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Mangle's P.O.V:

"Hello? Y'all ok?"
The persons words spun around my already dizzy head. My eyes were closed shut. Someone's fur was brushed against mine as my endoskeleton was laying down against it. I was to tired to interpret what it was.
My eyes struggled to open. Until I noticed something different.
I wasn't in Kids Cove.. What did happen? I struggled to remember. I slowly looked next to me to see a worn out Foxy nuzzling against my endoskeleton.

That's right! Foxy and I were supposed to look for Fredbear!
What have we done!

"Uh, Excuse me young lady?" The voice came again. A tiny bit of a southern accent touched the voice.

I looked up wearily to see someone similar to Freddy, except was a rusty vintage looking gold. Some tears here and there around the arms and stomach. But his eyes were the cutest baby blue. His bow tie was torn and so was his hat. He had two spaced out buck teeth. It was cute. It suited him.

I always thought all the animatronics here looked cute. To be honest, Foxy was the cutest of them all. When I opened the parts and service door that day. There was something about his curiosity in  his eyes and how adventurous his smile was. It made him so likeable. Likeable by the animatronics, likeable by the kids.
And especially me. He made me feel touched inside my endoskeleton.

I'm getting way to unfocused, Back to the Bear.

He smiled and waved at me sincerely.

"Hiya, Stranger. Where'd ya come from?" He said quite loudly.

This made Foxy's golden eyes wince and crack open to see what all of the commotion was about. His eyes glanced at me and then turned to the Golden Bear.

"Uh, hello! My name is Mangle! And this is my friend Foxy!" I said while glancing away.

"How long was he standing there?" I wondered.

This made me blush in embarrassment. I don't usually nap with other animatronics, especially.. you know.. boys. It's hard to explain.

It's not usually my thing. It gave me a strange feeling. I mean, wouldn't that be awkward for anybody? It seems normal to feel the way I do.

But at the same time, It felt so amazing when he's close to me. It felt like I didn't need anymore in life. Just my cute boy-

"No, No, No! He's not my boyfriend! Goodness!" My thoughts nagged at me.

I sighed and kept listening to Fredbear.

"Oh! I know ya! Mari said y'all were coming here!" Fredbear grinned happily.

"Oh I just love company!" Fredbear gushed happily.

He didn't seem like a depressed guy to me. He seemed like one of the happiest animatronics out of business that I ever did see. But he was damaged from the fire. He limped as he walked towards Foxy and I happily.

Foxy struggled to open his eyes and weakly stood up.

"Yarr! I knew we would find Old Fredbear!!" Foxy smiled more enthused.

Fredbear crouched down to me and Foxy, still sitting against the old warehouse walls of the pizzeria. He looked puzzled. He adjusted his crippled top hat against the top of his head. Then he began to smile happily at Foxy and I once again.

"That's right! Mari told me all about you two!" He chuckled happily.

Foxy looked confused as well now. I even began to wonder what Marionette's plan was. How much did Marionette talk about me and Foxy? Was Marionette some sort of spy?

This made me shiver quickly and to tense up. What was this up to?

"My names Fredbear all right! But my friends call me Goldie!!" He smiled.

Foxy stood up and gave him a rough shake of the hand.

"Arr!! Finally nice to meet ya lad! Marionette told us about you as well!!" He grinned.

I gazed at Foxy, smiling. He was always so kind to anyone he met. He must of also been very thankful of being back in the pizzeria again. After, The Incident.. and the Bite..

Then Goldie turned to me happily. He took out his hand.

I looked at my crippled endoskeleton and made an effort to move one of my tarnished arms to shake his hand. Foxy gazed at me, and then helped me adjust my arm to shake Goldie's hand. His gentle hand gently wrapped around my withered arm.

"Thanks Foxy." I smiled.

"No problem Lass!" He smiled happily as usual.

Foxy's grip was loosened. and my endoskeleton was free. But I didn't like that so much. I wish that was longer.

I wish everything about the nap was longer.

This made my face darken a deep shade of red as Fredbear was still talking to Foxy. Fredbear and Foxy turned to me again. Noticing my darker shade of red.

"Whats going on lass are ye feeling alright?" Foxy asked confused.

My face would not stop glowing. I could feel the heat planted on my cheeks as they both stared at me confused.

"I-I'm alright, J-Just feeling a little sick.." I shivered nervously.

"We can take care of that! Follow me!" Fredbear smiled and me and Foxy happily.

Foxy grabbed my endoskeleton and brought it towards him. He carried me once again to where Fredbear was taking us.

But where Exactly was Fredbear taking us?

Hey Guys!! Sorry about the delay since School and everything! I wanted the chapters to have better quality so I began to write them on my new MacBook!! How do you guys like it??

And sorry again for not updating, I started another book about my favorite Youtubers and how a group of people met them! You should check it out if you are a Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and Pewdiepie fan!! And don't worry!! There are more Youtubers than that!

I also been having bad writers block because of some transitions of school :P I'm still trying to find where everything is. I hope you guys don't mind. Do you guys still want me to write the story? I feel bad if its just getting boring or not well written.


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