber land.

(author POV)

“I’m done, Jaejoongie~” Yunho open the door class to find Jaejoong was sleeping in his seat. Yunho walk close to him and watch him sleep so peacefully. He couldn’t help notice Jaejoong’s angelic face while sleeping. His eyes were focused on his face. He unconsciously raised his hands and moved them towards JaeJoong’s sleeping face.

Jaejoong suddenly made little movements. Yunho’s touch woke him from his sleep. He saw Yunho standing a few feet from him. “Oh, you’re back.”

All of a sudden Yunho pulled him down and with his other hand grabbed the back of Jaejoong's head. Yunho's mouth came to Jaejoong's lips shocking the breathless Jaejoong. “Yunho-ah, what are you doing?” Right as Jaejoong open his mouth to speak Yunho moved his lips, and Yunho blew some air into Jaejoong’s mouth. Jaejoong eyes grew bigger as the man pushed harder against his mouth and his tongue came into play. Right as Yunho pulled back Jaejoong coughing and gasping for air.

“Ssssst don’t make any noise, all my club friend still in here.” Yunho hissed in low voice.

“what do you mean? What you gonna do?” Jaejoong blushing and feel a little bit panicked.

“nothing, just this!” once again Yunho pull Jaejoong down to the floor, Yunho's face bent forward, taking the bruised lips into his mouth again. Sucking on them individually. "His lips are so soft," Yunho was starting to remember the feel of this man's lips. "His tongue is small and at first its stiff but after a little playing it melts," he had Jaejoong's tongue in his mouth. He sucked and sucked on the man's tongue, as if he would get something out of it. His hands came to Jaejoong's shoulders then they slid down to the buttons, he undid each of them quickly and then pulling the flaps apart to expose an inviting silky creamy white skin. His hands ran all over the man's chest. Not long later his mouth followed. Each kiss left a little mark on the creamy white skin. His mouth trailed to Jaejoong's left nipple. Sucking on them deliciously as his hands went down to undo the trouser once again.

"Ugh! Ughhh! Ughhhh," Jaejoong moan under Yunho's hands.

“your sleeping face so sexy, and I can’t hold it anymore….” Yunho hands trailed to Jaejoong’s right nipple while his tounge still lick his left nipple.

"Wait," Jaejoong called. "Not here, people'll see us," Jaejoong was aware of their surrounding. Yunho was already kissing Jaejoong's neck and back as his hands grabbed the two perky butt cheeks. "You better keep quiet Jae~" Yunho whispers.

“but Yunho, not in here…please…” Jaejoong pleading but Yunho don’t want to listen to him.

"Hmmm... you better be quiet or the other students will hear ya" Yunho whispers back and smirks.

He leads his hands to pull Jae's pants down to his knee and his other hand reaches for Jaejoong's member. "Hmmm...ahhhhh!" Jaejoong gasps as Yunho squeezes his member.

“sssttttt I told you don’t make any voice…”

“but..but.. I can’t help it…it’s too much for me….” Jaejoong answer with panting voice from a funny feeling inside of him.

“okay so just bite your uniform.” Yunho said and still lick jaejoong’s neck right at his birthmark and accidentally that was Jaejoong’s sensitive spot.

"Ahhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnn," Jaejoong covers his mouth from screaming.

“Jae baby~ your moan so sexy and that can turn every man on…” Yunho whisper to his ear while licking his earlobe.

“I don’t like it, you and your sexy moan voice is mine right?”

“ye..yes..” jaejoong tremble from the pleasure.

“so please bite you uniform babe, while I send you to heaven.” Yunho start to kiss Jaejoong’s jawline to his neck. Once again he suck on his neck until it become purple mark, Yunho tounge start to explore Jaejoong’s chest.

Jaejoong pick his unform and put it on his mouth and bite it,”ummmmppp! Uhhhhmmppp….” Even he can’t control his moan but at least that can reduce the voice.

He caressed Jaejoong’s cheek “Good boy!” he said with a smirk.

Jaejoong blushed and nodded. Yunho smiled widely and leaned lower and started sucking and licking Jaejoong’s right nipple. Jaejoong let out low moans “Uhhh…uhhh…” After giving it a few flicks, he trailed kisses down his stomach, unbuckling his belt on the way and pulling his pants down.

He looked at the bulge in Jaejoong’s briefs “Already hard huh?” he said as he stroked the hardened member from the outside. Jaejoong bit his lower lip, trying not to let any embarrassing sounds come out.

Yunho slowly pulled down his briefs and looked at Jaejoong’s throbbing member. He took hold of it and started stroking it slowly. Yunho slowly engulfed his member. Jaejoong spread his knees apart, letting Yunho get better access and suck with ease.

His tongue cradled up Jaejoong’s member. Jaejoong’s hand slid to Yunho’s hair, grabbing it tightly as he moaned loudly in pleasure. Then he let go and licked the tip in a circular motion, Yunho then sucked on the tip, and slowly engulf it once again. He relaxed his throat to make it go deeper into his mouth, until he reached the back. He then started bobbing his head up and down.

“I-I’m humming…!” Jaejoong let out a moan. His head tilted back and he arched his back as he came into Yunho’s mouth. Yunho widened his eyes; he was surprised at the amount. He swallowed and wiped his mouth with the back of his mouth “You taste like candy~” he smiled.

Jaejoong blushed and covered his red face “Ahh don’t look at me like that, it’s embarrassing!” the shirt fall from his mouth.

“I guess there’s already no other people in this school. You can let out you moan for me to hear.” Yunho smiled. “I love to hear you moan.”

“I am going to move to the next step… do you trust me?”

Jaejoong paused for a few minutes, ‘I love him’so I think that’s okay “Y-yeah…”

Yunho let go of Jaejoong and took his pants and briefs off, exposing his erected member.

Jaejoong’s eyes widened ‘He’s so big…’ unconsciously; his hand drifted towards Yunho’s throbbing member and started stroking it softly “Unnhhhh… Jae…”

Yunho took Jaejoong’s hand off and split his legs apart. He then inserted one finger into Jaejoong’s hole “Ahh…” no pain. He then inserted his second finger. Jaejoong winced in pain but after a few slow thrusts, the pain way gone. Then he inserted his second finger “Ahh Yun… it hurts…” after a few minutes, the pain way gone.

He took his fingers out and positioned his member in front of his hole “You ready?” Jaejoong gulped as he looked at Yunho’s big member. Then he nodded.

Jaejoong felt Yunho’s cap enter him, he grabbed the bed sheets tightly, and he bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from screaming in pain. He felt himself getting teared apart as he felt Yunho going in deeper.

"Yunhooooooooooooooooo.... it hurts!!!" Jae screams and Yunho kiss his cheek.

"Don't worry baby, you'll be okay soon." Yunho assures Jae and pushes his member in slowly and gently trying to suppress his agressiveness.

"aaaaa....ahhhhhhhh!" Jae screams when Yunho finally got his whole member inside of Jae. He didn't move for a while to let Jae calm down and get use to the size.

"*Stiffles*... Yun *stiffles* hurts!!" Jae said as the tears roll down his eyes. Yunho was about to move now but seeing Jae's tear rolling on his cheeks and his painful expression, Yunho gave Jae a little bit more time.

After a while, Jae felt Yunho's warm member inside him as well as the hardening of the member. Knowing how Yunho has been holding himself back just so Jae could feel less pain, Jae bites his lip and hold back the pain.

"Yunho... baby.... I'm alright now."

Smiling sweetly, Yunho starts moving in and out slowly still trying to suppress his hardening member from hurting Jae too much. Whenever he pumps into Jae, Jae's soft lips would open slightly and make an "hmmmph.." sound while trying to hold in his pain or an "ahh" sound when he couldn't hold it in anymore.

Yunho's member hardens even more upon Jaejoong's yelps, gasps, and whimpers.

“Jae are you okay?” Jaejoong’s breaths were uneven now. “Do you want me to stop?” Jaejoong shook his head furiously. He was in great pain at the moment but he didn’t want Yunho to know.

“Yunho…just move!” Yunho still slowly moved in and out, trying to let Jaejoong get used to his size “Ahh… Yun you’re so big…”

“Jae you’re so tight…” he moaned as he continued thrusting slowly.

After a few thrusts, his cries turned into long and loud moans “Fa-faster… Harder… ahh…” Yunho did as he was told to and started thrusting faster.

"Yun.... ahhh.... yeah baby!!! FASTER!!" Jae moans as the pleasure overtakes the pain that he had suffered earlier.

"You're so tight Jae..joong..." Yunho moans and fasten his pace.

" on baby.... yea...." Jae moans endlessly in between their kiss.

"I love you Jae," Yunho said before he moves even faster letting out his aggressiveness and his needs for Jae all this time.

"AHHHHH! Yun....ho!!!!!!!!!!.... yun!! yeah~! ahhh...ooohh...ugh...arhhh....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jaejoong feels his body shaking and cums on Yunho's stomach but Yunho had not cum yet so he continues.

Within a few more thrusts, Yunho came inside of Jae. The warm load runs its way inside of Jaejoong and slowly drips out of Jae's hole. Seeing how wet Jae is with his own cum as well as Yunho's cum, Yunho became even hornier.

"Jae, how’s that?" Yunho asked

Quickly JaeJoong turned his face back to look at Yunho. "No," he pouted.

"No? You didn't like it? Or no, not right now?" he asked.

"Yunho-ah," JaeJoong said shyly.

"You have to say it," Yunho demanded.

JaeJoong blinked a couple of times as he mustered up courage. "Not right now," he turned away again.

"Hahahaha," Yunho turned over to his back. "You're too much, I don't know if I can keep up with your needs," he laughed in satisfaction.

"Yah," Jae said as he tries to sit up but fell down on the floor. "You're the one that made me say it!"

Yunho laughs and pins Jaejoong down while planting kisses all over Jaejoong's soft, smooth, and beautiful face. He then trail his kiss down to Jaejong's neck then to his chest. He continues on his journey througout Jaejong's whole body while his arms still pinning Jaejoong down on the floor.


(back to Jae POV)

‘It’s was the first time I feel like this, I really wanna see him again soon.’ I thought.

It’s already 1 week since that ‘make love’ session happen. I miss him but i was so shy to meet him after that, so now i was wondering is he miss me too or not.

“Hyung, is there something good happen?” Junsu who walk beside me asked.

“eh why you said that?” I said with smile.

“uhm seeing your wide smile and unfocus eyes, it’s must be related to the only one JUNG YUNHO! Right?” Junse poked my shoulder with his elbow.

“hehehehehe…actually junsu…” I gave him my silly laugh. “I already done ‘it’ with Yunho.” I whispered to him.

“WHAT? YOU HAVE SEX WITH YUNHO?” he screamed. I cover his mouth with my hand, looking around to see if there’s someone watching us.

“sstttt don’t scream! You want me to die?” I hissed.

“uhm ooomuaahmllpon…” he try to speak but I don’t know what he was talking about since my hand still cover his mouth.

“I’ll release my hand but promis you won’t speak with loud voice?” he nodding his head to say yes, so I released my hand.

“Hyung, how come you do it with a person like him? Is he do it rough like when the first time he kiss you?” Junsu asked and this time with low voice.

“of course because I love him! Although he not rough, Yunho do it so gentle, he treated me like a glass doll, so soft, gentle and protective.” I said as blushing from imagining that time.

“So~ where do you guys do ‘it’?” He asked with smirked.

“uhmp….in…in….” I was so embarrassed.

“in his house? Or your house? Or hotel?” Junsu so excited.

“in his classroom.” I said.

“WHAT?” junsu said with his dolphin squake..


“are you crazy,hyung?” I shake my head.

“are you sure his not just playing with you?” junsu asked again. This time with full strength I nod my head.

“yes, I’m sure he love me.”

“Is he say it to you? Do you hear him say it?” he asked again.

“errrrr No.” now I thinking, Yunho never say he loves me! Even when we do it, after that day he just walk me to my house, kiss me and leave. No, he never say he loves me.

“Junsu-ah, Yunho never said he loves me! What if he not loved me? What if the thing that you said was true? Yunho just playing with me?” I started to doubt about my relationship with Yunho.

“what should I do, junsu?”

“why not you ask him? Ask him if he loves you or not?” Junsu said.

Ah yes, I pick my handphone and call him.

‘The number you are calling can not receive your call right now, try again later.’

Eh what’s wrong? The number is correct? What’s going on. I try yto call him again and again but the answer still the same.

‘The number you are calling can not receive your call right now, try again later.’

‘Is he avoiding me?’ I frowned at the thought of that. Junsu noticed my change of expression.

"What's wrong, hyung?" Junsu stopped his step to asked me.

“I can’t reach Yunho’s phone, is he avoiding me? Coz he just playing with me?” I frowned.

Junsu pick my phone and dial Yunho number again, but the answer still the same.

‘The number you are calling can not receive your call right now, try again later.’

“it was rejected! Why he rejected your call hyung? Junsu said as he hand over my phone.

“is he just want my body? And now after he got it he leave me?” my body started to tremble.

"Maybe he...." Junsu began, but I cut him off.

“I must to meet him now!” I went to Yunho’s school for search him.


I run to Yunho’s class but nobody in the class, I browse all class and aisle but still can’t find Yunho anywhere. When I run towards basketball field, I meet Yunho’s teammate.

“excuse me, do you know where I can find Jung Yunho?” I asked while panting because of running.

“O Yunho~ he said he wanna go to the back of this building.” He said.

Without saying thanks I run to the direction. When I arrive there Yunho was standing with a girl in his arm. That girl’s hand was sneaking around Yunho’s neck, Yunho not push that girl and seems like he enjoy that hug. I can’t help to hold my tears sliding down from my eyes.

“Jaejoongie..” Yunho shocked see me standing there, he push the girl and looked at me.

I run to him and punch his chest, “Stupid, jerk, evil!”

“Jae, wait a second!” Yunho try to hold my hand but the stubborn me much more stronger than usual.

Now I know, it was just me who love him, Yunho did not love me at all.

“how could you do this to me? Why you with her?” I still punch my hand to him, I don’t care I f I injuried him.

“Jae, please calm down. I can explain all of this.” Now Yunho managed to hold my hand and tight it.

“So you…*sobs*…just want…*sobs* to do ‘it’ with me? *sobs* For what? *sobs* New experience? Truthfully…*sobs* you like a girl…*sobs* right?” I chokes on every word that i was saying with sobbing sounds.

“are you just playing wit my feel…” Yunho cut me off as he grabbed my face and forcefully kissed me.

I tried to pull my head back, but Yunhos force tighten. Yunho bite on my lower lips, I parted my lips due to the pain. Yunho forced his tounge into my mouth. I tried to puch Yunho away but Yunho was already one step ahead of me.

Yunhos left hand slipped behind my neck and all the way to my left cheek. He kept my face in a arm lock. While his right hand gripped both of my hands on his chest.

My tounge started battling Yunho's tounge for domanice. Well more like i was trying to get Yunhos tounge out of my mouth. I was starting to pant, I need air. I started responding to Yunho's kiss, well I just wanted the air in Yunho's mouth at this point.

Yunho slowly pulled back from the kiss, he could hear me uneven breathing. a string of saliva connected our mouth.

As soon as I felt Yunho's lips off of me, I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Ahh...this is so embrassing....ahhh i wanna die" I hide my face on Yunho embrace.

Yunho hold me tight, “Because of this I can’t accept you love and become your boyfriend.”

“YUNHO…are you GAY?” that girl yelled in disbelief.

“what you see is the fact~” I don’t know what happen between Yunho and that girl coz Yunho still hold me in his embrace.

Not long after Yunho pull me from his embrace but still in close distance. He look at me with disappointed eye.

‘what should I do? That girl was declared her love to Yunho and I’m bothered them’ I directed my gaze to the ground coz I can’t look Yunho’s stare.

