Chapter 11: Key of the Starry Sky

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A/N: Most of Fairy Tail's arcs from this point onward are extremely intricate in terms of plot development. I will try to minimize the insignificant parts as much as possible without losing cohesion in the process. Hope you guys don't mind me summing up parts of the plot in just one or a few sentences.


It was two weeks after they came back from Tenrou Island that Lucy's cousin showed up at the guild, bringing with her Jude Heartfilia's memento and instructions to give it to the Celestial mage to fulfill one of his last dying wishes.

Her name was Michelle Lobster, whose family was distantly related to the Heartfilias, making her Lucy's younger cousin from her father's side. They were so close in their younger years, to the point Michelle still referred to Lucy as her big sister even though Michelle looked older than the Celestial mage now since Lucy spent seven years in static on Tenrou Island.

According to the girl, she had been searching for Lucy for a long time to give the blonde Jude's keepsake. Michelle helped Mr. Heartfilia with his work for a short while, and she was there for him when he was on his deathbed. That was when he asked Michelle to give Lucy this memento, for the blonde was everything he could remember, could longingly wish for, in his final moments on earth.

He never stopped worrying about Lucy after she went missing seven years ago, and he was sure she was still alive somewhere and would eventually come back one day. It was with such hope that he departed from this life, certain fate couldn't be so cruel to her after everything she had already been through under his callous grasp all her lonely, deserted childhood years before.

And now Michelle was here with his memento, his final message to his only child, hoping for both his regret and his love to reach her no matter how long she would take to come back. Erza could see it, the way Lucy caressed the shaft with a mixture of awe and hesitation, as if she was afraid of it dissolving into thin air with just the slightest touch of her hand. As if she could find the last remnants of her father's love in each notch and carving, engraved deep both on the wood and in her heart now.

Since Michelle also didn't have any family left, all members of the Lobster family line had died in a terrible accident, the girl had decided to stay with Lucy to keep her company and work at the guild for extra income. The Celestial mage had lost her mom early on and then her father after seven years in a blink of an eye, Erza was glad Lucy had found a piece of her family again. The blonde welcomed Michelle with open arms almost immediately despite not exactly remember much about their time together when they were children.

Truly a heart of gold, that one.

Michelle brought out something novel from the Celestial mage, a newfound sense of responsibility and attentiveness in the way she looked after the younger girl. It was different from the way Lucy cared about her, Erza quietly observed, a touch more on the nurturing side and slightly less reverence, but with the same steady dedication nonetheless.

They let Michelle tag along during one of their missions, just to satisfy her curiosity about wizard work. Erza was amused at seeing Lucy instantly disagree the second she brought it up, claiming it was too dangerous for the girl. The redhead indulged herself in watching the blonde being fiercely protective for a few moments before cutting in gently, "She can go with us, Lucy. There is experience in everything. The more premature an experience is, the more there is to be gained. It's just like that time when you went on an S-class job without permission right off the bat, remember?"

Lucy paused in her rants and smiled sheepishly, "That's actually a good point... Alright, you can go with us, Michelle. But only if you promise to keep close to me so I can protect you if something happens."

Erza smiled. And I can protect both of you if something goes wrong, too.

They spent the next few days trying to figure out what exactly Jude's memento for Lucy was. No attempts were made successfully until Michelle accidentally dropped the shaft into the ground due to her clumsiness. Erza quickly shifted into battle mode upon seeing the memento floating up in the air and a row of ancient texts started to appear along the wooden surface, ready for any surprise attack which might come out of it.

Although no one could understand the phase on the shaft, the ominous magical feeling coming from it put Master Makarov into prudent mode. He warned them to take extra precautions when solving the riddles of these ancient runes, and Erza silently made a mental note to keep vigilance for all of their sakes.

Levy came back from her job with the Shadow Gear the next day, and the task of deciphering the runes was entrusted to her and Lucy's hand. If anyone could work out the meaning of the text, it would surely be two of the most knowledgeable minds of the guild, that Erza was sure of.

In the meanwhile, she and Gray decided to go on a mission together to pass the time since Lucy was occupied at the moment and Natsu was nowhere to be found. By Erza's estimation, they could finish the job and come back in two days, soon enough to not miss out on any new developments with the mysteries regarding the memento of Lucy's father.

