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Its time I thought. Bone came up to me with our toughest cats behind him, including Amber, I looked at her, she looked at me.

"Are you ready" I nodded.

Lets go.


We walk into the forest, the grass feels so good against my paws,  a bird flew through the trees and a mouse scurried under a bush.

We padded over sticks and grass until we reached a giant rock.

I lead my cats over to it I we sat down and waited. Eventually I saw a orange flamed pelt through the bushes.


"Come out, I know your there" I meowed, calmly licking my paw.

They came out, so much cats but Bloodclan weren't afraid.

We were thrilled with hunger for blood.

"Greetings, have you decided to leave yet or do u think you can fight Bloodclan" I meowed once all the forest cats sat down across from us.

"We don't have to fight, We will calmly let  you go back to the twoleg place in peace" The orange freak meowed.

Oh u have made a BIG mistake.

I let out a cold icy meow. "Go back? Do you really think were cowards? No this is our home now" I hissed, my claws tearing at the ground. Firestar looked at my cats, fear in his eyes. I bet he's thinking about me tearing that other cats belly, good.

"The forest is ours" Firestart meowed, trying to make peace. "We rule here by the will of StarClan".

"Starclan!" I hissed. "Tales for kits. Forest fool, StarClan wont help you now."  I jumped up, snarling. "BloodClan, ATTACK!" We lunged forward.

"Lionclan ATTACK!" Firestar hissed, all signs of fear gone.

He leaped toward me but I dodged him, sending him flying into another cat. I will deal with him later, now lets fight for what we come for.

I searched to crowd for cats to kill but i couldn't find any. I saw a gray tom with yellow eyes leaping towards me. I pouched back at him, snarling. He bit into my shoulder and I yowled with pain but I soon enough get enough strength to knock him to the ground. I hissed at him.

I looked up to see Amber fighting a orange cat with green eyes. I slit the cats throat that was under so that he was died and ran over to her.

"It looks like we're winning" She meowed throwing the cat to the ground. It got back up and ran away. Mouse brain.

"I'm going to call in the others" I yowled a long caterwaul and even more cats appeared from the bushes.

"THIS WILL BE OURS AT THE END OF TONIGHT" All the bloodclan cats yowled with agreement but the clan cats stared in shock at the cat army that appeared out of nowhere.

In a few minutes it all turned back to furry fights and yowling.

"Gorsepaw! GORSEPAW!" I turned to see a cat bended over a cats body. Hahahah he's died. I rushed away.

I found myself at a big rock and I pounced on a cat and starting to rip at him.


I turned to see what made that noise. I turned to see Firestar leaping towards me.

"Firestar" I hissed.

Firestar landed on top of me, planting a paw one my neck.
I wiggled away before he could bite me and I moved the dog teeth on my collar across his shoulders. He yowled.

But instead of fleeing he jump back towards me, sending me flying at the rock. I was stunned but I got up but Firestar bit my foreleg. I wiped my claws at him, sending him pain once more. He lost his grip on me.

I ran on top of him and raised my paw  preparing for a death blow, he tried to get away but hi couldn't and that's when I put my paw down and give him a death blow. He got limp under me and I killed off.



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