‘I’m sure even Yunho like me before,but after see my attitude like this, he must be hate me now’ I can’t help my self from thinking like this.

“So now already trust me? Not accused me anymore?” Yunho hold my chin and make me look at him.

“uhm I…I….” I can’t say anything, see Yunho’s smirk make me embarrassed but I mut cover it.

“It’s all your fault!” I said.

“what? You don’t belive me is my fault? How come?” Yunho said.

“You…You rejected my call!” I show him my phone.

“I was rejected all disturbing call, but not from you!” Yunho pull out his cellphone.

I widen my eyes, “I prove to you!” now push Yunho’s number and call him.

‘You’ve got the wrong number…I’m sorry you’ve got the wrong number..’

Without thinking or even see the id caller Yunho push rejected button.

“Aish why this crazy girl always call me! Where do they got my number?” Yunho grumble.

“SEE! THAT WAS ME! AND YOU REJECTED IT!!” I yelled to him.

“what?” Yunho look at me with furious eyes. “that was you? How come?” Yunho see the caller id and realize that was my ID.

“argh…it was misunderstanding. I put your number with special Ringtone. Wait a second…” Yunho cak his phone.

“I guess my friend change the profile.” He smile. “I already change it to original.”

Yunho grab my wrist and pull me into his embrance again.

“I thought you hate me.” I said in his hug.

“no way! I can’t look another girls coz I already have a beautiful boyfriend like you.” Yunho whispered into my ears.

I gulped my salvia, I looked up at Yunho. I was turning red thinking about the kiss they shared before.

Yunho leaned closer to my lips. Our lips touched for a peck.

“Don’t ever suspect me anymore..” Yunho put a few pecks here and there. And it turned into a passionate kiss. Yunho was taking lead this time. He held onto my face as he kissed me. Yunho bit on my bottom lips. I parted my mouth and allowed Yunho's tounge to enter it.

Yunho's tounge darted into my mouth, I let our tounges meet. He felt I’m pulling back, Yunho's hands went behind my neck and pushed me down.

"mmmph...." I moaned. I couldn’t help it. I open my eyes and pushed Yunho away.

“Yunho-ah, what are you doing now?” I was scared of the lust that I saw in his eyes.

“just obey me, I won’t do anything, just wanna hug you…” Yunho lowered his head right as he said that. His lips touching my lips softly. Not pressing too hard, just touching them, feels like he wanted to savor the feeling of my lips touching his.

“Yun…do you…” I want to ask but I was afraid.

“hump…just said it?” Yunho look into my eyes.

“do you love me?” finally I asked it.

“I’ll show you..” Yunho reply simple.

(Author POV)

Yunho finished his word and posted his lips on jaejoong’s sweet lips, those sweet lips that took his soul from him, this warm body that make him hot, these two little soft hands witch give him the lovely feeling. Yunho slowly turned jaejoong and held him tightly by his waist as he started to suck on jaejoong’s lips and jaejoong started to moan and opened his mouth so yunho took the chance and entered his tongue inside his sweet mouth tasting every part of it and moan together.


“mmm Jae…joong-ah…so…sweet…”

Jaejoong was holding yunho by his hair feeling as hot as yunho pushed him softly to one of the trees then moved one of his knees parting jaejoong’s legs as he started to kiss on jaejoong’s neck.

“uhh…y-yun~…y-you c…uhhh…can’t here.” Jaejoong moan while blushing.

“mmm…I like…your sport uniform Jae… I can touch you easily.” Yunho smirk still kissing and licking as he ignored jaejoong.

“ehhh…y-yunni…no…uhhh…s-stop…*close his eyes tightly*…uhhh n-not…there…” Jaejoong try to push yunho as he blushed madly.

Jaejoong held tightly on yunho’s cloths and hide his face in yunho’s shoulder as his body started to shiver when yunho entered his hand inside his sport pants that he wear without boxer and started to stroke him. Yunho stopped kissing jaejoong’s neck as he started to whisper.

“you like it Jae?”

“uhhh…y-yes…b-but yun…mmmhhh…w-we can’t do it here.” Jaejoong said with shiver.

“Why not baby?” Yunho kiss jaejoong’s ear.

Jaejoong’s breath shortly “uhh…uhhh…t-they w-would…uhhh…hear…us…” he jerk his head back and hold tightly on yunho’s hand, “…ughhhh…yunni…”

“Yunni? I like it…” Yunho feeling jaejoong’s getting bigger in his hand, “what you want to say baby?”

Jaejoong started to breath faster and slide on the tree till he sit down and close his legs but yunho open them widely and stroke jaejoong’s member softly to tease him as jaejoong was holding on yunho’s hand and his face look to the side as he’s closing his eyes tightly and open his mouth widely breathing fast.

“uhhh…uhhh..y-yunni~…ehhh…f-faster.” Jaejoong can’t control his feeling anymore.

“are you sure baby?” Yunho smirk.

Jaejoong nodding fast “huh….huh…y-yes~…”

“but…they would hear you.”

Jaejoong look at yunho with dreamy wet eyes, “y-yunni~..p-please…uhhhhhh…I’m on…f-fire~.”

Yunho lean and kiss jaejoong’s lips, “it’s my pleasure baby.”

Yunho took of his hand and slide down jaejoong’s pants and put it aside as he opened jaejoong’s legs widely and held on his member then licked the tip making jaejoong’s body jerk up and moan louder.


Yunho licked down to jaejoong’s balls then up back to the tip as he teased some of jaejoong’s cum and he knew he lacked out so he slide it in his mouth and started to stroke him fast and hard.

Jaejoong bit on his lip then jerked up his head moaning. “mmmmmmh…huhhh…uhhh…yunni….uhhh….uhhh…ughhh…f-faster yunni~…”

Yunho held on jaejoong’s legs and put them on his shoulders as he started to suck him faster and harder making jaejoong want to jerk up but yunho held on jaejoong’s legs tightly so jaejoong can’t move and that will make him feel more pleasure.

Jaejoong can’t hold it any more and hold on yunho’s hair.

“UHHH…yunni~….uhhh…uhhh…y-yunni…cum…I’m cumming….mhhhh…uhhh…uhhh…unnnhh…”

Yunho smiled when jaejoong said it and so he started to move his head faster and held on jaejoong’s balls make him moan louder and cum.

“ ohhhhhhhh…uhh..uhh..uhhh..y.unni…mhhh…yunni…uh…huhh..huh…uhhh…uhh…UHHHHHHH…” Jaejoong moan .

Jaejoong came in side yunho’s mouth and yunho drank it all then slide down jaejoong’s legs and looked up at jaejoong’s face to see him closing his eyes and parting his lips trying to take his breath, so he leaned and kissed him lightly on the lips and jaejoong opened his eyes.

“did you feel good baby?” Yunho whisper in front of jaejoong’s lips.

“is this the way you say you love me?” Jaejoong asked while blush madly.

“nope…you’ll see after this.” Yunho then stand back just to take off his own jeans before crawling back to Jaejoong’s soft hot body. Their lips meet in a hot passionate kiss while Yunho roaming his hand over Jaejoong’s stomach.

Jaejoong circling his hands around Yunho’s back while Yunho’s lips changing his spot to Jaejoong’s neck and shoulder, marking the already mark skin. Jaejoong jerk his body when he feels Yunho’s hand has got down to his waist and playing with the hem of his underwear. His index finger makes a line inside the waistband and tickling Jaejoong’s skin.


Still with his lips on Jaejoong’s skin chest, Yunho pull off Jaejoong’s underwear with a blink of an eye and taking off his own later on. Yunho move upward to attack Jaejoong’s red lips.

“Emm…emm…” Jaejoong moan while Yunho’s tongue entering and exploring his mouth. “Eemmm…ummm…”

Jaejoong’s moan turn to loud one when he feels Yunho’s finger entering his hole. He breaks the kiss to take a breath but Yunho is evil enough to not let the luscious lips go away. He kisses those red lips passionately while he entered the second finger inside, not really minding his back been scratching by Jaejoong’s nails.

“ ohhhhhhhh…uhh..uhh..uhhh..y.unni…mhhh…yunni…uh…huhh..huh…uhhh…uhh…UHHHHHHH…” jaejoong moan.

After minutes out of breath, Yunho pull back, both the kisses and the fingers. Jaejoong panting hard with his eyes half close. Yunho giving those lovely lips one last kiss before he pull Jaejoong’s legs wide apart, revealing the hot red delicious hole. Yunho’s eyes looking into it with full of desire, while Jaejoong’s eyes looking at Yunho with his face as red as his hole. Even though they had done this before, he still feels shy about this sex thingy.

Yunho lift his head from the tight little hole to Jaejoong’s face. Their eyes meet, making Jaejoong redder than chilies. Yunho give him a warm reassuring smile with his hand holding his member while the other hand on Jaejoong’s waist. And without anymore word, Yunho shove himself inside, making Jaejoong jerk his body and scream.


Yunho pull out his member just to slam back into Jaejoong’s tight hole. Jaejoong’s arms circling and scratching Yunho’s back for dear life while his lips leave moans nonstop. Yunho thrust again and again, faster and harder every step and make sure to hit Jaejoong’s spot every time he push in.


“Oh…Jae…you…tight…emm…so good…Jae…”


Jaejoong’s beautiful moan, with the cool sea breeze, and wide blue sky, and sounds of flying birds chirping, and the sounds of the ship engine, and…the sounds of the clicking thing, making him hard and pound on Jaejoong more and more.


Jaejoong’s body felt pleasure from the hard thrust he got from his beloved husband. Even though he feels shy earlier, the pleasure is way too much and he didn’t want it to stop either. He can’t get this kind of feeling with anybody else but his one and only Yunho. But still, he feels shy with doing this in this kind of state.

“I…I can’t…” Yunho panting hard. “Emm…jae-ah aaah…Jae…”


Jaejoong’s forehead covered with cold sweat with his eyes fully closed. Yunho can feel Jaejoong’s wall tightens around his member and he’s sure that his lovely Jaejoong is nearly to his maximum. He pull his member out only to let the tip inside before push in really hard.

“Ahhhh!!!” Jaejoong scream as his orgasm hit him and split his juice onto both his and Yunho’s stomach and down to the bench and the floor beneath.

“Not yet. Not yet.”

Yunho keep on thrusting cause he didn’t come yet. Jaejoong was panting hard catching his breath while his hole feeling numb from the climax earlier to feels Yunho thrust this time. But the feeling didn’t last long and he already feels pleasure and start to moan when Yunho keep in hitting his spot and kiss his neck.



Yunho scream as he too come later on and splash his seed in Jaejoong’s hole. He falls on top of Jaejoong body and stealing a breath. Seconds later when his breath come back to normal, he pull his body a little just to give a short warm kiss on Jaejoong’s lips before he pull his member out completely.

But it didn’t stop just there and then. Yunho sit properly on the ground and taking Jaejoong along with him. He straightens his back against the tree while Jaejoong sit on his lap with his back against Yunho’s chest. Yunho put his left hand on jaejoong’s member and start to stroke it softly.

Jaejoong jump with the sudden touch. He put his hand on top of Yunho’s working hand, as in asking him to stop while Yunho’s lips biting and sucking his neck and shoulder.


Yunho didn’t say anything but continue to stroke Jaejoong’s member in fast pace this time.

‘Emmm…so soft…Jae…you soft…’


Jaejoong scratching his legs back and forth, try to ease the pleasure. Yunho lick and biting Jaejoong’s ears while his hand stroke even faster and grip even harder.


Jaejoong tilted his head to the side, the stroking and the biting is really much for him. He can’t bear the sensation he feels deep down his spine. He didn’t know with only touching the skin, he would feel the ghost bump all over him. Yunho change his landing spot on Jaejoong’s chin, licking and sucking. Seconds after, Yunho put his hand on Jaejoong’s chin to make his wife facing him.

Jaejoong who already hard in breathing has to forget to suck in air when Yunho’s lips attacking his. He enters his tongue into Jaejoong hot mouth, never feels bored in exploring the sweet little mouth.


Jaejoong still moan nonstop and Yunho’s hand still stroking faster and harder.


Jaejoong jerk his body while he shot his juicy clear seeds into Yunho’s hand. His last scream when he climax muffled by Yunho’s kiss so that nobody would hear him.

Yunho broke the kiss. Jaejoong panting really hard with his head against Yunho’s chest as his eyes just watching Yunho pull his juicy hand to his mouth and lick clean all his seeds. Jaejoong’s already red hot cheeks become redder in embarrass seeing Yunho hungrily licking his juice like he’s licking an ice-cream.

“Emm…you sweet…” Yunho moan while he closes his eyes, enjoying his wife’s taste.

“now with this you saying you love me?” Jaejoong pouting.

“I LOVE YOU!” Yunho said.

“I always love you, since the first time I safe you from that old pervert I already love you!” Yunho said again.

Jaejoong so surprise with that kind of confession, he never expect that Yunho already love him before he love Yunho.

“I don’t like that pervert touch you! Your voice, your body and your heart all belong to me!” Yunho turn Jeajoong body so now they face each other. “ do you understand?” Yunho eyes so dangerous.

“Yes, I understand.” Jaejoong reply with his cute tone.

“Jae, you’re so beautiful and cute.” Yunho take a big sniff from Jaejoong’s neck. The Jaejoong sweet scent with the sweat after sex makes him hard again. He starts to run his fingers up and down Jaejoong’s thigh and near to his member but not touching it. Jaejoong wriggle to make him stop but Yunho’s other hand circling Jaejoong’s waist to hold him still.

“Yunho…Yunho please, not here,” Jaejoong said, half beg.

“hahahaha…why? You don’t like it?” Yunho asked.

“Not like that but we always do it in ‘not proper’ place.” Jaejoong started begging.

“so we do it in my house..” Yunho lift Jaejoong up, put his boxer back and than pull his wrist.

“Yah..Yah..Yah… Yunho~” Jaejoong struggle but it no use coz Yunho much much stronger than him.


Chapter 1

“Hyung!~ Follow me! It’s kinda dark outside” Changmin stood at the doorway with an axe slumped on his shoulder and with a pout on his face, hoping it might convince Yoochun to accompany him.

“Min, I thought you said you weren’t afraid of the dark. So why do you need me to accompany you to collect woods?” Yoochun smirked, slowly lifting the younger band member’s, Junsu, head which was lying on his shoulder and helped the latter, who was currently fast asleep, to lay comfortably on the sofa.

“Yoochun hyung, pretty please! How about this if you accompany me, I’ll collect woods quickly and you can go back to your Junsu?”

“My Junsu? How much do you know Min?” Yoochun eyed him suspiciously.

“I guess you know how observant I am”

“Alright, alright. Let’s just get going and you are gonna fill me in with some info”

“I’ll see about it”

“MIN!” Yoochun yelled, pissed off by Changmin smart talking.

“Shssh if not you might wake up YOUR Junsu” Yoochun scowled. Changmin went to the second level of the log cabin to inform his leader that he was leaving before exiting the cabin with Yoochun.

Changmin belonged to a boy band named Dong Bang Shin Ki aka DBSK, together with his leader Yunho, Yoochun, Jaejoong and Junsu. After months of hard work, which eventually paid off after they won the album of the year at MKMF 2008, they decided to take a break. They rented a log cabin located near the mountains in America, allowing the wilderness to do the magic and help them to relax after their hectic lifestyles. Changmin is an observant youth who was the only one who noticed the changes occurring between his band mates after years of being together, and maybe due to fan services too. One example was Yoochun. Yoochun has a ‘secret’ crush on Junsu only that it was not a secret to Changmin. The youngest lad managed to figure this out after studying Yoochun whenever he was near Junsu. Junsu, on the other hand, also showed signs of being attracted to Yoochun but Changmin was not too sure about it.