Erza did not anticipate an enemy attack during the short time she was away. She and Gray had just gotten back in town when multiples explosion were heard from around the perimeters of the city. After shooting a quick glance to the Ice-Make wizard and receiving a decisive nod in return, they quickly split up to go investigate the situation. Erza headed to the place where the most intensely concentrated magic power was being released while Gray went the other way.

The was nothing more unpleasant than having your home ravaged while you were away. The redhead found Gildarts squaring off an unfamiliar man on top of a giant octopus in the thick jungle on the outskirts of Magnolia. Erza was surprised to hear the man explaining their mission, a task given to him by the Archbishop of Zentopia to retrieve the clock hand that was in Lucy's possession. To serve a holy way, he said.

Erza was prepared to join in the fight with Gildarts to figure out what exactly Zentopia's business with Lucy's father memento was and whether they needed to consider the biggest religion of Fiore a threat this time when a blue signal flare appeared in the sky. The unfamiliar man made his retreat at that, saying they had obtained the clock hand and he simply did not have any reason to engage them anymore.

Erza and Gildarts quickly went back to the guild to congregate with other members. The redhead left Gildarts to explain Zentopia's involvement in their fight to everyone while she sought Lucy out to ascertain the truth about whether the clock hand was lost to Zentopia's followers or not.

The despondent look on the blonde's face was all the confirmation she needed.

"We lost it because I was too weak to stop her." The Celestial mage mumbled, so small and insecure. Erza frowned. Although she did not know exactly what happened when she was away, the redhead doubted it was the blonde's fault. She knew how much her father's keepsake was important to her. There was no way the Celestial mage did not try her hardest to hang on to it.

"What happened was out of your control, Lucy." Erza set a firm hand on the blonde's shoulder, hoping to convey her strength through the anchored touch, "We will get it back from them, I promise. And we will need your help to do that, alright?"

Natsu growled out and slammed a hand on the table in front of the blonde, "That's right! We'll beat all their asses and get your keepsake back, Lucy. Don't worry. No one messes with a Fairy Tail member and gets away with it!"

The blonde slightly nodded, a small smile returned to her face, "Yes, thank you, everyone."

Since Zentopia's interest was with the clock hand and not with Lucy personally, it made sense that they would go after other clock parts as well. If they could discover what their aim was, the keepsake's significance would become clear. They would need to do some investigating into the clock's history and whereabouts if they hoped to be one step ahead of Zentopia this time.


The only lead they had right now was Jude Heartfilia and his connection to the clock hand. That was why their group decided to head to the Heartfilia mansion in hope of finding more clues about this mystery.

Erza and Lucy were searching for any hints in the storage room up in the attic when an old painting caught the redhead's attention. Lucy's eyes softened when she unveiled the dusty fabric covering it to unravel the treasure behind.

It was a painting of the Heartfilia family. Lucy and both of her parents on either side of her, the happy smile on the blonde's young face beaming at Erza through the smooth canvas.

"It was a little before Mom passed away, I think." The Celestial mage mused from beside her, eyes fixed upon the painting, "All I remember is being told to sit still like this... But after that, remembering my Mom was painful for me, and I took my pain out on things and other people after she died. I really worried everyone, as I recall... And now, my Dad was no longer with me, too..."

Erza didn't like the dejection in Lucy's voice, the poorly hidden pain and forlorn regret. "I'm the last of the Heartfilias now. That is not something I thought I would ever care much about, but now... now it just won't leave me alone. I wonder, you know, about my Mom. What would she think of me if she is still alive, and what would be my relationship with both of my parents if that's the case."

"But then perhaps I would never have joined Fairy Tail. Never have met anyone from our guild. Never have met you, Natsu, Gray, Mira, Wendy, Levy." Lucy lifted her head to look Erza straight in the eyes, "Then I think, there is no point in dwelling on the unalterable past anymore. Things happen because they do. And what we should do is to try our best to make the most out of every single moment of our lives."

Erza gave her a nod in response. One moment was the bridge to the next, things happened because they are meant to happen. The only thing they could control in their grasp was their attitude toward life around them, how they dealt with setbacks in their way and treated people close to them with tenderness and care.

The redhead reached out and took Lucy's hand in hers, giving it a firm squeeze. The Celestial mage beamed at her with such brilliant joy Erza was blindsight for a moment.

You are the force of the Sun and all the stars in the heaven combined. Erza had wanted, tried to say. But the words were not allowed to stumble out of her throat that breathlessly and deliberately yet.

