☆Raya Special☆

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Dedicated to all readers and to those who celebrated Hari Raya Aidilfitri💫 yang jauh kita rapatkan, yang rapat kita eratkan

"Tanah!!! Api ruined the Lemang!!!"


"How about we taste them to make sure of it?"

"No, Daun. We are still fasting."

Tanah rub his temple as he exhaled a long sigh. Two days before Raya and so far the preparations are well... At least they have baju raya checked out from the list.

"Fixed the Lemang. I'll come back again to check on you guys." Tanah warned. If he weren't fasting right now, he probably gone rampage at the trio for wasting food. Tanah walk back inside the house, Air just done cleaning upstairs and now half of his body dangling from the sofa. Ochobot sticking decoration cards on the wall. Cahaya emerges from the storage room, with a boxes of led lights.

"Ha, Tanah. You're done with the cookies?" Tok Aba ask as he walk into the house from the backyard. Probably done with his work at Kopitiam. "All set, atok! Tomorrow I'll start cooking the other foods. Atok just need to rest." Tanah smile reassuringly, as Tok Aba gave a grateful smile on his lips. The phone rang and Tanah quickly answered it, already expecting the caller.

"Finally you called." Venom laced in his sweet tone voice.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry," said Petir, rustles of papers can be heard from the background. "Tanah, I think I couldn't make it this year."

Tanah smiled faltered. He stood there unmoved. Petir on the other hand is biting his lips, fear to know Tanah's reaction. This wasn't the first time he has been away for work during the eve. But still, this eve hold a huge meaning other than to celebrate a whole month fasting.

It also meant to celebrate together with family after a very long time far apart.

"Okay." Tanah answer was simple. He understood Petir's work. Not to mention Petir being the eldest has the most responsibility to maintain the economics in the family. If it wasn't for him, they're not living this leisurely right now.

"Good luck with your works. Do take care of your health." Tanah added evenly as silence is all he heard from the other side. "Happy Eid Fitri, Petir." Tanah muttered.

"You too. Send my regards." Petir replied before ending the call.

He would be lying if his heart didn't stop just now.

Petir glanced at the small frame lying downwards the desk. He placed his fingers on top of it, slowly pulling them upright.

6 young bright faces beaming up to him. One aged smile with wrinkles at the corner of his half moon eye smile. And then there's him, with a sulky pout.

No, he never forgotten them. He never want to shut them away. He missed them. He truly are.

"You finally show some emotions."

Petir placed the picture back to how it was before, natural glaring eyes gazing upon the interrupter.

Kaizo cock his head to the side, eyes bored as ever. "Meeting cancelled. I don't want to see you lurking around here anymore."

"Wait. Huh?"

"I'm firing you."

Petir stood up, alarmed. Hands banging on the desk as Kaizo gave a snide smirk. "Can't take a joke do you?" He grinned. "Get lost now. I'm sick seeing your face for 5 years straight. Get something to cure your home-sickness."

"I am not home-sicked." Petir hissed, pushing his seat away as he walk past his work desk. He gave a curt nod before exiting himself from the office. His steps were light, pace quickened as he pulled out his car keys.

"Home sick, huh."

Maybe, he did have been sick all this time.

"It's already night and you guys haven't done yet?!" Cahaya exclaimed to the trio once he flick the led lights on. The house decorated with rainbow colours, almost surpassing disco light.

"What the heck with those lights? They're so bright!" Api complained, eyes squinting as he fanning the fire.

Tanah just shook his head looking at their antics from the window. The festive vibe can be feel around the neighborhood but to Tanah it doesn't really matters now. Because again, they're all incomplete.

"I haven't heard anything from Petir." Tok Aba mentioned. Tanah's mind racing for ideas what he should tell atok this time. He's at California now? No. He told him that last year. Eventually, Petir has a very very very important meeting with the prime minister? No, that's dumb. Even Daun won't take that. He is planning for a wedding — scratch that, Tok Aba will get a heart attack to know that!

Tanah sighed. "Sorry atok... Petir.. Cant make it this yea—"

"Ooh, that's a really nice car." Air cutted off the tension Tanah's emitting, pointing to a gleaming black Mercedes Benz parked at the front yard. Cahaya lost his jaw somewhere on the ground, Api literally yapping every expression to show his awestruck-ness, Angin whistled and Daun, is more attracted on cooking lemang than all the commotions around him.

"Who would that be?" Tok Aba asked, particularly to no one as all of them start crowding at a spot nearby to the dashing vehicle. The owner step out, awkward with the gaze they're giving.

"What a turn off."

"PETIR!!!" Daun beamed, welcoming the eldest. "Wow, I'll call you nii-sama starting from today." Angin joined before Api glaring at him. "No! Only I can call him that! Master Petir, I am at your service!" "No thanks, I'm good." Petir said, passing past them towards where Tok Aba and Tanah's standing.

"Atok... I'm sorry, I... haven't come for so long." Petir feelings are genuine, he hold the wrinkle weary old hand in his as he kissed the back of his palm. Tok Aba smiled, patting his grandchild head.

"No need to be sorry Petir. It's your responsibility." Tok Aba said, gazing at his eldest grandchild with warm wise dark eyes. They shifted to each and all faces. "Atok happy, everyone is here now." He smiled

Tanah patted Petir's shoulder, smiling brightly.

"Welcome home, Petir."

This chap is kinda long and maybe boring. Might edit this later because right now my siblings giving me a headache. Anyways, Happy Eid Fitri (advanced), and hope you guys have a great day!❤☁

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