Another observation was his leader Yunho and Jaejoong, otherwise known to as the appa and umma of the group. Yunho showed very clear signs of liking Jaejoong but Jaejoong was another issue. Jaejoong was hard to read. He never showed any distinct expressions but that does not mean that he was cold or unapproachable but if you get on his bad side, you face the music and that was exactly what Changmin was facing now.

“Tell me again why you are the one who is collecting woods this late?”

“Jae hyung” Changmin mumbled.

“Haha okay, you just had to call him umma. You do know that he doesn’t like it, right?”

“Yup, but he his! He cooks, takes care of us and always nagging like an umma, it’s just natural plus it makes Yunho hyung happy” Yoochun gave a quizzical look.

“How does calling Jae, umma make Yunho hyung happy?” Changmin hesitated. He was not sure if he should tell Yoochun, but since Yoochun was on the same boat as Yunho he decided to tell him.

“Yunho hyung likes Jae hyung”

“What?! How do you know? Yunho hyung told you?”

“No he didn’t tell, but I’m pretty sure about it after judging from his reactions whenever Jae hyung is around.”

“But Min, how can you be so sure?”

“I was right about you liking Junsu right? And trust me, Yunho hyung’s actions are far more obvious and easier to read compared to yours. So if I’m correct about you and Junsu, I’m pretty confident about Yunho hyung liking Jae hyung.”

“Really? I never noticed that. Min, do you think Junsu will like me?”

“Hyung, I’m not a mind reader or whatsoever but I have a feeling that he might” Yoochun placed his arm around Changmin’s shoulder, grinning like an idiot.

“You know Min, for making me feel a tad happier, I’m gonna treat you one whole tub of Rocky Road and Brownie ice cream” Changmin’s eyes were practically twinkling.

“No kidding, Thanks!!” Changmin skipped away looking for woods while Yoochun helped him pick a few. Hearing wolves howling in the background, the boys quickly collected the woods and rushed back to the cabin.


At the cabin

“Ahh! It was so dumb of me to ask Min to collect the woods dead at night, just for calling me umma, argh!!” Jaejoong was grumbling, pacing up and down in Yunho’s shared room with Junsu.

“Jae, calm down. He will be fine, besides he brought Yoochun along with him too” Yunho stood, walking towards the distressed male.

“How can I calm down Yun?! I just heard wolves howling. What if they are hungry? Min is so small and and…aww” Yunho was not really worried about the wolves attacking Changmin or Yoochun because there never were cases of wolves attacking humans in the region they were staying. Yunho approached Jaejoong from the back and hugged him, calming the worried latter down. Jaejoong was surprised but thankful that Yunho could not see his flushed cheeks.

“Small?..He’s even taller than me”

“Yun, next time whack me if I punish any of them if they call me umma”

“Where?” Yunho asked playful, earning a smile from Jaejoong who turned his head to the side.

“Jae, does that mean I still get to be called the ‘appa’? Afterall they are our kids”


“Ok chill, I was just joking” Yunho laughed but this only made Jaejoong turn more red. He could feel Yunho’s hot breath on his neck, causing his heartbeat to increase a little.


Yoochun and Changmin dumped the woods they collected inside the furnace, brushed away the snow from their boots and coat before stepping inside their heated cabin. Hearing the door below close, Jaejoong broke away from Yunho’s hug and ran down. Yoochun and Changmin who were hanging their coats on the coat rack were totally caught off guard when Jaejoong squeezed them into a rib crushing hug.

“Um-hyung, c-can’t b-breathe” (Changmin)

“H-hyung…ugh” (Yoochun)

Yunho, who was coming down from the stairs could not help but smile when he saw Jaejoong getting all worried. Junsu, who just woke up due to all the noise, sat on the sofa and rubbed his eyes. Even though being hugged by Jaejoong, Changmin noticed Yoochun staring at Junsu. He smirked.

“Jae, let them go. They are already turning blue” Jaejoong pulled away from the hug but still holding on to them.

“Changmin, I’m so sorry. I was so worried. I thought the wolves might attack Yoochun and you. I was stupid”

“Yeah, he was practically freaking out. Thanks to your appa here, he’s calmer now” Yunho put his arm around Jaejoong’s shoulder pulling him closer. ‘Was that a blush I saw on Jae hyung’s cheeks?’ Changmin pondered.

“Haha it’s ok, atleast I’m getting a treat from Yoochun hyung” Yoochun smirked looking at Changmin. Now he knew what Changmin meant when he said Yunho showed more obvious signs and that was the first time he saw Jaejoong blushing.

“Really and why is it for?”

“That is for us to know and for you to find out” Changmin remarked before skipping off happily, positively sure that he saw Jaejoong blushing. Afterall, maybe there is a chance of Jaejoong liking Yunho.

By the time Yunho went up to his room, Junsu was already in his pajamas, slipping under the covers. He has been feeling worn out lately and the cold weather was just perfect to snuggle under the warmth of the covers. He saw Yunho switching of the bed side lamp before pulling the comforter above his head. Junsu did not want to disturb Yunho but he had been itching to ask Yunho something.



“Are you asleep?”

“Junsu, you are really cute. I won’t be answering you if I were asleep. So what’s the issue?”

“Umm…Have ever been in love before? Like being attracted to a g-guy?” Hearing this Yunho flinched. ‘Does he know’. He turned around facing Junsu now.

“Why are you asking that? Are you in love with a guy?” observing Junsu.

“No no, I’m just asking. I mean isn’t it wrong or something?”

“Well, I think that’s based on individuals. I mean you can feel attracted towards someone or maybe wish to spend your entire life staying beside that certain someone, despite their gender. Love just comes. Aww don’t tell me our little Su baby is in love? Who’s that lucky guy?”

“G-guy? What makes you think it’s a guy?”

“Well simple. You haven’t been hanging around with any girls recently. Am I smart, or am I smart!”

“Whatever hyung, goodnight!” Junsu covered his head with the comforter, still awake. He could not sleep. Yoochun, Yoochun, Yoochun was all he could think about. He closed his eyes trying to sleep, only to find Yoochun invading his thoughts again. The way Yoochun lent his shoulder so that he could lie and sleep, the way his body fitted inside the latter when they were on the sofa watching TV. Whenever Yoochun was around, he could not stop looking at him and when he was caught staring, the sweet smile which Yoochun gives could make him feel warm even in the dead of winter. Part of him hoped Yoochun might also have the same feelings towards him. The last thing on his mind before he drifted off to sleep was, Yoochun.

Chapter 2

Everybody was already down at the dining table waiting for Jaejoong to serve breakfast, especially Changmin. But the only person who was missing was, Junsu.

“Yun where is Junsu? Is he still sleeping?” Jaejoong asked while he placed the pancakes and maple syrup on the table.

“I’ve got no idea. I woke him up before taking my shower and when I came out he was still sleeping. You know the only thing he did properly was to sleep ever since we got here”

“Never mind if he doesn’t come, I’ll eat his share of breakfast” Changmin eagerly said, rubbing his hands together eyeing Junsu’s share.

“Min! It’s ok, I’ll get him before this monster -” Yoochun glared at Changmin “ - finishes everything” with that Yoochun left the dining table and up to Junsu’s room. He slowly opened the door and closed it quietly behind him. He turned around and found a cute figure curled up on his sides at the corner of the bed. He scooted closer and kneeled down until he was staring at Junsu face to face. Breathing out steady breaths, with his chest going up and down, eyelid shut and Yoochun swore he heard whining sounds coming from the latter. How cute! He stood up and leaned closer to the sleeping male, reaching out his hand to brush away the few strands of hair from his face, when suddenly he got grabbed and the force sent him falling towards the sleeping boy. Yoochun quickly used his hands to support himself from squashing Junsu who just started to wiggle and slowly opened his eyes.

Junsu fluttered his eyes only to see a Yoochun like figure hovering on top of him.

“Ugh, why must I also imagine him on top of me when I wake up” Junsu groaned before turning, giving his back to the confused Yoochun and buried his face inside his pillow, totally unaware that the hovering Yoochun was for real. Even though Junsu was mumbling, Yoochun managed to make out what he was trying to say. And gradually, his confused look turned to a smirk.

‘also imagine me? That means he actually imagines me being on top of him. Alright I’ll take it as a green light my baby Su’

“What if I’m for real?” Junsu’s body stiffened and he slowly turned to face the smirking Yoochun. Junsu turned bright red when he saw Yoochun eyeing him with a cheeky smile and realized position they were in. Yoochun leaned closer until their lips were only centimeters apart.

“Naughty aren’t you, imagining me topping you” Yoochun said in a mischievous tone and smacked the side of Junsu’s butt causing the latter to jerk and blush furiously.

“Chun, what the hell is taking you so long to wake up Junsu?” Yoochun immediately got off Junsu and held a pillow when he heard Jaejoong’s voice approaching. Yoochun gave the most innocent face when Jaejoong was standing at the doorway.

“He just woke up. I’ve been hitting him with the pillow” Junsu looked at Yoochun in disbelief. Jaejoong nodded and motioned Junsu to come down. Once Jaejoong left the room, Yoochun threw the pillow at Junsu. “See ya later, duck butt” Yoochun winked before he left the room.

“YAH! I’ll get back at you!” Yoochun skipped off totally ignoring Junsu, humming a tune. Minutes later Junsu came down and glared at Yoochun before taking his breakfast. All of them ate heartily with Yunho occasionally feeding Jaejoong, earning light blushes from the latter, and Changmin, asking for extras. After taking their breakfast, they headed to the largest ski area in the region they were staying.


“Hey! Could you stop doing that?!” Junsu kept shaking off the snow on his head.

“You’re in the way of my snowboard and me” Yoochun was compacting snowballs ready to throw them at Yoochun, totally ignoring Junsu.

“Since you’re blind, I’ll be nice. Why don’t you use your snowboard and board yourself over to the corner and stop blocking my way”

“Nah uh”

“Why you…” Junsu lunged forward to hit Yoochun but was stopped by Yunho.

“Hey hey…guys! Cut it out! What’s wrong with you guys?”

“I didn’t do anything. Junsu blocked my way” Yoochun gave his innocent puppy eyes again, which made Yunho pat Yoochun’s head and frown at Junsu.

“WHAT?! He…I…argh!!” Junsu kept pointing at Yoochun, gave up and stomped off with his skis. Yoochun just loves to get Junsu mad because he always squeaks when he snaps, which just made Yoochun love him more.

Since there was no sign of Junsu after he stomped off half an hour ago, Yoochun stopped snowboarding and went to search for him. He stopped by to ask Changmin, who was busy snacking on a chocolate bar under the snow covered pine tree, and Yunho, who was teaching Jaejoong how to ski, but none of them had seen him. Worried, Yoochun entered the ski resort and let out a sigh of relief when he saw the back view of Junsu but frowned when he saw a guy talking to him. Yoochun sneaked closer to Junsu so that he can hear their conversation.

“Umm Mr Junsu, I know we’ve just met but would you care to join for dinner?” the stranger asked politely.

Yoochun was fuming. ‘Did that duck butt just blush?!!! How dare he!!’

Junsu’s POV

“Oh, I’d be gl….” Even before I managed to finish my sentence, I found myself being dragged away leaving the guy I just met, speechless. I looked back at Yoochun who was dragging me.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”. I felt my back hitting the wall, hard and Yoochun caging me. We were at the secluded end of the resort. Looking up, I saw a spark in Yoochun’s dark brown eyes, something I have never seen before.

“Why were you flirting with him?”. To say that I was not taken aback by his tone of voice would be an understatement.

“What do you mean? I wasn’t flirting and let me go!” I tried yanking my hand out from his grip but it was hopeless, his grip was too tight. My energy was totally focused on trying to get my hand out from his grip that I was oblivious to the fact that he leaning towards me. I looked up just in time for him to plaster his lips on mine. My eyes widened. ‘Is he kissing me?’ and I got that answered the next moment when I felt his tongue tracing my lips, nudging to enter. I felt a spine tingling sensation. Half of me wanted to let him continue to kiss me but my other half was not agreeing.

Placing my hand on Yoochun’s chest, I pushed him away lightly, looking down. My cheeks felt hot and I was shy. “Don’t joke with my feelings, Yoochun”

“I’m not”. It was short but his tone was so firm and…full of love. I felt him gently lifting my head, using his finger, to make me look at him. “I love you, Junsu. I can’t bear to see it when you are with other guys and I admit I dragged you because I was jealous but…”. That was all I needed to hear. All this time I was thinking Yoochun did not harbor any feelings for me; at least only has band mate, a friend, nothing more than that. I thought I was the only who held such feelings towards the older band mate.

Nobody’s POV

Junsu leaned forward capturing Yoochun’s full, light pink lips, savoring his flavor. Yoochun was surprised but he quickly took control of the situation. Placing his hands around Junsu’s waist, Yoochun pulled Junsu closer, and at the same time nudging the younger band mate’s mouth for entrance, which Junsu gladly gave. Inserting his tongue into Junsu’s mouth, Yoochun traced every corner of the latter’s mouth, earning a soft, sweet moan from Junsu. Yoochun perfectly knew Junsu was enjoying it but they were out of breath. When they pulled away from the kiss, Junsu shyly turned his head to the side avoiding Yoochun’s eyes.

“Look at me, Su”, Junsu slowly turned his head to look at Yoochun, their gaze locked on each other. “I love you, Su and nothing can change that fact”

“Iloveyoutoo” Junsu said it so fast and softly, that Yoochun did not catch a single word he said. Lifting a eyebrow, Yoochun looked at Junsu and gave him the ‘I’ve-got-no-idea-what-you’re-talkin-about’ look. “I said…I love you too”

“What? I didn’t get that”

“I said I love you too”

“Huh what?” Yoochun purposely moved closer to Junsu. Junsu caught on. He leaned closer to Yoochun’s ear and…

“I FUCKING LOVE YOU!” Junsu squeaked causing Yoochun to move a good distance away from the latter, placing his hand over his ear.

It was time to switch places.

Junsu pushed Yoochun towards the wall, placed his hands on one side of the wall with a naughty smile playing on his lips. Leaning forward, he kissed Yoochun again but this it was a peck. “Still can’t hear?”Junsu said, sounding seductive. Yoochun captured his lips again pulling him into a deep kiss. He then pulled away from the kiss, smirking.

“Looks like my baby Su needs some taming” Yoochun whispered against Junsu’s lips giving Junsu’s butt a squeeze causing Junsu to blush furiously. Yoochun circled his free hand around Junsu’s waist, while the other was holding his snow board, and both of them walked out of the resort. The moment they saw the others, Yoochun immediately removed his hand from Junsu’s waist, since both of them agreed that they were still not ready to tell the others but no matter how quick they were Changmin noticed them.

Chapter 3

On the other side, Jaejoong was still fumbling no matter how many times Yunho taught him but, well Yunho never complained since he loved the close contact session.

“Argh why do I keep dropping my skis?!” Jaejoong was downright irritated. Yunho picked up his skis and handed it over to the frustrated male who never failed to put on a cute frustrated pout. Yunho could not help but chuckle.

“It’s ok Jae baby, you’re just not focusing” Jaejoong’s eyes widened and he looked at Yunho.

“W-what did you say?” Jaejoong flushed. ‘I’m very sure he said baby..he did’

“See Jae, you’re not focusing. Now try again. Use your skis to help you move forward”

“G-Got it” the moment Yunho placed his hands on Jaejoong’s waist to help him correct his stance, the latter jerked. ‘Aish I’m turning into a girl’. Yunho was busy correcting Jaejoong’s stance when he heard Yoochun calling him. He turned and saw Yoochun walking together with Junsu.