Instead, the redhead simply smiled and said, "I'm sure both of your parents would be proud of who you have become, Lucy. What every parent wishes for their child is for them to be happy, and I think you have that covered already, right?"

"Right." The blonde grinned and nodded.

Erza hummed in contentment, turning her gaze back to the painting in front of them. "By the way, you look really much like your mother, do you know that?"

Lucy chuckled, the heavy weight in her voice had rescinded into a faded shadow of the past, "I know. My Dad used to say that all the time to me and my Mom. He said he felt lucky that I turned out to be adorable like my Mom and not take after him too much, considering the genes for his appearance were actually quite strong in his lines. You can see here." Lucy pointed towards Jude's figure in the painting, "Most of my relatives from my Dad's side have sandy blonde hair and more prominent jawline like him. Michelle is the same, too. That was how I could guess she must have been my cousin from my Dad's side."

Erza narrowed her eyes in concentration, committing each feature of Lucy's parents into her memory. If what the blonde was saying was the truth, she wanted to keep an eye out for any other of Lucy's relatives in case they happened to stumble upon one in the future.

"I don't know a lot about my Mom's family though." The Celestial mage frowned, "She didn't tell me much about her life before meeting my Dad and I have never met her relatives either. All I know is that she and my Dad met at the merchant guild he was in before making his fortune. They left the guild when she was pregnant with me."

A few moments of silence passed after that, space and time for the blonde to reminisce pieces of her past found in her childhood home, a happy time with both her mother and father by her side, when she had been allowed to remain a carefree child under their ardent wings.

Finally, Lucy straightened her back, voice determined when she spoke out, "I've decided, I'm going to buy this house back someday! And then I'll return everything to how it was, as much as possible. I won't let my family and my memory of them be forgotten from the world this easily."

It was a lovely and admirable goal, indeed. Erza only hoped she could do her best to support the blonde on this daring endeavor to restore the Heartfilia mansion to its former glory, reviving each and every of the Celestial mage's treasured memories of the past.


Their next search into Jude Heartfilia's personal study and library yielded better results. Erza looked around at cases upon cases of books lining up on three sides of the walls around the spacious room in awe.

Lucy inherited her looks and gentle heart from her mother, but Erza guessed her affinity for reading and book collecting must have come from her father, after all.

Everyone gathered in the room to try to figure out the clues Jude hid inside one of his books intended for Lucy. They had just deciphered the anagram of its title and found the two great myths mentioned in it, Life of the Clockwork and Key of the Starry Heaven, both written by the author Will Neville, when the enemy appeared.

A teal-colored Exceed, Samuel, and a guy with heavy armor on him, Dan Straight. Both of their outfits bore the symbol of the Church of Zentopia.

There was something particularly irritating about that Dan Straight to Erza, she gritted her teeth in annoyance. Maybe it was because of his resemblance to her own magic as a cavalier, or his bothersome Ricochet shield bouncing off every attack they sent his way.

Or just the fact that this guy was already professing his most ardent, undying love for Lucy right in front of them within just a few minutes of meeting her for the first time. Love at first sight, he claimed.

Completely ridiculous! What did this guy even know about Lucy anyway? A bunch of nonsense he was talking about.

Erza almost growled out loud in indignation when Dan and Samuel dispelled all of their attacks and successfully got their hands on the Key of the Starry Heaven book. The Exceed quickly skimmed through it and absorbed all of its content before tossing the book back to them carelessly, making a mockery of all of them like that.

They would need to pay for this, Erza would personally make sure of it, in due time. For now, they need to reconvene back at the guild to figure out their next steps of solving the mysteries about the clock hand before Zentopia could take another step closer to destroying Lucy's keepsake or whatever outrageous crime they intended to commit in the name of this holy war.


It was Lucy who deduced the message from the book and pinpointed the locations of each piece of the clock the story was based on. It was necessary to assume the Legion Corps knew about this information too, hence they were essentially in a race against time to stop them from acquiring the clock pieces before Fairy Tail.

Time ticks forward, toward inevitable chaos. Erza did not know what exactly the word 'chaos' referred to, but she didn't intend to let it happen by all means necessary.

