Specialists - maze runner (again)

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Thomas glimpsed around to make sure no one was watching before he stepped into the maze. He had only been in the Glade for a day but was already eager to leave. To know the others had been here two years without escape, didn't improve his low optimism levels.

Thomas could only hope he didn't run into one of the runners. He knew how seriously the Gladers took breaking the rules. Thomas had planned on being in the maze for twenty minutes at most. It was late in the afternoon, and the runners would be heading back anyways.

Thomas's fears and doubts clouded his mind and the maze slowly engulfed him. When he thought he heard footsteps, he panicked and began to run. Once he was sure no one had followed him, he slowed to a walk. Why in the world am I here? He questioned himself. Why would the creators put so many teenage boys in an unsolvable maze? Boys who are stuck doing the same jobs day in and day out.

Thomas broke away from his thoughts and looked around. The sky had darkened much from when he had first entered the maze. He realized he had no clue where he was or how much time was left when the doors would close.

He scrambled about trying to find his way back to the Glade. The more he ran, the further he felt from the Gladers and the protection of the walls. He realized how stupid he was for thinking he could find his way back through the maze. He had never set foot in it until today. A rumbling noise made Thomas stop in his tracks. The doors were shutting. The Glade was nearby! Thomas picked up his pace and followed the sound. As he turned the corner, he came face to face with the closed walls of the Glade. He had trapped himself in the maze.

The whirling and clicking came not even a full minute after the doors had sealed. Newt had shown him a Griever the night before, but that had been within the security of the walls. Tonight, there was nothing to shield him. Thomas was on his own. Around the corner appeared two Grievers. They were uglier than what he thought and moved faster than they looked to be able to go. Thomas did the sensible thing, he ran.

He ran faster than he had ever before. He had no mental map of the maze to guild him like the runners. Thomas pushed himself. Faster and faster he ran. But no matter the speed at which he ran, the Grievers always seemed to stay right behind him.

Thomas turned right, then left. Back and forth. He couldn't give up. He couldn't die on his second day here. As he turned the corner again, he found himself at a dead end. Turning around to escape, the Grievers had trapped him. He slowly backed up against the wall as the Grievers' needles sprung out.

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