“Ah so you guys made up, great”

“Yeah, did you guys know that there is some pro who’s showing off…”

“yun..Yunho…ah AHHH!!” Yunho turned totally shocked to see Jaejoong skiing down the beginner’s slope and then stumbling his way towards the end, landing on his butt with an audible ‘plop’ sound. Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin ran over to see their hyung’s butt completely buried under the snow and struggling to get up using his hands. All the three of them rolled on the snow covered ground, laughing their asses off.

“YAH! Some help here” Yunho ran down the slope slowly, careful not to slip. Jaejoong glared at the latter who was trying his best not to burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry but that was just too cute..puhahaha”

“Yah…that was all because of you…who asked you to let me go”

“Well if that’s what you want..” within a blink of an eye, Yunho lifted Jaejoong, bridal style and started walking up the slope. “…I won’t let you go”. Jaejoong was blushing, big time. He was too embarrassed to look around that he just turned his head and stared at Yunho’s chest.

“Ah this is so embarrassing…Put me down..It’s not like I’m hurt”

“Quit complaining besides you are kinda light” They were already on top of the slope, together with the others and Yunho placed Jaejoong down. Since they had enough fun for the day, they decided to head back to their cabin.

“Finally, I’m exhausted” Junsu breathed out a sigh of relief before running towards the cabin. Yoochun, Yunho and Changmin were walking together with Jaejoong trailing right behind, muttering a chain of complains.

“ butt’s frozen” Hearing this, Yoochun moved closer to Yunho and whispered…

“Did you hear that, his butt is frozen…you should warm it up for him” Yoochun smirked when he saw Yunho evidently blushing.

“W-what’re you talking about?”

“Aww come on hyung, we know that you like Jae hyung” Yunho was flustered. He never knew he was so obvious.

“Oh, how co…ouch!” Yunho felt something hard and cold hit his head, followed by a cold sensation crawling down his back. He turned around and saw Jaejoong giving him an innocent look. “Aish” Yunho mumbled before he started dusting the snow off from his shoulder, when he got hit by another snow ball at the side of his face. “YAH!” Yunho started chasing Jaejoong. Yoochun and Changmin looked at their hyungs, then at each other. They shook their heads and went inside the cabin, totally ignoring the two eldest in the band trying to catch each other. After minutes of running around, Yunho finally caught up with Jaejoong and started tickling his side, causing the doe eyed individual to squirm and fall on the ground, giggling. Yunho still did not stop tickling the latter, laughing along with him, enjoying the moment.

Having tickled Jaejoong enough, Yunho stopped, catching his breath after laughing and rolling around on the ground. Yunho opened his eyes and found Jaejoong smiling looking down at him.

Yunho was totally lost in his own world, admiring Jaejoong’s doe-eyes, his cheeks which were slightly reddened due to the coldness, the pointy nose which makes him want to kiss them over and over again. But seems like the chestnut colored hair beauty, did not like the idea of Yunho lost in his own world, resulting in him flicking his finger on Yunho’s forehead.

“Oww! What was that for?” Yunho whined placing his hand over his forehead, and at the same time displaying a childish pout.

“For ignoring me and talking behind my back with Yoochun and Changmin”

“No, I was not”

“Yes, you were”

“Nah uh”

“Uh uh”

“Nah uh”

“Uh uh”. Without any warning, Yunho flipped Jaejoong, with the latter under him. ‘Mann, how I love him being under me’. Jaejoong turned bright red, when he was aware of the position they were in. His body was getting warm. Both of them were lost in each other’s eyes for a few seconds, but it seemed like eternity for each of them. They snapped out of it when they heard Junsu calling them.

“Hyungs, we gonna die of hunger” Yunho got off Jaejoong, rubbing his nose. It was signature habit of Yunho whenever he was embarrassed or shy. Jaejoong was busy preparing dinner while Changmin was helping him fry the onion rings, occasionally popping one or two inside his mouth, the plus point when helping Jaejoong. Jaejoong didn’t allow the willing Junsu to help him cook, because somehow the latter had an uncanny ability to destroy the kitchen even though he was nowhere near the stove, strange but true. So this left Junsu with nothing to do but to disturb the youngest in the band who was peacefully frying the onion rings until Junsu started breathing down his neck.

“You’re getting oil splattered everywhere…how many are you doing?’re not suppose to flip that way”

“If you’re not going to shut up, I’ll gonna flip it on your face” Junsu scowled at Changmin, who didn’t bother, and he started disturbing Jaejoong.

“Hyung, see, he popping more inside mouth than he putting on the plate”

“…” (Jae)

“It’s ok because at least I’m helping, unlike a certain someone who’s is ‘supervising’ or so he calls it”

“Yah! It’s not that I don’t wanna help, Jae hyung doesn’t allow me”

“Because you can’t cook without blowing up the place” While they were busy bickering, Jaejoong’s patience was wearing off.

“Say’s who?”

“…” (Jae)


“That’s bogus…and quit shoving so many onion rings inside your mouth”

“Both of you to the living room, NOW!!” Changmin and Junsu pouted and went to living room, only to find their hyungs laughing at them. Junsu went to sit next Yoochun, shooting daggers at Changmin who was sitting at the opposite corner of the couch. Yunho was trying to concentrate on the drama that was showing on the TV but he couldn’t, his gaze keep looking at Yoochun’s hand which was wrapped around Junsu’s waist and the latter comfortably resting his head on Yoochun’s shoulder. Yunho closed an eye to Junsu resting his head on Yoochun’s shoulder but wrapping your hands around your friends waist was without doubt hinting something more than just friends.

“Hey Chun, can I talk to you in private?” Yoochun nodded and followed Yunho to his bedroom on the second storey. Yunho leaned on the door frame, arms folded.

“Chun, do you have something you’d like to tell me?”


“I don’t know, maybe something concerning Junsu”, Yoochun sighed and sat on the bed. It’s no use hiding from Yunho, that guy has a talent to read the members like a book, well maybe except Changmin and Jaejoong. Changmin rarely thinks and Jaejoong was just hard to read for no apparent reason.

“Fine, I guess you already suspected, well I love Junsu and I just confessed today and the great news is that my ducky butt loves me too. Isn’t that just amazing?”, Yunho sniggered, rolled his eyes at Yoochun who looked love sick.

“Well that’s great but you gotta be careful when in the public. They can’t know about you guys, it’s dangerous….”, Yunho went on and on; and all Yoochun heard was blah blah and more blahs.

“Guys, dinner’s ready”, ‘Ah saved’, Yoochun was about to reach for the door knob when Yunho stopped.

“Did you understand what I said?”

“Oh yeah, moral of the story, be careful in the public and show no signs of Yoosu. Got it. And Yun, just confess to Jae hyung already”, with that Yoochun ran down leaving the blushing Yunho behind. After their dinner, all of them watched a movie, while Yoochun downed 2 cans of beer and started babbling about how much he loved Junsu. Soon Jaejoong got the idea that Yoochun and Junsu were a couple.

Chapter 4

It was past 2am but Yunho still could not sleep. Jaejoong's touch, his laughter and the way their eyes locked hours ago were haunting him like sweet nightmares. He had already tried counting from one to hundred but nothing helped. Whenever he closed his eyes, all he could picture was the doe eyed beauty standing in front of him, smiling then pouting a little, tempting Yunho to kiss those pink, luscious lips.

Yunho went to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water and then headed back to his room but as he was passing Jaejoong’s and Yoochun’s shared room, he had a strong urge to creep into the room. His brain was telling him to just go to bed but his body moved on his heart’s accord.

When he opened the door, he heard soft snores and the moment he looked over at Yoochun, he wanted to laugh. The drunk latter, had spread his limbs, lying on his back, occupying the entire bed, with his stomach slightly showing. Yunho then turned his attention back to the sleeping figure, curled up at one corner of his bed, hugging his teddy bear close to his chest. Yunho was about to brush the brown locks which covered his beautiful feature, but retreated his hand when he heard a soft moan coming from the latter.

‘Aww he’s so cute even when he moans in his sleep’ but his cute thoughts immediately disappeared when he heard another moan, this time longer and more sensual. ‘Wonder what's he dreaming about’

“mmm..yunho” the words were slurred but he knew very well that Jaejoong called him. Yunho leaned closer to get a good look at Jaejoong. That was when he noticed that the latter was breathing heavily with his lips slightly parted. The next few seconds, Jaejoong let out a string of sensual moans which was definitely getting Yunho aroused.

‘Don’t tell me he’s dreaming about..’, “…cuu”.

Yunho felt his blood pooling at his lower region and throbbing pain was killing him. ‘Shit!’ Yunho cussed when he saw his arousal evidently forming a tent in his pants. Hurriedly, he got up and rushed to the door, accidently hitting his knee on the doorframe. He yelped in pain but used his hand to cover his mouth immediately, silencing his cry. Putting that aside, the throbbing pain was something he wanted to get rid off even more. He quickly entered the bathroom, which was down the hallway, and shut the door behind him.

He brought down the baby blue toilet seat cover and sat on it. Pulling his pants down to mid thigh level, Yunho started pumping himself, moaning Jaejoong’s name, of course, continuously.


Jaejoong opened his eyes, fully awake now. He woke up sweating, not because of a nightmare, but because of the hot dream he had involving Yunho. Looking at the other corner of the room, he saw Yoochun sleeping diagonally on the bed with his leg dangling at the corner of the bed. Sniggering, he sat up with his leg touching the warm carpeted floor. He ran his hand through his hair and headed for the door knob, not even bothering to be quiet because he knew the drunken Yoochun was probably not going to wake up to the slightest sound, unless a bucket of cold water was poured over his head.

He grabbed a glass of water and with his other hand he opened the refrigerator searching for something he could munch on but soon gave up on the idea of eating since he was too lazy to brush his teeth after that.

He dragged himself up the stairs and headed for his room. He stopped on his tracks when he heard soft breaths but he was not sure where it was coming from. His body tensed up when he realized that the closer he went to his room, the breaths became even more audibly. With his shaky hands, he turned the knob of his room door and stuck his head inside, but there was nothing strange about his room. Yoochun was still sleeping and sounds became softer again.

‘Don’t tell me this cabin is haunted’, Jaejoong broke into a cold sweat. He never liked horror movies. They just scared the shit out of him, and right now he felt like he was in one, but he was curious on where the sound was coming from.

He checked Changmin’s room but nothing seemed odd. He made his way to Junsu’s room, only to find Junsu alone in the room. Yunho’s bed was empty.

‘Omo! What if the thing that is making the noise attacked Yunnie?!’

Jaejoong was practically freaking out, but all those worries and thoughts flew right out the window when he heard the moans coming from the bathroom.

He blushed to a deep shade of red. It was Yunho. He would know that voice anyway, no matter whether he was singing, talking, laughing, shouting…or, in this case, moaning.

Jaejoong leaned forward and placed his ear on the bathroom door. The coldness of the door against his skin made him flinch but he was determined, to do what? Hear Yunho moan, I suppose.

Hearing every moan from Yunho was enough to make his heart jump out from his ribcage, but at the same time he was feeling a tad hurt. The thought of Yunho moaning and pumping himself made him feel jealous and frustrated. All this time the feeling of Yunho caring for him, his touch and his voice was imprinted in him. It was something he could not remove no matter how hard he tried, and even if he could, he would choose not to.

Yunho was part of his life; you could even say part of him. He made Jaejoong feel complete. For that one reason, he fell in love with Yunho, deeply.

Jaejoong was about to head to his room, when he suddenly heard his name. His heart leapt and some part of him wanted to think that it came from the man in the bathroom. He stopped, trying to get his ears focused but all he heard was Yunho’s moans and crickets in the background. ‘Who am I kidding’, he turned and took two steps away from the bathroom door, when his heart froze.

“ahh..uh..j-Jaejoong-ah..uhh..ah”, one last long moan and he heard the shuffling of clothes. Jaejoong’s legs took off, he ran as fast as his legs managed to carry him and shut his room door behind him, trying to make it as soft as possible, even though he was shaking of excitement.

Leaning on the door, he dropped himself on floor, trying to catch his breath. His heart was racing. ‘I swear it was my name’.

It was too much for him. First, he woke up after dreaming about having hot, steamy sex with Yunho and second, he heard Yunho moaning his name for real. So that left him wondering, ‘so Yunho thinks of me that way too?’. Jaejoong stood on his feet and laid on the bed, trying his best to sleep but the thoughts of Yunho was getting the better of him.


‘Does Jae love me?...Nah, I don’t think so’. A dream is a dream, it does not have to be what the latter thinks. Though Yunho hoped it was.

He kept tossing and turning but he could not get a wink of sleep. He felt relieved but how he wished he could confess his love to Jaejoong like how Yoochun did to Junsu. He loved Jaejoong and he would do anything just to get the latter to be with him but he did not have the guts to do it, to say the three little words.


Both Yunho and Jaejoong took awhile to sleep, but little did they know that their three little ‘kids’ had something up their sleeves to get them together.


The light rays were streaming inside the room, and even though the windows were shut and the cabin was insulated, the coldness was creeping in.

Still in his dreamland, Yunho curled, pulling the comforter even closer to his body. He opened his eyes a little just to shut them again due to the bright light. Groaning, he slowly got up and sat on his bed, eyes still closed.

The incident that happened earlier that day came rushing back to him. The sleeping frame of Jaejoong, his moans escaping from his luscious lip when he sleeping. He hugged his pillow and dropped himself on bed again, feeling dead tired. It was as if he only got less than three hours of sleep.

“Shit!”, Yunho practically jumped out off the bed when he saw his bed-side clock showing three thirty in the afternoon.

‘Maybe I slept really late’

He got out from bed, stretched his body to the fullest to get the blood circulation running, which made him feel refreshed. He slipped into his big, white baggy shirt and made his way towards the window.

It was a beautiful sight. The forest floor was covered by a thick layer of white fluffy snow, which had some tiny broken barks on top of the layer of snow, giving it a natural touch. The bushes and shrubs surrounding their cabin had a cap of snow covered on top and the backdrop of the snow covered mountain was just right to make the entire view picture perfect.

Mother Nature would definitely win, hands down, when it comes to picture perfect views.

Running his fingers through his soft black locks, he headed towards the door wondering why the cabin was strangely quiet. It was already three, going four in the evening, and it was not natural for it to be quiet. By now, he would have heard the screams of Changmin demanded for food to be served on the table and Junsu’s high pitched laughter ringing through the entire cabin.

But all he heard was pin drop silence. Yunho knew it was impossible for the others to be sleeping since they turned in earlier compared to him.

Walking down the hallway, he found Changmin’s bed empty. He checked on Jaejoong and Yoochun’s room, only to find the small frame of Jaejoong cuddled in his bed and Yoochun’s bed neatly made and empty.

He took soft steps down the stairs and was surprised to be only greeted by silence. Worried, he quickly ran back up to check his hand phone for any unread messages, but there were none.

He made his way back to Jaejoong again but this time shaking the latter gently to wake him.

“Jae..jae”, Yunho called out but in response, Jaejoong clumsily pushed the noisy source away with comforter and turned the other side, curling back again.

“Jae, wake up!”. No response.

With a playful smile on his lips, Yunho leaned forward and blew into Jaejoong’s ear. The latter shielded his ear from the annoying source with his comforter, but Yunho did not give up.

He yanked the comforter away and continued blowing but suddenly he felt Jaejoong’s touch on his face. His slender fingers were sliding on Yunho’s face, trying to figure out what the annoying source was.

Yunho smiled when he felt Jaejoong’s fingers tracing his eyes, then poking his cheeks and went across, tracing his nose. But Yunho smile disappeared when the latter suddenly pinched his nose, hard, causing him to cry out in pain.

“Oww! Jae!~”, Jaejoong immediately woke up when he heard Yunho’s cry. He found Yunho covering his nose with his hand and pouting. Out of reflex, Jaejoong reached out and placed his hands on Yunho’s cheeks.

“What happened?!”