They separated into six teams, spreading out in different directions of the clock parts. Lucy wanted to go to the place where the last clock piece in the book was found, saying it must be the most crucial part of the story and filled with complicated riddles, which was right up the blonde's alley. Both Natsu and Michelle stuck to her like glue, claiming they would like to be close to the blonde in case something happened.

After arguing for ten minutes, Erza had to relent to their demands and forsook her own wish to go with the Celestial mage herself. But not before making Natsu promise to reel in his hot-headed nature during their journey, especially if the place where they were going would be filled with deadly traps. Everyone would assemble at their group's location once each team had retrieved their targeted clock piece.

Erza's team consisted of herself, Wendy, Carla, and Cana. Besides a disturbingly grotesque encounter with the Jiggle Butt Gang, their team had a relatively easy time fetching the clock part hidden in this location. Erza made sure to spare some time and educate the Gang on their scoundrel way before making haste to Lucy's group in the desert, bringing the clock piece with them.

The redhead arrived just in time to requip into her Adamantine Armor and stopped Byro's attack against Coco, his own team member. All the other groups had reached their destination as well.

"We didn't have the chance to cross swords before. But at last, we meet, Byro Cracy. That you would turn your wrath toward an ally. It makes me sick!" Nothing irritated Erza more than people who didn't know how to appreciate their comrades, let alone actively pushing their friends into harm's way.

Erza quickly shot a glance to Lucy's group to make sure they were all alright before firmly asserting, "As you can see, we've obtained all five clock parts. That just leaves the clock hand you took from Lucy. I want it back, now. You are greatly outnumbered here, so hand it over quietly!"

They would take all the parts, seal them away and watch over them themselves. Fairy Tail would make sure to not let any chaos happen as a result of assembling all the clock pieces of doomsday.

Byro argued back, saying all the clock pieces were originally Zentopia's property and thus it was their holy responsibility to safeguard it. Erza couldn't care less about who the original owner of the clock was, nobody could touch the last thing Lucy had left of her father and release turmoil into this world.

They were ready to attack when two unexpected things happened. First, all the clock pieces spontaneously floated into the air and assembled themselves into a giant, completed Infinity Clock, emitting a tremendous amount of magic pressure threatening to wreck the underground tomb they were in. Second, Oracion Seis reappeared, albeit with different members this time.

This was turning into a bigger mess than Erza had originally thought, with two separate enemies to fight and overcome. The Infinity Clock became the property of the wizard whose seal it bore, and the reborn Oracion Seis intended to use it to destroy all things which had formed in the world. They who belonged to the dark were forbidden from touching the Clock, so they tricked both Fairy Tail and the Legion Corps into assembling it for them instead.

This reborn Oracion Seis's power was on a whole different level from what it was seven years ago. And Erza was powerless to stop them from getting away with the Infinity Clock. Now that she knew, she would make sure to be better prepared the next time they cross paths. Soon, to get the Clock back into Fairy Tail's possession.


Based on the Thunder Legion's information they acquired on one of their missions out of town a few days prior, apparently the reborn Oracion Seis was involved in the attacks on the churches across Fiore in the past few weeks as well.

Their top priority now was to find Oracion Seis and retrieve the Clock before it was too late. Cana helped them pinpoint their locations through her fortune-telling cards, as well as the team required to maximize their chance of defeating Oracion Seis should they come into combat against the enemy.

During their encounters with the Oracion Seis's members, Erza found out the true purpose of their attacks on the churches across Fiore. Their goal was a series of Anti-Links that only looked like a random string of attacks on the local parishes. Ever since Zentopia was first founded, there had been an active underground organization on the inside that had remained unknown to the public knowledge. The Celestial mages who were descendants of Will Neville's pupils were sheltered by this organization, and they also served as biological links to the seal on the Infinity Clock.

Oracion Seis needed to sever all the links placed on each and every single one of those Celestial mages in order for the Infinity Clock to fully unleash its power. And Fairy Tail was too late to stop them in time. Erza looked up from her place on the ground, only to see the Clock transform into a gigantic moving castle floating high up in the sky after its seal was lifted, with various golden chains anchoring it to the earth beneath them.

Gildarts and Laki hurried back to the guild after finishing their investigation into the Lobster Plantation accident, bringing the news that the Michelle Lobster who was with Lucy all this time was a fake. She was actually the sixth member of the reborn Oracion Seis instead, infiltrating their ranks and deceiving all of them into finding the Infinity Clock for their own evil purposes. And now they had captured both Natsu and Lucy, too.

