Overprotective, much?

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A/N: I am going to enter Sarahsnothere 's Percabeth contest!!! May the gods be in my favor. Enjoy!!

Percy's POV

It was a nice, summer day, about two weeks after we defeated Gaea and her forces. I was just about to go check on Annabeth, since she was training the younger campers. Obviously, by checking up, I actually mean kissing her.

As I was walking toward the dining pavilion - I was craving blue cookies. My mom just sent some to us as a reward for not dying. Don't judge me.

Anyway, as I was walking toward the Dining Pavilion, I noticed that there was this guy who was, not ugly, who was chatting with Annabeth.

He was a dirty blonde, an was about 6 feet tall. Yes! I am taller.

He had steel gray eyes, and looked similar to Annabeth. Maybe she would dig that. Dammit!

You should trust Annabeth, I thought. She can take care of herself.

My overprotective-boyfriend side thought, NO!!! That guy is trying to steal YOUR girl! You can

a. fight him

b. fight him

or c. show that she is taken

and finally d. all of the above.

Naturally, I chose my overprotective side, and d. all of the above.

Manny POV

I was getting a tour of camp, and seeing all of the extracurricular things it had to offer. Hey, I know it is summer camp, but I really want to go to Harvard.

My new sister was showing me the Dining Pavilion, the last stop of our tour. I started to ask about the training, when this hot guy came over, looking pissed.

I am not gay. But he wasn't ugly.

As soon as he came, I did the most natural thing I can think of: shaking his hand.

"Hey dude," I said. He didn't reply.

Annabeth was looking irritated. "Yes, Percy?'' She retorted.

But Percy wasn't looking at her; he was looking at me.

"Who do you think you are?" He yelled. His eyes got darker.

I did the polite thing, and told him my name.

"U-u-u-uh," I stuttered. "I think I am Manny Lopez."

Clearly, he didn't like my notion of being polite. As soon as he was about to punch me, he looked at Annabeth. She was standing there, looking really bored. Thank you, sis!

Percy took a deep breath, put his fist down, and turned to Annabeth. "Hey, Annie," he called. Annabeth turned around, giving him a death glare. "Don't call me Annie."

Percy absent-mindedly nodded, and continued." This guy," pointing at me," May be hot, but he is not like me. He is just handsome, but me, I put the sexy in dyslexia."

Annabeth looked downright confused, and I'm pretty sure I did, too.

I criticized, " Um, dude, that does not go in the spelling of the word dyslexia. I mean, all of the letters are there, but-"

Then Percy got super pissed and punched me in the face. Now, I may be, er, handsome, but deep down, I am a nerd, and nerds don't have a high pain tolerance. The next thing I knew, I was becoming unconscious, listening to Annabeth tell Percy off.

The last thing I heard is, He is my-

*in Narrator's voice in SpongeBob's voice* 1 Hour Later

I rose up, startled. Thinking I was in the Dining Pavilion, I was ready to go down the stairs, but instead I got a mouth full of dirt, and a wave of pain.

"Ugh," I grimaced. Everything hurt, and my arms were sore, because that helps the situation.

I saw a blonde guy, with a dark, black-haired guy trailing behind him. A/N: Guess who? Yeah, I ship it. Continue.

"Hey," I called out. He turned around.

He replied," Dude, my name is not Hey. Considering that I saved your butt from Percy Jackson's wrath, I think a bit respect would be due."

I squinted, taking in this information. The last thing I remember is Percy punching me in the face. Then, I knocked out. I guess he must have hit me more, until Will held him back.

"So," I contemplated. "I know what and how, but why?"

Nico piped in. "maybe you can ask him," he said, pointing towards the door.

There was the man of the hour, along with my sister, Annabeth.

Percy was looking embarrassed. His feet were rubbing each other, and he was rubbing his shoulder, while pouting. I think it was because of Annabeth.

Annabeth was looking pissed and sympathetic at the same time, if that is possible.

Annabeth went up to me." Manny, there is something Percy would like to say to you." She gestured over to Percy, who trudged to where I was.

"I am not saying sorry," he boasted, spitting out the word sorry like a little kid." I mean, he was trying to steal you from me. I am actually proud-"

"What? Percy what is wrong with you? He wasn't hitting on me, he's new, for crying out loud-" Annabeth screeched.

"So? Do you know how many new kids hit on you on a daily basis? Too many."

Nico chimed in. "Guys, you are being ridicu-"

But Will cut him off. " Nico, don't get into your business. In fact, you are supposed to be in bed resting."

Now this was getting ridiculous.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!!!!" I yelled, and took a deep breath. " I know that you are trying to figure this all out, and I am too, but can you at least include me? Percy, why did you do that?"

He replied, " You were trying to steal Annabeth from me. I had to do something, so my overprotective took over, and-"

I cut in. " Wait, what!?!??! Percy, I am her younger brother. Even if I wanted to date her, which I wouldn't, but if I wanted to, I can't because she is not my type. No offense."

Annabeth nodded. "None taken. The feeling is mutual." She turned to Percy.

"Really, Seaweed Brain? I kinda understand the misunderstanding, I mean not really, but still. But what I don't understand is how you put the sexy in dyslexia."

Percy blushed. " Uh-uh-I . . . Hey Matthew, I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes." I mean, I forgive you, but my name is Manny."

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