Love Letter✉BoYa

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Dear to the person I have always admired,

I...guess you already know what's this letter is all about. But you see, everytime when you're around, you make me feel this...all fluttery. Like all my body goes so warm and fuzzy, despite in winter...but there's no winter in Malaysia .I think I can do my organs flip everytime we talk. Even in crowds, my sight goes bokeh, everything goes into blur but you.

they say this is how loves feels like, when you just, can't stop thinking about the person everyday. you're dangerous you know, invading my mind.

so, I hope we can hang out for a coffee tomorrow?

"Wait, wait no. I think we should cross that 'but there's no winter in Malaysia' just to keep it dramatic."

"But it's too dramatic!"

"What is even 'bokeh' means? Would she even understand?"

"Hey c'mon that's my effort on searching up Google, don't cut that out."

"can we draw whale doodles at the paper?"

"No, that's not cool."

"No way, she might think we saying her fat."

"We had enough caffeine intake you know, it's make us sound like a grandpa, cut out that sentence."

"I wonder what kind of homework you're doing that you have to go triple split into Solar, Ice and Thunder?" Yaya asked, eyeing the small crowd sitting at Boboiboy's table. Well, they're all Boboiboy anyway.

"A-aah! It's nothing Yaya! Its just this dumb Thundy can't figure out with his calculus problem." Solar standing up, trying to block the pink hijabi to see what they're doing.

"I am not dumb, you lampstand!" Thunder retorted, fuming in anger. Solar turn to him, irritated. "What am I a lampstand now?"

Ics stared at the bickering duo, his hand still holding the paper and the pen. Sometimes he just wondering why Boboiboy have issues with his own personalities. It's concerning.

Then he noticed the absence of the thin paper.

"Yaya!" all three of them exclaimed, hurrying to snatch the paper but she's always a step further, flicking her hand in one motion, they all fell to their knees, enveloped by gravitational pull.

"Dear to the person I have always admired," Yaya paused, a smirk plastered on her lips. "This is not Calculus, Thundy."

"Sh-shut up." The said element is now beet red, his face literally sticking to the floor, a sad way of his attempt to hide his blush while still in her gravitational pull.

"Even in crowds, my sight goes bokeh, everything goes into blur but you," her smirk gone wider and at this point Solar just hoping to perish in thin air or just being an actual lampstand. "Yaya, you shouldn't read that out's cringing."

"That's the point." Yaya snickered, sitting crossleg as she continue reciting that love letter this protector of the galaxy puts his effort into. To the point he needs to fraction his brained into three, she's amused. How lucky the girl that is going to received this.

"It's a cute whale, I don't know you can draw Boboiboy!"

Ice giving a triumphant smile to the other two, which they both give a disapproving look.

"So who's this for? To be honest I'm cringing inside out, but I see the effort. It's cute actually." She praised as the three exchanging glances.

"Well, at least release us first." Solar demanded. But she simply shook her head. "No... I'm pretty sure once I released you, Thunder will ZASHASHH you all away." She glance at the lightning element as he only get more redder, probably suffering with his blood temperature. Ice sighed, well she already read it anyway, so-

"It's for y-you, dummy."

Yaya blinked.

"What. What-"

"It's for you." Ice repeated Thunder's word, being the only one who is the most calm there, his voice clear, smooth.

In an instant, her power vanished and the three of them fused back, into Boboiboy alone. He's scratching his face as his face flush red, eyes looking away from her.

"T-this is awkward." he stuttered.

His heart is going to explode he swear as he wait for the hijabi's reaction. He glance at her shyly as she too, quickly staring down to her feet.

"I-I think I should g-go-"
"-Tomorrow, what time?"

He raised his eyebrows, looking back at her. That smile. That damn smile. Yaya sure can't masks her expression really well too.

"Three? Meet up at atok's Kokotiam?"


"Perfect." he grins, packing up his bag. "It's a date then."

"You're really so cheesy."

"Nah," he paused, glancing at her with his playful smile. "only to you."

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