Erza couldn't begin to fathom how the blonde must feel right now, having reconciled with a long-lost family member after her dad had just passed away, only to find out it was all just an elaborate ruse instead.

The Infinity Clock was able to activate the Grand Spell of unending nightmares, Real Nightmare. It had control over humans' perception of time, which would distort people's experience in every sense and alter their awareness of themselves. Humanity would simply cease to be who they were. Chaos wouldn't even begin to describe it.

Blue Pegasus came along with Christina, offering their help for Fairy Tail to move the fight to the sky where the Infinity Castle was located.

Lucy, Natsu, please hold on, we are coming. Erza didn't know what their purpose for kidnapping Lucy and Natsu was, but there was no way she would give them up like that. Fairy Tail did not abandon their own family in times of need.

They found Natsu in the main hall of the castle, along with Gildarts, Laki, Byro of the Legion Corps and Cardinal Lapointe of Zentopia who turned out to be a spy of Oracion Seis. Lucy was nowhere to be seen. Erza impatiently watched as Natsu beat Lapointe up to extract information from him.

The reason why Oracion Seis wanted to kidnap Lucy was because of her Celestial power. The blonde had made contracts with many Zodiac Spirits and possessed the magic power to open their otherworldly gates. Since the Infinity Clock was sealed away by Celestial wizards, only the magic of another Celestial wizard could control it.

They intended to use Lucy as a living sacrifice to synchronize the Infinity Castle with their own will. Over Erza's dead body would she let that happen!


Cobra intercepted her when they were on their way to the center of the castle where Lucy was. The Poison Dragon Slayer was adamant in his demand of fighting only with her, and Erza had an idea why.

It was because she could hear the mournful cry from his heart, the way it kept reaching and searching for a long-lost piece of his soul, the parts of him that made him both weak and powerful at the same time, the scraps that made him human. She was the only one who could sympathize with him, and both of them knew it despite his zealous denial.

If they defeated all members of Oracion Seis here, their ownership mark on the Infinity Clock would disappear, making Lucy's sacrifice unnecessary and impossible to execute without anyone left to control the Clock. Erza had lost to Cobra once before, she was not going to lose to the same opponent twice now.

"Cobra. You, too, suffered hardship at the Tower of Heaven. Why are you intent on making innocent people suffer the same way now?" She wanted to know the reason behind his actions. For a guy claiming he had nothing to lose any more in this world, he seemed to be too fixated on bringing Real Nightmare to life.

"Honestly, I don't care about it one way or another. But," The man answered, voice hardened with hatred, "I lost my friends while you're surrounded by yours. That, I don't like!"

That was an absurdly warped view. "I can hear it, in your heart and in your mind, Titania. How much you care about that girl. She will die soon, and maybe only then you might be able to understand a fraction of my pain!" That earned him a furious blast of lightning bolts from her spear, prompting him to shut his mouth and shift around to evade it.

She had never liked Cobra, not before and certainly not now, acting all high-and-mighty in front of her. He was not the only one who had known loss before, but still he chose to revenge on the world for all its perceived wrongdoings in his life. Erza would have to beat him out of that delusional way of thinking.

"To gain new power, we gave up things that can never be replaced! Erigor lost his memory, Racer lost his mind, and Angel lost her lifespan. But you people lack the resolve to lose things. There is nothing that outweighs the heaviness of our hearts! I will destroy all of you! With the power Cubellios had left for me, what I have to lose her in order to gain!"

Cobra said he was strong because he had lost everything, but that wasn't true strength. Having something to protect was what made a person strong, true friends and family would always support you. Yet Cobra thought of nothing but himself.

He did not genuinely listen to his friend's voice, but rather to his own delusion. He would feel ashamed to face that friend of his if he continued behaving this way toward the world, eradicating everything around him in the name of Cubellios.

Feelings for a friend were not a detriment. In truth, Erza was sure Cobra knew that as well, deep down in his heart. He shouldn't throw away his humanity like this, not with his friend's voice leading his way.

Erza did not know where Cubellios was, but she hoped Cobra could meet her again, someday. Because we all needed rays of sunshine in our lives, for us to know what warmth was and not ever stray from our path into the cold embrace of darkness.