“You pinched my nose!”, Yunho started whining like small kid still displaying that adorable pout of his.

“I’m so sorry”, Jaejoong was surprised when Yunho stood up and walked towards the door, still complaining and whining. Jaejoong reached out for Yunho’s hand, stopping him from exiting the room.

“I’m truly sorry, plus who asked you to blow into my ear?”

“I was trying to wake you up but would not even budge”, Yunho moved closer to Jaejoong, “and since your ear is your sensitive point, I knew it would do the trick”. Jaejoong realized how close their faces were and the picture of Yunho moaning his name made him turn a deep shade of red. He quickly turned his head to the side avoiding Yunho’s gaze, when his eyes met with the alarm clock.

“Gosh! It’s four! Oh man, Min!”

“I think you have better things to worry about rather than feeding Changmin, like how the three of them are nowhere to be found?”

“Did they leave any note?”

“None that I know of”, Jaejoong resorted in calling Junsu while Yunho went to wash up.

After calling Junsu, Jaejoong took a quick shower and went to Yunho’s room. Yunho switched off the hair dryer when he saw Jaejoong enter the room.

“Junsu said that they are at the ski resort”. Jaejoong approached Yunho and tried to flatten the unsettled hair at back of Yunho’s head, which was sticking out. “I can’t believe they didn’t even call us! I wanted to ski again”

“Why? So that you can fall again”, Yunho smirked and moved closer,” or because you want me to carry you again?”

“YAH! I got a hang of it ok! I just need more practice”, Jaejoong stuck out his tongue at Yunho before exiting the room. That childish behavior was exactly what Yunho loved about Jaejoong. It never fails to cheer him up whenever he saw the older band mate fooling, heck, the only thing he needed was for Jaejoong to be beside him all the time and he would be the happiest man in the world.

Yunho grabbed the car keys and entered Jaejoong’s room. The latter stopped rummaging his bag and looked up when he heard the clinking of the keys.

“I think we should go and get them”

“Yup, I think so too but hold on, I need to find my ipod charger”, Yunho rolled his eyes and grabbed Jaejoong by the wrist.

“Kids now, ipod later”, pouting, Jaejoong got hold of his hand phone and followed Yunho out from his room, like a chick following the mother hen. Just when the two ‘parents’ were about to leave to get their ‘kids’, Jaejoong loosened his wrist from Yunho’s grip and ran to kitchen.

“Jae..” Yunho breathed out, letting the latter know that they were wasting precious time.

“Hang on, hang on…ah found it!”, pleased with his find, Jaejoong closed the kitchen cabinet and ran back to Yunho.

“Found what?”

“This!”, the cute doe eyed latter proudly showed his finding, a packet of Famous Amos biscuit, to Yunho. “Not bad huh?”

Yunho did not know whether to sigh, laugh out loud or slam his head on the wall. This guy practically thinks about everything.

“Don’t give me that face. I’m hungry and I know you’re too, so say ‘you’re the best Jae’ and lets get going”, Jaejoong tugged on Yunho’s sleeves and happily dragged the latter, exiting the cabin.

Chapter 5

“What do you think they are doing?”, Changmin asked blankly, wondering if their plan worked out. Checking the weather forecast the day before was a right choice, and thanks to Mother Nature, the storm was even worse than stated.

“I don’t know, getting it on, maybe”, Yoochun caressed Junsu’s cheeks, running his finger down from his forehead to his lips, tracing them while Junsu was lying on Yoochun’s broad chest, giggling.

“Hmm, maybe. I’m outta here before I puke because of your public display of affection”, Junsu stuck out his tongue at Changmin before snuggling back inside Yoochun’s strong arms.

“We seriously need to get him a girlfriend or boyfriend”

“But Chunnie, he already has…remember”

“Ahh, food…how could I forget that”, Yoochun nodded in realization.

Just then one of the receptionists from the hotel came forward to make an announcement, “I’m so sorry to say this but all roads are closed until tomorrow due to the heavy snow storm. Room arrangements are already made, so please enjoy your stay and sorry for the inconvenience caused.” she took her leave and strutted back behind the reception counter.

“Thanks to the Mother Nature again”, Junsu giggled and sealed his boyfriend’s lips with a kiss.

“Love you Chunnie”

“Love you too, baby”, Changmin faked throwing up when Yoosu looked at him stuffing his face with the buffet spread in front of the youngest.

“Min ah, stop eating your girlfriend”, Junsu squeaked across the lounge area, maybe he was little too loud since he earned strange looks from the others who were present in the lounge area. Embarrassed, Junsu hid his head in Yoochun’s chest. Yoochun could not stop laughing due to his boyfriend’s behavior and cuteness overload.


Yunho and Jaejoong took the car and drove towards the ski resort, but since the snow kept piling up quickly even if the road was cleared, it was not much of a help. Yunho kept the wipers on to sweep the snow that was continuously piling at the front of the car.

"Yun, I think we should go back. It is getting dark and the snowing is getting heavier. Was there even a weather forecast about having a snowstorm?", Jaejoong was already panicking when he got a call from Changmin saying, that there was a major snowstorm coming in and that they were staying at the ski resort for the night.

"Yunho, I don't think we can reach them, and since they are staying at the ski resort, I think we should go back to our cabin", Yunho agreed with Jaejoong since it was better to head back to the cabin rather than getting stuck in the snow storm.

He carefully reversed the car, careful not to skid and headed back to the cabin. "Those kids, aish, they could have at least told us earlier or ask us to come along. It feels so weird to be separated". Yunho kept complaining but Jaejoong was distracted about something that was bugging him.

If the other three were at the ski resort, it leaves with only Yunho and him in the cabin, alone, till the next day. The thought of it was enough to make him shudder but at the same time his excitement level was increasing, since he was slightly convinced that Yunho might also have feelings for him, maybe he should make the first move.

But on the other hand, the thought of Yunho rejecting him was something he feared. How was he supposed to face the latter later on if his feelings were not returned? He snapped out from his train of thoughts when he felt Yunho's hands on his thighs, tapping him.

"Jae?", the calm and concerned voice of Yunho made him fall even deeper. "Are you feeling alright? I've been calling you for the past five minutes.”, Yunho took a quick glance at Jaejoong, even though it was a quick glance, he noticed that the elder looked pale and his ears, cheeks and nose end were reddened.

Without hesitation, he removed his woolen scarf, which kept his neck warm, and wrapped it around Jaejoong’s neck with one hand while the other was controlling the steering wheel.

“Yun? need it…”

“No Jae, it’s ok, I don’t want you to catch a cold”, Yunho flashed Jaejoong a smile before concentrating on his driving. Jaejoong could feel the warmth spreading to every part of his body, not because of the scarf which Yunho wrapped around him but the warmth he got from Yunho’s caring gesture. ‘I love you, Yunho’.

Yunho noticed that Jaejoong was spacing out again. “Hey Jae, don’t worry I’ll get back us safely to the cabin, trust me”

“I do”, Jaejoong gave Yunho’s hand a light squeeze and was about to retract his hand but Yunho tightened his grip and intertwined his fingers with Jaejoong’s. The entire drive was a quiet one, but only both of them knew how crazily their hearts were beating to the extent that there was a possibility that both of them could feel each other’s heartbeats through their intertwined fingers.


By the time they reached the cabin, the snow had piled in front of the door, making it difficult for them to enter. Yunho got out from the car and ran to the garage to grab the shovel, while Jaejoong was still in the car, shivering.

Not being able to see Yunho shovelling the snow by himself out in the freezing temperature, he grabbed another shovel and joined Yunho. “What the hell are you doing here?! I thought I asked you to stay in the car”

“T-two is b-better than one *brr* Why the hell is it freezing!!” when it came to cold climates, Jaejoong always behaved like a tropical creature being thrown into the Arctic Tundra.

“But you’re – “

“I said I can do it!”, Jaejoong yelled at Yunho out of frustration but his clumsiness got the better of him. “OUCH! Oww! Oww!”, Jaejoong started hopping around holding his feet. The elder had accidently dropped the shovel on his feet. ‘Classic Jae’, Yunho quickly removed the last pile of snow and carried Jaejoong inside the cabin, with hands under Jaejoong’s knees and his other arm around the latter’s upper body. He kicked the door behind him and gently placed Jaejoong on the couch.

“Wait here”, Yunho demanded before heading to the store room to get the first-aid kit. When he came back he saw Jaejoong lightly massaging his feet, wincing. He kneeled down and gently removed Jaejoong’s boots, slowly and gently, careful not to hurt the latter. “Yun, you..”

“Why are you so stubborn huh? I told you to stay in the car, and it was freezing and I’m sure that you know better that you can’t take extreme coldness and gosh, you’re so clumsy”, Jaejoong remained silent the entire time Yunho was grumbling and massaging his feet, but minus the clumsy part, he felt warm internally.

“Wait here, I’ll get something for you to eat”

“I’m not hungry Yunho-ah, I just want to go to bed”

“You sure you’re not hungry?”, Jaejoong nodded and pouted. “Mann, look at you acting all cute”, Yunho pinched Jaejoong’s cheeks, unaware of his words or his actions he did moments ago. Jaejoong turned a deep shade of red but his expression turned to a confused one when he saw Yunho bending in front of him, with his back facing him.

“Yun, what’re you doing?”

“Come on, get up, I’ll piggy-back you up to your bed”, Jaejoong grinned.

“You spoil me too much Yun, I can go up myself”

“Yeah yeah, just get on”, admitting that he was fighting a losing war; Jaejoong wrapped his arms around Yunho neck. Yunho scooped Jaejoong legs off the floor and carried him up the stairs.

“Am I heavy?”, Jaejoong asked innocently, twirling his fingers around Yunho’s hoodie’s string.

“What if I say yes?”

“Well, then I’ll know that you’re lying because previously you said that I was light..gotcha”, Jaejoong grinned at his victory.

“Wow, you have a pretty good memory, despite the fact that you were too embarrassed the previous time, you still remembered what I said, amazing. You must really love being carried by me”, Yunho chuckled knowing that he had won their mini bickering streak.

“YAH! You’re mean!”, Jaejoong smacked Yunho’s head lightly before he got placed on his bed. Yunho tucked comforter around Jaejoong and was about to leave, when he felt a tight grip on his collar and before he knew it, he was on top of Jaejoong, caging him, with their faces barely inches apart.

Their breaths mingled and Jaejoong could feel Yunho warm breath caressing his cheeks. His heart picked up speed when he realized that Yunho was leaning in with his eyes fluttering shut.

His brain stopped functioning when he felt Yunho’s soft lips against his. He just lay there, feeling Yunho’s tongue tracing his lips. His brain was screaming at him to open his mouth but his mouth had a mind of its own, forcing him not to.

Realizing that Jaejoong was not responding, Yunho’s heart sank. The last hope of Jaejoong loving him flew right out the window.

He was about to pull away from the kiss, when he felt Jaejoong’s arm going around his neck, pulling him closer. Yunho was surprised, but he resumed kissing him. The light pecks on each other’s lips soon became a full blown passionate kiss, with Jaejoong moaning softly when Yunho’s skilful tongue brushed against the upper part of his jaw.

Still not breaking the kiss, Yunho positioned himself in a more comfortable position, with his legs in between Jaejoong’s, allowing himself full access to every corner of Jaejoong’s mouth, which was probably the sweetest drug to him.

It was addictive.

Their tongues fought for dominance but soon Jaejoong admitted defeat and allowed Yunho to lead.

“mm..I love you Yunnie”, Jaejoong moaned into their kiss. Yunho broke away from the kiss, panting heavily mainly because of two reasons: He was out of breath and his body was getting hotter each second, responding to the squirming angel under him.

Yunho looked deep into the jet black doe eyes, which were staring back at him innocently. He leaned in and pecked Jaejoong on the lips.

“I love you too, Jae. I’ve been dying to tell you”, Yunho swept Jaejoong’s fringe off his forehead before kissing him.

“And why didn’t you?...Wait let me guess..You were hypnotized by my beauty, to the extent that you were tongue tied. Am I right?”, Jaejoong displayed a cheeky grin, wiggling his perfectly shaped eyebrows.

“Why you sneaky little..”. Yunho tickled the elder’s sides, causing Jaejoong to squirm, but Jaejoong froze when he heard Yunho let out a soft, yet sensual moan. Little did he know that he had accidently brushed against Yunho’s already hardened arousal.

Control Yunho…control! God dammit Yunho! He’s injured!

Jaejoong was freaking out. He had dreamt of this exact moment with Yunho but experiencing it was another issue. He felt Yunho closing in near to his face. He fluttered his eyes shut, gripping onto the bed sheet waiting to feel Yunho’s luscious, heart shaped lips against his own, but instead he felt a warm sensation on his forehead.

Yunho had kissed him on the forehead.

“Goodnight Jae, sweet dreams and dream about me ok”, Yunho ended it off with a cheery note, pecked Jaejoong on his lips once more before he turned his back towards Jaejoong, hoping that the latter would not ask him to turn around. He was aroused and he was on his verge of losing control, but he had to hold himself back since Jaejoong was already injured and he did not want to further injure him.

Jaejoong placed his fingers on his lips. He could still feel the after effects of Yunho’s loving peck on his lips, the lingering tingly feeling that caused him to experience butterflies in his stomach.

He smiled to himself before he scooted closer to Yunho and wrapped his arms around Yunho’s strong torso like a teddy bear.



“I love you”


Sensing that Yunho was already asleep, Jaejoong planted a kiss on his cheeks before burying his head against Yunho’s back, inhaling the scent which solely belonged to Yunho.

Chapter 6 Final [R]

The light was streaming in through the drapes, illuminating the room. The chirps from the birds nesting in the trees were like pleasant alarm clocks in the morning.

Yunho groaned and refused to wake up, but the moment he felt warm air caressing and tickling his neck, he opened his eyes. There, right in front of him laid a beautiful creature, no, Jaejoong was more like an angel.

Visions of the previous night, played back in his head like a reel when he noticed the way his arm was possessively wrapped around Jaejoong’s waist. Yunho supported his head with his palms and gazed at the beauty sleeping next to him.

He gently caressed Jaejoong’s cheeks, admiring the way his chest heaved when he breathed and the way his lips were slightly parted. Yunho leaned forward, softly placing a kiss on those kissable lips and brushed away a few strands of hair which blocked the latter beautiful face.

Jaejoong groaned and turned to his sides but instead, he felt something blocking his way preventing him from turning. He fluttered his eyes open, blinking a few times until the image in front of him became clearer.

Jaejoong turned a deep shade of red when he noticed Yunho looking at him with a mesmerized, loving expression. He giggled and lifted himself up, just so that he could peck on Yunho on the lips.

“Morning Yunnie”

“Morning sweetie, how’s your leg now?”

“It’s better, in fact it’s cured”, Jaejoong replied cheerfully. He lazily traced his finger down Yunho’s back, caressing.

Yunho shuddered and he could feeling his blood pooling down at his lower regions.

“Yunnie?”, Jaejoong questioned when saw Yunho’s eyes half hooded.

Yunho shifted, such that he was right on top of Jaejoong and started kissing him fiercely. Upon feeling that Jaejoong froze underneath him, he stopped and apologized.

“I’m sorry Jae, it’s just-“

“Oh come on Yunnie, stop being gentle and fucking kiss me already”, Jaejoong pulled the surprised Yunho into a hot, searing kiss.

Yunho supported his body with his hands and kissed his way down Jaejoong’s neck, trailing his tongue. He bit down at crook of Jaejoong’s neck earning a cry of pain, though it was dripping of pure sexiness.

Yunho kept sucking on the spot he bit.

With one swift motion, Yunho ripped the clothes of Jaejoong’s top and threw it to the corner of the room without a care.

Jaejoong sat up to remove Yunho’s shirt, only to be pushed back down onto the bed with Yunho looming over him.

