Do you believe?

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Ethan was standing right infront of me...I couldn't believe it.

"Hey..." I akwardly said.

"Hi liv." He waved at me. I waved back but then I relized I already waved.

"I'm going to leave you to lover birds alone." Sketch teased. Ethan punched sketch playfully. I just laugh to avoid the akwardness.

"Want to hangout later?"

"Let me check my schedule." I got off my phone and looked at my imaginary schedule. He laughed.

"Looks like im free!" I laugh.

We left the party but Ethan and I stayed to hangout.

We decided to go to play some games at his house. Because pffffffffft a best date for me is playing games and eating.

(Lol Thats my dream date XD)

"Can I tell you something?" Ethan asked.

"Yep!" I say as I focus on the game.

"Do you believe in magic?" He asked.


"Ah. You're one of those people that doesn't believe in what you can't see."

"Why you ask?"

"Come." He grabbed my hand pulled my outside in his yard.

"TIM!!!" He called. I looked around. I was confused.

I heard this noise. I turned around.

A dragon was infront of me. My jaw dropped

"W-wait that's a dragon!" I yelled running behind Ethan.

"Don't be afraid. He's friendly." He pets the dragon.

"How did You get that here?!" I say.


I get closer to it. My hands get closer to it's face. I slowly put my down to it's fur. I pet him slowly. I smile.

"I call him tim." Ethan adds.

"He likes you." Ethans smiles.

"Does sketch know about this?" I ask.

"Nope. And he doesn't need to." Ethan smirks as he gets on the dragon. He offers his hand to help me up the dragon. I get on the dragon still amazing.

"Fly tim fly!" Ethan yells poimting at the sky. Tim gets in the position. He takes off. My face going through the wind.

My hands could touch the clouds.
I look at tim. He was amazing

"I can turn into one too."

"What!? HOW!?"

"I told you, magic." He laughs.

"This is...AMAZING!" I yell letting my hair flow through the wind.

The dragon started to turn and do these tricks which was kinda scary but I liked it. This felt like a dream.

The dragon landed in this place. It was beutiful. Galaxy flowers evertwhere. The creatures leaping around.

"Wow." I was amazed. I was speechless.

"Cool right?" Ethan says braking me out if my trance. I nod still trying to take this all in.

Evie POV

I was with Alex at his house. I really love him. I want him to be mine.
But I'm scared.
Scared to be rejected.
To be hurt again.

Suddenly he was really close to me.
Our lips almost touching. My heart was racing. Our lips touched but I just couldn't. I couldn't do this anymore.

I ran out the door.

I ran

And Ran

Tears flooding my eyes of all the memories of him. I could see Alex running after me. So I ran faster. I climbed a tree as fast as I could knowing Alex is afraid of hights.

I dug through my pocket to find these pills. I didn't want to do it but I did. I took one. And another. And another. I just needed to take one more.

"Evie why are you doing this!?" Alex yelled.

"When I was 15 this boy I was in a relationship with abused me. He made me not talk to other people. He said If I didn't listen he would hurt me." Saying these words hurt me more to say. I wanted to forget the pain he caused me. I'm still haunted by the memories I try to forget.

"But I'm not like that!" Alex yelled.

"I'm just afraid! Can't you see!? I faked smile through all the pain. I try to hide it." I looked down at the pill.

"Don't take that last pill!" Alex yelled. I closed my eyes...took a deap breath. I gulped that pill down. My head started to spin and spin. Everything was a blur now. All I could hear is yells that I made when I was getting abused by him.

I could see alex crying and yelling. I just don't believe in happy endings anymore. I just don't.

Everything people told me was a lie.
Happy ever after doesn't happen.

I soon fell down the floor. I blacked out.

Alex POV

"No!" I yelled. I saw The guys run up to me. I fell on my knees.

"If you go I go." I took a pill. Then another. Then another. I looked at the last pill.

"ALEX DON'T TAKE THAT PILL!" Sketch yelled.

I didn't listen. I took the pill.

That was hard to write...

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