The only way to break Lucy out from the Infinity Castle after she had completely merged with it was for the blonde to take control of Real Nightmare and fast forward time for the Celestial wizards who were parts of the secret organization tasked with preserving the seal on the Infinity Clock, breaking them out of their curse-induced sleep and activating the seal once more. But doing so made the Castle explode in the sky and sent Lucy falling dangerously fast to the ground.

Like the brightest shooting star from one of Erza's childhood dreams. A miracle and the promise of a wish came true.

Erza quickly requipped into her Black Wing Armor and flew up the short distance to catch the blonde in her arms. The force of Lucy's fall made her lose her momentum and both of them tumbled down to the ground. The Requip mage made sure to hold Lucy protectively in her chest when they rolled away a few feet before slowing to a stop.

Erza noticed the blonde was holding a doll tightly in her arms, but that was a question for later. She needed to fend off Natsu's excitement first as the Salamander looked like he would jump on top of Lucy in two seconds, no doubt would exacerbate her injuries. Erza immediately barked out a "Heel!" to Natsu before turning her attention back to the girl in her arms.

"Are you alright? We should let Wendy take a look at you first."

"I'm fine, Erza. Just a little bit exhausted. See, there's not a single scratch on my body. Thank you, for not letting me plummet to the ground like that." Lucy mumbled back, curled up further into Erza's embrace.

The debris from the explosion scattered around the sky in all directions, painting a shower of light on the rumbling canvas of the night, its remainders burning away into shadows of the past, paving the way for the dawn of a new day to come.

"It's truly over, isn't it?" Lucy whispered when they were sitting on top of Byro's octopus, heading their way back home.

Erza turned to look at the blonde, noticing the way she was shivering in the cold air. The redhead scooted closer and let Lucy gently lean her head on her shoulder, "It is. How are you feeling?"

"I don't know... I'm glad we stopped the chaos before it could have any impact on our world. But a part of me is sad... because my Dad's memento was destroyed in the process. It feels like losing him all over again." The blonde sighed heavily, "But I still have my memories of him and my mother to go by. They will always live on in my heart as long as I can remember them. And now I have this, too."

At the mention of the doll, Erza looked down at Lucy's lap curiously, "Can I ask what, or who, is that doll to you? Where did she come from?"

The Celestial mage touched the doll's face tenderly, "This is actually Michelle. She was turned into human form by Midnight to serve his purpose." Her tone grew pensive at that, "She was a birthday present my parents gave to me when I was seven. We had been inseparable then. I made all kinds of clothes for her out of paper and flowers. We went everywhere together, and we smiled wherever we went."

"But after my Mom died," Lucy's body started to shake slightly, and Erza wrapped an arm around her waist to ground her in the present, "Whenever I looked at her, I was reminded of my Mom, and that became too painful for me to handle. Eventually, I abandoned her, my little sister, and completely forgot about her existence. But still she waited all that time for me to come back."

"I was late to come back to her. She was the one who had to go and find me. It was my fault to desert her for so long. Now that we are reunited, I will never let her out of my sight again."

Erza smiled and rested her chin on top of the blonde's head, feeling the close presence wrap around them like a warm cocoon of blankets, "That is the thing about family. We might lose them somewhere on the way, but we make sure to never let go of their hands once we get them back. I'm glad you found a part of your family once more, Lucy."

A family was a curious thing. No matter what happened, there were always feelings that bound it together. That kind of special bond was planted deep in a person's roots, and it would forever remain there, underneath a cover of feelings and actions but never truly dissipated as long as we were alive.

The Celestial mage breathed out quietly into her neck and nudged closer, the light puff of air left tingles on Erza's skin. "You guys are my family, too. I don't want to let go of your hand either, Erza."

The redhead tightened her hold on the girl next to her, feeling the words settle down snugly in her chest, so close to her heart this time, "That's alright, you don't have to. I just want you to know that you are not alone anymore. We'll always be by your side."

The Celestial mage had been through an emotional turmoil these last couple of months, reconciling with her Dad and losing him in a blink of an eye, getting her little sister back in light of her betrayal, all the new and old memories of Layla and Jude Heartfilia getting mixed up and reborn.

Erza could only hope their future would be kinder to the blonde, the hidden ghosts of the past would stop chasing after her present, and for her smile to remain so bright in all eternity.


A/N: The next chapter will be the Grand Magic Game, my favorite arc of Fairy Tail. I have plans for it, so it might take a while :)

Votes and comments are welcome!

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