“Rough huh, I like it”, Jaejoong licked his lips seductively and wiggled his finger at Yunho, who bit down on Jaejoong’s neck once again and immediately attacked the pink, hardened nipples, lightly biting and sucking on them.

The sudden burst of pleasure was too much for Jaejoong to handle, that he clawed Yunho’s back with his nails. He threw his head back and the moment he arched his back, the burning sensation of skin on skin was overwhelming.

While his tongue was dancing over Jaejoong’s belly button, Yunho swiftly removed Jaejoong’s pants together with his boxers.

Yunho moaned when he felt Jaejoong’s hardened manhood slap against his abdomen.

Yunho curled his finger around Jaejoong’s shaft, pumping it before replacing it with his mouth, which caused Jaejoong to moan Yunho’s name loudly.

He flicked his tongue over the tip, teasing him while his other hand found its over to Jaejoong’s butt cheeks. Yunho slowly inserted his long digit inside Jaejoong’s perky hole which was twitching due to the pleasure.

Upon entering, Jaejoong cried out Yunho’s name and jerked his hip upwards, fucking Yunho’s mouth.

“Yunnie…please stop teasing”, Yunho stopped what he was doing and hovered over Jaejoong, who had his eyes still closed, enjoying the pleasure.

“Say you want me Jae, say you need me”

“God, Yunnie! I want and need you!”, Jaejoong’s breath hitched when Yunho ran his finger down his chest to his sides moving to his lower region, “Take me Yunnie, make me yours”.

Yunho smiled and sealed the needy Jaejoong’s lips with a passionate kiss. “Do you trust me Jae?”, Jaejoong nodded and reached for another kiss. Yunho slowly kissed his way down from Jaejoong’s forehead to his collarbone before flipping him over, making him to be on his knees.

“This is gonna hurt a little ok”, Yunho reached for the side table for lube and coated a small amount on his fingers before inserted his long, slender digits slowly into Jaejoong’s perky hole, afraid that one wrong move was going to break him.

Jaejoong jerked when he felt the sudden intrusion, but whimpered a little when Yunho inserted his third finger. His hole felt like it was on fire.

Yunho removed his fingers and positioned his hardened manhood in front of Jaejoong’s entrance and slowly entered him.

The pain mixed with pleasure was too much for Jaejoong to handle that his arms gave way. A string of wanton moans escaped his kissable lips moaning Yunho’s name until the latter was fully inside him. The part which connected both of them burnt with hot passion.

“Tell me when you want move, baby”, Yunho held onto Jaejoong’s hips for support and placed butterflies kissing down his back.


“Finally”, Junsu grabbed his hand phone from the hotel room’s bed side drawer, styled his hair and all the three of them left the hotel after returning the skis.

“You know somehow I doubt that ‘umma’ and ‘appa’ are together, let alone doing it. I mean Yunho appa likes Jae umma but both of them are the kind to keep their feelings to themselves”

“Nah”, Yoochun kissed Junsu’s cheeks before all the three of them got inside the car, “Come on, both of them are men, Jae hyung is too pretty for Yunho to resist, and that fact that Yunho has a major crush on Jae hyung is another perfect reason for Yunho to attack Jae hyung”. Junsu did not get involved because he perfectly knew where this argument would lead to, a bet, and when it came to bets Junsu knew better than anyone to keep his ass off bets, especially if it involves Yoochun. That charming, greaseball boyfriend of his always knew what to bet on.

Yoochun adjusted the rear view mirror, ignited the engine and started driving.

“Yunho hyung is headstrong and has good control over his emotions, I don’t think he’ll confess”

“Min, Yunho has raging hormones which is definitely not gonna keep him from Jae hyung well, let’s make a bet, if you win, I’ll buy you one whole box of jelly doughnuts from the shop you love downtown, but if I win and Jae hyung gets laid, I’ll still buy one box of jelly doughnuts but you won’t get any and I’ll eat them in front of you. Deal?”

“Ooo, that’s a tough one Min, are you gonna agree?”

“Oh ho yes Junsu hyung, Yoochun hyung, it’s on!”


Yunho brushed the strands of hair which were sticking to Jaejoong’s forehead and placed a chaste kiss on his forehead causing the shy latter to giggle and cover his face with the comforter.

“I’ve seen everything Joongie, no use hiding”, Jaejoong pouted and smacked Yunho’s chest.

“Yah pervert! I can’t believe you were so horny early in the morning”

“Oh yeah, and who was the one who initiated it?” Yunho smirked and wiggled his eyebrows and leant on the headboard. Jaejoong did his classic pout before leaning against Yunho’s chest, with only their lower regions covered by the comforter.


Thanks to the snow plough which cleared the roads in the wee hours of the morning, Yoochun managed to reach to their cabin before one in the afternoon. Junsu could practically see Changmin, who was so confident that he’ll be able to win the bet, drooling thinking about the donuts.

Junsu slotted the key inside the key hole and was about to open the door when, “Su, open it slowly. I want to catch them in action or well, maybe post action state”, Junsu sniggered and opened it slowly, while the ever-so- confident Changmin just rolled his eyes.

The creepy quietness which was lingering in the cabin caused Yoochun to doubt his decision, since he expected to hear low moans. Changmin smirked when he caught a glimpse of anxiousness and uncertainty written on Yoochun’s face.

Taking light cat-like steps, they climbed to the second landing as slowly and softly possible, afraid that the floorboard might creek. The moment they reached the second landing the first action Changmin did was to open Jaejoong’s room door. He started feeling nervous when he did not find Jaejoong on his bed, and Yoochun swore he heard Changmin’s stomach grumble.


Jaejoong wanted to take his shower but there was no way Yunho would let him go. Yunho chuckled when he realized that Jaejoong admitted his defeat and slumped back against his chest, but little did he know that the mischievous elder had something in mind.

Yunho shuddered when Jaejoong trailed his index finger down his well built abdomen, moving down to his lower region, purring, making him feel aroused.

Yunho let out a low husky growl. Just when he was about pin down Jaejoong, he got a shock when Jaejoong suddenly grabbed the sheet that was covering their naked bodies, and rolled off the bed and wrapped the sheet around his thin, pale frame, giggling. Jaejoong’s sudden action exposed his manhood which was standing proudly.

And as if the whole thing was planned, Changmin, Junsu and Yoochun stood at the entrance with their widened eyes. Yunho turned bright red when he found the other staring at him and Jaejoong. He quickly grabbed the nearest pillow and covered his pride.

The first response was from Yoochun, who immediately brought his hands up and covered Junsu’s and Changmin’s eyes. “I’ll see you guys later”, he winked before he closed the door behind him and led the other two.

“So Min, seems to me like you owe me a box of jelly donuts”


The next morning was pretty normal except it was filled Yunho’s mushiness until the other three band mates wanted to lock Yunho in his room or maybe together with Jaejoong since the latter could not stop giggling.

Changmin kicked open the door and entered the cabin with a grouchy face, holding a box of jelly donuts and placed in the dining table. Yoochun skipped over and got hold of the box and skipped by to the couch and sat beside Junsu.

“Ahh..could life get any better~”, Yoochun purposely rubbed it in when he knew Changmin was eyeing the donut which he was holding. What amused Yoochun was how the youngest gaze followed his donut holding hand wherever he moved it.


[FIC] Here we go again.  

Title: Here we go again

Author: addicted_tvxq

Pairing:  Changmin, main POV. bits of YunJae, SuMinChun, Min-food

Genre: Failed Crack, Humor

Length: One-shot

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Changmin was tired, magazine photoshots in Japan and drama shootings in Korea, all he wanted was to eat a bowl of delicious CoCo puffs and go to sleep. But after a call from his two hyungs, he had no choice but to sacrifice that in order to make sure that Yunho-hyung doesn't see Jaejoong-Hyung's Intermodulation Photo-shots. Will his plan

succeed or fail?

Here we go again

"Does Yunho-hyung know?" His dolphin-squeaking-Hyung who doesn't seem to have any consideration of his sleeping time and the fact that's it's two in the morning.

"Hyung, it's 2 in the morning."

"Whatever you do, Changmin, you have to prevent Yunho-hyung from going on the internet!"  Junsu yelled, as Changmin put him on speaker, he could hear someone else breathing from the other line, it must've been his other Hyung, Yoochun.

"Junsu-hyung, did something happen? Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine!" Yoochun interrupted before Junsu could say anything. "Look Changmin, Jaejoong did something and if Yunho finds out, he's going to be furious!"

Changmin sighed, rubbing his eyes. "What happened?"

"It's really bad, Changmin, I thought he was going to go all out for the AnAn Magazine, but nooo!" Junsu exclaimed. "All he did was expose his pack, but still---"

"Let me guess." Changmin said. "Jaejoong-hyung went all out , revealing everything that he promised Yunho-hyung that were for his eyes only. Now it's all over the internet and Yunho-hyung finds out, he'll not only kill Jaejoong-hyung with angry sex, but go after the both of you  not stopping Jaejoong-hyung from doing it."

"OH MY GOD, SUN!"  Junsu exclaimed, "Chunnie, what are we going to do?"

"Pack your bags, Junsu, let's move!" Yoochun replied. "Changmin, you coming, to?"

"Wait, are you guys serious?" Changmin said, suddenly sitting up. "Is Jaejoong-hyung posing for a porn magazine?!"


"Then what hell is Jaejoong-hyung going all out naked for then?" Changmin asked. He could just imagine the look on Yunho's face when he sees those photos and the ranting that he was going to hear everyday. Yunho was not going to let this go easily, he remembered when Yunho saw Jaejoong's "Heaven Postman" drama, and the kiss scene was enough to to drive Yunho crazy.

"What the hell does he think he's doing?"  Yunho yells so late at night, waking Changmin up as he stared at Yunho yelling at their flat wide-screen t.v. and the scene where Jaejoong kissed the leading actress. "What, is he going to eat her or something?" 

Then Changmin watched as Yunho picks up his cellphone and calls Jaejoong, then they have a long argument and then of course, Yunho hangs up, throws an angry tantrum. Then regardless of what time it, he drags him along to Jaejoong's apartment, and things go from there.

YunJae Argument+ JaeHo YunJae Angry Sex and sleeping in a crammed bed between his two older hyungs.

Oh, fuck no.

A sleepless night and away from his precious food, and sharing with the others, there was no way he was going through that again.

"Okay, okay." Changmin said, "I'll do my best, but if all else fails, I'm going to sleep over at Jaejoong's place again".

Junsu and Yoochun sighed on the other line and thanked him before hanging up.

Changmin wondered what he was going to do, he was going to figure out tomorrow morning, right now, he needed sleep and food.


"Changmin, where's my laptop?"

"Ah, Hyung, you let me borrow it!" Changmin responded, hiding his own laptop. "I can't find mine, so I'm borrowing yours for a while, is that okay?"

Yunho smiled. "Sure, no problem, I'll just use my phone."

Oh shit!

"Where is my phone?" Yunho asked, reaching into his own pocket and pulling out nothing but candy wrappers. "Changmin, do you remember where I put it?"

Changmin knew where it was since he took it when Yunho was in the shower, and he hurried to the bathroom, with the phone clutched in his hand. He gave a silent prayer before dropping the phone in the toilet.

"Ah! Hyung, I found it!" Changmin exclaimed. He hear Yunho running in, with a smile on his face.


Changmin points to the toilet, the Samsung phone that was floating in toilet.

"NOOOO!" Yunho exclaimed. "Great, just my luck, I bought this phone just last week!"

Changmin felt guilty and pat his Hyung's back, "Sorry, Hyung."

"No, it's not your fault, Changmin." Yunho sighed and gave him a small smile. "Then can I use your phone, Changmin?"

"No." He said, "I-I left my phone at the company, I was charging it there and I forgot to unplug it."

Yunho stared at him for a while and then ruffled his hair. "It's okay, I can always contact Jaejoong and the others tomorrow, but I'm going to need my laptop tommorow okay?"

Changmin nodded, as Yunho left the room.

So Changmin continued with more excuses and lies about Yunho's things, and as kind and considerate as ever, Yunho forgave him, but Changmin couldn't take it anymore. If Yunho found out, he'd probably lock the refrigerator door with chains or something, why couldn't Junsu-hyung and Yoochun-hyung come up with their own plan?!


He finally came home after seven to eight hours of shooting for the drama in a stuffy suit, he sighed and closed the door tiredly behind him.

He looked up and the lights were still on, Yunho-hyung must be home already.

"I'm home." He said, and Yunho comes out from their room and waved at him before heading to the kitchen.


He turned to look at Yunho, as he threw his shoes into one of the cabinets. Dammnit, he was hungry.

"What's up, Hyung?"

Changmin grabbed a cereal box from the top cabinet and went to the refrigerator to grab some milk. He could feel Yunho's eyes staring down at him and Changmin wondered what was up.

He was tired as it is, carrying Yunho's laptop around wherever he went, praying every night that Yunho doesn't kill him for "accidentally" breaking his phone and stealing his credit card. He went through all the trouble to prevent Yunho from finding out about Jaejoong's Rated porn photobook.

"So I was taking a break and using DongHae's laptop, and found something interesting." Yunho said, and Changmin, trying to look completely blanked out.

"Did you have any idea that Jaejoong did another photo-shot?"

Changmin almost choked on his CoCo puffs and chewed slowly. "Another one?"

"Yeah, It was better than the pictures he took for ANAN." Yunho said, with a smile and Changmin looked up at him with this surprised expression on his face. "Though, I don't like the pictures of him smoking, I thought I told him to quit smoking! "

"Ah, Hyung, he just smoked for that photo."

"I know, I know." Yunho said, shaking his head. "But still, anyways, how was your power point presentation going?"

"It's going good." Changmin lied, since he needed an excuse to borrow Yunho's laptop and looked at Yunho who nodded in response. "Hyung, did you see anything interesting in Jaejoong-hyung's photo-shots?"

Yunho looked at him and picked up a spoon, as he ate some of Changmin's cereal. "Hm? Like what?"

Oh hell no. After lying and getting paranoid about Yunho-hyung finding out about Jaejoong-hyung's naked picture, that's the only response he gets?

"The photos!"

Yunho titled his head and looked at Changmin. "What about them?"

"Anything interesting? Something that caught your eye?"

Yunho smiled and shook his head. "Changmin, Jaeoong looked very handsome in each of them, what's your point?"

Changmin looked up at him in frustration. "I suppose Jaejoong-hyung being completely naked didn't spark your attention?"

"Of course not."

Changmin was going to kill Junsu and Yoochun-hyungs.

"There weren't any naked pictures of Jaejoong." Yunho said, looking confused.

Changmin threw his spoon in his cereal and grabbed Yunho's laptop from his large bag that he carried around, which was suppose to be where all his food would be, but no, he didn't have enough room because of someone's stupid laptop!

"Why would he go naked?" Yunho asked. "Jaejoong told me that this photo-shot was meant to show different sides of him and his personality, smiles, seriousness, why the hell would he need to go naked?"

Changmin ignored Yunho's ramblings and searched for the photos.

"Hyung, what about this?" Changmin pointed and Yunho looked at it.

"He's just taking a shower, nothing's showing, Changmin." Yunho looked at it and went back to eating the CoCo puffs. "I think he looks cute."

Changmin rolled his eyes and started scrolling down for more pictures.

"Ah ha! what about this one?"

Yunho placed his spoon down and stared at the picture for a moment. Yes, he's going to go all out angry and maybe he'd stop eating my CoCo puffs!!!

"Nothing harmful, he's just blowing bubbles." Yunho said, with a firm smile on his face and went back to eating the rest of Changmin's beloved CoCo puffs cereal. "I've seen most of his photos already, Changmin."

