"The Laws of Fangirling"

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(This picture isn't mine, it's from a magazine and the person I found it from can comment if they'd like me to source them. I don't know if they'd like to be called out)

First there aren't any laws to being a fangirl. Trying to regulate it is trying to tell me to stop listening to Broadway soundtracks... Basically it's impossible.

Anyway this chapter I'll be talking about the "the laws of fangirling" one through five. (top to bottom)

1) "Spam the internet. The world needs to hears what you have to say!"

First off: NO.

Please don't spam the good old world wide web with your fandom. Post stuff, that's fine, but don't go crazy.

Also unless you're gonna go to 3rd world countries and shove pictures of characters into the faces of starving people, you're never going to get the world as a whole to "hear what you have to say". Not everyone on wattpad, tumblr, deviantart, or whatever you use are in the same fandom as you. Not everyone cares, and not everyone want to see it.

2) "Your boyfriend mocks the fandom? K BYE."

Why??? Do you really wanna drop your significant over a fandom? Is that how much your relationship means?

If you want to dump someone over a show or book then maybe you two should break up because that shit aint healthy.

My sister likes one direction and i don't. I make fun of one direction. I'll have you know my sister has yet to disown me. It's simple to get along with someone who mocks something you like if you don't get angry over FUCKING EVERYTHING.

Take into consideration also that if you and your significant other have a good, healthy relationship, you can talk about the issue and resolve it like civil beings.

3) "One shall never insult their fandom."

If you read my fandom wars chapter, you know the ones i've encountered have been (to quote JonTron) "Ech". So steer clear of them.

Ways to do that:

A) Don't insult someone else's fandom.
B) Refer to step A

But if you can't recognize the flaws within your own fandom you need to open up your shitty 2007 shutter shades.

There are problems in every show, movie, book, etc.

Many... Many... Problems...

4) "'Asdfghjkl' can sum up your feelings on anything."

Then how about we not be friends. If thats how you feel on everything and anything.

"Hey how's your lunch?"


"What does our friendship mean to you?'


"Are you upset your s/o broke up with you?"


"Do you say anything besides asdfghjkl?"


Like jesus that'd get old real quick. Learn to use your words. It'll help in life.

5) "When faced with other fangirls that don't have the same otp, carefully step away before you lose all self-control."

What I read: "When faced with fangirls that don't that don't have the same otp, back away and refuse to associate myslef with anyone unlike me."

Like c'mon! "Ono you have a different views on a characters than meh.(to quote the magazine) K BYE."

You seriously can't have a normal conversation with someone? Maybe if you sat them down you could talk about the fandom and make a new friend with *gasp* other views than you. You could maybe even convince them why you ship your ship and get them to ship it with you!... But alas you ran.

Can fangirls really not keep their cool around other fangirls?

You guys need to go outside once in a while and realize thats not normal.

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