Changmin continued showing him more pictures and Yuno continued acting like it was no big deal. After five minutes of looking through the other shots and trying to get Yunho to fucking crack, Changmin had enough and decided to go on an angry rampage in the bathroom. 


Changmin stuck his head out the bathroom and then he saw this picture, wide-screen on Yunho's laptop.

His CoCo puffs was now on the kitchen floor as he watched Yunho who looked absolutely furious and turning red as he looked for a nearby phone. Changmin wondered if he should come out of the bathroom, Yunho looked mad enough to kill someone.


Changmin jumped and came out of the bathroom. "Er..yeah, Hyung?"

"Give me your phone!"

There was no way Changmin was going to say no, he reached into his pocket and threw his phone over to Yunho, who grabbed it, and starting pressing the number keys really hard, while staring at Jaejoong's ..naked photo.

"That bastard, Kim Jaejoong." Yunho yelled. "Hello? Hello?!"

Changmin walked behind the counter, in case, Yunho decides to throw something.

"Hyung, chill! It's just a photo, he's not all out---"

"Jaejoong, what the hell were you thinking?" 

Changmin was about to turn off the laptop, when Yunho walked over and grabbed it with one hand.

"You're fucking naked in this picture!"

"Just a photo? I'm surprised your dick wasn't showing in this!"

"Art? How the fuck is this art? Yeah, sure,for one of Changmin's porn magazine!"

"Hey!" Changmin yelled, but Yunho ignored him.

"Don't hang up the phone, Jaejoong!"

Changmin closed his eyes, this is not good.

"Don't you dare--hello? Hello?!"

Changmin watched as Yunho quickly walked into their bedroom, he could hear Yunho opening and slamming their closet and then he heard the sound of keys.

He waited by the door and as usual, Yunho called him out.


"Yes, Hyung."

"Keys." He threw the car keys in his direction and Changmin caught them. "You. Drive."

Changmin nodded as he followed his furious Hyung out their apartment door and knew just where they were going to go without Yunho-hyung telling him.


"Can you guys please make some more room for me?"  Changmin complained, trying to fit between his two older hyungs that were squishing him.

"What the hell happened, Changmin?" Junsu squealed. "We thought you had a plan!"

"I did!"  Changmin complained. "But Yunho-hyung saw everything before I could even stop him!"

Yoochun groaned. "Who cares about that now? How the hell are we going to get any sleep with all that noise they're making upstairs?!"

"AH! Yunho, h-harder!" Jaejoong moaned out loud and they could hear the walls moving. " M-more!"

"Fuck, Jaejoong!  Yunho groaned, as they heard strange loud thumping against the wall. "I'll show you what fucking art feels like!"

Unable to take any more loud, fucking noises from their older hyungs, all three of them grabbed their pillows and blankets and walked out of the apartment, and headed directly into the car.

"From now on, I'll keep track with Jaejoong's schedule." Yoochun mumbled, leaning his head against Changmin's shoulder.

"I'll go to his photo shots if I have to, and then delete those pictures, even if Jaejoong-hyung threatens to cut off my ass, I'll do it!" Junsu squealed, resting his head on Changmin's other shoulder as he nodded off to sleep.

Changmin sighed and crossed his arms, as he looked at the time. 3 in the morning, they were fucking for eight hours, a new record. Oh yipee.

He leaned back, closing his eyes as he listened to two of his hyungs softly snoring. Next time, Jaejoong-hyung or Yunho-hyung decide to take photo of themselves naked, he was going to get to them before anyone else find out, and then throw them in a room together, lock the door and throw away the key.

There was no way, he was going spend another night without finishing his CoCo puffs again.


sexypics credit :

FAIL? x]] I've always wondered what would happen if Yunho ever saw Jaejoong's shower pics though he's already seen in in the shower so many times as it is and how he'd react. MUWAHAHA! I've never written a smut scene, well this doesn't count, since it was like for a few seconds, but hell, use your imagination. :DD YES, JYJ are performing tomorrow for KBS Drama Awards, can't wait! ^_^

[Oneshot] Confessions  

Title: Confessions

Pairings: YunJae/JaeHo, minor: SuMinChun


Genre: Romance and Drama? [Read and find out]

A/N: Well it's summer again! Yeah, I know many of you are wondering where the heck I've been...and I've been out having fun with friends and right now, I'm back at home and relaxing..while watching "Cinderella's Sister". But I haven't forgotten about my number one OTP ever <3 lolz! In the middle of editing chapter 3 for the "The Way You Look At Me" ^^

Summary: Yunho and Jaejoong are childhood friends and have always been together wherever they go. They became trainees at SM Entertainment and remain closer than ever. Then something happens and Yunho is no longer speaking to Jaejoong and have been avoiding him for weeks, leaving Jaejoong confused and hurt. So Yunho decides to confront Jaejoong and Jaejoong realizes that he has nothing else to lose, and decides to tell Yunho his secret, how will this end?

He didn't know why Yunho called him out so suddenly and told him to meet him there.

Jaejoong took the elevator and went to highest floor in the building, till he finally reached the top. 

Jaejoong sighed, didn't Yunho hate him enough as it is? Maybe he called him out to threaten to throw him off the building or beat the living crap out of him like he did to one of his friends, Siwon. While the other part of him was unbelievably happy that Yunho finally spoke to him after two weeks of not speaking to him, he felt happy that he was approached by him again.

Back then, things between them were as close as ever and gone through almost everything together. Yunho's been there for him whenever he needed a place to go after having  a stupid argument with some of his sisters, when he didn't fit in at school and when he found out the real truth about his parents. They both even had the same dream, to enter the entertainment industry and become famous together one day.

They made it and passed the auditions, and could finally make their dreams come true.They met other friends, Junsu [ the dorky and loud guy with a strong love for soccer and musical laughter], Yoochun [ jokester and really passionate about music] and Changmin [ tall guy with a huge appetite and loves to bicker with Junsu]. Of course, there were others that came along as well, and that's how he met Heechul, Kangin, Donghae and Siwon etc.

Siwon seemed to understand him as well since he had a crush on Heechul and Jaejoong enjoyed his company, but he really missed Yunho, so much, that sometimes he wish he could find something in Siwon like Yunho..but that was entirely impossible, considering the fact that they were two different people, and Siwon's heart was completely different from Yunho's heart...and he wanted Yunho's heart, just like how Siwon wanted Heechul's heart. So on the days that Yunho avoided him, Siwon and him would talk about what they liked about their crushes and try to have fun.

That is...until Yunho came along and broke Siwon's nose when Siwon was giving a hug goodbye and Jaejoong ended in the middle, pulling them away from each other and getting hit on the stomach by Yunho.

Weeks later, Yunho stopped hanging out with him and seemed to be avoiding him. Whenever he tried talking to him, he'd coldly respond with a one word answer and continue walking the other direction, and lately, he's been avoiding his calls and..stopped responding to his texts. At first,he was really angry at Yunho and then somehow, he began to miss him.Then he wondered if it was all his fault. but he couldn't understand what he did wrong and wished he knew what it was so that he and Yunho could go back to being as they were, Jaejoong secretly wished..something much more.

He sat down, hugging his knees to his chest and pressed his forehead against his knees, waiting...

and waiting...

for Yunho.

Just like he always did.



He called him out in the first place, so then why the hell was he feeling so damn nervous?

He decided to take the stairs up to where Jaejoong was, just to collect his thoughts together. He knew that he wasn't being fair to Jaejoong and acting like an "asshole" quoted by Siwon, which ended up in a massive rumble between them and Jaejoong getting hit, then crying and running away from him. Seeing Jaejoong like that tore him apart, especially with the promise that he told Jaejoong when they were kids.

"I'll protect you, Jaejoong and I promise that no matter what, I'll never make you cry."

Jaejoong smiled him and stuck out his pinky finger, "Promise?"

Yunho stuck out his own pinky finger and wrapped it Jaejoong's finger and looked at him. "I promise, Joongie."

It wasn't his fault or at least he tried telling himself, it's not his fault that Siwon kid decides to hang out with Jaejoong out of nowhere and interrupts the plans that he planned for him and Jaejoong. Wherever he looked Siwon was always around Jaejoong and it came to the point where he just got really pissed off and ignored Jaejoong till he could finally cool down. But whenever he saw him with just made him even more pissed off and he'd ignore him till...he could handle it. Jaejoong's calls and texts,he saved them all and listened to them over and over again..cooling him down and the next day, it'd be like that again.

It wasn't until his friend, Heechul came along and said something that Yunho had to talk and see Jaejoong again.

"Yunho, Yunho, guess what I heard?" His friend, Heechul asked, as they were in the middle of dance practice.

"What, Heechul-hyung?" Yunho asked, sitting down and stretching his legs, as he prepared to practice for another dance routine.

"I heard from DongHae who heard from someone that Siwon likes someone and is going to confess his love to him soon."

Yunho stopped stretching and looked at him. "Siwon? Are we talking about the same Siwon that I --"

"Yup, Yup. Broken nose and hangs with Jaejoong most of time.....WHOA!" Heechul exclaimed and smirked at Yunho. "Maybe...he's going to confess to JAEJOONG!"

Yunho frowned and stopped himself from punching Heechul. "They're just ..friends, Hyung."

Heechul snorted. "Friends? My ass! I guess, hugging and tagging along alone together--OW!"

"Oops, sorry, Hyung, my hand slipped." Yunho said, casually, patting Heechul's shoulder. "Sorry, I have to go, other activities to attend too."

Yunho left the room before Heechul could say anything more that might cause him to explode and possibly find Siwon and break every bone in his body.

Yunho sighed and realized that he had only few more stairs to go before he'd see Jaejoong again

and this time, get everything out of his chest and tell him.

He didn't want to lose him to anyone and if he did..he just wouldn't be able to live with himself.


Jaejoong had a hard time keeping his eyes open and even though he tried not to fall asleep, and just decided to lay on the floor, he fell asleep anyways. He could no longer feel the cold floor, but instead felt warmth and a sense of comfort from where he was laying at.

He felt something move beside him as he opened his eyes to find himself on a couch and someone leaning against his shoulder. He cocked his head to look at the person sleeping on his shoulder ... it was none other than Yunho himself. Yunho was softly snoring and kept one arm securely around his waist and the other arm, resting carefully on his lap, but with his hand entangled with his.

Worried that Yunho might wake up with a stiff neck, Jaejoong looked around for a pillow, but then quickly changed his mind when he looked around to see that they were just outside the recording studio. Jaejoong moved around until Yunho was resting his head on his lap and his arms were on his side. Although, Jaejoong had a problem, trying to remove Yunho's arm from his waist, but managed to move it, while one his hands still remained entangled with his.

Jaejoong brushed off strays of  hair on Yunho's face and gently touched the scar that Jaejoong knew all too well. When they were kids, he always tagged along with Yunho and Yunho protected and care for him like they were brothers. Yunho got sick and couldn't come to school, so Jaejoong was alone and got picked on by a couple of kids, ended up with bruises when he got home. Yunho got better and came over to visit, and was really upset when he saw his bruises. The next day at school, Yunho called those kids over and beat them up, in the end, those kids never touched Jaejoong again and Yunho was left with a scar till this very day. 

Jaejoong frowned when he noticed that Yunho had small bags under this eyes, was he not getting enough sleep at night either?


Jaejoong dropped his hand and looked down, as he ended up staring at Yunho's brown eyes.

"H-hey,um..hi Yunho." He stuttered a bit and lifted a hand to brush the hair that covered Yunho's face once again, but pulled his hand back before Yunho could see.

"I-well, I need to go." Yunho said quickly sitting up and got up, heading to the direction of the door.

No, Jaejoong thought to himself as he ran after him. Yunho had to know before anything else, if he didn't tell him this now, he'd never get the chance to tell him...

Just how much..he loved him.

"Wait!" Despite how dizzy he was feeling, he managed to run up behind Yunho and threw his arms around his waist, until he was hugging his back. "I-I have something to tell you."

"Jaejoong?" Yunho asked, trying to turn around to face him, but Jaejoong held him a bit tighter. "Hey..."

"I'm sorry, Yunho. I don't know what I did wrong or if I hurt you in anyway..but I want us to be friends again. You're my best friend, Yunho and ...always..will be--regardless of how many friends I make, you'll always my best friend!" He said and sighed. "Nothing and no one can replace what we have, as much as you hate me..I could never hate you back..because ..I-I love you!"

Jaejoong dropped his arms from Yunho's waist and turned away from him, biting his lip. "So..that's all I wanted to's a relief that I finally told you after..all these now you can go...wherever it is you need to go..."

Yunho moved away from him and Jaejoong still wouldn't look up, he could feel the tears forming in his eyes as he waited for Yunho to hurry and leave...but---

Instead, he found himself in Yunho's warm arms and squished in a hug that instead of making it hard for Jaejoong to breath, it made his heart go thump-thump-thump.

"Jaejoong, I'm the one that should apologize for being an idiot and hurting you like that. The truth is I just felt like.... Siwon..was taking you away from me, I mean, I wanted to be the one to make you smile, to be there when you needed me and I be with you again. I was angry, frustrated and ..even jealous because I realized just how important you really are to me." He pulled back to look at him. "Joongie, you're my everything and without you, I don't know ..who I am anymore. I could never hate you, Jaejoong. What I'm trying to say is that , I need you, I want you and you..too."

It took all of Jaejoong's effort not to tear up, so he decided to do something that he's always dreamed of doing.

Jaejoong leaned towards Yunho and pressed his lips softly against his.

"You're forgiven." He said, leaning back with a smile. "But.."

Yunho raised his eyebrow. "But?"

"You need to apologize to Siwon too."

"Do I have to, Jaejoong? It was a light punch--"

"That caused a major blood spill and freaked the crap out of SM employees, he's my friend too, Yunnie."

Yunho sighed, pressing his head gently against Jaejoong's forehead. "Okay, okay, I'll do it."

"Okay, then let's go."

Yunho gave him a confused look. "What? Like right now?"

Jaejoong nodded. "Yeah,Siwon is in the dance room right now."

Yunho frowned and shook his head. "On second thought, this will be a perfect opportunity for for another broken part in his body."

Before Jaejoong could say anything, Yunho was already at the door.

He turned around and smiled. "Just kidding, I'll apologize."

Jaejoong sighed in relief and watched as Yunho stuck out his hand in his direction.


"What, Yunho?"

"Let's go..together, Jaejoong."

Jaejoong smiled and placed his hand on Yunho's, their hands closed over each other, in perfect fit.

Jaejoong finally claimed ....

Yunho's heart.


Yunho finally apologized to Siwon and "nicely" told him that Jaejoong will be hanging out with him from now, and Siwon didn't seem to mind and replied that he already has someone else and that he was happy for him and Jaejoong. Siwon gave Jaejoong a hug [ more like a one arm hug] and then Yunho interrupted after a few second, saying that their car home was waiting for them. Jaejoong said his goodbye and Yunho just bowed, tugging Jaejoong along as they approached the van, where their dongseangs were waiting for them.

"Yay! You guys are official now right?" Yoochun said, turning around to look at them.

Jaejoong nodded and Yunho coughed a "Yeah".

"So that guys are getting married soon, right?" Junsu exclaimed, causing Jaejoong to almost fall over, luckily Yunho had a strong hold on his waist.

"Yah! Junsu-hyung! That's way too soon!" The youngest of their group, Changmin replied. "But....when you guys do ever get married, can I be the best man?"

"Well, I ..I guess." Yunho answered, shaking his head as Jaejoong hid his blushing face onto Yunho's chest.

"I want to be the best man, too!" Yoochun exclaimed.

"No, No, I'm best man, because I'm the youngest and I'm almost taller than the both of you!" Changmin exclaimed back.

"Uh uh, you'll be the FLOWER GIRL !" Junsu yelled as Chunnie and Minnie started bickering back and forth.

Yunho tugged Jaejoong's hand along with him as he looked at them.

"Let's go home now, everyone! Jaejoong is cooking tonight!"

They all stopped bickering, and in the car, Changmin, Junsu and Yoochun started bickering over what Jaejoong should cook for dinner.

"Kimchi Stew!!!" [Su}

"No! Pizza!" [Minnie]

"Aish! We're eating RAMEN tonight!" [Chunnie]

Jaejoong shook his head with a smile and leaned his head against Yunho's shoulder. "I guess..we don't have to worry about having kids, Yunho."

Yunho leaned his head against Jaejoong's head. "Hmm..why's that?"

"Because we already have three of them."

Yunho smiled and closed his eyes. "We're one big family, aren't we?"

Jaejoong nodded and dozed off as Yunho fell asleep right after him, listening to his dongseangs and to the one sound that he could fall asleep anytime and any place--and what he wanted most and what he now finally has...

Jaejoong's heart.

-Comments? ^^

[Yunjae pic credit: theshinkis4ever]

Truyện 1: Chú rể

JaeJoong ở một mình trong phòng, soi gương rồi cười tự kỷ. Được một lát thì lại lấy ngón tay nghịch tóc mái; tóc đã chải rồi nên có nghịch cũng phải cẩn thận.

Đi đến chiếc bàn gỗ ở phía sau mình, ngắm qua ngắm lại lọ hoa mà đầu óc cứ trống rỗng thế nào. Ngắm một hồi lại lấy ngón tay dí lên mặt bàn kéo một đường dài, rồi lại cười. Đến điên thật rồi.

Chơi với cái bàn chán chê rồi mới đi đến một góc phòng ngồi chồm hổm, khoanh tay qua gối, lấy một ngón tay dí dí xuống nền đất. Một vài hình ảnh thoáng qua trong đầu. Có rất ít nước mắt, rất nhiều nụ cười, nhưng lại thiếu-chút-nữa-là-đủ niềm vui và hơi dư nỗi buồn. Khóc không phải chỉ là buồn, cười không phải chỉ là vui. Nghĩ một hồi rồi thở hắt ra, cười nhẹ: rốt cuộc thì cũng có ngày hôm nay đấy thôi.

JaeJoong nhìn lại đồng hồ, nãy giờ chỉ mới năm phút thôi á? Vừa đúng lúc ấy có tiếng mở cửa: “Con trai của mẹ”.


YunHo đi qua đi lại trong phòng, chỉnh lại chiếc nơ trên cổ mình. Mỗi lần đưa tay lên sửa nơ lại thấy ngột ngạt. Nơ thít hơi chặt thì phải. Hay có khi nào yết hầu mình to ra? Nghĩ đến đấy thấy vớ vẩn nên thôi.

Đi đến chiếc bàn gỗ sau lưng, ngắm mải mê lọ hoa trên bàn. Lấy một bông hoa ra, vung tay làm mấy cử chỉ lãng mạn, đến khi dừng động tác thì mới thấy trong gương mình giống hệt một thằng ngốc. Hết vui rồi.

Cọ cọ mũi giày đi về phía góc phòng rồi ngồi chồm hổm ở đấy, khoanh tay lên gối. Một vài hình ảnh hiện ra trong chốc lát. Có rất ít nước mắt, rất nhiều nụ cười, nhưng lại thiếu-chút-nữa-là-đủ niềm vui và hơi dư nỗi buồn. Khóc không phải chỉ là buồn, cười không phải chỉ là vui. Nghĩ một hồi rồi thở dài: rốt cuộc thì cũng có ngày hôm nay đấy thôi. Nghĩ một hồi rồi thở hắt ra, cười nhẹ: rốt cuộc thì cũng có ngày hôm nay đấy thôi.

YunHo nhìn lại đồng hồ, nãy giờ chỉ mới năm phút thôi á? Vừa đúng lúc ấy có tiếng mở cửa: “Bố đây”.


Hình ảnh thoáng chốc mờ nhòe, âm thanh cũng chỉ còn lòa nhòa bên tai. Không phải vì nước mắt, không phải vì nỗi đau. Chỉ là một làn sương trắng bao phủ tất cả mọi thứ, gợi nhắc đến một giấc mơ vẩn vơ. Giấc mơ đi hoang, cuối cùng giấc mơ cũng về nhà. Thực tại trở lại, lấp đầy khoang phổi, theo máu đến các cơ quan, kích thích tột cùng. Nhịp thở tuy vẫn đều nhưng nhịp điệu đã khác. Đáy mắt cũng đã có một màu khác. Trái tim như có bàn tay ai xoa vào, tê tê dại dại, mê mê man man. Tất cả bỗng trải rộng ra theo mọi chiều kích của không gian và cảm xúc rồi thu lại đột ngột vào điểm yếu mềm nhất của trái tim.

YunHo chạm môi JaeJoong rất lâu, trong khi bàn tay bên dưới còn dừng lại ở đốt cuối ngón nhẫn của người kia, nơi một chiếc vòng nhỏ màu bạch kim đang sáng lên lấp lánh.

Lấp lánh đến mờ nhòe.

Truyện 2

Một buổi sáng đẹp trời, JaeJoong đi vào nhà tắm và kinh hoàng phát hiện ra kem cạo râu đã hết rồi. Trong tủ cũng không còn lọ nào. Vậy nên JaeJoong dũng mãnh đơn thân xông vào hang gấu -vốn đã thành cái ổ cho gian tình của đôi trẻ- dựng YunHo dậy mà hỏi:

- Hết rồi, phải làm sao đây hả? Hôm qua đã bảo cậu mua thêm mấy lọ rồi mà. Đang rất gấp.

- Mới sáng sớm mà...

- Tớ đang rất gấp, đang rất muốn...

- Cậu thực sự... muốn?

JaeJoong nhẹ nhàng gật đầu.

- Chẳng phải hôm qua đã làm rồi sao?

- Phải mỗi ngày mỗi làm chứ.

JaeJoong mở to mắt nhìn YunHo. YunHo nuốt nước bọt rồi bất ngờ ôm JaeJoong vào lòng.

- Được câu này của cậu tớ vui lắm. Thật ra... trong tủ quần áo....

- Sao không nói sớm? Để tớ đi lấy.

JaeJoong hăng hái tiến về phía tủ quần áo, lòng tràn ngập vui sướng.

- Tớ chưa mua lọ mới, nhưng còn một lọ YooChun tặng tháng rồi đấy.

- YooChun tặng?

- Ừ, nó chu đáo lắm, sợ tớ quên mua KY lại làm cậu đau.

JaeJoong im lặng.

- Á, sao lại ném thứ quý giá này đi? Lại ném vào mặt tớ?

- Cậu lấy thứ ấy mà cạo râu cho tôi.

YunHo nhìn theo tấm lưng ướt đẫm của JaeJoong, bất giác cười. Ban đầu là cười mỉm, sau đấy là cười hi hi, sau nữa là hè hè, cuối cùng là tiến lại bỏ cái hộp to đùng mà người kia đang vác xuống, tiện tay vòng tay qua eo người ấy, ôm tấm lưng đầy mồ hôi vào long.

- Đi tắm, để đấy lát làm.

- Còn vài hộp thôi, dọn nhà cho xong rồi lát tắm sau. Phụ tôi đi chứ!

- Nãy giờ phụ đấy. Mới đứng chơi nhìn cậu năm phút thôi mà.

- Già rồi còn sến.

- Tại… lúc trẻ không sến được.

JaeJoong đang định gỡ tay YunHo ra thì dừng lại, sau cùng ngả đầu ra vai người phía sau, lấy mấy ngón tay miết lên mấy ngón tay dài của người kia. Này thì yêu người có đôi tay đẹp.

- Cười gì? Cười khả ố.

- Ô, thế thì tôi im.

- Ai bảo im, tôi bảo cậu cười tiếp tôi nghe.

- Đồ khùng.

JaeJoong tát nhẹ lên đầu YunHo, tiếp tục trở lại với mấy thùng cạc tông đang nằm trên sàn nhà.

- Giúp tôi dọn cho xong đi. Mai phải chuyển đi rồi. Nhanh rồi… tắm.

- Ngượng à?

- Cái đầu anh!

YunHo lại cười hè hè, lon ton chạy đến giúp.


- Lại thêm một sợi này.

- Tìm làm gì? Gần năm mươi rồi không có tóc bạc thì không cool chút nào hết.

YunHo vừa cười vừa làm tay chữ v đặt trên cằm. JaeJoong nhịn không được cười phát ngay vào cái mông trần một phát rõ đau.

- Đau~

- Ê, tôi bảo. Hay mai đi nhuộm đi! Hai đứa đi nhuộm tóc.

- Mai chuyển nhà mà.

- Trưa mới chuyển.

- Thế mà khi nãy hối tôi dọn đồ.

- Là để ngày mai đi chơi đấy.

- Khéo tính!

YunHo miết tay trên tấm lưng trần của JaeJoong; nước xà phòng trơn làm tay trượt một đường dài xuống dưới. YunHo ép sát vào người JaeJoong, nhắm mắt nhẹ giọng hỏi:

- Tôi bảo cái này.

- Hử?

- Cậu còn đẹp lắm, thật á~

- Tôi biết tôi đẹp, chỉ có anh già nua xấu xí thôi.

- Thật không?

- Thật.

- Tôi không ôm nữa.

YunHo nới lỏng tay, lại bị JaeJoong ép chặt, đẩy vào phía tường đối diện. Hai cánh tay cơ bắp chặn hai bên, kẹp YunHo ở giữa không lối thoát. YunHo cười hi hi. JaeJoong chỉ liếm môi dưới, cười khặc khặc.

- Khả ố, giọng cậu không trong như hồi xưa nữa đâu.

- Cười thì thằng nào trong giọng cho được, hồi đấy tôi cười cũng khả ố thế này thôi.

- Ừ nhỉ.

YunHo vòng tay qua eo JaeJoong, kéo người kia lại gần vòi nước, cho nước xả nhẹ lên cả hai. JaeJoong thở hắt ra, thô bạo gạt khóa tắt luôn nước.

- Đang có xà phòng, tới luôn đi.


- Còn đau không?

- Lúc nào chẳng đau, hỏi thừa.

YunHo lười nhác đặt đầu lên vai JaeJoong, chà chà cằm mình trên lớp áo ngủ của người kia.

- Lúc nãy tôi không đùa đâu.

- Chuyện gì?

- Chuyện cậu đẹp.

JaeJoong với tay lấy gối đè lên đầu YunHo.

- Nghẹt thở chết luôn đi.

- Thứ giết chồng.

- Sai rồi, tôi giết vợ. Vợ láo thì tôi cho chết luôn.

- A, láo, tôi còn sức làm hiệp hai đấy nhé.

- Này, cậu gần năm mươi hay gần ba mươi mà sung mãn thế hả? Mau mãn kinh đi!

- A, thật là láo! Cậu cũng thế còn gì. Tai đỏ thế kia thì chắc…

- Sao nào?

- Láo!


- Rốt cuộc lại phải đi tắm lại, thật phiền.

- Rửa ráy lại chút thôi mà.

YunHo đang nhăn mặt nhíu mày, nhìn JaeJoong hớn hở thì đôi mày lại gần nhau hơn.

- Đủ nếp nhăn rồi, đừng nhăn nữa.

- Tại cậu kích tôi mà, có bao giờ tự nhận mình muốn đâu. Chỉ giỏi… làm tôi…

- Yunnie, tai đỏ dễ thương quá!

JaeJoong nằm lăn ra giường, hé mắt nhìn YunHo và lại cười khục khặc. YunHo đi từ nhà tắm cũng lao đến nằm bên cạnh. JaeJoong cất tiếng, thanh trong kỳ lạ.

- Vui, nhỉ?

- Chúng ta đã mất bao nhiêu năm?

- Không nhớ, không đếm, chỉ nhớ là rất lâu. Nhưng cũng không thể nói là mất.

- Ừ, vì ca hát là ước mơ. Là để nuôi dưỡng ước mơ ấy mà.

- Đến giờ vẫn đang nuôi dưỡng mà.

- Ừ.

- Thật, tôi thấy hát ở bar cũng vui mà.

- JaeJoong…

- Thật. Sân khấu lớn thì vui theo một cách khác. Thật ra, quan trọng nhất là nhận ra mình được yêu thương.

- Đang được yêu thương này.

- Giỏi đùa, ý là fan ấy.

- Nhắc mới nhớ, hôm qua tôi có gặp một fan, à, là fan cũ. Ây da, cô ấy cũng có nếp nhăn rồi.

- Cái cô hôm qua kéo cậu ra một góc rồi nhìn đến thất thần ấy à?

- Ừ, đôi khi chẳng biết nên đối diện thế nào.

- Lúc cô ấy bước vào, tay cầm bóng đỏ, tôi đã biết.

- Kim đại gia liệu mọi việc như thần. Haha~

- Dĩ nhiên.

- Thôi, mệt rồi. Đi ngủ, mai đi nhuộm tóc.

- Thế ra chịu rồi đấy à?

- Nhuộm tóc couple~ YunJae vô địch. Hú hú~

- Yeah, đập tay nào.

YunHo nhổm dậy đập tay JaeJoong cái chát. Hai người U50 hưng phấn hò hét mấy câu mới chịu nằm xuống lại. JaeJoong nắm tay YunHo.

- Tay đẹp!

- Yêu không?

- Yêu.

- …

- Đã từng phải xa, mỗi lần xa lại càng muốn nắm lấy. Có khi đuổi theo hụt hơi, có khi không đuổi nữa. Cái tay vẫn ở đấy, thật là đáng ghét.

- Ghét đi.

- Ghét không được, nếu ghét, đã thực sự buông.

- Đùa thôi.

- Nhưng cậu đã từng buông.

- Vì lúc đó không còn cách nào khác.

- Ngụy biện. Yêu là phải bất chấp chứ.

- Bất chấp để làm mất đi là không tốt. Phải nghĩ tới hậu quả.

- Leader shi tài năng chu toàn quá.

- Hừ~

- Đùa thôi. Tôi lại chẳng biết lòng cậu.

JaeJoong nghịch tóc mái YunHo. YunHo miết tay lên vành môi JaeJoong.

- Sau này tôi mà già nữa, chắc bỏ tôi quá.

- Nói bậy bạ gì đấy?

- Ban nãy khen tôi đẹp là để an ủi trước khi chia tay phải không?

- Im ngay.

- Haha~

- …

- Mà… thật ra vì sao lại yêu tôi?

- Để xem.

- Rồi tôi sẽ già đi, da nhăn rất xấu xí, có khi tóc rụng, giọng khan khan gọi “YunHo” nghe rất đáng sợ.

- Vì mắt trong.

- Hả?

- Vì mắt trong.

- Mắt sẽ mờ đi.

- Vì cậu nhiều chuyện.

- Già rồi sẽ ít nói đi, răng rụng đến móm thì không nói được đâu.

- Vậy chứ, giờ cậu nói ít đi so với hồi xưa đấy à?Tưởng bở.

- Trả lời thật đi. Đừng thoái thác.

- Vậy chứ sao yêu tôi?

- Tay đẹp.

- Sau này già đi tay sẽ nhăn rất xấu.

- Thì sau này tôi định bỏ cậu mà.

- Không nói được với cậu. Ngủ đi.

YunHo rướn người tắt đèn rồi lại nằm xuống. Mỗi người một gối, nhìn nhau, mắt lâu lắm mới chớp. Đấu nhãn một hồi, YunHo thua đành quay đi, nhắm mắt ngủ. JaeJoong lúc ấy mới lấy tay chọc vào má YunHo.

- Tại cậu đần.

JaeJoong nằm xuống ngủ. YunHo cười mỉm, quay sang ôm JaeJoong, thầm thì vào tai người kia.

- Tại cậu ngốc.

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